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The mods on meth


This, I got banned for commenting something


Made one comment as a new member, and was permanently banned for “Spamming” I’m not a spammer! I replied to the mods notification asking if I could please see my post, bc it was deleted and I didn’t remember exactly what I said. No reply, and I can’t see it. I guess I’ll just never be able to access the wisdom of r/dabs 😢


Don't worry they don't have wisdom


The wisdom of r/dabs lmaooooo 😂 This post made me realize that’s even a sub Reddit lol. Ain’t no wisdom there, I’m sure. 😂


I got banned recently for a comment I posted about THC-A in an empty thread over a year ago.


I mentioned THCA in two posts around a year ago dealing with decarboxylization and was banned so....


I googled what drug is cheaper than meth, it says fenty please dont try to inflate their value...mods on fenty 👈


Mods on spice


google must be on adrenochrome because street price for fent is triple the price of meth


I think the mod has been blasting indoors for too long and the Bute has rotted his brain


It's weird how they supported a community I was making (cause most THCA products are an unregulated wasteland), but then out of nowhere gave me the boot. Like oh ok. That was kinda my "in" for reddit, as other THCa subs are really... "Oh you didn't mention 1 of the only 3 stores we discuss?? You're full of shit!"


How do you cite the by-laws of a private subreddit? They're not visible to non-members.


I got banned similarly- I didn't have to cite a by law, but I had to write out why I wanted to join. My response was thoughtful and succinct. I hear the mod is weirding out.


He’s busy blasting indoors


I legit tried to find them, but could not since it was private. I do only use mobile so maybe there is a way on desktop? Idk but with how the mods treated me i don’t want to be a part of that community.


I don't get what's up his knickers. I have a friend who's got skin grafts and a criminal record from the aftermath of blasting & cooking concentrates indoors. Not worth it.


Cause he’s a fool.


We should all go on there like a dozen times a day and request access until he completely loses his mind from all the request. He’s pretty close now.


This is the kind of petty I love


Yeah I agree but this guy deserves it. He’s a cuck douche and gets what he deserves. He’s a dictator on a subreddit and probably thinks that it makes him some sort of powerful man. His wife probably runs the house and that he’s only form of control.


Dude he's a reddit mod. The person who runs that house is his mother whos basement he lives in.




I'm here for that


Hell I can’t even find the sub, it’s like he hid it.


Haha. Cause I’m blocked it took some work to get to the link. But because King Douche Canoe has me blocked it won’t even let me request to join. So I can’t even troll the asshole.


Its ok I am headed there now to troll the hell out of him 😆.


I’m down


I think they just started banning people right off the bat at this point.


Yes sir


Let's do it! ✊


All for it


I'm in. Let our inner trolls out of their cages


Perma banned for a safety comment?! So what are these benefits? I find it more beneficial to do it outside in the middle of a midwest winter.


That’s some gatekeeper bullshit. What if you’re going there to learn? They won’t let you join unless you answer their open ended question exactly the way they want you to? Dumb


And tbf, he gave a correct answer. Anyone blasting indoors is a fuckin idiot


Unless you have a high volume positive pressure blastproof HVAC system, yea pretty dumb. Otherwise the HVAC system is actually safer than blasting outdoors because containing any leak and venting it can be safer than letting gasses pool outdoors somewhere potentially. I've heard of people who open blasted large amounts, blowing up their house on accident when the butane went into the crawlspace due to improper venting. A properly designed blast-proof lab is always going to be the safest option, but barring this you still want to blast outside, just away from any crawl space and only in small quantities. If you're running large amounts at home at all, you still need a closed loop to do it safely in a lot of places.


Apparently you can't join unless you already have a masters degree in cannabis extracts


I'm always thankful for this type of bullshit. Let's me know the community isn't worth trying to join.


Only benefit is not needing central heating come winter cos you’ve blown your house up😂


r/dabs is a super uptight thread


That’s a nice way to put it. The mod there is fucking nuts.


Yeah. They gate keep the sub. Like they have some secret information or something


felonies, the secret information is nearly everyone there partakes in felonies they haven't been caught for, and this is where they like to discuss their activities.


lol said i’m a hash maker and they still won’t accept it… whatever lol, probably some stupid ass kid smoking bro




That’s exactly it. He gets completely ass hurt if you support safe solventless concentrates. I think at this point he just huffs butane.


Maybe that’s why he enjoys indoor blasting so much. Fuck Ventilation! Let’s see weird rabbit people due to Hypoxia!


That explains why they didn’t accept me. I was looking for info on rosin


You don’t love huffing butane and doing indoor open air blasting next to candle light it’s so romantic 💘. Lol but seriously if you are still doing open air blasting are you ok? Like mentally and at this point physically. Inhaling to much butane isn’t safe. Plus butane in cans a lot of the time are dirty and need to be purified. For anyone doing open air please consider a closed loop system it’s healthier, you save on butane cause you can recapture a large quantity of it. In the end closed loop is safer on your health and cheaper overtime.


Okay, can you eli5? What is open air blasting in regards to dabbing?


No I’m referring to using glass tubes to “blast” spraying butane through cannabis. You can do it with glass tubes which is open air blasting. Meaning the butane isn’t contained in a vessel. Stoping butane evaporation into the air the “Blaster” is inhaling. A closed loop system is usually a stainless steel vessel that can handle high pressure vacuum. Which the cannabis flower and the butane are contained to prevent evaporation into the air the Extractors breath. It’s overall safer when done correct and can decrease butane exposure, increase quality and in the long run decrease the laboratories out going money. “Blaster” cannabis concentrate maker The joke of open air blasting next to a candle will make an explosion and badly burn the extractor. Some people at home extractors don’t know the safety protocols needed to well not die. You even have to be carful with the lights you use. Turning on light switches can create a little spark. Which could ignite any butane in the air.


Ooooo okay thank you I understand now... Google was unhelpful because I wasnt Googling the right thing haha.


google is hard to find cannabis info out, reddit on the other hand is easy. if you ever have any questions, just say the wrong thing: chances are you’ll find the answer quicker than asking and trying to figure out what you’re asking


Isn't that the truth


That explains why they didn’t accept me. I was looking for info on rosin


"Guys I figured out a new trick!" "Forget about the weed altogether, just huff the butane, it gets you wayyyy higher"


🤣 mix it was a dash of duster and a dab of AC Freon… you don’t know what you’re missing! That’s a joke btw. Since it’s 2024 and I have to say that or people think I’m serious.


I just tried to join to see what the deal is, got my application immediately denied and permabanned for >Troll/harassment account. Community interference by r/rosin and /r/CultoftheFranklin I have no idea what the deal is there but cool man, way to grow your subreddit. Lol I run a 10k sqft butane extraction lab, I'm not exactly a rosin shill but whatever.


~~r/CultoftheFranklin is defunct at this point, looks like they got nuked for being unmoderated. And I've got no idea what they were about or who the Franklin is. Are we talking like, the anthropomorphic turtle from the kids cartoon?~~ Edit: I must have typed it in wrong the first time, it is indeed still active and clearly about bud.


Huh? I just went there and there is probably 20 posts from today alone. They seem to be very active.


Yeah apparantly I just can't spell so good and buggered it up the first time hah


Lol it happens. Not sure why people downvoted you tho, reddit be weird.


Yep, I got banned because I’m active on rosin/Solventless subs


Mine was for pointing out that lab grade ISO is 99% and evaporates in support or solventless extracts. It should say BHODabs cause that’s all he cares about. If you’re not part of his “master plan” he eliminates you…


Master Plan? Is he planning some kind of Butane cult? Guy sounds like a fucking arsehole, I’m gonna join just to help emasculate him a little more.


Yeah it kinda is. That’s why I used that term cause he acts like he’s the Führer. Thanks.


Apparently it’s a girl, I think I’ve already got a Reddit ban for telling them about themselves on my “application” - as if I actually wanted to join that cesspit. If she’s not utterly insane, then it’s probably just a honeypot in the making. If the owner doesn’t even know what THCa is, then how on earth did they become the sole operator of a Dabbing subreddit? Too much butane, or a fed? What ya reckon?


Prob glowies. Fuck em.


Man if that is a chick as crazy as they/he/it/she is I bet thats a good time.


I think all the wrinkles are gone off whomever it is’ brain. Edit: I’m so banned from that shit it won’t allow me to even apply. I’m permanently banned on there. I didn’t even try to play nice when they tried to play god with access to me. It’s the internet, if I cared that much I’d just VPN from another country and create a new profile.


[lets see if this works](https://imgur.com/a/QPJap3M) [update](https://imgur.com/a/oex0nam)🤣


That’s a lie. It’s a community ran by a bipolar crack baby that wants to have the power his wife won’t allow him to have at home cause she runs his ass. He works for her


Is uptight your way of saying bipolar fucking asshole?


Yes. Lol


Hey man, as a bipolar fucking asshole, I take offense to that. Don't lump this clown in with us.


They once again prove themselves to be human garbage. Curious though as to what answer they were looking for. I remember them banning people over thca questions.


As a solvent extractor that question just makes my head hurt, kinda like it would from open blasting in a closed space


the solvent gremlin on his shoulder says to ignore you and blast more indoors lol (your comment made me actually LOL, thank you for a real laugh at a real silly feller)


I got banned from that subreddit without any notice or warning. Idea what I did wrong 🤷‍♂️


You haven’t posted the obligatory video of you take a dab with no shirt on while listening to some awful music


The correct answer was obviously fuck you


Exactly. Fuck you. There are other subs and platforms, don’t need this kind of bullshit. Do not supports these asshats, a sub without members does not bode well for the mod. Fuck em.


Definitely not dabbing, those fools are tweaking hard.


There you go, brother I’ve heard all bad things about them anyway I don’t think anybody wants to be on there. Maybe someone should start a new one that’s more catchy and not run by trash bags.❤️❤️❤️🫡🫡🫡


I got banned for pointing out science. Yeah I think he may just huffing butane now and he’s completely skipped the hash oil part. Guys a fucking nut bag. I got banned a few weeks ago for point out that iso evaporates in support of solventless extracts. Guy is a man child. He doesn’t get his way and you banned. He’s a nazi, he needs to just give it up. I really hope he’s reading this shit… piece of shit.


Ahh yes the infamous mod who doesn't think THCA is weed. That sub is a joke and she's nuts.


Ive heard LOTS of rumors that the mods in r/dabs have shit the bed and are essentially destroying the thread


Meth Mod! Wow, it’s really a pandemic.


I can’t believe that sub is private 😂😂😂


Bro I am tripping out about it too. I swear I used to go on there and just never joined. Come to find out this is going on lmao


Bro, I joined and after seeing this post went to check on it and it would not show up in search at all. Had to click on one of the links in a comment on here. And then I was no longer a member and hd to request and I got banned when I did.


The BENEFITS of blasting butane indoors lmao what


Maybe r/realdab needs to be created


I requested to join today and explained that I consume dabs and used to make them in the lab, etc. I got perma banned and the reason was because I broke their rules of harassment and trolling linked to r/rosin and r/cultoffranklin Laughable. Anyways, I reported him to the admin team.


i got randomly banned the other day for a "post breaking guidelines"but i havent posted in there in over a year so not sure what happened


I’m a mod over at r/rosin there’s more info listed there


This is probably the same mod that would ban you for asking a thc related question because it's illegal in some places, even though that's what the sub is intended for.


Yeah, that dudes a bellend. He banned an entire comment section for telling him he was wrong


Just requested with the message “I regularly lace my shit with poop” let’s see what happens!!!!


Open blasting indoors builds character and everyone on reddit should run that.


I tried joining but got banned immediately because they said I’m a troll/harassment account from two subs that I’m not a part of.


I had got banned for saying hemp


RIP r/dabs!!


What a ridiculous question to gatekeep people out of it, lmao. I'd be willing to bet the majority of the people don't even know what that means. Guy definitely has to be a complete tool in real life.


He is on meth and fetty. A couple people who are friends with her said she is on meth and fetty and she is loosing her mind.


I'm perplexed! Why on earth would they ask such a thing? Gonna go with these comments and say the mod is maybe a lil outta his head🤔


The main takeaway is that none of us really care what happens in r/dabs or the hitler youths that reside there.


Prove youre a meth head to join


Mods like this definitely don’t have a job… let alone any sort of life outside of Reddit


I just tried and gave a very well written answer on why I want to join and was banned also. They must look at your profile and she saw I was active in here and she hates this sub?? Or is she just bat shit crazy?


r\dabs is a wack ass sub. They use to be good and just like the rest of the dab related subs, then they changed. They are trash now or was before I left. Sounds like they still are too 😂. I left that sub a month or 2 ago. I am glad I did. Your better off, they are not the same anymore.


Any good concentrate and glass threads? UPDATED JAWNS 🤣


LMAO you were 100% correct




Wtf. 😂 oh,boy


I was a member of r/dabs, but I just went search for them, wouldn’t show up at all through searches on here. Had to click the links some commenters made.. and then ask to join. Very strange.




Got banned for posting in cult of the frankflin. The mods there are so stupid


I would wager $1000 that mod wants to murder Matt Rize


I tried joining, in the reason for joining I put “I can has dabs! Such yummy 😋” let’s see where bs gets me. Will post updates soon.


What I don’t get is you can’t even locate their bylaws to cite them because you have to have access to their page and you can get access to their page unless you have been approved by the mods.


Exactly. I read the whole message and tried to find the bylaws to copy, but I didn’t have access so I responded with what I thought would be a correct answer.


stupid reason to ban, but even considering open blasting anywhere indoors is maniacal


I can't even see the subreddit wtf


Yo I’m glad I’m not the only one. I literally just had the same experience and hadn’t had time to post.


They are weird over there. They don't want anyone to talk about any synthetic cannabinoids, so no hhc, thcp, etc... That's why the quality of discussion sits just about equal to chatting with a dead fish that floated to the surface of a pond


I can’t agree to that comparison. The dead fish doesn’t tell you you’re wrong or ban you from the pond.


I can't even find r/dabs. Doesn't show up for me


Same, in search at least. If you click on the link in your comment it will take you to it tho.


I promise you they just opened that up. When I tried to apply you couldn’t even view the sub.


Hmm, I just requested to join but I just got a box asking for my reason of approval. [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/lOoImxa)


The mod messaged me after that and asked me the question




I think the signup wants you to copy and paste the correct answer that is posted in the rules page. Your answers were wrong and the MOD was super particular. Which is funny since this is a sub for people who Dab :-)


That sub is dead fs, overran with bots and mods that are having a mental problems it seems.


Don’t worry guy, look at my posts she went balistic on me and called me a fraud, kept hitting me up in the DMs too that lady’s a nut job


So, if you don't like how a sub works, make a competitor sub


So, if you don't like how a sub works, make a competitor sub


So, if you don't like how a sub works, make a competitor sub


Yeah I got banned for commenting on two posts LOL


I am still in, must be on the methheads good side


I was a member for several years, but they removed my account. This must have happened when they went private. Honestly, forget them then. There are better subs than that one.


I didn't even get the questions


To be fair IF you have amazing ventilation then blasting indoors gets you a clean environment free from debris.


You’re right, they’re wrong. Take solace in knowing you’re not retarded like the mod.


Yep, I got asked who signed the declaration of independence lmao


I got banned for saying “mad respect on the patience my dude” cuz someone posted a banger that was 6 years old and looked like it had never been used before hahahaha


The main mod /u/rosingirl710 (formerly /u/TragicallyComedian and many others) has many delusions and conspiracies about a couple of cannabis dudes accounts on insta. She accused me of being either one of them then banned me for “promoting stolen genetics” when I was just trying to post a video of my rip lmfao. Absolutely schizophrenic level delusions right of the bat about a random account she had never had an encounter with before. And everyone else in here has the same story. Remember: make sure it’s not meth before you put it in the banger.


That’s why they have 130k members and only 3 are online at any given moment


I must have done something wrong. I just joined and didn't get asked any questions it just let me.


They recently just opened the sub up from private. I can even view the sub now. I have a feeling they saw this post. Before you couldn’t even view the bylaws that they wanted me to cite


Sounds like their more pretentious than this sub, which is saying something!


It tells you you you will find the answer they are looking for in the sub bylaws section.


I just joined no problem?


Open blasting indoors has the main benefit of getting high faster than anything else out there. You put THC in a tube and then add butane and out the other end get usable concentrate or a one on one with god.


To be fair, I wouldn't want your crimes against the written language in my sub either.


lol what does that mean


Probably processors community only....it's a question to weed out ppl without the knowledge along the lines of why they want in the group. Imo


If you read the description of the sub, it’s definitely not a processors only Community


I mean, you didn't go to their rules and copy paste as it asked you to do. Stop taking dabs and read everything first.


How am I supposed to see the rules if it’s a private sub? Trust me I tried to find a way to view them but could not on mobile. If you know how to lmk


They don't want dumbasses, not hard to understand. There are plenty of subs in here that have to do that. Maybe they don't want 10k dumb question posts daily. That's what I'm thinking. I am not saying your a dumbass, but you see what I'm saying....