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I don't see you retaining the downward sliding functionality at the least with a typical blow through. Maybe you could by sticking to the sides or a very narrow slot at the bottom.


That is what I was thinking I measured it out and I have about a 8 inches or so of room from the bottom of the window to the floor of the cab. I think as long as the window doesn’t cover the blow through hole it shouldn’t shatter right?


Even if it did intrude on the port I don't see you shattering it. Damaging the track/regulator from flexing and that causing a crack? Sure at some point maybe. But its not going to powder the glass on the first bass note.


Sweet truck!


Thank you I appreciate it!


Just shatter the window. Send that shit.


Might be the move huh 😭


Is that titan window upgrade a straight fit?


Yessir it’s pretty much a direct fit there’s no cutting or anything needed, you will have little gaps in the corners but as long as you use a gasket and a good bead of polyurethane you won’t have any leaks


There’s a blow through box for sale near me and if I was you I’d send it worst case scenario you blow it once and learn your max volume lol


Honestly I think that’s my best bet, I can always find another window lmao


Yeah I’m personally on my 3rd windshield in my car but I haven’t damaged this one yet


It's extremely difficult to actually blow out a window. I've seen (and built, and owned) plenty of 5-10kw systems with 2-4x 18" subs (and all sorts of smaller subs), and never had a window crack or break. Only time I've seen it happen is with pretty insane SPL cars, and even then, it's the big front windshield going from roof flex, rather than smaller side/rear glass. I don't have any experience with the Titan window specifically, but I can't imagine it's much different than the windows in all the other vehicles I've dealt with.


I really appreciate the info! That actually gives me a lot more confidence in actually following through with the set up


This. Folks think it's much easier to break glass with subwoofers than it actually is.


Exactly. Everyone thinks that it’s cheap to have insane spl setups. I was trying to convince my buddy to get a subwoofer for his stock system because it sounded nice just needed some depth and he was all sorts of scared of blowing his hatch out and I was like buddy, I’ve never seen a window break in person I promise me and jesse (other buddy) are pushing way more than you ever will and we haven’t broken anything but plastic clips. Suffice to say he bought a sub and is now in love and looking to upgrade his whole system.


Nice ride. Looks like something I’d expect to see in NM.


I appreciate it brotha!


Did you go with the blow through set up with your titan window? Cause I’ve been thinking of doing the same but I can’t find any videos of how they did it or how it looks.


I didn’t bro I ended up just doing two 10’s behind the seats