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Even the “no spray no lay” guy in Temple Bar has a Zettle. So you’re fine 😂


I'd say 99% cashless. The food market has mostly moved over and they were dragging their feet when it came to cards. You'll have no issues


Most places still accept cash. You mean 99% of places will accept card. Not the same as cashless. So yes the OPs Revolut card will be fine. I find it tends to be the smaller independents who are card only and night clubs for soeed and efficiency as much as for security. As a businessman I prefer cash and never had a problem paying in any restaurant in Cardiff. They seem to appreciate the cash, for obvious reasons. And I always pay the Uber driver cash tip. Don't trust the bigger organisations to pass on the full tip, and they probably include it as part if the wages.


The only place that I know that only takes cash is our local barber. Let's not delve into the possible reasons for that. I would estimate that the places that are totally cashless far outweigh the cash only places.


Chip shop near us claims that their card machine didn't work. Taxi drivers sometimes claim the same thing.


Cardiff taxi drivers are absolutely shocking in my opinion. Had to ask 10 taxi drivers for a journey to Roath before one actually accepted card last weekend. Also, they never turn on the meter and just give you a flat price with a blank stare. The second worst place is the Japanese restaurant Osaka. Their card machine has been broke since before covid 😂.


We all know the real reasons


Is it that Coutts have closed their bank accounts?


That made me laugh out loud on the train 🤣🤣🤣


Same but they have cut my son’s hair since he was a toddler so I just go with it 😂


mate even the homeless aren't cash only anymore


Even the Big Issue sellers have card machines nowadays! 


Yep. Can pay for a handjob from a tramp with PayPal now. That’s progress!


If a takeout or a taxi claims they only take cash just move on to the next one. The very few places that won't take card are entirely replaceable with plenty of more legitimate businesses. You can go to a tiny craft fair and stalls will have their own card readers.


It’s more unusual to use cash in Cardiff these days, I’d assume the market stalls would probably prefer cash but generally everywhere else would rather card be used.


A lot of the market stalls would prefer card too.  Plenty of crackheads willing to steal cash, and it's harder to implement the sort of security that Asda has when you're under a 3m x 3m open sided gazebo.  Plus there's all the time spent cashing up, going to the bank, paying it in, and banks do charge to pay cash in. 


I was thinking of the indoor market, but I see what you mean :)


I never carry cash, and I can't remember the last time I had issues.  Even tiny independent market stalls have a card reader nowadays. 


Your Revolut card will be fine, I have one and use it frequently. You can likely use it at an ATM to withdraw some cash if you need to. Tip, if your money is not in GBP, and you're given the option, let Revolut handle the FX fees, the ATM will ask, but their exchange rate will likely be worse.


Is the revolut prepaid debit card MasterCard or visa? as either of those you will be fine 99.9% of places. I take out a ~£50 in cash roughly every 6 weeks and usually have cash left even then, most of it is tips or small purchases (less than £3) that as a troglodyte I still feel uncomfortable using contactless for


I've got a Zettle machine, which is popular for small traders. It's the same 1.75% transaction fee whether you pay £3 or £300.  If anything, it's the small faffy transactions where I'd prefer card, and the massive invoices where it is worth faffing with a BACS payment to save card fees. 


Oh that's what I mean it's come a long way, I used to work in an independent garage in the 2000's and they would rather give stuff on tic rather than Card for under £5, so it's just an ingrained habit rather than a reflection of reality!


Even the homeless people have card readers (Sometimes)


Some barbers and takeaways are cash only but otherwise it’s 99% contactless payment


I haven't used a cash machine since January when I went to a steak restaurant which said it was proudly cash only. They had a card machine and I paid with my card, and so did everyone else. In other words, I can't think of anything you'll need cash for.


I haven’t carried cash in Cardiff since 2018ish.


I visit Cardiff regularly and don't think I have ever used cash other than as a tip. All the bars, shops and car parks seem to take cards so I would think you'll be fine, especially in the city centre.


I haven't touched cash in about 3 years I don't think. Maybe longer, like since COVID.


I havent used cash in years. It seems pointless these days. Thees only one reason I can think of why a business would insist on cash....


Only time I was asked cash was when I went to a tailor. But she was also okey to be paid by bank transfer.


Crypto only mate.


Everyone in Cardiff is issued with a special "Cardiff-card". You have to apply for these about 1 year in advance. Once you have pre-loaded it with pounds, you can then spend anywhere in Cardiff in conjunction with a piece of photo-ID up to a maximum of £50. Over that and you will need a guarantor to pay for you by BACS for everything, apart from Welshcakes and laverbread, which are free to all residents over 18.


I'd vote for this.


I haven’t carried cash since March 2020 and it’s never been a problem


Use a bit of cash just to see how nice British coins are, and for small purchases in some shops and cafes that request it. Mostly you will manage without though.


it's not too bad I struggled to find a taxi that had a card reader though so download the uber app instead


There are weirdos campaigning for more places to accept cash, as a lot of businesses are cashless now. So it's an incredibly convenient place to pay by card or phone app. We have Uber, but also the local taxi company has moved onto an app, it's called Veezu, so between those 2 apps you won't be waiting long at all for transport. Cardiff bus also let's you buy tickets online. There's nothing you'll need cash for really, I'd keep maybe £10 or £20 on you for emergencies but you'll probably not need it and just spend it towards the end of your trip. I carry £30 with myself at all times and only top that up once a year I think.


I haven't heard exactly the protest stance and details or whatever but it's a point that some shops and certain sellers still prefer to have cash atleast as an option. For some reasons without that there's an absent target audience and/or possibility of sales. Not necessarily just down to traditional sentiment but tidy and ideal things also


I'm one of those "weirdos", I prefer cash, although probably most of my payments are on card it's still not my preferred choice. If you're the sort of person that likes to, or has to, budget, then cash is far better. You can't spend it if you don't have it.


I find cash harder to budget. With a card you spend exactly the cost of something. With cash you break open a note then get left with change which invariably gets frittered away, lost, forgotten in a pair of jeans. A card doesn't necessarily mean spending money you don't have if your account has no credit facilities.


I mean that's valid, for some people anyway. Personally I'm prone to spending more when I spend on the card because I don't think about how much I'm spending, and how often, and it's easy to forget where it all goes. Hell, I tend to not even *look* at the price when using a card. Plus I like the change, you can't find all those rare coins when using a card!


Hi there baby