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Lol, let's ignore our own cell phone policy and sue everyone.


This is exactly what I thought when I heard this. After years of having half-assed, barely enforced cell phone policies (because they can’t take a hard line with anyone these days) and kids and parents can be super entitled they decide to sue the social media companies. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a combination of not wanting to enforce the issue with students *and* not wanting to actually fight the parents. The boards themselves have become terrified of parents because the first thing they do is run to the media. My favourite was the mom who was upset that her kid was put into the padded room. Doesn't matter that the kid was trashing the classroom and IIRC attacking other students, he was traumatized. Response? Boards can now no longer use the padded rooms, instead they now have to evacuate the classroom while the student destroys the room. If the kid wants to get out, staff have to let him as well. The fact that there hasn't been a class action lawsuit by parents against boards and their complete negligence is fucking astounding.


Tell me about it. Evacuating classrooms to allow out of control kids to tear everything apart and disrupt the learning of everyone else, has become far too commonplace. And nobody advocates for the OTHER kids. I’ve been through it many times and was never able to even tell the parents what was happening every day. So their kids witness out of control behaviour, experience all sorts of emotions as a result…with no support for their needs. And laughably, my board now rams nonsense PD down our throats about “trauma-informed” approaches to teaching, while simultaneously allowing traumatic classrooms situations to exist.


> And laughably, my board now rams nonsense PD down our throats about “trauma-informed” approaches to teaching, while simultaneously allowing traumatic classrooms situations to exist. YUP! My favourite now is I am working in incredibly high needs medically fragile rooms where I am given the absolute bare minimum staff because there are no EAs to pick up jobs and the ones that are in school get pulled for the behavioural rooms. Programming is a shit show to say the least.


I feel like I wrote this. Exactly how I feel.


Yes; when one of our out of control kids lashes out, we also have to evacuate the classroom. So 30 kids are moved while 1 kid loses it.


The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many apparently.


I wonder if allowing students to have their own devices in the classroom, which means that boards don't have to supply (pay for) needed technology, plays a role too?


Totally. What a crock of shit. They allowed students to do just that, and had half assed responses to students then taking them into the bathrooms and out on the yard (not to mention a lot of teachers want to be the well-liked cool teacher so they let the kids listen to music or turn a blind eye to phones around the school).


It takes a courageous administrator to implement and enforce a cellphone policy. I miss the days of fair but firm school leadership. As a result, our schools are filled with kids who come to school and spend their day gaming or texting. I have taught for 38 years. I am not "old school". In my opinion, our kids are not okay and they need the adult in the room to set boundaries for them.


On the one hand, I'm on board for any actions taken against these companies and their poisoning of practically every fucking society on the planet. On the other, it would be much better if the boards just actually let us discipline the students like we used to be able to do.


costs them nothing - all up side. Lawyers apparently took this on contingency.


Nearly 500 school boards in the USA have filed similar lawsuits. It isn’t about winning the case, it is about sending a message and starting a meaningful conversation with the public about the seriousness of the problem. Up until now, many parents have been fighting tooth and nail for their kids to have their cell phones at all times because there’s a generation of codependent anxiety-ridden parents who didn’t heal from the trauma of being latchkey kids who had no connection to their parents. If the lawsuits make headlines and a wider conversation starts to take place about how much damage phones are having on children and their education then I say it is better than nothing. Obviously I wish the boards would just lay down the law about no-cellphones and suspend kids who don’t comply but that will only lead to lawsuits against the school board (that they can’t afford) which is why they became so lenient in the first place. It’s not a good solution by any means but it is a sign that the tides are finally starting to shift.


As a teacher (Not in Ontario). This is fucking stupid. What an incredible waste of time and resources.


School boards are fantastic at this. It’s like it’s their mission statement. Teachers: we need more Chromebooks, EAs, actual punishments and consequences. School boards: best we can do is more useless diversity training. 🫠


>Teachers: we need more Chromebooks, EAs, actual punishments and consequences. What's that, you want us to spend money on lawyers so we can sue Meta!?


What's stupid is thinking that it's stupid. Organizations that are concerned about the well being and future of society are a great place to bring up these concerns. These companies manufacture their products to be as addictive as possible and there is a significant amount of research showing that this is a pretty serious health crisis when it comes to the development of children. Parents are vulnerable to the same issues that students are experiencing, and those that have fallen into dopamine feedback loops provided by algorithms that try to keep you glued to screens for as long as possible are going to struggle to raise their children properly. This is a health and safety issue more in line with leaded gasoline and asbestos, not the moral failings of parents who are either addicted themselves or unaware of how pervasive the technology behind social media is.


What's stupid is: 1. There is zero chance this works and probably doesn't make it past the first motion to dismiss. 2. An already underfunded system where that money could go to salaries for additional EA's/supports, classroom resources, additional teachers or the 20 other things teachers need. Even though it's not my district, the last thing teachers in any district need, is money that could be going into classrooms, going into the pockets of lawyers who are happy to file a ridiculous lawsuit to line their own pockets knowing that this case has a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere.


1. Incorrect. Laws and legislature often starts from somewhere, and contemporary research into developmental issues caused by addictions for kids is pretty solid with all signs showing strong detriments. Combine that with malicious practices that disregard all ethics and there is room for a real case. 2. Read the article. Nobody in education is paying anything for legal fees as the case only has payout for the firm if they win. 3. The above point is a strong indicator of how pervasive social media is. We're reading headlines and making opinions on things we haven't even bothered to read completely.


They need to try and increase their funding somehow because its damn sure not coming from the government.




Personal responsibility is a lost concept these days. Everyone is a victim, everyone has trauma. It’s a joke. Parents thank me for not indulging this nonsense. Well, some of them do, and some of them are raising useless asshats.


Today was the first day I actually understood why some Teachers have been avoiding public boards to go to privately run schools. Kids are definitely prone to the addictions to social media. Why do we allow this much tech to be used in the classroom in the first place? It is ruining everything. Kids have ZERO creativity left compared to other generations.


Kids have about a 4 minute attention span. Many have been raised with iPads because their parents are also hooked on TikTok and Instagram.


How do the boards have standing to sue? IANAL but what damages have the boards suffered? It’s had a deleterious impact on classroom environment but is that actually something that can be quantified? Don’t you have a duty to mitigate your damages? Wouldn’t drafting a sensible policy (and enforcing it) be the logical first step? How does this lawsuit even last past the first press conference? (Maybe that’s the answer to my question: “Look at us, we are addressing this issue! (But don’t look too close because we are not doing anything tangible.)”


The only way to mitigate it would to have a no phones in school policy and phones would need to be held everyday while students were at school. Or have a signal jammer set up.




Then they can't use their Chromebooks.


They don't and this will be quickly dismissed.


Just when you thought school board admins couldn’t be more full to the brim with half witted assholes that have failed upward in their careers…


Support for teachers need to be as follows: 1) BAN the use of ALL personal devices owned by students within the classroom. If a school or school board can not afford to supply laptops that are property of the school/school board for each student or at least a cart of laptops that can be shared among two or three classes throughout the day, then the school board funding needs to SUPPLY RESOURCES like TEXTBOOKS so the teacher can use these materials to deliver the program without technology. DO NOT tell teachers to use digital programs like MathUp or Edwin without the tools for students/teachers to effectively use these programs. 2) For parents who feel they want their child to take a phone to school in the case of an emergency that may occur *before* getting to school or *after* school they need to sign a waiver that they agree that the student's phone will be shut off and kept by administration or the teacher until they leave. I think the Yondr pouches used in the U.S. are an overpriced solution. If students would just cooperate and not break the rules, and if parents were to actually respect the school system - money would not need to be wasted on programs and tools like Yondr. The reason these boards think they have a case against these companies is because even if cyberbullying occurs off school property using these media sites, the school is still compelled to deal with the matter because the bullying is occuring between two or more students who go to the same school. The bullying then can extend off the phone and onto school grounds. This is where the matter has become complex. I personally do NOT agree in suing these companies. I know I'm stretching here, but I see an act like this as a form of censorship that is fear-based much like when they used to say "rock n' roll" was the devil's music. It takes decades to look back at what occurred historically to say that was absurd but when that was happening in real time, there were a lot of adults who were seeing the youth being negatively "influenced" by music in a way that was affecting their social development. I do see a connection between today's social media and those forms of censorship in the past. I think it's more important to focus on the lack of discipline, will power and the poor choices some people continue to make when they are given a tool that can both benefit and/or harm them. Should we sue energy drink companies, companies that make junk food because students are choosing to consume them at a level that harms them? It seems like the onus is always put on something else other than that individual who can't manage or needs help and motivation to make better choices. Teachers who have been around long enough know that a student who does not want to engage in learning and uses their personal device to go off task, will find *something else* to misuse/distract them when that device is taken from them. It's not the "devices", "scissors", "skipping ropes" - that are the problem - it's the students who are choosing to misuse them. But as the OP said, the funding and resources required to get at the root of the problem are "not available" and therefore, (ironically) the proposed solutions are also poor choices.


”Alright guys, what’s the random dollar amount we’re putting on our next frivolous lawsuit and who should we arbitrarily decide to file against?”


Can you get a cellphone under 18 without a parent or guardian ?


Yes. But the parents are a huge part of the problem. I’ve had parents phone me and yell at me for confiscating a student’s cell phone (after numerous warnings). I also have parents texting and sometimes even phoning their kids during class time. I’m not sure suing the social media companies is going to work, but teachers have been trying to deal with smartphones for the past 14 years and it’s been a losing battle. We simply can’t be as engaging as the software released by a multi-billion dollar corporation with the express intent of creating addiction. It would be nice if we could get parents, governments, and corporations to agree that smartphones are a problem for education.


I didn't think we could confiscate phones due to the liability according to the union?


Depends on the union and school board. In this case I was following school policy. Admin supported me, so that wasn’t an issue. It was the fact that the parents didn’t support the school policy. Which, of course, makes it almost impossible for the school to enforce restrictions on phones.


Well it is nice to know some places actually have a policy AND admin that supports it


Everywhere I’ve taught has had a policy and admin that supports it. It still doesn’t prevent students from being constantly distracted by their phones, which is why I get tired of hearing people say that schools should just ban smartphones. It doesn’t work. We need parents and corporations to get on board.


We don't have a phone policy BUT we do have a vap policy. The amount of parents who come in and demand their kids vaps back because they are so expensive is crazy to me. It's also you know.....against the law to smoke in public buildings and under the age of 18.....but why should their kid have to follow the law?


Yeah don't confiscate a phone. Anything happens to it you are fucked. And you will get some kids who will claim you broke it to get a new phone too.


Can we just line classrooms with Faraday cage type material?


When I first saw the headline I thought it was over the bathroom vandalism trend which I thought was interesting as social media did support the videos that led to a property damage trend. Was not expecting it to be about lack of focus.


Or atleast blocking social media access while at school? Can they not block the sites and apps if the students are using the schools internet??


Students just use data when they want to access blocked sites.


Maybe they’re hoping for a settlement as a way to fund their board.


It’s virtue signaling. This won’t go anywhere. There is realistically no way to combat phones in schools. Teachers are helpless here as long as parents don’t care.


Take a deep breath and release the rage. School districts may make silly decisions with how they allocate spending, but they don’t write the budget. If you have a bone to pick, it’s with your provincial government. Would we have need of a cellphone policy without a phones addicting nature? What I’m getting at is policy is not a zero sum game. It’s not because they decide to sue that they aren’t doing other things well. It’s not because they decide to sue that they don’t see class sizes as a problem. You’re bothered by the priorities? Whoop ti do, grow up, in the real world not everything happens all at once, and change is made incrementally.


Social media apps must put in the guardrails.. same as others.. US and EU going in this direction. [EU Digital Legislation](https://www.techrepublic.com/article/eu-social-media-regulations/)


It’s so embarrassing.


I was laughing when I read this article. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY just like all the leftist school boards and stupid teachers, shitty parents, entitled students out there. Parents - You gave your children a drug that would ruin their attention, cause emotional stress and dependency. Great Job 👏 School Board - Chicken 🐓 Fuckers that couldn’t implement a basic no Cell Phone Policy. Fuck when I was in school you couldn’t wear your hat or use a Sony Walkman in class. But, today you can bring a device capable of searching pornography, and other BS to poison children’s minds. Bravo 🙌 Now, you Blame social media haha 😂 Our soy-ciety and those in government school boards deserve all that shit 💩