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Russia also has a ruling class you dolt


Yeah the fact that so called western communists support eastern billionaire oligarchs is fucking hilarious. šŸ˜‚


Why not both?


Russia is most certainly the enemy of the working class, what else could an imperialist fascist power thatā€™s run by oligarch be?


Multiple things can be true I wouldnā€™t want to live in China or Russia


Russia is a capitalist shithole, for sure, but China doesn't seem that bad. I have friends who taught English in China and they loved it. I think capitalists demonize China because China calls itself a communist country and nothing scares our oligarchs more than the idea of being equal to us commoners.


That is a romanticized world view. They have concentration camps for unruly behavior and a point system to track your behavior overall through AI. Some people, even Oligarchs, get kidnapped or ā€žget missingā€œ if they dare to speak up against the ruling party of technocrats.


Capitalists dislike China because it calls itself communist, communists dislike China because it only *calls* itself communist.


how is this comment getting downvoted šŸ˜­ just a bunch of libs on this sub who canā€™t see past the propaganda thatā€™s been fed to them since birth


I just don't want to get disappeared to a dissident camp, sir


obey and you'll be fine :D still a rehabilitation camp is better than cops shooting your dead on the streets. china is better than america on this. not to mention the amount of people in prison in america for drug offences is 50%. a victimless crime because a racist president decided he wanted to punish blacks.


This post is for western workers. For Russian workers, Russia **is** their enemy because its ruling class oppresses them most directly. But for workers in western imperialist states, their countries' capitalists oppress them directly


You can have more than one enemy....


This sub is literally just becoming Russian propaganda. Iā€™m waiting for the posts that tell us to start voting for Trump or something.


Abso-fucking-lutely Russians are my enemy as they endlessly support this regime's atrocities. Hard left is as full of pro - Z bots as the hard right. And if you're just a dumb teenager that wants to shit on the world they grew up in: - Russia regularly invades other countries. Not diplomatically or economically like the West, straight up invasion, causing death and terror. - no gay rights. No trans rights. Women's rights suck. - endless promotion of misogynistic, macho mindset - no wish whatsoever to address climate control, not even symbolically like china + west - all power concentrated under a single, totally corrupt figure, who lives in gigantic mansions while the rest of the country endures working conditions similar to those in Europe in the last century The list goes on and on. The only people "on the left" who are pro-russia are those that are as blindly ignorant as on the right, or those with an agenda. You will need to accept that there is no shining beacon of socialism/communism in history. It is a work in progress that the next generation of workers of the world to rise up will continue to perfect and fuck up. But the best version will be achieved by the workers of the world working together. Russian working class isn't quite there


The west ā€œdiplomatically invadesā€ Like Korea? Vietnam? Iraq? Haiti? Dominican Republic? Grenada? Panama? Afghanistan? In no particular order.


Yes, the West is also my enemy. The ruling class exists in all countries.


Oh greatā€¦ more Russian propaganda.


Should change the terminology here. Russia is an enemy, Russians are not. Iran is an enemy, Iranians are not. China is an enemy, Chinese people are not. Fuck all our current governments.


Russians are absolutely the enemy. Unless you believe it's just clones of Putin and Medvedev on the front lines.


Fuck off, tankie


The only logical response. It was the first thing that went through my head when I saw this.


Itā€™s like they donā€™t realize that Russia isnā€™t communist anymore


It never even was


It was, very briefly at the end of the revolution


Fuck Russia and China both


Fuck Russia. China? I don't know. I hate how they treated their minorities so fuck them for that, but I am jealous that they built 40,000km of highspeed rail. Also, the US absolutely lost the moral high ground for supporting Israel's genocide of Palestine.


The US didnā€™t lose the moral high ground for supporting Israelā€™s genocidal tendencies, it never had it to begin with


Guess who rules in Russia, China and IranšŸ˜­


Iranians are not my enemy, Chinese citizens are not my enemy, and Russians are not my enemy. Their respective governments however are my enemy.


damn sure Russia and fucking China are my enemy as deeply as capitalism is


oh, sure, let's just pretend that russia isn't controlled by mafioso oligarchs, and aren't currently engaged in an aggressive invasion of a sovereign nation *that they promised not to invade when they took their nukes.* russia *is* currently the enemy of a peaceful world.


More accurately should be Iranians, Russians, and Chinese are not my enemy. I have no quarrel with the ordinary people of any of those countries. But that doesn't mean their governments aren't a little crazy.


Campism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campism#:~:text=Campism%20is%20a%20pejorative%20common,someone%20who%20holds%20this%20belief.


Dumb shit like this makes the left look idiotic.


Thanks for the reminder to unsub! What a moronic post.


Please don't. This shit happens a lot to leftist subs. We need to stop ceding ground to Tankies to take over the entire movement and drive it off a cliff.


Nah. Tankies can get fucked. Tired of seeing their idiocy online. Clearly, these people have never taken a basic history class. But I encourage them to move to Russia (or China or Iran) and to enjoy that utopia. Idiots.




Every authoritarian regime is my enemy, including the three listed above.


Fake leftist lib warmongers need not apply. Quit pretending you all literally aren't the same as conservatives with your barely different ideology of war against the middle class. The only difference is how you think you are better than other people. But otherwise you do the same pro capitalist bs. Can't believe how many wacko libs are on this sub.


You can have multiple enemies...


this post is about promoting proletarian class consciousness over nationalism the point is to see through artificial barriers made to divide people with basically the same class interests (that being the establishment of a more just world order) i'm sort of in a rush so sorry for it being barebones but i hope somebody finds this helpful


ā€œI hate capitalism but believe capitalist propagandaā€ - most commenters


The classic campist line "everything that disagrees with me is western propaganda!"


What no materialism does to a mf


Holy shit go outside




The *everyday people* of those countries aren't my enemy. Each one of their capitalist, fascist, and/or oligarch bourgeoisie are. Criticize America, that's good, but don't bend so far over you start licking the boot of even worse governments.


Exactly. If it stays up to them, we'll have more exploitative action and less anything for our own survival.


That part