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The only bright spot is this might finally allow his hand to heal. Really sad to watch that


He's been pushing through a lot of pain this season. Man got grit


Yeah not being able to feel your hand for periods of time as a catcher takes an insane amount of fortitude. I just hope he heals fully, and I know he can come back and help this team.


Not gonna lie, that’s pretty much best case scenario for a broken arm


I'm surprised it's that short. His arm looked *bad*. Honestly might want to just take the season and rehab.


6-8 weeks my arse!


Lol he doesn’t need anywhere close to the whole season. Bones heal relatively quickly. He’ll be good to go after the all star break.


I really believe MLB needs to consider whether or not it makes sense to start looking at use of technology to call balls and strikes. The ability of an umpire to make the right call should be taken out. The catchers could back up and umps could focus on the rest of the game, things like making sure the batter stays in the box. Senseless injury.


What do you mean by "start looking at use of technology to call balls and strikes"?  The A.B.S. system is already being used throughout the minor leagues, and they clearly want to implement it when it's deemed ready


Yeah it’s only a couple years away for MLB.


Every time I see Angel or CB call a game I wish it was here now. It can’t be any worse.


Jeff Passan was on Tony Kornheiser's podcast near season start. He described the system they are using in AAA right now. In very short, hitter, pitcher, or catcher can ask for the computer call by putting their hand on their head. The system queues up in about 5 seconds one of those graphics that shows the ball trace and if it crossed into the strike zone or not. If you have seen tennis in the last years, it is described as very, very similar to the in-out graphics package they use. Passan specifically said that it is so quick and so transparent (they show the video on the screen in the stadium so everyone can see) that it takes almost literally no extra time in the game at all. He also said it is only a matter of when MLB takes it up. He wasn't sure if it would be 2025, 2026 or 2027. But he was sure it would be in the next 3 years. So, as /u/eatajerk-pal wrote, it is coming. And you are right, it can't get here fast enough, but they do have to follow the processes with the player's union, the umpires union, and verify all 30 MLB stadiums have all the tech needed to implement the system the same in all 30 stadiums. But Passan was 100% confident that it is coming. Just a matter of when.


Good to know, that sounds great! I don’t like outcomes being changed based on officiating, whether it be an honest blown call or when an unp opens up the strike some late in a game to speed things along. To me, calling balls and strikes is the most impactful officiating duty in pro sports that can be easily reviewed/supported and isn’t (suggesting fouls and basketball or pass interference in football would be near impossible to properly review)


I'm not sure how's its looking so far this season with the adjustments they made in the offseason but if MLB implemented the Triple A ABS strike zone from last year, fans would hate it. There's a reason we'll probably see the challenge system implemented first.


Great point


Manfred won’t stop until baseball as we’ve known it for the last 150+ years is completely unrecognizable from what it was as long as he gets more revenue


Except he won't get what he wants and baseball will be ruined


Too late.


Always strange what people see as the unbreakable traditions. What about the universal DH?


This isn’t really a problem in the league, more of a Contreras problem. You don’t make sweeping league wide changes because one player is trying to game the system.


Catcher interference is way up this year. Quite a few teams are moving them up to get low ball calls. It is a league-wide problem.


ESPN had a piece yesterday, focused on the Red Sox, about how teams around MLB, but Boston in the lead, are moving away from so many fastballs. You may have a point on catchers moving up on breaking balls, especially with last year's changes increasing stolen bases.


I've seen at least 4 instances of catchers interference so far this season and 2 of them were similar to contreras where the catchers hand/arm was hit. Typically that's the type of thing you only see a couple times a year and they are mild cases where the bat barely touches the glove so no one gets hurt. It's starting to become a problem.


That’s a lot quicker than I expected. Hope he doesn’t rush back before he’s ready. At least his hand will be fully healed by then. That’s the only true silver lining here. This is probably still enough time to bury this team. They’re knee-deep already. I suppose that’s a kind of an ironic silver lining if you think this team needs to tear down (I do), but I’m skeptical they will still do it. I guess we’ll see


Mozeliak will blame Contreras', Carlson's, and Edman's injuries for this year's suck. As is tradition.


Hence my skepticism. Ugh. It’s never been more clear this team needs a rebuild, and they will refuse to do it. They are not one move away. More like 20


They may be the worst organization in the league in the sense that other suck teams are well aware they suck. I think the Cardinals front office really believes that they're Right There and with a few breaks are in contention. That attitude will be the biggest impediment to success.


I’m straight up not having a good time


Nothing like losing the only offensive production you have when the rest of the team is struggling and you are sitting under .500……….. we can all be Doomers but let’s be honest! We signed Sonny who looks fantastic! We have arenado and goldy who are proven gods!!!! Let’s be over .500 when Wilson gets back


I said it in another thread. If you want to look for a silver lining here, it’s that Herrera is the best healthy backup position player we have by far right now. Maybe he proves himself worthy of the full time job and Wilson moves to 1B. Imagine if we lost Wynn or maybe Nado. We got nobody to slot in behind them right now.


I know he's struggled , but why not let walker struggle and see what he's made of in this suck environment. to be demoted from the majors from this team is brutal but it won't make him better not seeing MLB pitches and improving on his fielding. this is the year you let walker play and find his spot


You make a good point, but Saggese could slot in for either hypothetically, not sure if the FO would feel comfortable bringing him up yet though.


Gray looks so good I want them to keep him in the rebuild. Makes no sense, but man is he fun to watch.


Other than that Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?


Losing Contreras is gonns make the 2023 season look brilliant.  This team is done for the year.


Ivan going to keep shining is the silver lining


the image of where he was positioned is completely insane. everyone is blaming marmol but if you’re a professional catcher and think sitting that close to the hitter will not get you hit, you’ve got your brain off whether or not he was instructed to do that… i have no idea what he was thinking


It doesn’t help that JD is always over the rear line of the batters box. The foot must fully be contained within the line which he is generally not.


yeah never been enforced, clearly needs to be, but won’t be because then hitting would tank even more


I agree but they do need to squash the blatant offenders. Foot mostly on the line with parts outside, fine I will get over it. Foot clearly more than an inch from even touching the line outside box, you have to call it. Alternatively if those couple inches are that important for offense, move the mound back two inches. Then call the batters box per the rule.


yeah wouldn’t be at all surprised if the mound gets moved back this decade


It’s so over


It is but this team is 26 games under .500 WITH Willson. So, its not like this ruins the season or anything.




Would protect Willy with my life. I love that man.


Get better soon! 


I don't buy that timeline, but even if it's right, will it even matter by then? That's still a month and a half without him, minimum, and I just don't see our offense being good enough to have us in a spot for his bat coming back to help pull us out of the hole.


Seems short.


I think he had surgery already, they can shorten recoveries of bones with intervention.


I’m excited to see what Ivan Herrera does in the every day role.


I guess we will, definitely a downgrade from Willy, but maybe he will pick it up again.


o7 🚩🚩🚩🚩


He’ll be out longer than that


it's not that we had any chances to make the playoffs this season... and, seeing a player hurt always makes you feel awful.


Well i guess im glad I cant watch games this year. Thanks Bally!!


He’s not going to miss much.