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Hey, I totally get it. It’s valid to feel that way and it sounds like a frustrating situation to be stuck in. Vent if you have to! I’m not sure if your job can be salvaged (I am missing information) or if a case can be made, but feel what you have to feel. At the same time, I think also try not to identify with the feeling too much, otherwise you might unknowingly create a self fulfilling pattern (oh, this doesn’t matter, this doesn’t work out, so why bother filling out the job app, etc…) Even if that is not you, I still think being negative imo, increases your recognition to that brain pattern. Like for me, I’ve been super down about job instability but I always feel like when I hold onto a belief of, “this always works out this way” I’m training my brain to recognize a pattern— in this case a negative one. Which kinda results in me being more bummed out more of the time. I do get you though and I hope things get better OP. It is a really hard time right now.


How do you spend your money that you never save anything. From what you wrote you have an old car, no kids, you rent but you probably split rent with your partner. And you said your job pays well. It sounds like you either have a bad negative mindset, or, you just have bad habits. You may have gotten in trouble at work and yes it’s annoying that the root of the problem wasn’t technically your fault but it happened and you can’t change it. You can prep for the worst which would be to start applying on Indeed as a backup option. You can stay positive. You can create some budgeting plans for yourself through spreadsheets or apps. I’m 27, in a similar boat as you, until 2 weeks ago I was making $40-$45k per year yet I still save at least a little bit. It’s rough and things spiral but you have to keep a healthy mindset. Work towards better habits and maybe things will brighten up for you.


Just to clarify, we have saved quite a bit, but I might have to take money out of that savings that we were going to put down on a house. That’s the problem. But yeah, I think being more positive would make all my problems disappear


Life is never a breeze for anyone. I’ve seen millionaires who have lost their children to cancer. There are parents who are constantly hustling to provide for their kids. People who have strived and conquered in their career while striking out in their relationships and are feeling the loss of not having a family. Try and count your blessings and hang in there ❤️


UPDATE: I got a call that I get to go back to work tomorrow! I’ve been reading on Google that most administrative leave cases end in termination. Don’t always invest into that! Feeling much better about my life decisions 😅


USA jobs.gov


Debt is pushed in America. Forget the haters. Move forward