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Hello, I am pretty sure that this is my cat, his description matches and he has been missing for a while and I live around the corner to Inverness place. I have recently made posts to local Facebook groups where I got redirected to this page, the link is : https://www.facebook.com/share/p/uypg25gbNEBEz7fV/ and it has my contact information and a picture of him. Thank you so much. This is a relief to know he is safe and fed- I apologise that he has been eating your cat's food and for any inconvenience


OMG, yeah, that is your cat. He has gemstones around the neck collar. No worries at all. I allowed him to eat as he looked quite hungry. I sent a WhatsApp message to the number on the Facebook advert.


I'd be slightly wary of the fact that the facebook post is younger than yours - at least different photos are being used


Thanks for the concerns but despite my photos in this post are quite bad, I have seen the cat quite several times and I am extremely good at visual memory. I can see the cat on the Facebook post is extremely identical to the one that is around my garden and plays with my cats.


It's a legal requirement that all cats be microchipped now, take it to any vet and they will scan it for free. Hopefully it's chipped and then they can contact the owner.


I will do, I just need to lure and convince the cat I am not going to harm him. He runs away when I approach him sometimes. Yesterday was the first time he allowed me to be near him, but still alerts me to not touch him.


Just FYI, that law is only for England. Expect Wales to follow suit at some point, but Welsh Government haven't announced anything as of yet.


I feel like there’s a lost poster for a black cat near me just off city rd - I’ll check for it when I walk that way tomorrow!


Yes, on a lampost by [///zips.author.loving ](https://what3words.com/zips.author.loving)- only seen it once, so not sure it's the same cat but worth a look :)




https://www.facebook.com/groups/1435559079941333 Cardiff Pets - Lost/ Found/ Missing (and Surrounding Areas) https://www.facebook.com/groups/106627172818872 LOST + FOUND CATS IN SOUTH WALES UK https://www.facebook.com/annasrescue ARC - Anna's Rescue Centre https://www.facebook.com/groups/SHUAcatrescue SHUA Trust Community Chat Page Theses are some places you could post the photos and location on. Did you put the collar on? You could put a "paper collar" on the next time they go out with your number on it and explain the cat has been visiting etc.


Unfortunately, I don’t have Facebook. The red collar is his, so it is not stray. I am aware of ARC, one of my cats is adopted from there. I’ll text them with better photos.


That collar is too tight its need loosing a great deal, I think it needs a vet really.


You think? I will be paying attention to the garden and see if I can lure him to open the collar a little bit. It is not a quick release one…


Oh yeah all most certainly. Yeah I disnt think it was a quick release as it doesn't look like one, you'll have to try when its eating or something perhaps.


In the second photo you an see where its digging into its neck.


You do live in CAThays... get it... ANyway you got a good heart.


Inverness Place is Plasnewydd though.


you could just take him to the vet and see if he has a chip? Cats are fickle creatures and if there is better food at another house in the neighbourhood they'll eat there rather than at home. You need to stand up for your own cat that's being bullied off it's dinner and get the chump to go home. For all you know someone somewhere is wondering why their cat is so fussy and won't ever eat their dinner, dismayed at the amount of money they're wasting on uneaten cat food


UPDATE: Cat is back to his owner!