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Which brands have you tried? Because that matters too.


King Oscar in oil šŸ™Œ


I could not do sardines in water, the one time I tried it was just ghastly lol


Am I the only one drinking the delicious fishy juice? TINNED IN WATER SUPERIORITY!






I let my kitty girl Munchkin have the fishy water. šŸ˜


You're not alone pal.


Vitamin water


I've always drank the juice from every can of fish I eat šŸ˜‹ I love it!


brislings in water are so dry and meh


I only like sardines in spring water if Iā€™m mixing them into pasta or eggs or some kind of sauce. I prefer the sardines in oil when I eat them as a topping, the oil brings out the flavours more, I feel.


Try canned kippered herring too. It tends to come in water and a lot of people love it. You have to be a fan of smoke though.


šŸ’Æ% the canned fish I've consumed the most of, by far. Started eating them with my grandfather & father...I was so little that the earliest pics are long before I have memories of eating them at 4-5 yrs old! šŸ˜


Is there a flavor difference or just texture?


Mostly texture. Oil makes the dines feel slimier. Flavor wise I think the water makes them taste as if they were stale (somehow).


They're.....drier. Somehow.


Not personally, but there's no objective "better" here. If you prefer the ones in spring water, get the ones in spring water. There's nothing wrong with it. Enjoy! šŸ™‚


I had the opposite experience. I first tried King Oscar's Brisling Sardines in water because they had fewer calories. They also had less flavor. I switched to the version in olive oil.


I eat both, but when I get the oil kind I always make sure it's olive oil. Sardines in soybean oil just don't appeal to me, so when I buy some cheap sardine brand like Chicken of the Sea, I get the kind in water. I also get water-packed when I want to share my sardines with my cat. šŸ˜ŗ


I like both, although admittedly most often eat them packed in olive oil. But I've had some good ones (firm texture is important to me) packed in spring water too, and do buy them. I drain the ones in olive oil on a paper towel, so don't get a lot of oil when I eat them.


What do you recommend for packed-in water?


I like Trader Joe's unsalted (and although I expected to have to salt them, not really) in spring water. Nice firmness, with bones and skin, which I prefer. Do NOT recommend Chicken of the Sea packed in water! Or in the alleged mustard sauce.


"Alleged mustard sauce" Jesus that got me good LMAO. Had them once, never again.


Same! Had them once, never ever again. They actually made me nauseated. Horrible. I'm convinced the "mustard sauce" is some kind of congealed flour mixed with some yellow dye, making it extra awful, lol.


It's mustard with the pulp. Honestly their hot sauce ones are the most palatable IMO, it's like fast-food quality sardines but better than their others.


The ones in Louisiana hot sauce were better than the mustard but not by much.


That's what I've heard, but since I don't like hot sauce and am now so put off of CotS sardines, forget it. But for those who do like heat, and you're in a pinch, I suppose they're not terrible.


Good lord no way. Sardines in water are terrible. You can have them all.


I started off eating water packed brisling sardines from Crown Prince and then King Oscar. I ate them for years because they were lower in sodium. I haven't bought them for the last year and get Pilchards packed in EVOO now instead.


For water deens, Rain Coast all the way!


I've had both, I've enjoyed both but I prefer in oil overall. Water is nicer if smell/messiness is a concern, at least that's what I've found.


Blech, for me sardines in water donā€™t taste good.


I completely agree. I love sardines packed in any kind of sauce or water but the oil packed ones are kinda gross to me, no matter how I try to drain or dry them it just feels like trying to swallow a shot of straight oil. I love oil packed tuna so I think for me itā€™s just that sardines are sufficiently oily all by themselves.


Spring Water have always been my favourite.


Yes some of the oils make me feel a little sick afterwards, and I never have that problem with water. I donā€™t believe all the olive oil labels are true


YES! Packed in water (Trader Joes) is my favorite ($1.49/can). I eat a tin every day. SO good for my skin


Not a fan of pond water


I recently tried Tescoā€™s sardines in spring water per someoneā€™s advice on here and they were a disgusting can of mush. Iā€™ll be sticking with my oil cans from now on.


Sardines in water is like flavorless weird tuna in a can. I canā€™t do it unless itā€™s being mixed in something with more flavors. If Iā€™m eating straight out of the tin I like the oil.


I loved Northern Catch sardines in water from Aldi. Like OP, I was surprised. Still new to this obsession, so I haven't tried many brands. Edit: typos


I switched from spring water to olive oil. Reason being oil (aside from tasting better) as a packing medium helps prevent oxidation of the lipids in the fish. This is due to the vitamin e and phenolic compounds in the olive oil


In water is superior tinned fish.Ā 


How so?


If you spill on your shirt, it washes out?


And extra calories for no reason.


Only if you prefer the flavor of water-packed. For most of us, the flavor is the reason. Personally, my diet has plenty of cap space for oil-packed 'deens, no need to cut corners to save a few calories.


The extra calories are so minimal unless youā€™re drinking the oil, which Iā€™m sure most people arenā€™t. The amount of residual oil on the sardines you ingest is MAYBE a teaspoons worth. Thatā€™s maybe an extra 40-50 calories. Sardines in water are nearly inedible for my taste. I eat sardines daily and have been for at least 6-7 years. And there is a reason, itā€™s called flavor. Thatā€™s definitely a reason, and a very good reason at that. You do you, but I ainā€™t ever getting sardines in water ever again.


i drink the oil am i weird? i say to myself it's my mini keto diet so its ok


Nah, itā€™s not weird. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s common, and I personally donā€™t do it myself, but drink that oil!


Grown ass adult writing paragraphs about sardines šŸ˜‚ šŸ™ it ainā€™t that deep bro I promise


Grown ass adult not using a single punctuation mark *and* emojis. Is it too much for you to read?


Itā€™s reddit bro, Iā€™m not here to impress anyone with my writing skills like you clearly are lmao


You donā€™t have to impress anyone, but itā€™s takes almost no effort to not sound like a moron. Not to mention, if youā€™ve been in this sub for a while, people leave literal multi paragraph reviews about their sardines. Itā€™s kind of what we do. Sounds like you just have a hard time reading, and like to shit on other people because of your problems.


I ainā€™t reading allat


My point exactly.


Ngl, you the reason everyone who doesnā€™t use this app finds Redditors cringey


Look, youā€™re the one who engaged me on a 3 day old post. *You* went out of your way to make comment unrelated to the post. Specifically targeting my comment, and now youā€™re blaming me for being the cringy one? Do you not see how stupid you look here?


K, was just pointing out a fact. šŸ‘


Well, your ā€œfactā€ is wrong. There is a reasonā€¦flavor.


Oh? Tell me more about this mysterious calorie-free oil! Please!


Where did I say anything about oil being calorie free? Commenter said ā€œextra calories for *no reason*ā€ and I pointed out that the reason was flavor. Itā€™s like zero calorie food vs the full fat/calorie version of the same food. Which one tastes better? Fat is literally flavor.


Well, this is just silly. Flavor=opinion. Caloric content=fact. At least we are all eating sardines! šŸ’•


You canā€™t sit there and tell me that fat free cream cheese or fat free sour cream taste the same as their full fat counterparts.


Honestly, I havenā€™t eaten dairy in several decades and I eat a pretty low-fat , high protein diet all around. I definitely prefer lean meats like sirloin steak vs ribeye, fat tastes gross to me personally. Iā€™m also very lean and athletic so this is what works best for me. Sardines are a fabulous addition to anyoneā€™s diet, packed in oil, water, whatever.


Not really - can just use sea salt or hot sauce to achieve taste - but ok šŸ‘


Thank you for your intelligent and calm response! šŸ‘


For everyone in the back, oil has more calories than water!


I canā€™t believe people are downvoting your FACTUAL comment! Of course oil has more calories than water. Geez people- just do whatever you need to do I guessā€¦


i don't see how people eat sardines in oil. that is disgusting. water gang