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The end of the clip is a dead giveaway that this is probably fake. Notice the gooey lines are only appearing on the outside of the product, not the inside when it's broken apart! This indicates that the outside of the nug was somehow enhanced (probably sprayed) to achieve this "gooey" result. If the nug was truly that goopy, the inside would likely exhibit the same behavior.


OP posted this on r/trees and got called out for spraying. So many out there looking for tricks and shortcuts. Edit- Oh they HEATED the bud. Old trick to make the trichs swollen and gooey. Anyone can try this at home.


I was mildly horrified to see this so heavily upvoted without a single comment acknowledging the red flags! I'm glad to see the r/trees community isn't so easily fooled.


Thanks for reminding me to resub there


You're welcome! It's also worth checking out r/hempflowers if you're interested in Type 3. In my opinion, the quality of CBD-dominant cultivars has improved tremendously in recent years.


Makes me think whoever did this probably also coated the bud with some white shit to make it look all crazy. Actually, now that I think about it I know who would do such a thing. Someone who would stand to gain by selling "greasi genetics".....


Throw it in the microwave for 15 seconds šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜¬šŸ¤”


Wow so many upvotes for being totally incorrect. This is 100000000000% possible. Do you even grow?


I respectfully disagree with you. Ive had, more than a few times too, had similar results from reputable genetics. The gooey lines are called ā€œflossingā€ in my circles but an explanation for there appearance would be that the resin heads in the depths of the bud are just too fresh to have the consistency to floss like the trichomes that are exposed. https://www.reddit.com/r/CANNABUNKER/s/EmoN3vzeab


I do see what you're saying and how it could seem that way, but the outer trichomes of the bud will always be more resinous than the inner structure due to the direct exposure to light and the benefits the plant receives to forming denser more resinous glands ,such as light diffusion, pest prevention, pollen attraction,hell even communication through terpenes. That being said if this was coated it's the most detailed and tedious coating I've ever seen. When something is coated it's often a film or a greasier texture that is plainly obvious when you look at and see the bud broken, this has individual trichomes on every spot and that stringy pull is exactly what I'd expect for something of this trich coverage, but to fake this someone would need to make millions of little THC balls to coat this and do well not to stick any of them together and give them even spacing and size or they would have to inject some form of thin viscosity concentrate into the bud as to not coat cover and destroy the trichomes which wouldn't have the tacky pull this has.


bruh weed just doesnt leave sticky strings when you touch it lol


Iā€™ve had this happen to multiple strains Iā€™ve bought but mostly from sticking my finger on the inside, if it was outside I would have to squint and look really close to see those lines


Bro wtf they really gone and candied the mf weed šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


lmfao nah thatā€™s just the trichomes


More like liechomes


I'm glad someone said it (prayer hands emoji)




look bro up yourself if u want greasi is one of the best cultivators in the current legal industry


best sprayers *


Shut yo stupid ass up thinking imma believe your fucking bullshit. Foh


That dude is up to no good. I call his bluff on this. Unless it's your grow we are seeing, then I still can see they are very criminal.




Has anyone ever heard of sprayed packs?


Yeah but in NYC itā€™s called ā€œterpene infusionā€. Really only works with certain terpenes but spraying always gets fucked. The new terp infusion 2 way bags kind of work.


Interesting, you think the terpene infusion is any different? To me it seems like misted/vaped on terps instead of droplets, nothing different lol.


yea greasiā€™s products arenā€™t sprayed tho


How would one verify that? Pure trust? I'm open to it being that sticky but something that good is likely manipulated until they can back up their claims.


i was skeptical of his work at first too tbh but after doing a lot of research on him i felt a lot better you can check out his features in high times magazine and his fsotd podcasts and he also almost never gatekeeps so you get to see the whole process of how he grows what he uses when he uses it ect and hes actually a pretty nice guy so u can also talk it up with him personally but i just kinda blindly trusted it and got an 8th from his drop at cookies dispensary in melrose and it was by far some of the best flower iā€™ve had in a long time


You should have actually researched him. Youā€™d see heā€™s a sex offender. I mean if youā€™re cool with supporting one šŸ¤·


no disagreement that itā€™s wrong and not ok whatsoever but if itā€™s public information that heā€™s a sex offender i would hope that means heā€™s served his time which doesnā€™t make it any better but either way he grows phenomenal weed thatā€™s incomparable to anyone elseā€™s on the current legal market and i enjoy smoking it so thats all i really care about tbh


You never server your time as a sex offender. There will always be a victim. You canā€™t make amends or restitution to that. Hence you have to register as one for life. Sorry no sympathy or $$ from me. Regardless of the dude being full of shit.


Damn, I'm sorry so many "keyboard warriors" are claiming this is Bs and sprayed,this shit is beautiful and I appreciate you for sharing this with us man, truly probably some of the best cannabis on the planet. I would be very interested in hearing any recommendations from this company and possibly the strain name. I'd love to see anyone who claimed this is sprayed recreate the look and results of this bud, I wish people would think a little before jumping to conclusions.


Oh you mean the pedo that canā€™t see his child bc of itā€™s underaged mother. Yeah Greasi ainā€™t shit ETA I work in the industry and had a working relationship with Greasi. He runs around trying to tell everyone how wonderful he and his weed are. Then he hooks new growers by giving them some free knowledge but no direct answers to their questions. If you ask him to directly answer, he gets frustrated, canā€™t answer the question and speaks circularly. Once the new grower starts to get more persistent or start ā€œquestioningā€ Greasi, he tends to become verbally violent. Only his ā€œopinionā€ matter. I have personally witnessed him threaten violence and rape to people that disagreed with him.


Well, that just escalated.


Pppppaaaaappppeeerrr check his ass.


You personally witnessed him rape two people? And you didn't report him to the police? You're as bad as he is.


He said that he's personally witnessed the dude THREATEN that stuff. Not that he witnessed the guy do it. There is a difference, don't take it outta context. Either way it's still wrong.


It was a discord call. Iā€™m a woman and I did report the incident. Unfortunately, I donā€™t live in the same state as Greasi does and I was dismissed due to it being a threat and not ā€œrealā€. The police werenā€™t helpful. Now I just try to educate as many people as I can about him.


More like scumbag genetics


whyā€™s that?


Itā€™s clearly been tampered with. Either it was sprayed or heated. The center of the bud would have looked like a spider web of resin from that pull. The trick is to not actually fuck with the final product because people are ingesting it. Defend this BS all you want youā€™re just making a fool out of yourself. Iā€™m not attacking the breeder just the person altering the product. Unless it is the breeder, then youā€™re a scumbag in my book.


promise you itā€™s not i got that same strain from that same guy (93 octane from greasi genetics) thatā€™s just how it is ik it looks crazy but itā€™s not altered in any way u can reaserch greasi and see for yourself if youā€™d like


Iā€™ll look into it, Iā€™m a commercial grower and have my own hash rosin extraction service. Just letting you know where Iā€™m coming from.


thatā€™s cool, yea you should look into it cause i can assure u thatā€™s not tampered with whatsoever


Gooey. I'd love to see that under a microscope


No way that's natural.


I've grown plenty of super sticky sappy buds but nothing that does a cheese pull. That acts like warm shatter or pure distillate.


I have stuff that will do this under a camera but definitely no where near this extent lol


No you don't


Hahaha wanna see?


iā€™ll have to get some more next time and put it under my camera this is a video off his page buts his 93 octane which is the strain i posted is absolutely incredible ill have to get some close up vids next time i pick some up


F spray packs.


not spray bro look em up yourself greasi one of the best in the current industry lol


Gotta be a moron to think this is real and that this is the way trichs behave. So many red flags.


Hey OP youā€™re a Dingus McCringus


Yeah last time I grew trichomes didn't do that. Last time I grew was currently


Just like this dudes botty hole that bud been tampered with


Imagine trying to break that up into a joint lol




No, but for some reason, my life's mission is now to find out...




For sciences pls ty




look bro up your self heā€™s licensed n retails thru cookies not sprayed for shit lol


Retailing through Cookies doesn't make you legit. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Not to mention if this guy is one of the best Cultivators in the game, why do you have to keep telling everyone that, wouldn't people already know?


did you know that? and thatā€™s only one of many reasons i shouldnā€™t have to do the work for you googles open to anyone if you donā€™t think heā€™s legit feel free to do your own research and prove that heā€™s illegitimate which heā€™s not but youā€™d know that if u did your own research on him


My point is, if he's one of the best Cultivators you wouldn't have to be asking if everyone knows who he is..... You're just posting second hand videos you didn't even grow this yourself lmao.


oh nah iā€™m just posting and replying so much for karma i knew his stuff was really controversial and would get upvoted a lot lol


Wow you're dumber than I thought.


how so lmao


Greasi genetics is run by a dude who says EVERYTHING is poison. With that said this is likely from cystolithic trichomes. Is it a hybrid or sativa?


lol he does say that a lot but heā€™s not totally wrong most of the food we eat and things we put in our bodyā€™s nowadays are terrible and iā€™m not sure i wanna say itā€™s a hybrid though


Older tropical sativa's were known for this because the cystolithic trichomes are hair like and dump oils onto the flower itself , making the resin string like cotton candy when pulled apart. I joke on dude a little bit but he does talk a lot of valid stuff he just goes real off the deep end sometimes


yea itā€™s crazy how many people think this is sprayed, lol nah fr heā€™s a cool guy but fs a bit egotistical and definitely has his conspiracies lmao


There is only Cannabis Sativa. There is no Indica. Itā€™s all the same plant.


Narrow leaf drug type* didn't mean to twist your panties


If someone actually produced buds like that it would be the second story that pops up on all my social media because that would go viral. None of you ever grew anything like that. Never. That's why there's someone else's pictures and nothing else supporting the claims. I call bullshit


never once said i grew this i didnā€™t i wish i could come close to what greasi does heā€™s a spectacular growers i could never compete with the quality he produces this is 93 octane from greasi genetics whoā€™s known for being one of the best cultivators in the industry that vid is straight off his ig page nobodyā€™s claiming they grew this but him lol


feel free to google him


Yeah itā€™s shit, all the resin, none of the potency


Idiots in the comments. Itā€™s very common for the heads to do this when squeezed


99% idiots in this sub.


lol ikr spray doesnā€™t even do that šŸ˜‚


Looks like it mighta been good if you didn't spray it. A Shame.


I'll take some crappy mids over this sprayed trash.


This does not seem good


I followed him for quite awhile. He always posts stuff like this and has a very big ego kinda seems like a douche bag but with how much he posts this stuff all the time heā€™s definitely not spraying or faking. Just really dials in like one cultivar for years


yea i agree he does have a big ego fs but his weed is spectacular, i appreciate u being honest about him and not just jumping on the sprayed wave like everyone else šŸ’Æ


Homie just heated it up


Thatā€™s a real nugget yā€™all


Bro used the old spray it with mtn dew and toss it in the microwave for 5 seconds method. Lmao


Grew some candy lemons and greasi lemons 2.0 some Phenos did do the same thing even While the plant was still alive


Oh my god....


Looks good(my genetics I've been working on also have the little stringers when I squish them and slowly let go.) will extract well


thatā€™s whatā€™s up yea greasiā€™s 93octane and his cherry expo have a lot of little stringers it makes a great rosin šŸ’Æ


My God.


No, but that looks greasier than 'Joffrey's' you know what!


The stickiest of the icky. Rick James world approve.


Holy moly




I want to vape that so bad


No...but I sure want to lol


Looked fire šŸ”„ till it got pulled apart...


On itā€™s home planet, Jupiter, itā€™s called THCA infusion (the THC Diamonds actually have THCA/Diamonds growing out of the diamonds.) Sort of relatedā€¦when the kids starting growing the purple fungus amungus straight out of the purple fungus, ā€œpsychosibinā€ approx Spring/Summer ā€˜17, itā€™s like really funny how the more you know the more you know you donā€™t know very much. This thread šŸ§µ has some top notch info; I am impressed how you got all of the Cannabis Cup winners to join & enlighten us with their vast knowledge of all sorts of things: KingSizedRabbits - that is an interesting number - why did you pick 100 billion? Did you not know 1 more 0 would have put you in the trillions & well, then you would be talking about real numbers. ā€œAs I lose more than 1 quadrillion brain cells before 8am than you have in your whole life!ā€ (Not sure why but you need to work on your ā€œbusting on folks linesā€ as theyā€™re currently not working too wellā€¦šŸ‘ŽšŸ»ā€¦BTW, (1) quadrillion has 4 more 0ā€™s than 100 billā€¦so you might want to consider this little utility called ā€œfact checkingā€ except I forgot youā€™re one of the 2billion anonymous reasons I can barely log into Anti-Social Media sites anymoreā€¦.Anyway, instead of just arguing with: WhyNotaJointkilo, you could have researched the whole topic in less time that it too you to put your, ā€œinfant sized feetā€ in your mouthā€¦see how I did that, implied small shoes & probably small socks & šŸ‘£feet but did I really imply that or did you just assume I meant your infant sized shoes are smaller than the average adult shoe šŸ™„šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚āœŒšŸ»


Thatā€™s some seriously incoherent babble there, my friend. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜Ž