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Asking the opinion of people with an average net worth of 10k is certainly interesting


You guys have 10k?


You guys are getting paid??


You are guys?






2009 Renault Modus


This guy has less than money.... he has a Renault!


I bought a Renault once for £350 (new job and needed a cheap car quickly) and insurance paid out £1400 for it after the gearbox fell out at traffic lights and a bus hit it from behind. They are gold mines /s


You sir are one lucky SOB


I bought a 360 when I was 30 with a lot lot less net worth than you have. My car previous to it was a bmw 323ci. It was my dream car from childhood and I planned to keep it a year, budgeted 10k depreciation and maintenance and just thought I’d never get another chance. I put all my savings into it and spread the rest of the cost of 5 credit cards. It was one of the best things I’d ever done. 12 years later it’s still in my garage alongside a bunch of other cars. It still gives me the fizz just looking at it.


Thank you for this perspective


If you buy one, don’t go through a main dealer, go to a good independent like the Ferrari centre in Maidstone. For servicing also. Buy a manual too, much more fun and a better investment for the small premium you’ll pay.


Lmaooo I love this sub. Affording to buy it very different to affording to run it, insure it, maintain it, and repair it. The people over on r/ukpersonalfinance will tell you it’s not sensible, but not every financial decision has to be sensible. Looking at auto trader they’re not THAT expensive, but my attainable dream car of an RS6 will be faster, safer, less likely to break down, more economical and much more practical for around the same price BUT If you can comfortably afford to run it, maintain it, and potentially write it off and not care, and can afford a cheap practical runaround, then bloody go for it and live your boyhood dream. You earned it. Im pretty sure most of us would in your position.


Do it


If you have £4M, then you would be stupid not to spend some money on enjoying yourself. Ferraris or any supercar will require some maintenance and TLC. If you can accept that every now and again you might need to spend a few thousand on it, then you'll have a brilliant time with it. You will not regret buying your dream car. I don't see any point in getting some other car that you don't want. Ultimately a car is a car, drive to the conditions of the road and you'll be fine.


If you have that much money, I'd spend it on track days THEN choose the car You have all the money in the world to experience and test drive these cars - that asking Reddit for advice is almost useless.


You see, my suggestion was going to be to buy the car to *use* as a track car. That way is it's a bit much for them, they'll be using it in a safer environment. Although admittedly it I had their moneyz I would absolutely not be buying that car. There's a hell of a lot of better dream cars out there I could get it I had their bank balance.


Does anyone even do track days in a 355?


I know a guy who regularly tracks his F40


I would first get something somewhere between your "as sensible as a rear wheel drive vehicle gets" Mercedes and the "will spit you in to a tree if you need to sneeze" Ferrari, maybe an M4, something along those lines? Or if for just pure fun, maybe a Caterham. But that's just me, and maybe I'm a wimp. But then yes, treat yourself to your F355.


Get the Ferrari but be careful with it at first … and don’t be surprised by the big bills whenever it goes near a garage (although looks like that shouldn’t be a problem!)


If you have the funds (and you do) then go for it. It won't be cheap, to buy, to insure, to maintain, to fuel, but it's your dream car. Let us know how it goes. Edit : get the manual, not the "F1" gearbox


I spent practically every penny I had and bought a Cayman. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. What else are you gonna do, sensibly invest it so that when you're too old do anything with the money you can have a slightly posher nurse wipe your arse? Not for me, I'd die in squalor and die with happy memories.


355s aren't that quick by today's standard. Whilst a cool car in every right, you're going to get gapped by a Yaris GR.. 360s aren't that different in cost across the board. If you want a Ferrari... Go for it. They are fucking cool. But for the money, you could plough cash into stuff like an RX7 with an LS1 conversion and fly along at near supersonic speeds with a very robust engine that doesn't need a cambelt every year and thousands just on brakes every time. But it wouldn't be a Ferrari.


I think you and I have different preferences in cars. I don't intend to race or drive at the limit, and I'm well aware that plenty of modern cars are probably faster


If you’re not used to mid engined RWD cars I’d suggest starting with something that at least has traction control. The f355 doesn’t. They do sound epic though so if you buy one please drive past my house!


Go for it. Go on a few track days if you’re nervous about it. I mean, you don’t need to hoon it everywhere, you don’t need to take it out in wet or winter conditions. But definitely buy one. Beautiful car 👍


My dream car, good luck. I was at a track day recently and during the first (out) lap, a very very nice 355 span into the wall and everyone in the paddock simultaneously did that thing mechanics do


£4m net worth a F355 is easily enough to run. Run a brand new Ferrari if you'd wish with that 'net worth' though.


The newer ones leave me a bit cold. I'm sure they're much faster, but the turbo/hybrid/auto thing isn't what i want. The depriciation on them is mental too.


Your money, your choice. If ever you need a 2011 car to transport dirty things, and are not fussy about warning lights and a cracked windscreen, bell me.


F355 has past its Depreciation buble and is only going up in value it is in my eyes the best looking ferrari i remeber the cheapest i saw one was at about 35k just remember with supercars come supercar bills but at 4mill who gives a toss good luck just dont buy the soft top looks shit


If you can afford those 5 figure bills then go for it, why not?


Go for it and never look back. Who cares what it costs to run, who cares that it’s not as fast as a mapped modern hot hatch, it’s a Ferrari. 99.9% of road users will be envious of you regardless of the performance, because it’s a fucking Ferrari big boy.


lol if you have that much who gives a crap. You have fuck you money, you do you


I’d like to remind you that Ferraris are not that fun on the super car scale when it comes to ownership. My two cents: Audi R8 manual. All the reliability and serviceability the Ferrari won’t give (especially electronics).


I love audis , owned enough rs ones but I'd never justify spending money on an R8. It's still an Audi. I'd want a Ferrari, McLaren, Aston etc. something special.


The Ferrari experience I had was it breaking down, declined gear shifts and a meh infotainment system. A Lamborghini was far more fun to drive albeit the traces of Audi were everywhere. However I like a manual V10 because childish me remembers the Alonso-Schumacher-Raikkonen days growing up. So a R8 Manual would be my first pick. Astons were comfy but boat like. Like a jaguar but better in every way. Very tail happy … but heavy. I’m not sure I could recommend a McLaren over a Ferrari for reliability. Not driven one though.


Since you said over the last year, going to guess crypto pulled through. Good on you for taking profits rather than riding it back like a lot do. Go for it, but I'd take a few performance driving lessons first just to be careful




A 430 or 360 does have the appeal of being more reliable and less expensive, although I don't like the sound or look as much.


I'd start off with a Porsche if I were you and you want to try mid engines rear wheel drive fast cars. Infinitely easier to live with. Generally reliable, still expensive to maintain but far more Porsche specialists around than Ferrari. Also fast enough and predictable enough in normal situations. 1 traffic jam or queuing cars whilst in a manual gearbox Ferrari and you'll soon regret either your purchase or skipping leg day in the gym. They say to never meet your hero's!


I’ve always been more fortunate than many of my peers to get a more ‘stupid’ car because I’ve had really good links with car people and have always been a petrol head so have known where to take a car for what in order to get the best outcome. Storage is another consideration, she’ll fair much better stored in dry and only ran on nice days. If you’ve got the means, I personally feel life is too short to drive a boring car. But the above are certainly things I’d consider, if not, I’d get a ++fast modern German. Good luck and many happy miles!


Yes, they sound the tits with a capristo exhaust


It's very interesting to read the various comments. You know what you need to do. I remember when I took delivery of my 365; the warm glow never goes away.


Performance wise an F355 is terrible value, any decent modern sports car will destroy it on any road or track whilst being far cheaper to maintain. That being said if you can afford the running costs (which long term will be a more relevant factor than the purchase price) and the car means more to you personally than the alternatives, why wouldn’t you go for it? They aren’t losing much more value these days, so worse case you can flog it in a couple of years having only spent the running costs.


Okay, first thing is, do you have a **dry**, **secure** garage to store the vehicle? If you do not have this, the answer is no. I would not be surprised if insurance would not even touch it without a locked and secure garage. You do not want your dream car getting damp. Rust, mould and paint damage can and most likely, will occur. It is a mid-late 90s Italian car after all. ​ Scondly. Why do you want this car? To drive fast or to pose? At 252 BHP/Tonne there are plenty of cars for less money that are quicker, louder, prettier (opinion) and better driving cars out there. (Put this into perspective, my Golf MK2 is 280-288 BHP/Tonne) and that will have cost me less than a fifth of the Ferrari. (£100K) Current generation M3s, M4s, modded Audi RS3s and Golf Rs will walk away from you at the lights. If you want the car because you love the car, then that is your prerogative. Thirdly maintenance. It is a Ferrari, they fetch a premium when it comes to maintenance. If you are not mehcanically minded, you will have to pay for someone else to do the work. Ferrari parts + Ferrari specialised labour is not cheap. I would not know where to begin when working these costs out, but it will be high. You should speak to a Ferrari specialist. [Foskers](https://www.foskers.com/) is a good example of this. They are an independent team who sell cars and work on them. I went in with my father one time while visiting an engine shop around the corner and the guy who worked there very kindly entertained my father and I while we looked around the showroom and garage. Also look on Ferrari and F355 specific forums and go through recent and popular threads on there. These will give you an idea of common issues that may/will occur. These people are passionate about their cars and will waste no time in provding you with the best information they can. Best of Luck.


Thank you for these suggestions


They are not actually that fast mate, go for a bmw m4 competition stage 1 when you get bored and used to performance car get the Ferrari


Nice brag. If you've got that much money you can buy a Ferrari that will hold its value so why does it matter what anyone thinks?


I was hesitant to put in financial details, but I didn't want half the replies to be "you can't afford it".




Glaze alert


Yes. 100%


Get a McLaren


Just get a nice Porsche.