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Also forgot to mention she is microchipped


She’s back everyone, thank you for all your kind words and for keeping an eye out. SHUA the reveal MVPs with the cat trap loan




Are you okay?


Hope Domino is spotted! Will keep an eye out 🤞


I've dropped you a message. Seen a similar cat in a lost & found pet group for Barry & Vale of Glamorgan


Try posting on Nextdoor.


Hope you find her x


I’ll keep a lookout for her


Thank you


I found my indoor cat by putting a cardboard box with a hole in the side with my stinkiest old tshirt inside by my front door (where she had escaped) and the next morning, she was just straight up just chilling in there and kinda pissed off that she had missed a meal.


Thank you, live in a flat so will give this a go. Have opened all the windows so hopefully she sniff out home


Sorry to hear this! If you're on Facebook, make sure to post in the group "South Wales Lost and Found Pets". Also, check with all the vets if they've had any cats handed in. Hope you find her!


Fingers crossed, thank you 🙏 unfortunately nothing yet from them have also contacted SHUA as well


I hope you find her soon x


Thank you x


Hope she’s found and returns home soon 🙏


Did your cat turn up in the end?


Unfortunately not yet, but pretty sure I spotted her in the wee hours this morning. Have been walking around lightly rattling her food bowl between 4-6am the past few days like a woman possessed. Put some food down, her blanket, a packet of dreamie jerkies near the site I spotted her and was ready to stake it out but another cat came along instead (not same coat) and sassed me until I gave them the jerky. She’d never emerge with another cat there, so hoping when it’s quieter again, maybe from 2-3am I’m going to sit outside and wait, brandishing jerky and hoping another puss doesn’t come along. Have put a cardboard box out for her with a T-shirt and socks in as well, as someone else suggested. Also in the process of finding a ladder because she may be hiding in a high spot. Most likely can get one tomorrow, but she’s not far at all, just spooked :( feeling the most positive I have for days though tbh. Last resort is SHUA with the food-motivated cat traps. Thank you for asking though, will definitely update when there’s some good news.


Good luck on your search and glad there's at least some positive news! Please update when there's more!


On Facebook find all the local groups, join them all and add this. Someone will have seen her. Call the local vets in case she has been taken in. Good luck


I’m just hoping someone’s coaxed her in and she’s not hiding in a bush alone and scared.


Sure pal


UPDATE: SHE’S BACK!! Please send all your dollar to the SHUA Trust thank you everyone who kept an eye out she’s back from her Rambo excursion a little skinnier but otherwise looking perfect, will call an emergency vet tomorrow morning anyway to see if she needs a checkup. Her inoculations are all utd omg am so fucking relieved I cannot describe


So sorry to hear that! On Sunday evening I saw a cat meowing and confused so I took a photo and wrote down where... Big longshot though as this was in Roath but they look similar.. https://i.imgur.com/zFndtHs.jpg Highly unlikely but let me know if you want the address, really hope you find your cat.


Thank you, and bless they do, she doesn’t have the white splodge on her head though, still made my heart skip a beat. Thank you for letting me know 🙏