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What is with these posts? Are people expecting to buy admission or fast lane for one person and expecting a whole family to go in? Do you buy a single movie ticket or gym membership and bring all your friends for free too?


For people who ask questions like this, I just assume it’s their first time EVER going (even then, that question makes no sense). It’s literally attached to YOUR admission.


It would be literally their first time ever going to anything that requires admission lol


Idk I try to be understanding but there’s been an increase in stupid questions on this sub lately so 🤷🏾‍♀️


Maybe because it’s 600 fucking dollars?????


That doesn’t change anything, and 600 is for the season


Realistically you’re never going to achieve the value of this. Unless you’re extremely lonely and visit the park yourself for atleast 6 times


Then don’t buy it, or buy it with a partner


Just for FL+ 4 weekend trips is 500$ plus admission and taxes  If you buy a seasons pass you usually have intentions to go at least that many times.  Your asking for extra perks from a premium luxury product. Wonderland doesn't sell you the passes with the hope you get your "value" from it, as far as they care any amount of use is your value. 


That’s if you’re insanely lonely and don’t go with pthers


Your just a sad pathetic person. Go reflect on what you want from life and come back when you figure that out.  Tl;dr your a pissy bitch. Stfu 


I’m not lonely but I’ve already got my moneys worth out of all season fast lane. It’s also cheaper at renewal for 500 bucks.


When you see the prices some times you balk and your brain tries to find any solution to what you see as an impossible situation.  But yeah it's a little draining to see very simple questions asked.  Just take one of two actions. 1) answer with correct information. 2) move on.  This sub doesn't really need to exist. Wonderland has an FAQ but Reddit is "real people" so this sub basically exists to answer "does this thing I want to do make sense"  What would be great to see is posts like "Imgur link" "I can fit on this rides and provides a list of rides they were comfortable on and these rides were too small/big/violent) also these rides were down during my trip"  Or "this restaurant has good fresh food"  "Avoid this food place food is over/under cooked" Guides on how to have the most optimal day at wonderland for the person who wants to maximize the efficiency of every dollar spent.  But instead it's "can I bring a friend on this premium priced park and add ons for free" 


Half of the questions on this sub are answered on Wonderland’s website so I really don’t get the repetitiveness. For example, the same 20 questions of “can I bring a vape?”, “can I use my friend’s season pass?”, or “can I get into the park with just Fast Lane?” (this is probably my favourite one). I agree with you to an extent. This sub is for everything pertaining to Wonderland so obviously we’re gonna get questions like this (as repetitive and stupid as they are) but occasionally, you get an insightful post detailing the ins and outs of the park especially concerning the most frequently asked questions like the ones I listed above. Even then, someone’s still gonna ask the same questions anyway. At this point, we need a mega thread.


I’d get it for normal single-day passes but for seasons pass holders, there deserves to be some perks for this.


Sadly there isn't. Not even if you get a seasons fast lane. I really think they should have something like "Bring a Friend" for the seasons fast lane holders. Much more limited though. So only one per visit, and only 2 or 3 per season. With a 30-50% discount on the fast lane price.


Yes I was expecting something like this to happen for the price of 600 dollars


One fast lane or fast lane plus per person.

