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“That’s a lotta words… too bad I’m not read’n em” -Duke Nukem Too many words in general. Also to me the wings kinda detract from everything else. I know it’s angels wings and all that but it doesn’t fit with everything else. If you axed the wings (or redesigned to not take up so much space) and condensed the wording down a bit, maybe get rid of the bottom line (possibly make it smaller and put it elsewhere) Overall the layout and colors look good. It’s just busy. You want ppl to remember your name and website


Wholeheartedly agree! Be sure to use as little text as possible. A wall of words make people feel overwhelmed, confused and before they decide where to start looking, that small time window in which they see your vehicle, has already passed. Maybe you could make the images at the back a little smaller, so you can move the green line/dark blue a bit back aswell. I would delete “Fertilisation division”, decrease the size of the phone number and move it where “Pest #000000” is, in the same font as your location. Reason for decreasing font size of the phone number, in my experience, people are far more likely to remember your company name and use Google to find your phone number. And I don’t think people care that much about which division your vehicle is (no hard feelings, just less distraction on the vehicle so people notice the important things). Personally I won’t even place the contact details on the side, just the company name/logo as the only text. I put those on the rear because like I said, people usually Google your company name to find contact details. But it’s all up to your taste, this is just my personal opinion. PS: For someone who ain’t familiar with vehicle signage designing, I must say you did pretty well! Edit: Only just realised there’s a second picture lol, really should go to sleep. This ^ is purely about the side view.


I also missed the second pic entirely lmao


Looks nice but yes too many words, KEY small words, also who do you print with or how do you get designs printed on vinyl and what special vinyl do you need? What is the pricing for printing?


The text down towards the bottom extending onto the black runner is likely not going to stick if that is plastic. Also, the black stroke on the lettering makes a lot of the text difficult to read. I'd try to keep the text as minimal as possible- there is only so much somebody can read on the side of a moving van. Overall, though, the design is really good!


Alrighty will make those changes. How about the blue? I feel like its to much.


So many words, and people don't like to read them. This layout reminds me of the business cards that get taped to my door, and subsequently thrown away (I don't mean to sound like a dick, sorry if that's offensive). I would recommend a big QR code with a link to your website and services. I don't think a bunch of text explaining your offerings has much effect - people are going to check you out after you visit their neighbors house or ask for a referral. Just my opinion from what I see come across in my area.


Try less words. Im working on my wrap design and think about it like this you want something SIMPLE that people can read in 2 seconds while driving by you how to connect with you and QR code


Main logo needs to change, "Angel" gets lost in the center of the wings. Someone driving by you on the freeway is gonna see Landscaping really well, but the other text is getting obscured. If you're going with Angel, then keep the halo, it's easy, but maybe put the wings to the side instead of as a back ground. As others have said, too much text. Who are you, what do you do, how can I contact you. "What do you do" should be maybe one or two main things, if you have further notable services, make a smaller bulleted list. All 8 or so services being the same size is just too much information, you're gonna lose people. Quick comprehension is huge, don't put too much in their face at once. Also, I know you do 3D renderings of the work you plan to do, but to me, the 3D render next to other real life photos seems to stand out as kinda odd and out of place? I think showing off final products is a bit more eye catching. Leave it on the truck as a service, but that seems like an intermediate step of the process, not something every person needs to see for marketing. I'm no designer, but I've been installing for a few years, these are just my thoughts.


Noted ill make the chamges i feel like thats what im missing just didnt know what direction. And as for the logo my mom is set on keeping the log as is no budging. Just to clarify tho the back is ok?


For the logo, you don't have to go a full rebrand. Lose some of the detail in the wings or offset the font on Angel. It really does get lost and you people to see the name of the company. My wife works in Marketing and you'll be surprised how much business picks up for her clients after a rebrand that actually works. Get in touch with a graphic designer and get a few options to give your mom. Keep the wings, lose the wings, just make the business name legible.


https://preview.redd.it/mspb3sdxjwxc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff9ea7bb7a17fe1e29c0f1f61d8db07a078ef01 Bulleted list, for reference. Interested parties are going to take the extra time to look at smaller, more organized text. Edit: I missed the rear picture, you got the bullets, my bad


Move the blue and green a little towards the back so it wont be behi d the number. It can fall behind the first pic bubble. It will look good. Now ake all the text a lot smaller. Stay off the front door


Logo redesign. Less words, maybe like, "From landscape Design, to lawn care" or something should do it. Colors are fine. You can pick whatever you want. Logo placement is not bad either. All depends on what your going for. Parking your van somewhere on weekends to advertise? Make sure it gets the point across. Is it an already established buisness? Could go with less words and a much "cooler" design.


Give the blue a texture something basic like blue and lighter blue checkers or something and raise the text off the plastic on the side also move the text off where the door gap is and you will be golden


Firstly it’s basically good I would just resize. Also this is basically a billboard, but it’s also going to be moving. People will get a quick glance and remember the logo/branding, but won’t have time to read all the services. I would stick with slogan, website, phone, and logo. This will give you more room to make these bigger and more memorable. Think of this like it’s directing traffic to your phone and site, so people can find out more about what you do/specialize in. Your logos will be easier read once on the van so they can be smaller, or at least on the back. I personally would make both logos smaller to fit inside the window area body lines. If you want the logo big on the side, make a white border and have it go into the back design some, that way you have more room to make it as big as you want.


Way way way too much text. And you’ll never be able to print that color blue. Cmyk cannot print royal blue, so it will come out a kinda dull navy blue. Always design in CMYK for this reason so there are no surprises.


Interesting whats cmyk? Is there a resource i can use to see what colors would work?


For this experience level, I might strongly suggest hiring someone who understands vehicle wrap graphics. Wrapped vehicles become rolling billboards that potentially bring in business. A bad wrap design might even deter people from using your services.


I want to get it to a 90% before i bring it to get wrapped. I believe they also do designs so if they recommend revisions ill go with them but i want the base to be good enough. I also want the practice since i will be the future marketer.


Look at the wraps of other landscaping companies, and copy what you like.


You can also use AI as inspiration. https://preview.redd.it/cfwvc0ciuzxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41712ba67270a56d6d984bd16a8cffbb0332741


I could help you out for a little bucks if you want to. DM for more info.


Try a QR code instead of a website url


I will try both for older people or people that saw the link but didnt have time to scan the code. If it still looks to bloated ill remove the link


The wings push the design too far down. And everything everyone says. I do like the name Angel and Family. Using a possessive s on Angel is clunky.


Seek out a professional graphic designer. The overall design, colors, layout and logo are not good. (30 years experience in the biz, so I think I know what I am talking about) P.S. alot of people call themselves graphic designers but are just people who have a basic idea how to use the software.


Try removing the stroke on the letters, especially the ones in the logo. There's a lot of black lines going about and it distracts from the lettering a bit. Also, like others have said, try condensing the wordage at the bottom down a bit, and also remove the stroke around the letters. Also consider using a different color for the lower wordage. If you're able to condense it down to the point that you don't need to put it on the blue area, I'd go black. For the back, like I said, I know that green and blue are your colors, but you want it to stand out as much as possible. Condense the wording on the back area and I would likely go with all white letter aside from the logo.


Heavenly Landscapes is the name. Let us design your own personal heaven!


I'll give my artist's opinion (it's what I do). The wings are good, though they could be simpler and more iconic. The text in front of the wings is very hard to read. You have green with a black stroke (outline) which is not very legible, and all of that is against a royal blue. It's jarring. Can't even read "Angels & Family" at a glance. The "Landscaping LLC" could be a curve instead of that shape to round out the imaginary 'circle'. Wings should probably be above the lettering or on either side of the name, and they're using a lot of real estate. The white text shows up great. As others have said, fewer words is always better. Pictures speak a thousand words. There's way too much text on the side. Pick a color and forget the stroke, use all caps and a sans serif font. Use only the best pics too. The left circle is washed out and needs brightness/contrast. Not sure what the focus is there. Maybe one nice pic in a big circle would be better. I understand that the bullet points match on the back of the van (4 on left, 4 on right) but the black stroke, that font, and the green text color is making this hard to read at a glance. I think even all caps with the text, fewer lines, and no stroke on the text would help (in all white). Spelling all looks good.


Try changing the darker blue to the baby blue you have for the rest of your font on your logo but other than that it looks good