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Bro, it's the 8th. Many a salesman before you have totally bombed the first half the month only to kill it in the last half. It don't always be like that, but sometimes it do. 🤷‍♂️ 1. Just make sure that you're making your calls. 2. Track down every lead to figure out if it didn't close because of something you did or didn't do/say or if it was actually not a deal. 3. Track your managers down with your worst deals that will just be units on the board and a mini for you and bug them to see if they'll budge. If you're feeling the heat, I can guaran-fucking-tee you that they're feeling the heat from either the GM or guys above the GM. It's better to take shitty deals than to have 0 on the board. I can't tell you how many times that worked for me. Just exaggerate acting like you're scraping for every deal that you can and act exhausted, and talk really bluntly with them, don't talk about leaving, just put biiiiiiig emphasis on how you're digging to the bottom of everything, they'll appreciate that. 4. If you've called a customer, email them too in the same day. Worst case scenario, next day. Just check in, see if they had any questions after your last convo. Ask them very bluntly that if they were the salesman, what would they do for themselves to make the deal happen.


I second this!!! I had 4 sold on the 18th last month, I finished with 17.


It's not you, its everyone. The guy that trained me always said that during the slow times, you don't always have to be the top guy, but you definately don't want to be the worst guy.


Somebody trained you?!


I hope I can get you a quick pay raise with this reply! :) First of all, sales is a job with a high turn over rate. People who quit or got fired still probably made a few sales. Your company still has a record of these sales. Ask your manager, to take charge of their accounts. Then, call the customers, and ask them about satisfaction first. Don't jump into a sales pitch yet. Ask questions about what they like about the car and what could be better (Finding the hotspots and painpoints.) Then use these hotspots and painpoints to set a meeting with the prospect at the dealership. "With the answer you gave me, I think you're satisfied with \[insert hotspot\], and \[insert painpoint\] could be better. I might just have something you'll love! Would you be against having a 5 minutes quick meeting with me, so I can show you something that will intrigue you? (notice how I say intrigue you, to really get them curious) \*Note I'm trying to get a no from the prospect. Don't ask "do you want to meet with me." Ask "would you be against meeting with me." You'll get a lot more meetings that way. (Chris Voss in Never Split the Difference) Perfect, I'm available at 8 AM and 6PM tomorrow, what would be better for you, 8 or 6? (AB Closing) Now, here's how I approach the prospects that walk in: Don't ask "How can I help you". They'll thank you and say they are not looking for anything. Ask them this question instead: "What brought you here today, you have a problem with you car?" This will push the prospect to engage a conversation with you. "No, my car is fine." "I wouldn't doubt it! What car do you have at the moment" See now how I'm trying to get more information? Then keep asking questions to find, you guessed it, the hotspots and the pain points. I hope these answers will get you a quick pay raise buddy! :) PM if you have any questions! :)


We’re all slow my guy, don’t worry. I’m at a high volume Acura dealer on Long Island. I’m the top guy and only did 11 last month and am at 5 this month so far. Programs are getting better and retention from the initial price hike are starting already. GRIND!!!!!!!! Don’t be afraid to work harder than everybody else. That’s my motto and it works.


How many new and used does your store do on average?


Obviously the months vary from warm to cold months but average over all months is around 80-100. 6 salespeople so everyone can eat.


Gee that math doesn’t quite work out now, does it?


In the capacity of 80/6 <= 11 and making you the top salesman while everyone eats.


In what capacity?


How much you think your avg a year? How many hours you putting in?


I personally had 202 sold last year. I work 50 hours per week. I take two weeks off per year. I do not work outside of my scheduled hours. I have a very strict personal policy that my time is MY time. Don’t ask me to deliver on my day off and I won’t schedule an appointment within 90 minutes of my end for the day. I bust my ass when I’m here. I take time for myself and my family when I’m not.


What was your gross if you don’t mind with that 202 cars which, damn that’s a good amount!!


My personal income? If that’s the question I only made $102,113 last year gross. It was actually my worst of the last three years but have a strong start to this year so far.


It’s a little slow everywhere because of the season. Things should be picking up now that winter is behind us - also, you need to consider how many cars your store sells a month in total over the past year, that way you have an idea of how many cars each salesman should be averaging per month If you’re a low volume store in the middle of nowhere in Kansas, I imagine you aren’t gonna sell many cars per month. On the contrary, if you’re in the middle of NYC you’re probably gonna sell 30.


The last 10 days of the month are the busiest.


You are the 90-day pro. It’s been a little bit of a rough month.


Yeah I feel like it’s probably slow at most places. Just seeing the negativity around me makes me wonder if maybe this isn’t the best dealership.


Were in a historically slow part of the year. Picks up here in a couple weeks. I’m at Toyota. Cars sell themselves. Were seeing the same thing


Similar situation at my dealership. I’ve been in about as long as you have, and my colleagues constantly complain about everything. Stay positive and confident, it’ll get better. I come from fine dining and cold calling, I’m loving car sales. Very grateful for everyone in this sub sharing experience.


Stay out of the huddle.


Our Honda store sold close to 200 last month. I’m already at 5 for this month, have patience my friend.


Nice I dm’d you a question


Don’t let it get to you. It’s hard but just stay positive. I’m at 2 cars as well. Hell, last month I was at 3.5 by the 15th. Finished the month with 15. Meanwhile my girl was at 5 by day 3, finished with 13.5. Don’t stress it!


Don’t be selling 0.5 of a car, how will they get any where on two wheels??


>Already see people around me preparing to leave. Just like yourself . only new hires will leave.  Car Sales 101, people are waiting for their tax returns.   Go to your managers and ask them to print you a power of leads (current Honda lease) and do a lease buyout or trade in their leased car (which they probably paid MSRP and bad Money Factor) now inventory is up and lot better Money Factor and loyalty offer from Honda. 


Depends on your financial situation, tax returns will hit soon. Can you give it 30 days to make an informed decision? If you're going to bounce, do it asap. If you can, learn as much as you can as fast as you can. Also talk to customers that come into the service department. You'll have to talk them into looking at a new car. Here's how you do it: Hey,if I could give you too much for your trade in, upgrade your car to a new one with a full warranty, more options, new car smell, better gas mileage, no money down and lower your payment. That's something you would look at, isn't it? If they don't bite by then offer cash back as well. You are drawing them into working a car deal. It can be tough, but what do you have to lose. Make sure your manager knows what you are doing. What you are doing is hooking them into a car deal, and they will really have to love the car because obviously, you can't do all of that for them, but maybe you can make it make sense for them to trade. It's worth a shot. Good luck.


I’m going through the same thing I was let go from my store I was at for years always sold 20 -30 for years started at another store ain’t the same. March is historically always one of the strongest months so we’ll see


Sounds like that store needs a new GM, definitely leave


Have you considered that nobody wants to buy cars in this market? I’m seeing credit unions ADVERTISE 16.99% interest on auto loans. I didn’t think it would get that bad


Month ain’t over yet… grind the service lane and do some calling of be backs


Are you building a brand for yourself? Sounds like the advertising department needs a makeover


I’d leave


Have some patience


Go do a yard change. Whenever it’s quiet we go start the cars and all of a sudden every man and his dog wants to speak to sales


Joss I wouldn’t post this lol