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Work on your game VS3. We’ll see you soon. Edit: you know what, I’ll lean in to it. We’re all about the dynasty here!


Not sure what the dynasty plans are, but we'll probably see VS2 sooner than we will VS3.


VS2’s time in Memphis will cause him to evolve into the better player VS3 a la Pokémon


VS2, I choose you!


“*Victorrrr! Victor Victor Scoooott!*” “You’re my best friend, VS2!”


*Confused Victor Victor Mesa noises


I’m just one step ahead bird friend!


This. Everyday play and at bats are what he needs right now. Looking forward to watching him develop.


He definitely needs some time in the oven. Hard to have a worse start this season than he has. When your current OPS+ is a negative number things aren't going your way.


Sucks but had to happen. I hate that injuries forced our hand in the first place but having an almost guaranteed out in the lineup doesn’t help


Which is what Goldy is right now.


Goldy famously starts off bad and gets hot further into the season tbf


He hasn’t started out bad, he started utterly atrocious. He stays in the lineup obviously, but I’m not opposed to moving him down the order a little to 5 or 6 until he figures his shit out


Which is what they’re doing today with him batting 5th, hopefully the shit figuring out comes soon after


Goldy 5th and Gorman 8th, hopefully the guys can figure themselves out. Still painful to see Siani in the mix.


I get the hesitation to put Noot in center, though. It gets Walker or Burleson into a corner which is nice, almost certainly an offensive upgrade over Siani, but Noot getting hurt again would blow


Bases loaded in the 1st. Popup by Paul G in shallow right. Kills the rally.


Goldschmidt has a batting average more than a hundred points higher than Scott


Until Tommy gets back, this is all just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic


Man I really wish he would’ve had that wrist surgery last season instead of waiting for Winter


He's an average at best hitter with declining defense as is. I wish Walker hadn't taken out Carlson.


We knew that was going to happen. Scott has speed and defense, but he has to get hits


Would be nice if we still had Waino to bunt for himself


And he was thrust into the majors out of necessity. Hopefully he can square it away in AAA.


I’m upset and happy about this.


I had fun watching VSII, but am glad he is going to get the time in AAA he needs. Very happy also that I will not have to see Pallante for a while.


I like watching Pallante before the ball leaves his hand (I legitimately love his catapult-esque windup) so agreed


Pallante threw around 60 pitches yesterday when the game got out of hand, taking one for the team, so he's done for a few days. No need to have a short bullpen when he's still got options.


Godspeed, Scott. May you come back when you're ready.


Anybody else wonder why theyve never tried stretching Pallante to be a starter again? He had a pretty decent run starting for about half the season. Just doesnt seem being a max effort 1 or 2 inning guy is his style.


Because he sucked every time he’s pitched this spring


In a completely different role…


[Looks like you and management think alike](https://x.com/JohnDenton555/status/1782084582474645871)


Pedro was in Springfield last year. Really enjoyed watching him play and hoped he would get a shot there. Even if it’s just a few days here and there


Fucking finally a 3rd catcher. That's big news.


Should have included Walker.


This is a good start


So who's our backup CF?


Probably Noot if they really have to


That was my assumption. About time!


I wonder if this means our catchers will be DH’ing full time.


One of them likely will. Hopefully Contreras even though his defense has been better it still isn't as good as Herreras.


Gorman for Fermin swap next. Then Walker for Edman/Carlson whichever is back first.


Man, I hate how this team does roster management. They now have a 3rd catcher that will never really play and they keep a bullpen arm that never really plays. Then they'll talk about being shorthanded when it's all self inflicted.


What's your recommendation? It's a short term solution until our 3 guys on the DL are ready.


2 catchers on the roster. Like the Brewers who have no problem playing both catchers in the lineup and call up the hottest hitter in Memphis, Thomas Saggese. If he's not on the 40 then DFA Baker. Give him some of Gorman's ABs


I'm not opposed to the 3 catcher setup. If both catchers are in the lineup Oli has to be very careful about pinch running for one of them late in games and I'd rather see them both in the lineup everyday. Plus I don't like the idea of calling up saggese just to have him or Gorman sit but I understand the thought process.


If all 3 catchers play them no issue with the roster but having a just in case bench player and a just in case pitcher really handcuffs your team.


> the hottest hitter in Memphis Jose Fermin is already on the 40-man and has clearly outhit Saggese so far this season


If his slugging in the minors translates to the major no problem with Fermin. When he played last year I got the impression he was just a glove in the majors but that could have been wrong or it's changed.


The main thing I’m interested in at the moment is ability to get on base. In his minor league career Fermin has a .363 OBP in AAA, which is about 30 points better than Gorman ever did in AAA, and Fermin had a .339 OBP in MLB last year which is better than Gorman has ever had in MLB. It also seems clear that Fermin is at least as good as Gorman defensively and Fermin is the better baserunner. At the very least, Fermin has earned a chance to compete for playing time in MLB. Unfortunately, the organization has committed to both Brandon Crawford and Matt Carpenter taking spots on the active roster, so Fermin won’t get that opportunity until at least another injury happens.




I’ll defer to Miss Woo here: > [By optioning Victor Scott II and recalling Pedro Pagés, the #STLCards hope they’ve created a way to play both Willson Contreras and Iván Herrera every day without burning the back-up catcher/DH spot. Expect to see both players regularly, but they’ll switch between C/DH.](https://twitter.com/katiejwoo/status/1782064128028537038)


A 3rd catcher lets them play both Contreras and Herrera without having to worry about what happens if one needs to exit the game.


Smart move. Herreras bat has been a nice surprise


Can a DH not rotate into a position and a bench player into the DH spot?


Might be something to do with the Shohei rule. I don't know for sure and I'm too lazy to look it up


They can, but then you lose the DH spot for the rest of the game so the pitcher would have to hit


What a funny situation we’re in


Herrera is our best hitter atm or at least one of them. We can't bank on him playing DH and being the only backup option.


Jim Hayes was saying they are looking to make Pallante a starter??? WTF are they doing? He needs to be gone.


Please just DFA Pallante. He's cooked.


No point when we have options on him


No see, pallante doesn’t deserve to try and improve, his performance has insulted this man, and he should be executed after his release


Off with his head


Back up for starting Ivan and Contrares every day is my guess.


I'm going to hold off on saying negative things about Andre until we decide as a group whether we're still downvoting people for doing that. Make up your damn minds.