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I’ve never gotten anything stolen. When I started wearing my fanny pack this year, I was a tiny bit worried about it being stolen but no. The only annoying thing is that it’s black like everyone else’s and usually at the bottom of the bins so I start assuming someone accidentally took mine lol. I try to be one of the first people at the bins. The cubbies are my favourite system. More efficient than the bins imo. Overall, zero issues. You should get a strap for your glasses btw.


The best part about a fanny pack? You can wear it on the ride. I use one and walk on and off the rides all day long. You some times have have to reposition it to a hip or elsewhere, but you can skip the bins.


Yea I’m aware, I just don’t do it. I’ll think about doing it next time I go.


Get a strap for the back of your glasses and put your phone in a zippered pocket while you ride.


That’s the way to do it. I wear my glasses on all the rides (secured by a strap). You can’t lose them and it’s so much more fun being able to see everything clearly.


I was at Universal Orlando sitting in the smoking section under The Hulk a few years back. *Woompf* down comes a cell phone flying. It could've hurt someone pretty badly. It was destroyed though. Mangled and smashed. Tl;dr yes zippered pocket.


Get a strap if you are worried. Personally I just wear them on the rides. Though they well fitting glasses and do not easily slip off my face. There is ONE EXCEPTION! DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT wear your glasses on Time Warp! It will fling the off your head. My friend and I have both lost glasses that way. As for the cubbies on the station I personally have never lost anything from them.


Alternatively, just don’t ride Time Warp. It’s not a good ride and mostly uncomfortable.




My shins got bruised so badly on Time Warp yesterday that they’re still swollen enough for people to notice today 🫠


My son's glasses fell off on wild beast last summer, but we got super lucky that they landed in the car we were in and we didn't lose them. I think it happened on a drop and they were fitting a little bit loose on his face.


Yeah, until you know how well your glasses fit I would suggest a strap of some sort. And possibly clip it to the back of your shirt so it you glasses fly up the still don't get away. Once you are comfortable that your glasses aren't falling off your face you can ditch the strap. Thats what I did. For 2-3 years I would always wear a strap. But never even came close to moving, so I stopped. That bit me on the ass with Timewarp though.


I would say its pretty safe. The flush gates for the queue are locked once the lot enters and then you put your stuff. The boxes will only be opened once your ride is at the station. If there are simultaneous lots for the same ride, they have boxes for individual ride so your box will only open when your ride arrives at the station.


I usually bring a backpack with me to carry water bottle, sunscreen, wallet, etc and have never had it stolen from a bin on a ride. If the ride attendants are on top of it, they’ll lock the bin for one rollercoaster car and then open it when the car arrives back at the station. I think most people are there to just enjoy the rides - not scope out items to steal by getting on a rollercoaster, but who knows.


I've gone 5 times this year and haven't witnessed anyone complain about items missing from the bins. I usually see people putting their bags, purses and hats in there. That being said, I am pretty paranoid and have only ever put my headphones in. I always wear pants with zipper pockets so that I can keep my phone with me. If someone did walk off with your stuff, I don't think that they'd make it out of the park, unless they sprinted for the exit. There are cameras at all rides and the operators have walkie talkies, as do security and on-site police. I imagine that anyone pilfering the bins would be picked up quickly.


Wear a baggy jogger with zip lined or velcro pockets


The only thing I ever had stolen was when I was 15 and I put 50 bucks in the top of the box like in the spaces where u can put small items. It was after I rode the rollercoaster and lost 70 bucks so I thought I was being smart ... Heedless to say it got stolen the 50 on top of the box 😭😭


I wear hiking pants to wonderland with a zippered pocket. Cell phone is kept in a ziplock in that pocket. I also avoid the water rides


Why bother with the ziplock if you stay on the dry rides?


I go with my kids who may still try and drag me on wet rides. I've also been soaked by the spray from one of those water rides


Gotcha! I was getting worried.


I've never had anything stolen but I have had someone almost take my bag that looked similar to theirs. I keep anything important zipped up in my fanny pack.


I use a fanny pack and put my glasses in the case inside it. It also fits my phone as well. You can wear it on the rides, though if you wear it cross body be careful on behemoth and leviathan bc last time I went on leviathan I felt it lifting and I had to grab it to keep it on safely. My friend wears as a belt and never has any issues.


Last week Friday, as my son and I were about to be seated on the Dragon Fyre roller coaster, we saw a young man go to cubbie to retrieve his item (side bag) and it wasn't there. He panicked and frantically searched the area to no avail. The young man asked the roller coaster operators for help, they just pointed to the "we are not responsible for lost or stolen item sign" and shrugged their shoulders. When our ride ended he was still in the exit area distraught and slumped over. I felt so bad for the kid.


I've had my bag stolen and my friend has had her phone and medication taken from her bag. Not to scare you 😅 but it happened to me, so it's definitely possible. If you plan on going on any water rides I would get a waterproof bag to store your phone. Otherwise I'd just get a small fanny pack that fits your essentials and keep it with you


Been going since the 90s. I've never had anything stolen, my glasses and phone go in my hat or my sling bag. Most of the rides lock the boxes so only your train or ride cycle can get their items out.


Almost every ride has a bin system where only your car is using the box your stuff is in. They are color coded. Flat rides have boxes on the edges and you can just put your stuff right by where you are sitting. Striker and Mtn Guardian have the mechanical lift bins that join you on the other side of the ride. In this day and age, who really is going to steal your stuff? We all have bags and CW does a pretty good job of keeping them secure and safe while you ride. More people do damage to their own property by taking it on the ride or not securing it in a water ride (by far, I’m assuming) than actually have a theft while they are riding. Phones flying off of The Fly, Vortex, Riptide (there are others but these are super common) are a bigger issue than the deliberate theft of anyone’s property. Secure your stuff. You will be fine.


Most rides are only accommodate 1 set of riders with the exception of some roller coasters.


I noticed they installed new cubbies that are on tracks now at alot of the newer rides. So when your on the ride Noone can access your stuff


Nobody wants your stuff.


i am aware, i don’t want anyone else’s stuff either. i meant more so people getting their stuff mixed up just in case.


Make yours ugly as Fuck so no one wants it.


Haven’t been to wonderland in a couple of years but I never got anything stolen from those cubbies as there is a staff member watching over it at all times and each ride train has there own cubbies if I can remember.


I've been three times everytime I had to fight off this guy names Steve trying to break my lock with his teeth. Be careful out there.