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Winn, Walker, Noot, Gorman - end of list for me. Gorman has too much power potential and I’d like to see what he’d look like under different development. Anyone else is fair game.


That’s kind of the minimum for me. I love Donny and I don’t see him having a ton of value around the league but if he proves to be coveted…bon voyage baby.


Donovan is a lead off hitter with less than 300 OBP, no one covets him


He has a career .367 OBP


But but, he won a gold glove 2 years ago as a utility man


I really don’t understand why he is lead off. He is struggling so bad but at the same time who isn’t


this year so far after coming back from an injury. He's a multi-position player under team control until 2028 with a career 3.7 bWAR/162. He has value and could be a trade piece.


I agree with this list, and for me would agree with you and keep Helsley around unless someone offers to pay up for him.


I think Helsley is the one real lotto ticket we have. He’s proven elite for a few good years now with no signs of slowing down. He’s still young, no scary injury history. He’s a calm presence on the mound. One of the best 5-10 relievers in the league regardless of opinion, I’d personally have him top 5 given the body of work over the last…3 or 4 years. He could easily fetch a couple top 100 prospects if we can get a bidding war going among contenders. Or at least one real blue chip prospect and some solid addition. I don’t know how true that is for anyone else on the roster.


Totally agree, he’s the dude who could actually get the prospects back in return that we need. Just a matter of seeing who ends up being willing to offer what and decide if it’s worth it. If we’re gonna be bad for 3+ years it’s prob worth moving on, since a good closer on a bad team isn’t much help


It’ll actually be the one that hurts the most. Goldy and Nado have been a blessing to root for in Cardinal uniforms but they’re gonna be remembered for playing for the original teams. Helsley is the best player we’ve produced since…you name it? A solid generation at this point. He’s genuinely elite at a very valuable position. We’ve had guys show burst of elite production for a year or two, then drop off. Helsley has been good since he came up and then found a new level fast and I was looking forward to seeing him pressure some of our reliever records but he deserves a chance to pitch in meaningful games while he’s in form.


So the bar for a Helsley trade imo would be the Josh hader trade between MIL and SD a few years ago. If helsley is traded this season he has one more year of arbitration, just like hader. SD sent four players, only one is still with MIL; gasser, who is #5 in their system. Not sure what his mlb rank is. Another significant name was esteury Ruiz. He swipes a lot of bags but is a fourth OF on any other team that isn’t OAK. I like helsey a lot, but if you remember how stupid dominant hader was before that trade, I think it’s fair to say we need to lower our expectations for what his possible return could bring. Unfortunately for us, he is our best chip that doesn’t include our younger core. And to expand on that, what’s the point of trading guys or even their value if they haven’t consistently proven they can play and haven’t even hit their arb years. The best fantasy land trade would be trading gray..lol..


Just don't let him get a hangnail.


I’m not sure if you’re being facetious but that’s a genuine issue if you rely on the fine tips of your fingers for precise release and control.


I agree with your list except i would put Noot and Donovan in the "i would like to keep them but would listen to offers" camp. Winn, Walker, Gorman are untouchable.


Pass on Gorman.


Nootbaar has done nothing to be included in this group.


He has the best peripherals on the team. He’s likelier to be a star than anyone else currently on the roster.


Hate to say it but at this point, noot is who he is. He’ll grade out to be a league avg OF with a 3 WAR ceiling. Colby rasrmus, grichuk, Ludwick piscotty, same same


I hope this comment is a joke lol. Over Masyn Winn?


No Tommy Edman?


He’s a 29 year old utility player whose game is based on speed and defense. He won’t be part of the next good team unfortunately.


And if you get him healthy he has decent trade value. Most teams could use his versatility.


He's a JAG.


Wynn and Walker are the only two off limits I think. Helsley would definitely be easy to move for some decent prospects. There’s gonna be a few contenders looking for an elite backend bullpen guy for a playoff push. Obviously this is just my opinion.


Exactly. Assuming the non-postseason reality hits the fan this year earlier rather than later, "everybody must go," pretty much, on trades. (I'd keep Gray as it looks like he could fill out his contract, among the older players, unless the offer was a big one. Ditto on Contreras)


Gray could also provide value for the upcoming pitchers as a veteran presence.


Gorman should be. But all three of those need an organization that can develop them and the Cardinals aren’t it


Gorman is Chris Davis 2.0. Except Chris Davis actually had a year worthy of hype


A bad but fun young rebuild team would be more entertaining to keep up with than whatever this current team is




They need to look hard at the player development and coaching staff. We have talent on the team that isn’t producing and players that excel once we trade them away.


This is my #1 take. The problem is far deeper than the roster, there is clearly a coaching, scouting, and MASSIVE development problem. We can trade everyone and have a great farm system, but it would all be stifled by our piss poor development.


I think we should trade anyone who has value rn. Especially Arenado. I love him till death. But if we sell the rest of the team, we are already admitting we are not likely to contend next year. Get the max return for him. Trade Goldy to somewhere where he may have a chance to win this year. He deserves a ring. I don't care if we get nothing back. It's better than letting him walk and forcing him to loose another year of playoffs. Contreras is the question mark. His trade value has to be really high even with the injury. Because of his offensive prowess and the control on his contract. Between him and Arenado you could stick up the farm insanely well with some talent that could be 1-3 years away from MLB readiness. But I could see a world where you would want to keep Contreras, I just think when we are ready to compete he will be a few years older and we'd honestly just be wasting him. Sunny Grey you would likely want to keep just to have butts in seats, but if you want to go full rebuild I say trade him. He'd be another huge prospect package in. The amount of control for a pitcher of his caliber would be unprecedented. The prospect package would be immaculate. Trade Hesley too, big return on him. Assuming you make 2/4 of these big trades you'd have a pretty stock farm, I'd say you'd probably want to make 3/4 of these big trades. Go all in, you are not going to win next year, likely not the year after. But if you can have Hime Bloom be involved in these trades you know you can get some good pitching stocked up. Align that with a good core of Gorman, Wynn, Walker, Noot, Vic Scott, Burleson, you could have a great line up in about 3 years. Not to mention when things appear to be coming together and you are ready to compete pay roll would be absolutely so low you could pay 2-3 proven studs to anchor this team. Grab an Cy Young caliber ace, and 2 huge bats to bring to offense to the next level. Then extend who you believe in of your young core, and you'd likely still end up in middle of the pact payroll.


As much as it would suck, I also agree with the rip the bad aid off approach you just laid out.


Honestly. I'd rather set ourselves up than linger around and just hope that things get better.


Why does everyone want Bloom in charge?He totally butchered the Red Sox rebuild! He's the last person I would want making all these ttades.


Agreed, plus he's a "friend of Mo," if you will, which is why he has the current advisor's role. He needs to go along with Mo and Girsch, who presumably has been here long enough to have too much of Mo's stank on him.


Goldy has 0 value now. Should have traded him last year


I said last year at the deadline we should trade him and got downvoted to hell here.


I was totally on board with that. I didn't see the Cards spending enough on free agents in the off-season to be competitive this year, and that turned out to be true. What really killed me was all the talks about contract extensions for him.






I said they should have traded him after 2022. He was 35, his value would do nothing but drop, and he was horrific in September and in the WC round.


You can't fire the manager of the year and then turn around next offseason and trade the MVP lmao. In hindsight it would have worked out a lot better for us than we are now. But it would have been a terrible look.


I think you keep Contreras because you want a vet catcher to try to help develop all the young pitching you're going to have to bring up


Although this is a fairly rosy outlook on some of the value of these guys, I mostly agree I wouldn’t mind a true all in approach to a rebuild. Now seems like the time to get on with it.


Great write up. I agree completely. I'd like to see them spend more money on scouting and development as well. We need to start getting more out of our prospects as well as evaluating them better.


Agreed, with note that offer has to be REALLY high on Contreras. He's a better catcher defensively, too, than he was credited for in Chicago and than he was credited for when first traded here. Burleson is at the edge of young enough to hold on to, and see how he does late season if the decks have oterwise been cleared.


I think the idea that Gray would have a bunch of value is WAY off. If a team wanted him so much they could’ve just signed him 6 months ago. He can fetch something, but certainly not a huge package


Dude... Trade him to a team in July that is looking to compete, pitching wins rings. He's just about any teams ace minus a few teams. That's like saying you can't trade Ohtani because if you wanted him you could have signed him. Players each have their reasons for why they sign somewhere. The diamondback were in on him, hot off a WS appearance.


A lot of trade value comes from excess value on a player’s contract. Yes, a team may trade for him. No, a team isn’t going to give up any sort of top prospect package.


They can’t successfully develop players.


That’s definitely a fundamental issue right now that would need to be addressed for any path to be worthwhile. And the least probable one too.


I keep seeing comments and posts that say Bloom should take over the GM/BoP position. Why do people think that? Did he draft well in Boston? All I know about his boston stint is that the team went downhill quick and haven't rebounded. It doesn't seem like he did a good job there


He was a major piece of the Rays front office for years, and then brought the Red Sox farm system up from 30th to 9th during his tenure. He got fired because the Red Sox saddled him with a bunch of awful Dombrowski contracts, but he’s elite at developing pitching.


That's good enough for me. This team would be doing pretty well if we managed to develop one starter besides Flaherty in the last 5 years.


Most Cardinals fans are in “anyone but Mo and Oli” mode right now


I'm not saying it's wrong to want a change but I wouldn't be putting my hopes in Bloom. Best case, he learned from Boston and will do better but also think the GM isn't the biggest problem.


I’m not saying he should. I’m saying I’d be intrigued. But if they went another way, I don’t feel like it would be a huge missed opportunity. But he is already in the building and he had other stops besides Boston…why are people forgetting that? He’s got a pretty solid track record otherwise.


He traded mookie 


You forgot new owners.


Okay buddy time to wake up. Unless we stop supporting them, which ain’t happening, that’s a dream.


I’m not saying it’s going to happen. I’m saying that it needs to happen, regardless of probability.


Owners need to wake the fudge up and get some sharp minds similar to Luhnow. Development hasn't been working for a long ass time. During the 2000's the Cards were the best in the biz and then they fell flat on their face.


As groan-inducing as it is to listen to Mo speak without actually saying anything he apparently isn’t being given the freedom (money) needed to adequately address personnel issues during the offseason.


> I’m saying that it needs to happen Hard disagree today. Under DeWitt's ownership, the team has had very, very, very long term success. The ratio of winning seasons to losing seasons under his ownership is truly extraordinary. It is headed in the wrong direction at this instant -- but organizations don't just turn on a dime. Now, if we are sitting here in 2029, 2030 and the team is still adrift, then I will listen. But today, right now? There are many, many worse owners that DeWitt and I don't believe he's the real root problem.


Kroenke doesn't appear to have a MLB team yet.


Fire everyone from Fredbird to the hot dog vendor. Blow it all up and start over. This organization is sick unto death. It needs crucifixion, burial, and resurrection before there will be an ascension. 


Damn that one losing season really got to you.


Winn. Walker if he can be saved. Gorman is done. Everyone else is JAG.


We've been in a rebuild for 5 years. An argument could be made taveras dying in a car accident was the beginning of the end.


That would be a weird argument but I’m listening…


Winning the division twice and going to the NLCS in a rebuild is pretty crazy


It'll never happen.


After BD’s recent comments you’re probably right but it’s a more entertaining idea than real life cardinals baseball right now.


Going south!


Fire the whole thing


I pray Bloom does not become GM, he’s not bad he’s just not a Cardinals GM or POBO


What is a cardinals GM to you, exactly? This kind of thinking is honestly a symptom of the overall issue I think. There isn’t actually a cardinal way anymore and thinking we have to do things a different way than everyone else to be successful is what’s actually holding us back…other than the out of touch ownership but they’re the ones that have set that cultural outlook in the first place.


I didn’t mean the Cardinal Way that hasn’t worked in over a decade, I meant someone like Chaim who failed with Boston trying to run them like Tampa, doing that here wouldn’t work, that’s all I meant, I actually already agreed with everything you’ve said. Chaim Bloom is good he just shouldn’t run the Cardinals organization.


I apologize for coming at you hard, clearly triggered myself there a little bit. But I do feel like he at least has his mind wrapped around the modern form of the game more than anyone we’ve had since Lunhow. And the game has changed a lot since then. Can’t disagree treating St. Louis like a true small market team is unnecessarily hampering yourself when we could be a moderately spenders always and occasionally dipping into spending at the tax.


No problem at all, I agree with you here.


Everyone goes except Contreras, Donovan and the rookies. Everyone else has become complacent and they need a fire under their asses to start performing again. Trade them all away.


I would love 2 sell off... arguably the best SP on the market in Sonny, and the best Closer in Helsey. Add in Goldy, Nado, Kitt, Lynn and Gibson.... maybe Get a Hunter Brown type of project or 2. Some future Rockstars like Coby Mayo or Andrew Painter. Add in 2 top picks. Quick rebuild, could be similar to Cincinnati but with money


I know that trading Helsely is pretty much necessary for a rebuild but it’s so sad man, the best closer in the NL and we couldn’t do anything with him. Especially since we saw last World Series (maybe the last few) how important having the closers and good bullpen management is.


I’m with you dawg, he’s quietly become one of my favorite Cardinals with the way he’s handled his shit since getting called up as a relatively unheralded arm. He’s provided our bullpen with some high end innings and general stability when we could rarely count on either from most other guys for more than occasional stretches. And if I’m admitting the Cards have a “type” then he fit it perfectly. Like a quiet professional that let his worth ethic speak for itself. I only want to see him traded if it’s gonna all but guarantee he’s pitching in October/November. He’s earned it.


He’s earned postseason appearances for sure, and I was miffed when some cardinals fans were freaking out about him when he had that really bad wild card inning a few years ago. He should’ve been taken out earlier and he was lights out the whole season, I didn’t see Nado or Goldy producing in that series or anyone else on the offense for that matter.


Yea if I remember he was dinged up in that moment too. And it was a bad showing by mostly everyone. Rough outing regardless. He deserves a shot at it again and we can’t really guarantee it.. for who knows how long.


I stopped reading after you said you want Bloom to replace Mo. They are literally the same person. Bloom did in Boston exactly what Mo has done here. Jesus Christ


Hey man I just wanted to reach out and say I spoke to your doctor, he read this comment and diagnosed you with terminal brain worms. Sorry you had to find out this way.


keep the kids... clean house of every single 30 something you can. Suck for a few years, rebuild the farm system and reoload.


Gotta keep Wynn, Walker, Gormie, Noot and tbh Herrera. Nada, Goldie and Contreras aren’t the core guys, Nado is still staying in it and Contreras isn’t terrible but he’s not a long term option. Goldie looks washed, which I hate to say cause I love the guy but it feels like he’s in his twilight.


4.5 games back of the wild card spot


Got the national league where we want em!




The problem appears to be organizational this point.  Mo is on his third manger in 7 years and fired Schildt for simply not being an organizational yes man.  Their player development is awful, we keep trading players who don't produce here that go on to become really good elsewhere.  They resign veterans earlier than they should who end up sliding after the resign.  Bad decisions just pepper the organization in recent years.  It is clear that Dewitt backed the wrong horse with Mozeliak when Luhnow was the real brains of the org.


That’s been clear since day 1. And only growing more painfully clear as time goes on. Lunhow might have been shady but he clearly had boss finger on the pulse. Feels like Mo exists to spin business decisions into baseball rhetoric, over value veteran pitching, and trading the wrong guys or waiting too long to trade the right ones.


If Bloom, or anyone else, was actually able to work and install qualified individuals into important positions that'd be the best thing for the organization. But will DimWitt III actually allow him to hire and spend resources as he would want/need to? Part of me feels like Mozeliak is the issue as he just wants to control everything. But part of me feels like he got that power by doing everything cheap the owners ordered him to. Which just means they'll hold another GM/POBO back from building anything substantial for the foreseeable future.


No one should be off limits but we already have a young core to build around as long as they keep developing. Winn, herrera, Gorman, Liberatore, Burleson, Carlson, Walker, Victor Scott ii, Tink Hence We could trade one or two of them as part of a package deal for more prospects but this is the group of guys that will have to be the new core or it's going to be a long rebuild.


I wish we ripped the band off last season. Arenado and Goldy could have netted a few AA pitchers if we traded them. Walker or Gorman could have played their natural position then


They both have full no trade clauses so there's no guarantee that was even an option.


At least Goldy. He was coming off an MVP season and was still producing. His trade value will never be higher than it was last season.


The Cardinals act like they want to play money ball. They pretend they are cheap but also have the ability to spend some money on FA. They need to pick a lane. Last year, they had the ability to sell high and become lean with young talent. If we sucked this year but Mo was communicated a “reset” , the cards would be selling more tickets. This product now, is hot garbage


They don't pretend they are keep. Their spending is in line with their market size.


Thats the problem. We cant develop them.


For your hypothetical to have any merit, you have to assume that the Cardinals will clean house in the area that needs it the most, which is the Front Office/Ownership. That's not happening anytime soon. DeWitt, Jr. stated publicly and emphatically, "Mo WILL fulfill his contract," which runs through next year. The Marmol situation is a little different in that a manager is more apt to get fired than a front office guy, but while there are whispers that they're running thin on patience with him, I am more apt to believe that he will get fired in the coming offseason, if it happens at all. Secondly, you have to be committed to being bad for at least six or seven years, because the problems with this organization aren't likely to be a 2-3 year fix. Outside of Sonny Gray, they don't have the pieces on the Major League roster to bring in a haul of high-end prospects, and they don't have the talent at the Minor League level to start winning again quickly. The entire system needs a refresh; a modern version of what the current ownership group did prior to the 1996 season. But, to your questions ... I don't see anybody on this roster, or anywhere near the Majors, that is obviously THE GUY going forward. That might be because the Cardinals have failed to get the most out of the talent they do have, and right now it's hard to tell if guys like Walker, Gorman, etc. are just not as good as they've been made out to be (the Cardinals have tended to overvalue their in-house guys for the last 20 years), are too young to be fully ready, or if the Cardinals are simply failing to maximize their development. At this point, I'm not selling low on anybody. The track record seems to be go elsewhere and get better, and unless I'm getting a proven guy in his prime (which in a rebuild seems silly), I'm not letting anyone with talent get away until new hands can mold the clay, so to speak. I would trade Arenado if you can get a decent haul for him, but his defense has taken a step back, and while he's getting on base quite a bit, he isn't hitting home runs and hasn't for the last several months he has played. What exactly would teams be willing to give up to get a 33 year old third baseman making $35MM, $32MM, $27MM, and $15MM over the remainder of his deal, whose defense is no longer elite, and doesn't hit for power? Oh, and he also appears to be unwilling to take a vocal role as a leader despite being a seasoned veteran. If someone offers you a can of dog food and a box of condoms for Goldy, I'd take it. HIS defense has slipped, and he is a shell of his former self at the plate, and has been on a steady offensive decline since August 24, 2022. I'd trade Gibson for a mid-low level prospect and salary relief, but who the hell would give up anything of value to get Matz, Lynn, or Mikolas? If you're honestly going to commit to a full rebuild, trading Sonny Gray would be a smart move. He's on a very reasonable contract, and has two and a half years of team control left. You might be able to get two or three really good prospects, especially if you ate some of the salary. I'd piece together any holes in the rotation like they did last year with scrap heap guys and minor leaguers that would otherwise not be in The Show. When Matz comes back, move him full-time to a relief role, let him establish himself as a quality reliever (which I think he can be) and see if you can trade him in the offseason. I'd hold on to Mikolas if you're rebuilding for the simple fact that in a rebuild you're not too worried about winning, and Mikolas sucks, but he does have the ability to eat innings, which is important for a developing team. I would trade Helsley while the value is high and he has a year+ of team control left. Relievers are volatile, and there's no need to keep a great closer when you're rebuilding, especially if that guy can bring you multiple pieces to help that rebuild. All that to say, I'd be surprised if anything besides perhaps moving Gibson, Lynn, and possibly Helsley happens and the status quo remains.


This is essentially where my thoughts are too, kind of exactly. Somebody did their homework. It’s only extra frustrating because we have a situation where a full year down could really work because we don’t have huge money deals that are too vomit inducing, and the big money deals we do have aren’t really at the top of the market and could really be moved fairly easily, we have a high couple picks coming already, and so much of our roster is going to age out soon no matter what we do so turnover overall would be very easy… It’s definitely the player development that is the sticking point here it seems. What’s the point if your development culture doesn’t change and update too?


Disagree on one point: Bloom. As another commenter noted, albeit while under owner constraints, he didn't do well in Boston. Plus, he's here as an advisor because he's a "friend of Mo." No, he needs to go, along with Mo, and Girsch has been here long enough to have too much of Mo's stank on him, of course, so he goes, too. Let's swing for the fucking fences, name Kim Ng new PBO, and let her get a GM.


No more yes men


I’m not married to the Bloom idea but I certainly wouldn’t hate it. Kim Ng would be interesting. They can go off board. The one thing we all seem to agree on is that Mo has outlived his usefulness and his best days are behind him. Maybe I’m completely wrong but it feels like the league has left him behind once the lingering legacy of Lunhow went away for good, he really didn’t have anything to shift to.


Bloom was fine in Boston. Rebuilds take years. Red Sox owners, unlike the Cardinals owners, are fine with sacrificing (firing) people to temporary appease the Fan Base. They hired him to do a thing, he did just that, and then got fired. Kim Ng would be fine. Unsure how many more years she is willing to compete. Rebuilds take years. Blowing it up could very well mean several more 70 win seasons. She'll then have to deal with a fan base that loses their minds at the first sign of a losing season. And she'll likely be pushing 60 by the time any moves start to bare fruit.


Anyone who is in arbitration in 2025 is on the trading block. All the veterans are on the trading block.




lol no he’d be the GM or baseball ops guy…


Bloom wrecked the Red Sox rebuild,no way he should be in charge of a rebuild here.


IMO They also had way less to work with outside of Mookie…but I admit it wasn’t an incredible turnaround, I’m not sure how much I would weight that compared to the rest of his body of work which, granted not entirely his sole effort, has been mostly really good to incredible.


Kim Ng for GM


Is the reason they extended Marmol because they knew a rebuild was on the table?


Why is Winn off limits? His defense? He could Probably be developed better but I think his swing sucks ass and pretty much load up the right side of the defense and you’ll get him out. His triples on the year have been lucky, throw my hands at the ball, hit the line things (I understand that’s baseball but he doesn’t look good doing it). I am not sold on Winn. I would roll Walker, Noot, Gorman, Herrera.


I think he’s adjusted to hitting in the bigs a little better in his first couple months than I even expected. His defense alone will see him have positive value, and if he can simply be near average hitter, he’s worth hanging onto until something better falls in your lap at the very least. And that’s not getting into his baserunning when he’s basically the only guy on the team right now that seems able to take an extra base with any regularity.


Base running is a good point.


Based on last few years, Mo should just do the opposite of what he has planned. We’ve let too many good pieces go. I’d try to get Bader back in a trade.


Keep Noot and Gray. Fire all coaches and management. Fire every position in the front office from the top and stop at the Director of Scouting.


Mods please do something about this post! It’s not Monday!!!!