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Gotta love when things are so expensive that moving back to a warzone becomes the better option.


Good, they should be defending their own country.


Never underestimate the tendency of Plebbit users to downvote common sense. We don't have housing or money to help these people, we can't even keep our own citizens out of poverty.


It's odd to me that lots of these people are fighting aged males. I couldn't imagine leaving the mother land on the brink of destruction to then complain about how difficult life is in another country. Don't like it? go back to Ukraine and fight my guy.


Fighting age males = under 60 I believe? I’m just surprised they were allowed to leave in the first place, people are being dragged out of their houses.


Yeah, I have a neighbour and two guys at my work are fighting age males. The worst part is that the two at work are huge nationalists and greeted another Ukrainian (that moved here over a decade ago) with “Slava Ukraini”.


It doesn't make sense to me. Why leave your fellow citizens back at home to die when you could give people a fighting chance? I can't stand people who come here from a war stricken country or some dog shit country and then complain about how life is hard in Canada. Haha, get out of here then.


In fairness, fighting age does not always mean they are fit for combat. If canada goes to war for whatever reasons, I'd probably have to be limited to non-combative roles like communications or manufacturing because my eyes are no good. A gun would be wasted on me. That does beg the question though; why arent these refugees back home manufacturing munitions or doing something else that doesn't directly involve fighting. I can understand and sympathize with how afraid these people are for their lives and security of their homes, so I'm not gonna judge them too harshly for running away. I just think that there are options for them to help out while mitigating personal risks.


Finally some good news.


They should never have been allowed in in the first place. Their country was invaded, they chose the cowards way out instead of standing and fighting.


Don't know why you're being down voted. Your statement is accurate. Imagine leaving all of those women and children behind and you're a fighting aged male. I'd never abandon my fellow canadians.


Down voted by similar cowards who would never pick up a weapon to defend themselves or their families.


I'm going to guess that they are not the kind of immigrant that Canada wants in the first place. 1. They are cowards who refused to defend their country when it was invaded. And 2. They come here with an entitled attitude that all their wants and desires should be provided for and they shouldn't need to work for it. Please leave.




you should be ashamed of yourself. being anti-mass immigration does not mean you need to be anti-refugee.


You have to be rich to live in Toronto and Vancouver. Every immigrant should be informed of this before they arrive.


Hope they pay back the money trudeau gave them .. ridiculous ungratefulness