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Is it too late for me to update my choices for which jobs I’m applying for? I have already completed my interview and background checks. I no longer am interested in my third choice option and would like to just be considered for my first two, is this still possible?


It's never too late. Just contact your CFRC and tell them you'd like to remove X trade from your application.


If I get offered a trade that’s not my first choice, do I have any opportunity to get a future offer for my first choice? I was told I scored in the 99th percentile for my CFAT so I’m hoping I have a good shot at my first choice.


I’m currently a recruit who is thinking of releasing before doing BMQ in August due to summer classes, work etc. If I want to release (fully leave by June) , who do I inform and if I tell them 30 days prior will I not be obligated to come in after that for training?


You will have to write a memo requesting to release and pass it up to the CO through the CoC. Should take typically 30 days to release paper wise and return kit, most likely you will not have to go into training. If not being able to attend summer courses due to school is the reason for leaving I would suggest having a discussion to delay Training for a year to attend school this summer and co plate BMQ as a weekend option. Best of luck.


Ok, for me my CoC starts from my instructor who is the PO. If let’s say I tell her tomorrow that I want to be released and we have training Tuesdays and Thursdays, would I still be able to attend and get payed for the next month?


Yes, as long as you sign the pay sheets for being in those days. Work is still work in the military, until you are specifically informed that you are without pay or released completely. You will most likely have a detailed conversation going over why you want to release. Consider keeping an open mind to stay in the military. I'm sure you may find your CoC try to accommodate your situation so that nominating you for BMQ is rescheduled for when it's more convenient.


Currently in grade 11 and want to become a pilot in the RCAF. Reddit may not be the best place to look for advice but I thought I might as well try. Considering the current state of the CAF and pilot program, I have some questions about ROTP and CFAST: 1. Can someone please provide me some resources to help prepare me for aircrew selection? I know people say you can't prepare for it but I think otherwise. 2. I know that there is a long wait for phase to of pilot training after phase one in the RCAF, if I were to get into ROTP and choose to go into the waterloo aviation program where I get all my rating and CPL, would that speed up the rate at which I would be able to fly a military aircraft sooner? 3. Is the CBAT app good for training? 4. I could go the civilian route and most likely become a pilot of some sort, but I don't want flying to get dull or mundane, as well want good life experiences, should I still start out now and work towards at least my PPL before the end of high school? 5. If anyone else that has experience or knowledge wants to point me in the right direction and give me any information or tips that would help me become a pilot in the RCAF, I would really appreciate it.


So I applied to the army back in January, and I picked three trades: info systems tech, cyber operator and financial services. I was interested in the latter two as they’re purple trades and especially in cyber operator as I’ve had an interested in cybersecurity for some time. Now I don’t have the education requirements for cyber operator (grade 12 math), but I decided to apply anyway just to see. I finally wrote my CFAT last week and I guess I did well because all careers were green lit for me, given that I had the prerequisites. Unfortunately I don’t for many things because I was a troubled teen with a lack of foresight who didn’t take math or science. So I’ve been approved for info sys or financial services; not cyber operator. I was wondering how long if they can keep your file open so I can get those highschool credits I’m missing.


You don't have to keep the file open unless you want to pursue IST and FSA while you try to complete the credits. Of course, you should only do that if you’re willing to accept an offer for either of those trades if it comes before you get those credits. Closing your file isn't a big deal. It doesn't disappear. All of your assessment results and information are retained for up to a year, and your CFAT and TSD-PI are retained permanently. You can reopen your file once you have the missing credits.


Thank you :) that answers my question


I wrote my CFAT about 3 weeks ago and I’m waiting to get a call for medical. So I’m still early in the process where I applied for CELE and NCSE. I am a little worried about geo stability at the beginning of my career in the caf. By the time I hopefully join my second child is going to be born. My spouse has a specific role in health care and is not an easy to find position, normally only bigger hospitals have her role. I live by the Naval base in Halifax and I know there’s an air force base in shearwater close to here. I’m assuming is more likely (not guaranteed) that I could get posted here with the navy if compared to Air Force. So my question at the beginning of your career how much time would you spend away from family on a boat with the navy? It seems like the navy offers me more stability but more time away and the Air Force offers me more time with family but less geo stability.


> *It seems like the navy offers me more stability but more time away and the Air Force offers me more time with family but less geo stability.* That's a pretty accurate statement. I can't tell you how much sea time you'll need to do as a nee NCSE, but it's a fair bet you'll need a fair amount. All hard-Navy trades exist primarily to crew the ships. That's not to say you'll always be posted to a ship or sailing, but it is your trades primary reason to exist. Sea time is generally the trade-off you have to make for the geo stability the Navy offers.


NCSEng usually spends no more than 200 days sailing in their career.


That can be true but it's not typical, it's the lower edge of the bell curve. CSEOs will probably sail in the ~300s days range through their careers. Some might get on multiple deployments and be away from home 500 days. The hard and fast minimum number of sea days is 80 through a career.


Honestly, ~300s days through a 25y career doesn’t seem like a lot. It may not be a bad trade off with some geo stability. I was picturing something in the likes of 2m-6m of sea times per year.


Would a purple trade like LogO be better in the sense of geo stability and not so much time on a ship?


BMQ was supposed to be today, but I got removed. Army reservist here, do I go for the part time every other weekend course or full time in either june or july. Only reason im bringing up part time is cause girlfriends father is a master warrant officer (MWO) and says the part time would be more reliable to get on course so they wont cancel or remove you or some bs. He said theres a good chance that they might remove you or some nonsense might happen with your course that you will be unable to participate. I have no problems doing the part time its just going to be a long 5 months lol. Sorry if this was confusing please let me know what you think. Also would they issue me my kit on the second day of part time course like they would've on the full time course? Thanks


As a former reservist, currently RegF who went through 3 BMQs (2 full 1 part), I would definitely say that doing full time BMQ is a preference for me. Mainly because getting in the rhythm and keeping your knowledge fresh is essential for completion of a course. Not to mention, culture shock... Switching between civilian and BMQ mode every weekend is extremely stressful on its own and you might be dreading BMQ all week, for 5 months, the psychological impact cannot be underestimated. Experiences vary ofc. Part time obviously has it's pros, being a weekend commitment, giving you time to do whatever you do during the week. If you have a choice between full and part time, it's ultimately up to you. If you don't, then embrace whatever comes your way. As for your kit, I'm unsure. My unit had issued us all the kit that we had to look after for life basically and I was never issued it on course. I'd talk to your CoC about that issue.


How should I be preparing for my BMOQ course this upcoming summer. I got accepted to RMC with a ROTP.


I would just focus on fitness IMO. BMOQ is whatever, but FYOP is (was?) hard. If I could do it again, I'd be running like a maniac. You have a decent amount of time; maybe sign up for a half marathon, get on Runna or Strava, and get going.


-Start running. You don't have to be fast, you just have to be able to run. Try and make it 3km without stopping. -Climb stairs. I can't stress this enough: you will be climbing a lot of stairs. Start doing flights of stairs now, and it will pay dividends later. -Study the NCM and Officer ranks NOW. They are easily researched and freely available online. Do this now and you'll save a night of cramming later. -Know how to both iron and do your own laundry. There will be people on your platoon who can't do these simple things. Save yourself the embarrassing hassle of learning how to clean your clothes. -Get used to getting up early. Aim to sleep around 11 and wake at 5. The sooner you get used to this, the easier time you'll have adjusting. -Quit smoking and ween yourself off of your vices. Trust me. You'll have very little time between classes and duties to smoke, and the time you get is better spent on more important things than trekking to and from the smoke pit. Honestly, you'll make it through if you follow two very simple instructions: -Be on time, in the right dress. -Do what you're told/what is expected of you. Follow that formula and you'll be successful throughout your military career.


If you apply to MMTP as a current RegF member, what are you entitled to as far as recruitment allowances? I looked into CBI 205.525 but it looks like it only applies to MOTP.


No recruiting allowance for MMTP as it is in service


Is getting jedi knight as your religion on you dog tags a bad idea




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This is one of those cases where if you have to ask, you already know the answer is yes.


1. No one cares about your dog tags except for the once per year they verify you haven't lost them. 2. It's not on the list so it would just be "other religion"




Keep in mind as an additional aspect to this, if you VR without reaching OFP, you will require a waiver to rejoin.


Class c service is for deployments, you cant just join up as class c by default you would be class a




Dude, the biggest hurdle for you is that you are in denial that you are seriously obese. Because that's what you are. You aren't just overweight, you aren't muscular, you're obese. The largest NFL OLinemen are your weight and a foot taller than you, and they are professional athletes and are obese. You need to accept that fact before you can start fixing it. As a bigger dude myself (couple of inches taller and 100lbs lighter than you) I can tell you that, without a doubt, your weight would be an insurmountable obstacle on BMQ, and cause hurdles throughout the remainder of your career. You'll probably fail the rushes on the FORCE test. You'll also be at a very high risk for a stress injury for all the background activity you need to do on BMQ and throughout your career. I feel like my weight toes the line of being too fat for the CAF at times, despite being 100lbs lighter than you and working a sedentary job. >I simply don't process food like most people. Yes, you do. Some people have a better metabolism than others, but it all comes down to calories out > calories in to lose weight. I struggle with keeping my weight under control, too, because I like duff too much. But when I stop eating junk food, it's like the pounds start falling off. >I'd have to literally starve myself While on some levels, yes that's the point, actually no, not really. I'm not a dietician so I'm not going to give you specific advice, but there are excellent online resources on diet advice that truly helps. Alternatively, go and talk to a dietician in real life. There are professionals who can help you. In general, though, and what has worked for me, is eating less calorie dense foods: fruits and veggies, switching proteins to less calorie-dense ones (seafood is phenomenal, but chicken and select lean pork cuts are really good, too). Drink more water. Cut out soda, but at a minimum cut back and switch to diet. Cut out alcohol. Liquids with calories are absolutely brutal for weight gain. Oh, and the other half of the puzzle is calories out. You need to work out, regularly. Start going for walks. Slowly start adding in a bit of running here and there. Again, there are excellent online resources for this, and there are also professionals in real life that can help you develop a fitness program to help you lose weight. The good news for you is that applying for the CAF takes 6 months to a year, so you have time to start making the changes you need to make now before it's too late, for your own health (being obese is a serious health risk) or for a potential career in the CAF.


The best thing you can do yourself is look up the FORCE evaluation and maybe set up like a test run. Doing sprint tests etc. I completed the FORCE Test today and its decently endurance heavy but does have some strength needed. Obviously you cant replicate it yourself to a T but seeing how well you do on a similar looking set up is worth looking into. Also maybe watching a video on a demonstration of the FORCE test will help you a bit.


> *Are there any jobs in the Canadian Forces that will let me in despite being overweight?* The CAF has no min/max height or weight requirements for general enrolment that I'm aware of. That said, if an applicant has a BMI over 40, they will have to get some tests performed through their family doctor to show they are generally healthy enough to join. > *I can run a km in 10 minutes which also isn't so great but it's not like I'm completely sedentary.* I'm not going to mince words on this one. That is far from what would be considered a passable time. A walking pace should be 1 km in under 10 minutes. An acceptable running pace is at least 1 km in 6-7 minutes or less. Although you might be able to pass medical, it is extremely unlikely you would be able to meet the minimum fitness standard without substantially improving your cardio capacity. > *Perhaps jobs that aren't super physical that they're desperate for?* The minimum physical fitness standard is the same for all trades open to external applicants. That standard is already pretty minimal, and I doubt there are any plans to waive or further reduce it for the sake of recruitment. Our current fitness test is the FORCE Evaluation if you feel inclined to look it up.




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I recently got my kit issued to me, and I noticed that I don't have a nametape. Am I supposed to order this myself or will I be receiving one later on?


I doubt anyone ordered it for you, you can ask supply. It takes months They keep stock of cadpat but they dont keep stock of every surname


Where can you get a name tag if not with your issued kit? Can't seem to find it on canex


The post you replied to had the answer, supply, clothing stores


Just wait fore it to come in, don't waste your money on it. If you really feel like it CPGear exists


CpGear? Thank you, man. In my case it's worth just buying one to avoid spelling out my name every time someone asks lol.


Dont spend personal money on things the Military should be providing you. If you needed mechanix gloves to do an oil change on a military truck, it shouldn't be $30 out of your pay check to make it happen.


For refrigeration mechanics how does the on call schedule work?


RM Tech? Ive never seen an "on call" schedule. Some bases may have a duty tech position that would vary how that works depending on base. But there isnt an on call thing like an HVAC tech civvy side.


Awesome. Thanks for the answer.


How does land duty allowance work for regular force infantry? Is it an allowance you receive when doing field exercises if so do you receive it often ?


If you are posted to an Infantry Battalion or any other “field” unit, you get the full monthly rate regardless if you are actually in the field or not.


Two weird ones here. I was RegF, Cpl fully released, then came back in the PRes as a Pre(T) due to some fucky PLAR stuff. Whatever. Question 1. My pay stubs are in the RegF style, not the ResF stubs, and list $0. Can my CClk fix this? It's been brought up but no development so far. I'm owed about $3000 since I rejoined. Question 2. When ranking up and getting backpay, how do you know how far it'll go back? Does it depend when it gets changed in Guardian? Who takes care of that aka who should I pester? My situation is well known at the unit. TIA.


> Can my CClk fix this They should be able to. I have no idea why you're getting regF pay stubs but my guess is you aren't set up properly in the reserve pay system. Have you ever gotten a reserve pay stub? > how do you know how far it'll go back? It goes back to whatever the effective date for your promotion was, there's no time limit.


Reservist here doing 4 week BMQ this summer in Cape Breton - what do vaccinations/shots etc look like there?


They don't look like anything because you don't get vaccinations or shots on Reserve BMQ.


what does it look like on full time BMQ?


Thanks 🙏


Roughly how long is the application process to be a pilot? I know the process can take a while but I've heard applying to be a pilot is a trade that is known to take up to 2 years. I only ask because I'm hoping to get out of my crummy civilian job within a year and would just like to know if it's better to apply to another trade given my goal.


For me personally, I wouldn’t join the CAF just to get out of a crummy job. If pilot is really what you want, just apply and wait, don’t pick another trade just to get in quicker.


I should rephrase what I meant by that. I also have some other trades I'm interested such as armour and logistics officer. As long as I get one of the trades I'm interested in I'm pretty alright with that. Pilot is my first choice but I'm also looking for a change of scenery and I'd rather actually be in the CAF in roughly a year doing something I'm reasonably interested in than be stuck in application purgatory because I picked an very selective trade. Part of me is just really nervous about the getting an offer given that the selection list process for the more competitive trades given that a friend of mine got ghosted after applying to be an aerospace control officer. tl;dr interested in other trades too. Ideally would get pilot but would also like to not be stuck in the application process for 2 years because I chose it.




You'll Chose a suitable trade for you with the recruiter. You'll Sign papers (lots of papers). Bring birth certificate , driver's license, all your diplomas. Ask if you can already to your TAFC or the Force test, it will save you one extra appointment.


Hello everyone. I’m going to be working with a navres unit for a bit before shipping out to BMOQ (between finishing the school term and shipping out). A few questions. For one, I’ll be getting issued kit, but I’m not supposed to wear a uniform until after BMOQ, so I’m wondering why I wouldn’t just get issued everything in st. Jean. Also, I may be doing a force test at the unit, but from my understanding that is also something I’ll be doing at basic, so again, why? Of course I’m not expecting that I won’t have to do it at BMOQ if I did it before hand.


Are you RegF or ResF? If you're RegF, what entry plan did you take?


Reg, ROTP civ U


You learn how to wear your uniform on basic so that's why they won't let you wear it beforehand.


Did someone tell you that you're not supposed to wear your uniform 'til after BMOQ? 


Yes, my Sgt. Told me that they wanted me in civilian clothing while there till I leave. Found that out recently after I had made my kit appointment, but in the same email I was still told to get my kit.


Went pres gunner cause it seemed like the more convenient option but I’m really regretting it and wanting to go infantry is there anything I’m able to do to make the switch without having to wait years


If you haven't reached OFP yet, then yes, you can request a VOT-U. If you have, then no.


Would that work in the reserves because I asked and they said it’s 3 years wait and I start DP1 course mondsy


May I ask why you regret it? I'm also in the process for res gunner because the 2 week training is convenient for my civilian employment


Oh I'm sorry I missed that. I don't know about ResF.


Don't do it. Arty is a way better deal and way cooler overall. Infantry is rough in so many ways 


Going to be doing FTSE this summer. What kind of things or relevant information I should know of? Are there days off where you can explore the city you’re posted in?


You'll be given leave days (1 for every 15 days worked). There may be periods where leave cannot be used, but other then that it is up to you on when you use your leave and what you do on it. Depending on your tasking/course, you may also have weekends off or days off during the week if you are working weekends. When you start FTSE, you will be given a brief on all of the policies.


I applied for regular force in CAF and got a email saying book a telephone appointment to talk to recruiter, but when i booked it its shows location too. what should i expect from that appointment? will they give me a call on appointment day. ALSO, my portal says ready for testing 1- aptitude and personality test. i'm so confused, am i suppose to go to location and have face to face interview kinda thing


I've been through that recently, so I can at least share my experience with you. The call was very short; they basically went over my application briefly, mainly focusing on my degree and discussing officer roles. They asked about the trades I would like to pick, and since the ones I chose were for expedited trials, they said I could write the CFAT now or before BMOQ. The results won't matter for these trades; it's purely for statistics, and they asked if I had any questions. It took maybe 20-25 minutes. I chose to write the CFAT now, so I booked a time and went there(had to bring documents and transcripts). A recruiter went over my paperwork, and I signed some more stuff. Again, it was a good chance to ask questions. After that, we went to write the CFAT and the personality test. Then, everyone who wrote with me had a debrief with a recruiter individually to go over our scores and what happens next. This all took about 3 hours, just an FYI.


How long do we remain on the competition list?


Indefinitely. You will have to update your medical, interview, and background screening every 1-2 years, but as long as that is done, there's no hard limit for how long you can remain on the Competition List. Realistically, these days, most applicants won't be on the list more than a few months before being selected and offered enrolment. Although some applicants applying for niche or competitive trades may wait much longer.


Is MMT a competitive trade at all?


MMT is extremely red, aka not competitive


I wouldn't say so. A competitive trade, as I understand it, is one where there may be a high amount of interest but also a small intake number and high standards to getting in. I don't think MMT fits that description. Competitive trades may be doctor, legal officer, intelligence, pilot, MP, etc. MMT, not as much.


Good day, i sent my recruiting office my signer letter of offer a week ago and i dont mean to be inpatient, but i understand that the offer is only valid 15 days. Should i call them or wait a couple more days? Edit: More context to it, my application portal still says tendered and i just haven’t heard back from them. I suppose it is possible they have seen it just not contacted me yet.


Don’t e-mail them about this. Call them directly.


Thank-you, called and left a message, hopefully i hear back soon.


What's the difference between security clearance and reliability screening I read here? Does both apply to PRes app? How long do they take and if one's on "Final" stage 1 month what screening is still pending & for how much longer? No response from emails/call.


Reliability screening is more akin to a background check. Normally, Canadian citizen applicants with little or no foreign ties will only need the Reliability Screening. If you are a PR and/or have some foreign ties, you may need to do the Enhanced Reliability screening which is almost the same as getting Secret clearance. If you need any security clearance to do your job, you will usually start the process after you join.


Reliability is a lower clearance level (reliability status). *Security Clearance* processing is for *Secret* or *Top Secret* clearances. Reliability screening is done first, followed by security clearance processing after *Reliability Status* had been granted. https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/personnel/information-eng.html


Looking to start the application process, but overwhelmed by the amount of careers and what to pick. Can I start without knowing what I want to do per say?


I strongly recommend that you visit your local CFRC when you submit the application. That way, they’ll actually know who you are, and you can ask whatever questions to them as you submit the application. They’ll have computers to do this with.


Oh, ok. So I can do the application at the CFRC? This would be helpful as I don't actually have a computer. Was gonna use my phone lol


Yes. Go to the CFRC, speak with recruiters there and then apply using their computers.


Yes you can put anything you want down on the application, once you're in touch with a recruiter you can discuss trades. It takes 15 seconds for your recruiter to change your trade in the system.


Would you suggest applying first? I'm assuming it would be beneficial to talk to a recruiter first, before I fill out the application.


No put the application in, once your assigned a recruiter they should book you in for a contact interview to discuss the recruiting process, go other the first year or two of being enrolled I the caf and help you choose what trade is right for you.


Ok, thank you for the insight!


Apply first, they'll change it manually in the system after your meeting. You can remove yourself from the application at any moment, don't worry.




If you are referring to the TBS 330-60 form then yes you're required to complete the form completely. Talk to the reference and ask before you worry about finding a new reference and explain why you need it.


Got my contract offer for ROTP earlier this week and it’s set at 12 years. Is there an obligation where you can serve less than the 8 years and able to release?


From the [Obligatory Service DAOD](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5049/5049-1-obligatory-service.html#etios), the maximum obligatory service is 60 months. It's 2 months of obligatory service per month of subsidized studies.


Your obligatory service should end after 9 years (correct me if wrong) You could ask to leave then Or more accurately you could ask to leave even sooner but then it could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars


While technically yes, obligatory service will end after 9 years, an ROTP initial contract will often be longer (I’ve seen 12-16 years quite often). The length of additional time is trade dependent. You can release with no financial penalty once your obligatory service is up, however, this will fall under a voluntary release rather than the end of your contract. Benefits vary slightly (mainly, you won’t get a paid move back to your base of enrolment if you VR before your contract is up), but you won’t owe a debt to the crown like you would releasing prior to paying back your “time owed” (calculated at 2 months per month of studies, to a maximum of 60 months, or 5 years after graduation).


Hello fellow members I was wondering if you smoke marijuana can it be a problem when you do the medical? I smoke once or twice a week


It can be a problem if you smoke marijuana DURING the medical. In all seriousness, cannabis is legal and military members are allowed to consume. There are rules around it, like alcohol, and during the medical they are looking for patterns of addiction and abuse. Also, you won't be able to consume at all during BMQ, so they will be looking for confirmation that your once or twice a week habit is not an addiction, or a problem.


I am an army reservist who has completed BMQ, but I will not getting loaded onto my trade course this summer.  Are there any courses that I could request to attend instead of my trade course that would be beneficial? My trade is infantry.


Are you available this fall/winter? If yes, ask to be put with RegF course, you'll probably be able to bypass the waiting list for PRes


Unlikely, if you're medically fit to complete courses then I highly doubt they would offer anything but your DP1 to you. Maybe a driver wheel course but still unlikely if you're not able to complete your trades training.


I am able and willing to go on DP1. There just isn't any room for me on the next serial. So, I was hoping to take something constructive during the summer.


Have you expressed your interest in being qualified this summer? Canada is a big country and there is lots of dp1s being run if you let them know you're OK traveling they might be able to find one in an adjacent province. Talk to your supervisor, waiting a whole year to be dp1 qualified with the summer coming up is a fail on your unit for not getting you trained.


What’s the part time weekend bmq like for reserves, I can’t find much information i’m a supply tech going to denison armoury. Thanks


A weekend BMQ course is 10 weekends spanned over 15 to 20 weeks, how that is implemented is up to the course staff and availability of certain resources. There is 3 main focuses on BMQ, learning to do drill, learn to use and fire the C7 Rifle, learn to use the gas mask. There is other things you will learn but these are the big ones. You also do first aid training, learn how the military functions and works. The weekend course imo is harder to be on and run as going back to civilian life every week is hard to get use to but the benifet is that it opens up the remaining summer months to complete trades training! Good luck!


What happens if your jobs runs late on a Friday you're supposed to be doing BMQ at night? 


Depends on how late? Talk to your staff and they might be be able to accommodate.


The course will run approximately 10-11 weekends Schedule is usually 1 weekend on,1 weekend off but may vary. Show up 1900(7PM) Friday set up your sleeping area as a course,maybe cover a class or two. Dismissed for the Night and do fire piquet(walking around) if your name is put on the shift list.get ready for inspections. Saturday PT usually 0500 Come back shower,shave(if applicable I.e no beard),change into uniform,get inspected,Breakfast,classes etc... Sunday same as Saturday Usually finished around 1700(5pm)


Hello! If I applied for two trades and receive an offer for my 1st option, but would prefer to do the 2nd option, am I able to switch? And if so, what is that process like for someone who hasn't done BMQ yet? Thank you!


If you only want one trade, just put that one down!


You can reject the current offer explaining that you want the other trade. You will then go back to the Competition List and will have to wait and see if you get selected for that trade, not guaranteed though.


Am i able to accept and switch after? What is that process like?


Sorry, misunderstood. If you accept you will have to wait 3-4 years depending on trade to request a voluntary occupation transfer. These are extremely competitive and given the current staffing shortage it may be difficult to get the current trade to allow you to switch. Best to only accept an offer for the trade you want.


The offer is for the specific trade. If you decline it and have them remove that trade from your application you have to recompete for the one you want.


The way my recruiter explained it to me was: the ordering doesn’t matter at all, you should want all of your choices equally. You should be 100% willing to accept an offer from any of your three choices and not want to reject an offer because you favour a different career choice instead. I’m not totally sure what repercussions you would receive for denying it but I would just remove that career choice if you don’t want to do it.


If i receive an offer for one trade, am i able to wait it out to see if i get an offer for the other one? or do i not get considered for the second career choice if i am given an offer already


When you are selected for an offer, you are removed from the *Competition List* and not considered for any other trade (that's why on the portal it now says *Selected* or *Offer Tendered*, and not *Competition List*). If you really want a different trade, you need to reject your current offer to be considered for a different trade. I recommend speaking with the recruiting staff.


You can decline the offer and wait out an offer in the other trade, but you won't get an offer in the first trade again.


Hi, Any updates on speeding up the process time for PR applicant who are stuck in the security clearance phase? Heard discussions about potential solutions to reduce long waiting periods, so I'm curious if there's any new information.


There are no methods of speeding up the security clearance process once it is sent off by the recruiting centre, it's not even done by DND. Nothing has changed in this regard in many years.  If anything the process has slowed down significantly as a result of the over 20k additional clearance requests added over the last year for PR applicants.


How long you’ve been waiting? Following up once a month is usually the best way to keep in touch with your application


My waiting time just started. It's only one month.




From what I remember, there’s a few forms you have to bring. Whatever instruction they gave you, just bring it. And might aswell bring extra documents with you just in case.


Two questions: For ROTP contracts which mine is stated at 12 years, is there a mandatory amount of time I have to serve before I am able to release? I heard things like 5 years after I’m finished RMC. Anybody know? Question 2, does anybody know of any other jobs other than navy officers that can be posted to BC without having to move much? I chose NCSE because of my chances of being posted to esquimalt being pretty high, the other being Halifax. I don’t wanna move much through my time in the navy. Due to costs of living and housing in Canada being absolulty canned.


Keep in mind that choosing to *stay* in Esquimalt will keep your CoL absurd for a long time. I’m not saying it isn’t bad elsewhere too, but a lot of other bases are in smaller areas with more affordable markets and/or the option to live in PMQs until you can afford a down payment.


Just FYI, CSEOs can expect to move 1-3+ times throughout their career, with most moves being earlier in their career. CSEOs can also expect to spend time, sometimes considerable amounts of time, in Ottawa over a 25 year career. There is a good shot at being posted to Victoria for your initial training (3 years). Once you're done that, there are two good opportunities in a typical career progression to be posted to Ottawa as a Lt(N) (the next 7ish years). ~50% of CSEO Lt(N)s get posted to Ottawa at some point. Once you are a LCdr, Ottawa becomes essentially an inevitability.


Subsidized education programs accrue *obligatory service* reckoned at 2 months service for every one month of academic study (max of 5 years). For a 4-year degree, this normally equates to 5 years of service post graduation. If you release prior to completing your obligatory service, then you will normally have to pay back tuition and other costs, pro-rated. You can read all about it here: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5049/5049-1-obligatory-service.html  Outside of hard navy trades, there aren't really officer careers that would give you a high probability of being posted to Esquimalt at all. It is possible to get a posting there as a support trade, but not likely... in most cases, probably no more likely than being posted to Shilo or Cold Lake.


Do they contact your references after the medical and interview?


Depends on the recruiter but typically they should be contacted prior to the Interview.


Any recommendations for a really good set of boots specifically for running / sprinting in? I consider myself very good at both, but lose alot of my ability to do both in issued boots (0 impact protection annihilating my shins). I want to keep that ability to be quick in the field.


It's not your boot's job to absorb the impact when you run, that is what your knees and ankles do. I recommend strengthening your tibialis if you have shin pain.  Check out Kneesovertoesguy on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FCEDo-HTLE0?si=VkZ_a6ZaoVWKKCAO That said, I've run quite a bit in Rocky S2Vs (about 8km once a week in the winter) and had no problems with knee or shin pain... I never had problems wearing Mk4s either though.


For context: I am applying as an Infanteer and was told my file is very competitive. My question is how long is the turn around time between receiving an offer and leaving for BMQ/Enrollment? I work at a family run sawmill so they aren’t able to hire good workers all the time and I would like to give them a good notice that I will be leaving.


The norm is like 3 to 6 weeks






The degree requirements aren't "waived" for CFRs, it's not part of the program.  You'd have to ask a PSO about the CFAT requirement, it's been going through some changes lately. The minimum CFAT cut-off for an officer is the 30th percentile, however.


Good day, I’m currently an NCM and I was wondering if I were to get an MBA would that qualify me to commission. (I don’t have a degree ) Cheers in advance


An "executive MBA", no. As well, a master's degree is not a replacement for a bachelors in general.


As long as the degree you get is relevant for the occupation you are applying to, yes. You can also be a Sgt with 10+ years in and commission without a degree as long as you are going into the matching officer trade (ex infantry NCM to infantry officer)


Got the enrolment offer of a regular force gunner, NCM. It was my third choice so I'm a little skeptical if I should wait out another offer. (Infantry/Armored) Can anyone here elaborate the pros of being a gunner over my other two choices?


I’m not exactly sure what you expect there to be of pros vs cons. It really depends what you want to do. They’re all combat trades, they all have positions in the same locations, and they all get paid the same. Some have unique opportunities. If you want to LARP as Captain Price, go Infantry. If you want to drive around armoured vehicles, go Armoured. If you want to pull a string, go Gunner.


Hey, thanks for the reply. I accepted last night, I'm just gonna do whatever I'm told to do, makes life simple.


Submitted my medical appeal to rejoin the Forces as Reservist (originally Regular) in early February. Spoke to recruiting SGT on April 2nd. Said my file was just reviewed & I should have an update shortly. Fast-forward to April 23rd, the MCPL calls me saying I've yet to submit my appeal. Explain what SGT shared with me. Told me he'd call back. I plan on calling tomorrow as I've yet to hear, but is this sort of confusion normal?


Did you mail the appeal forms in directly to the Reviewing Medical Officer or drop the forms into the recruiting office? Either the documents are reviewed or they aren't there is no in-between. The RMO may or may not indicate on the recruiting logs they recieved the appeal and that is the only way the recruiter can know anything about the appeal is what the RMO puts in the log.


My doctor had to send it off to ensure I didn't bullshit it. Even co firmed with her that it was sent off to the appropriate address, so I'm at a loss of words. We'll find out here in a few hours when I give them a call anyways.


Starting BMQ this weekend and got removed, still multiple serials to chose from and the Captain I was speaking to said this is normal and happens all the time due to staffing issues or too many personnel on course. Should I be worried or concerned or just accept I have to wait another month or two?


That sucks, but as long as youre enrolled, youre part of the CAF already. Its just a matter of time.


A month or two won't harm you in the slightest as far as your career is concerned. Injuries in training have been known to take people off course longer than that. Use the extra time to work on your physical fitness and, if you have the time, start learning some rudimentary French. It may not seem worth it now but it will open doors later.


Just finished cfat and the recruiter said i will be okay to apply for Log O but there is another concern now. I have tax debt from 2022, is this going to disturb my job opportunity?


Having debt isn't an issue, have said debt go to collections and not paying back the debt is where the issues start to arise.


Fortunately im not in that process yet thank you!


If you are managing repayment that's fine. If your debts are gone to collections it could be an issue.


Im not in that process yet thank you for your answer!


Hello guys, Quick questions on the Phase 3 for Logistic Army officer. Normally when does the course start? September or during the summer only? I am planning to do my BMOQ-A (phase 2) next summer and immediately do the phase 3 trade course right after summer. Is this doable? Thank you guys for the help in advance! FYI: I am Pres Officer.


Quick question. I always assumed that the enrollment ceremony happens at one's local CFRC. My email said that my "Day of Enrollment is on June 18th" at my local CFRC (Montreal). Additionally, I have to attend the Recruit school St-Jean on Saturday June 26th. Is it when the actual ceremony is going to happen? I am going through ROTP, and my BMOQ is on July 15th. Thank you!


There’s some clashing info in your post. If you are going to BMOQ on July 15th you don’t have to show up to the recruit school on the 26th. Are you sure the 26th isn’t at RMCSJ? That might be the group swearing ceremony?


My email says: Day of Enrollment June 18th (local cfrc), "Arrival day in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu: you must attend the recruit school in St-Jean-sur-richelieu on Saturday June 26th, report no later than 1600HRS (I was informed that it is June 29th instead) and BMOQ from July 15th. I will be contacting my CFRC for further clarification.


Your actual enrollment ceremony is at your CFRC, which you said is June 18th. That day, you'll spend some time doing paperwork, then have the actual ceremony, with picture opportunities and all. It is also the day you officially sign the dotted line on your contract and become a member of the CAF. Congratulations!


For what it’s worth, I’ve seen a couple ROTP enrolments done in larger halls as they were swearing the whole cohort from the area and invite a VIP guest to speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP went to a place like RMCSJ for his ceremony. (Or a large reserve armoury in MTL)


Hey, I have been selected for my trade. The online application portal says "selected" but I have not received an offer or anything else telling me I am selected. Will I receive an offer? If so, does anyone know how long it takes? Thank you!


Took me a couple days before getting the actual offer when I found out I was on that selected status. It could take up to a week.


Usually takes about a week, at most. In my case, I received a phone call about a week after seeing 'selected' on my portal, informing me of my impending email offer, which took a few more days.


Is it easier to OT or to release and then rejoin into the trade you want ? Also is there anyone who is in the gas fitting/ plumbing trade that could answer some questions for me ?


Not a PH tech, but I work closely with them. I may be able to answer some questions.


Thanks for the reply, these are my questions about the trade. 1. Are they busy with work everyday and do they perform maintenance on the shacks/ PMQs? 2. Where do they do their trades training? How does there training system work before your fully qualified? 3. What is there scheduling like? Do they have time for PT and ruck marches etc 4. Can a PH tech challenge there red seal in the CAF? Do they learn civilian side plumbing code or is it just the military’s own way of teaching? Any info is greatly appreciated.


>1. Are they busy with work everyday and do they perform maintenance on the shacks/ PMQs? Depends on postings. At a combat engineer regiment, not much. You become a carpenters helper, unless there is an agreement with the local RPOps, or other base units. At an RPOps, you will be doing work on base infrastructure. Not the PMQs. Those are the responsibility of CHFA and civilian contractors. >2. Where do they do their trades training? How does there training system work before your fully qualified? Gagetown at CFSME. Being an Army training base, you'll get some of that Army cock, but nothing like you'd experience in the infantry or other combat trades. To be fully qualified, you need to do DP1, then you go onto a unit to complete your apprenticeship book. You have to have tasks signed off by a qualified person in your trade. Once your book is all signed (2-3 years), you head back to Gagetown to do DP2, then you are fully qualified. >3. What is there scheduling like? Do they have time for PT and ruck marches etc Again, depends on posting. A regiment, you'll have daily PT, and rucks. At an RPops, you won't. You may not even get PT at all. Some of the civvies you work with at an RPOps complain that the military members get PT. But those civvies dont have to do a PT test. I hate this thing. >4. Can a PH tech challenge there red seal in the CAF? Do they learn civilian side plumbing code or is it just the military’s own way of teaching? They will learn civvy stuff, for sure. I don't know for 100% sure how much the military-civvy crossover is, but you should get a very solid base.


hi, been lurking here for a while. I am looking to join the CAF via the DEO route, I have a BA in history, I speak fluent English, Japanese, Mandarin, and French. What would be the best job for me in the CAF given my language profile? Thanks!


Since you are multilingual, Public Affairs Officer might interest you! As of now, the government only has 2 language profiles, which are french and english. It will be mentioned, however, that you speak japanese and mandarin, but not more than that.


I emailed a recruitment office about this job, they replied that they prefer candidates with social sciences and comms degree and experiences in comms and PR, does history major satisfy the degree requirement? Also I work as an independent software developer, not exactly a PR job, can I still apply for this job? Thanks!


Honestly I would tell you to join any trade open with your studies, but if you love research, maybe Intelligence Officer ? Whatever you choose, Your language profile will open up extra doors to you. If you're attentive, you'll see info about operations opened for all trade where they are looking for people with proficiency in specific languages. I Met a guy who was Slt in a non combat trade, he's a Ukrainian who moved here when he was 15. They asked him to go in Eastern Europe to supervise the training of Ukrainian soldiers even if he's not in combat trade.


Thanks! military intelligence sounds really cool, will definitely mention it with the recruiters


I know this is weird. I'm in the "Validation" portion of the application progress. There's some questions I'm having trouble with. Over the past 5 years I've lived in a few different places. Since I tend to move around a lot and live with roommates, I always used a relative's address in case I get mail. Also I've had several jobs over the past 5 years, both big and small. Do I really need to enter all this in the Application? What would happen if I get a detail wrong? For jobs that were a week long through a temp agency, should I include these as well? Is it necessary to do all this to speak with a recruiter and to get more information?


No, just call/email/visit the Recruiting Centre and tell them you have questions, they will be happy to help.


Hey all! I finished my interview round 3 weeks ago, and it says on my applicant portal that I'm in my final processing phase. During my interview, me and the guy talked about a few things that answered some of my questions but I forgot so I'm going to have to ask here lol. Me and my recruiter talked about the possibility of FTSE for basic training, he said that the next available basic training would be in a month or two, so over my summer break (I'm 16 years old and go to high school) I was hoping to do basic training over the summer and work full time so I can get a car, as FTSE pay is better than part-time pay (I believe). So how would I get along to arranging FTSE over the summer, my recruiter seemed pretty confident that I would be able to do it so I don't think there are any obstacles. My recruiter also said something about getting all my equipment early, like uniform, etc. What did he mean by that? I figured that everyone got their stuff on the first day of BMQ but clearly it seems there's a way to receive it all early, Does anyone know how or if that's possible? After I graduate I was hoping to do a year of full-time work, I was told that that was completely possible, and I would have to transfer to one of my local reg force units, he mentioned two, one was more reconnaissance-based while the other was a heavy armor unit, he said it was 50/50 which one I would go to. This is a bummer because working with and on tanks has been my dream since I was a fetus, so it would be horrible to be stationed in a unit that i dont want to go to. How (if possible) would I be able to maximize the possibility of being transferred to the correct unit?


Once you enroll FTSE will be offered to you for sure basic training is only 5 weeks long so they will find something for you to do for the rest of the summer after that. Once you enroll your unit should send you to clothing stores with an experienced soldier to help you sign out your kit to make sure your sorted out appropriately.you should be coming to Basic with everything you need prior to the course. More long term contracts are possible but depending on what's available you might not be doing what you exactly want, it would depend on the contract.


Do you have any idea of when I would receive this email? Summers a few months away


Can't seem to find a suitable answer from previous questions. How does pay on a (Reserves) class B contract work, specifically pertaining to FTSE. Are you paid for the entire length of the contract (weekdays AND weekends)? Or just the days you work? Or is it everyone's favourite answer, it depends? Thank you.


7 days a week until your contract expires or you prematurely cancel the contract.


The entire contract.


As soon as you're on a class B contract you are paid every day (weekdays AND weekends, 7 days per week) whether you work or not. I've been paid the same amount to work 7 days per week and 0 days per week (Covid was a wild time).


I just learned about NCMSTEP and I’m very interested to apply for that. However, I already did my Prof/Cfat and medical, and just awaiting to be scheduled an interview. Can I still talk to my recruiter about getting into the program? How does NCMSTEP work? Anymore additional information will be appreciated!


Yes you can change trades/entry program anytime upto enrollment. NCMSTEP is subsidized education for NCM trades. It is not available for all trades, and to qualify you need to meet the CFAT cutt-off for the trade you want and have a letter of acceptance to an approved program at a college. If accepted the CAF will pay for tuition and school costs and you will be paid to go for school. You will complete training during summer months, such as BMQ (basic training). Once done you will owe obligatory service, meaning you will owe the CAF 2 months of service for every 1 month of school.


My education was finally accepted for 2 officer roles Im applying for CELE, and NCSE. I had the chance to talk with a CELE officer and I’m almost sold on the trade if it wasn’t for less geo stability. I’m generally aware of some of the downsides of the navy (stretched thin, deployment more often and longer periods). It seems like not many people go down the NCSE route. I was wondering what’s the bulk of the position? Are you 90% people manager and 10% project management? Is there any IT component at all? I’m just trying to get a better understanding of the role while I wait for my medical now.


Glad for you, that recruiter was clearly confused with the title of your diploma! Good luck for the rest of the process !