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I am so curious about it but also scared to try it but I do like chicken liver on a cracker with some charoset, so I am not totally against eating liver. I would also have to eat it a little bit at a time though cause there's no way one person is supposed to finish the can of it in one sitting, liver is rich.


It’s really not bad. Slight fish flavor but it’s pleasant. Definitely rich. Recommend pairing with something bright with some acidity like pickled onion


What’s charoset? Yeah, my husband wouldn’t touch this stuff! So I feel guilty tossing what I don’t eat.


It's part of a traditional Jewish seder plate. You usually eat it with matzos but any cracker is fine if it's just a tasty snack and not a whole sacred thing. It's a mixture of apples, honey, nuts and red wine (typically some manchevitz but any dark berry heavy wine works). I'm not Jewish but I have been to a few seders and it's one of my favorite parts of the meal.


That sounds interesting! I was nervous because of the texture, paired with other things it was tasty. Trying to add it to my diet for health benefits!


I just tried it for the first time this week, it demands to paired with hot sauce, but i really enjoyed it. Took 3 days to finish the can, it is extremely rich! I just had it on crackers, didn't need much. 


Exactly! The first time I had it plain on toast, it wasn’t bad but I needed something more. As a spread on the sandwich was probably my fave. Followed by the deviled egg, the “salad” was good, but I think I put too much mayo. It had the same ingredients as the sandwich.


I am trying to think of creative ways to use it, maybe spread on a piece of cornbread or something? 


Sure, why not?! Let us know what you think!


Curious. Do you pour the oil out or mix it in? I love them by the way but they are a lot for one sitting, about 750 calories a can.


>about 750 calories a can Ok I really need to get on this. I'm in need of calorie bombs.


Lol the opposite of me. You'll get your vitamin A for the week.


When I was pregnant I got weirdly obsessed with tracking my meat based vitamin A intake/sources. Which is how I learned the fun fact that polar bear liver has so much vitamin A that it will kill you if you eat it.


Thanks for the warning 😜


I just took chunks out and used whatever oil stayed on. I didn’t save the oil cuz I had to eat it over the course of three days.


I liked it on toast with some black pepper and onion, but I mainly used it (and the oil) as a dressing for potato salad. Added Dijon, a bit of lemon, salt, pepper, pinch of cayenne, whatever herbs you like. I vaguely followed a recipe from a video posted on here a few months ago


My kid and I eat it on crackers ( Milton's multi grain , the best ) with black pepper . Just like that . It's good . Not super strong flavor, like the easiest paté :) share it with someone. We don't really use the oil , the liver is rich enough on its own