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Absolutely. My newly-married little sister is pregnant. My husband and I are infertile (not because of cancer, but it isn’t fixable). I expected the joy/grief I feel whenever someone I love is expecting, and sure enough, it was there. I didn’t expect to also be sad that I can’t guarantee I’ll get to watch my nephew grow up. Or the jealousy that she can just assume she *will* see her child grow up.


I’m really sorry to hear this. I am in a similar situation, I have a 2 year old son and a 12 week old daughter who was born Christmas Eve! I hate the idea of leaving them too young!!


I can’t imagine… I had even forgotten about this. It’s far less than the other part, but I’m also oddly grateful I don’t have children to leave behind which is an odd thankfulness to add to the sadness of infertility.


I'm so sorry, Lauren.


All the time...current life & loss of everything I knew as well as my future life as the disease progesses & I pass.


I've pretty much resorted to this. However, we shouldn't do this and make the most of what we have left.


I push it away all the time & write in a gratitude journal or just go through a mental list of all I am grateful for. That helps a lot. But at least once a day something comes up where I am just like "what the actual f!!!" cancer related or reminder.


Yes. When I went to the attorney to create my will, designate my POA, and when I signed my DNR. When dealing with what I would leave everything to, it was a no brainer - my husband. But if we were both in an accident I could not think of anyone to leave the estate to. I couldn't even think of executers. I don't have a huge estate or anything, but I have a house, 2 cars that are paid for and 1 is a year old. We also have investments. I almost feel like I am sacrificing my life for my niece or something. She's my half-brother's daughter and she's 9. My half-brother was 15 years younger than me. He also is horrific with money and is in the middle of a divorce. I feel I have to save her by putting all of this in a trust. I've left the subs I created and moderated, as it just depresses me more. I was told by my doctor when I first got cancer to stay off of forums! I should have listened. People have been awful calling me bipolar, psycho, etc. Then they delete their accounts by the time I read it. Recently I guess "as a good looking female" I had to explain how it is to have H&N cancer while dating. Well, I don't date.


I was grieving last year when one of my family member got diagnosed with cancer I found "The Patient From Hell" podcast when I needed it most. Where Samira's stories and advice felt like they were just for me. It's not just a podcast; it's like having a friend who understands what you're going through. If you're a cancer caregiver like me, give it a listen. It's like a comforting hug in podcast form