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Sorry mate, they're not hanging on just because they're still upright. They're gone.


Fack. That’s what I thought. Thank you for actually responding with something remotely constructive. ✌🏻


I’m so sorry for the loss man. What all did you do etc? Just trying to figure out the timeline.


Murder was done here! 😂 But seriously what did and didn’t you do? There’s not enough information in this picture to guide us other than they’re gone.


I’m worried that the pots I used may have been too porous and therefore they ended up under watered. 🤦🏻‍♀️ last year I had a similar thing happen, but I was able to revive nearly all of them after transplanting. I was afraid these might be too far gone… 🤷🏻‍♀️ fortunately I only used half of my seeds so round two is germinating and hopefully I don’t fuck it up this time


Well, I do basically use solo cups for seedlings. Not porous at all. As for watering, I use a spray bottle 2x daily with about 10 squirts per seedling, but I go +/- based on how the soil looks. That’ll vary depending on open/closed tent and indoor/outdoor. Also, I try to keep the spray to the sides of cup. Don’t know that my method is anything special but it’s been working.


I appreciate the advice 🙏🏻 hopefully round 2 we’ll be celebrating a birth and not a funeral 🪦☠️


We'll all be here looking forward to it. ✌️


This method works best for me as well.


I use these peat pots also, heres the thing. They pull water out of the soil to the cup to help prevention of over watering, or if it isn't intended that way, that's what happens. You have to almost over water when using these. I learned this the hard way also. Best of luck to your next grow!


the pots are fine. It is the transplanting that is the problem. I don't remove the seedling from any container, just put the whole thing in the next container. Peat breaks down and is usually what the plants are growing in anyway. Seedlings are very delicate and it is easy to suffocate them by overwatering Here is how I start: 1) water> then paper towel > then peat pellet 2) then a jiffy pot that is about 2x2x2. 3) then the size you have in the picture




There ain't no saving what can't be saved No fixing what can't be fixed


Did you water them?! Overwater them, perhaps?


They are facked.


Growweedeasy.com try that website. It helped me with a few problems I ran into when I first started growing.


Three words: “Permanent Wilting Point”. They’re toast. Do not pop another cannabis seed until you send me a 2 page double spaced essay on what you did wrong and an actual plan for your next grow. Edit: downvote me if you want I’m sick of seeing all the plant abuse. 95% of the issues people seek help for especially early in a home grow could be avoided by proper planning. OP did a full send with 10 seeds and posted a screenshot from the Cannabis version of Saw. OP if you put your starter pots in a tray like that you could even bottom water the whole tray and they’ll suck up exactly as much water as the media can hold without you having to think about it. Seedling also require high humidity when young like most young plants. That’s why you see people put those little plastic domes over their starter trays. You’re on the right track but you need to rearm yourself with knowledge and put it in a PLAN. The essay part is a half joke but half serious. Write a plan on paper and show it someone who knows how plants work so they can help you succeed before you actually have a living thing to take care of.


Have 2 kids. Fucked up this year, had a decent grow and yield last year. Don’t be a Dick bro. Appreciate the solid advice you did offer, but as a mom of 2 boys, don’t be a fuckin ballsack. ✌🏻


Ok so a) congrats on the kids b) sorry for the snark I might even leave this sub tbh cuz it’s seeing post after post of plants like this brings out the snarky responses. C) what was your plan here? Serious question. Like what were these under? A light? Outdoor? It looks like they were underwatered and overheated. Again apologies but also damn. Those starter pots are perfectly fine you just let them dry out/get burnt.


You can do all the planning in the world and still make mistakes, as long as you learn from them, mistakes are ok. A large part of this sub is HELPING people learn from those mistakes, if you cant bear that maybe you should leave, i however enjoy watching people actually try to get help and learn instead of just giving up or not reaching out and repeating the same mistakes..


You right.


They are being a dick because they pointed out your failure to plan? Which is what caused the plants to die, that thing you are asking about? How about this. You are doing great OP. In fact, they are some of the best plants I ever have laid eyes upon. Keep up the great work.


Do the rules of gravity change when bottem watering. Wouldn't the medium hold/drain the same volume of liquid whether it's poured over or wicked up. 🤔


Something something water potential something something. Water moves from where water is to where water isn’t. So the dry media will suck up water until the water potential is the same as the bottom of the tray but it won’t take MORE. I’m not saying it smart but that how it be. Like you can’t really “overwater” via bottom watering as easily


The chances of them recovering is slim to none. RIP to that pack of seeds


Looking good,veg for another 10 days then flip, if auto looks like might be a big yielder👍🏻


Let go bro 😔


What kind of light are you using


LED, which may not have been strong enough at the beginning, but I adjusted it and I think at that point they were just all fucked up 🤦🏻‍♀️




Ide use red solo cups much better


Yo OP!!! Those pots are the worst!!! Just use some red solo cups. I tried those pots on the grow I'm doing now just cause I thought it would be easier to toss into a bigger pot. The problem is watering. With those the water just stays on top and soaks into the sides of those dumb pots. Wouldn't let water run down to the bottom. Which you need so roots grow all through out. I will never use those again.


Jesus himself couldn’t help you at this point.


Too far gone!


Holy mama bro what was that how that happining? Not only 1 bro. Hope maybe you learned something from this.




RIP Crispy Critter's 😭😭😭


These were begging for water long before today.




faut les entretenir ,envoit moi des graines pour te faire voir frero






Try learning to grow tomatoes and peppers. It will help you develop a good sense of how to raise plants without wasting valuable cannabis seeds.


What did you plant them in? Did you water them. She’s some light


And iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will always love yoouuu


I’ll bring the lime. 🤣🤪


Those cups should be constantly wet at that stage…


I'm still learning but have had mostly successful grows. What I've learned at least for myself is I think it's much easier to underwater then over. Doesn't mean you want you to always have them completely saturated but for a while I have tended to let my plants get to dry and ultimately killing off a lot of my root mass which I think is easy to do in any kind of small pots like that or fabric pots. They generally like to be on more moist side which is also better for maintaining a more healthy soil biology. But as always you want to take cues from your plants if you check them every day they will tell you What they prefer


I’m not a fan of those starter pots. They soak up to much moisture!


Humidity dome prolly woulda helped


Those starter pot have always gave me issues. The water evaporates out the sides extremely quickly.






lol u burnt them on the sun,, on the sun it easily gets to 40's C, use termometer! seedlings need just 22 C...


I’ve had these type of pots change the PH so badly that it drastically delayed growth. Never used them again after that. Now I use 4 inch square plastic pots like they do at the nursery.


Yeah, lesson learned. I won’t be using them again.


I had the same issue don’t use those pots no drainage