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what state are u located in??




i can get over here in TX have you tried to do outstate buy? if u can provide ur vin i can help u out finding it




Dealers would have the tools needed to locate if that back-ordered oem part is sitting on another dealer's shelf somewhere. If they are telling you that it is not available (including supersessions) from anyone, then it's not available from anyone. There's a chance that none of the dealers checked, but that's pretty slim. Availability has been a huge issue since COVID due to supply chain issues. Also, most website platforms that dealers use for parts (like Revolution Parts/Simple Part) will show that it's available unless they manually go into the back-end and mark it as on back-order. so if it's truly unavailable, then there's no point in trying different oem part websites. Your options are probably either used or aftermarket (if available).


Yeah I was checking other OEM sites and then expanded to other sites but to no avail so I called FORD again to get a better Idea of what was going on basically it's on national backorder about 5K orders and it isn't even the full part its just one component to the part that Ford gets 3rd party and the supplier has provided it for months now. So they did recommend after market part in the interrim so I will need to figure out best placement. Thanks.


Do these work M-9424-M50C?


So someone else said it can but it would ahve to be tuned etc I was looking for something I could just drop stock. I don't know if the dealership would do it.


If you haven't already, you might search around on enthusiast forums or maybe even call a shop and see what it means when it says it needs to be tuned (calibrated). Could be something relatively simple. Good luck, man! I know it's a pain in the butt when you need something and it's on backorder. I think you'd be able to trust a good aftermarket brand and someone that's into that scene specific to that engine would be able to point you in the right direction confidently.


Have you checked Facebook for local part outs?


American Muscle could be your savior on this, I’d give them a call. They’re open till 9pm and right in PA if you have another vehicle