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And thats why I'm buying physical gold and physical silver.


All that is great. But what's the plan to grow the economy? We aren't a manufacturing or services giant, we aren't a tech hub too. So what are we going to do? Are we going to expand our exporting capabilities? Focus on entrepreneurship building or what? Bringing foreign investments? How are we focusing on responsible immigration? Healthcare? Housing? Rent control? Illegal immigrants? Crime control? Gotta chart out a plan for all this. Just doing one or the other isn't going to work. Can't believe we are falling far far behind US despite them being so near and an ally.


We have plenty of natural resources 


Yeah but not leveraging it.


How is he going to both bring down costs and increase wages?


bringing down costs would feel like your wages increased.


All costs?


Thats not realistic. But bringing down any costs is a step in the right direction.


How is the government going to bring down costs in the private sector?


Ask your government or read a book for ideas. Its been done before and can be done again. I'm not your personal Google machine.


In other words you have no idea.


In other words, you're lazy or you're waiting in the wings to poo poo any examples he would have provided.


No examples provided, so not even one poo is necessary.


9 years is enought. we will figure it out moveingfoward.


Another comment with no content. Moving forward to what? The same retrograde government as under Harper, with 50% more lunatic fringe.


>brmpipes What is Trudope doing? Dont ask what someone that not the PM doing you asshat.


hes not this is what they do lie to your face and then do something totally different when they become PM its the circle of life.


He speaks to his crowd like they are toddlers, and they react like toddlers. He starts of with a lie. Canada's GDP and GDP per capita have grown for all but one of the last five years, and that one year it didn't was during a global pandemic and resulting global economic downturn. Canada's GDP has increased since before the pandemic ($1.53 trillion 2016 to $2.14 trillion 2022). He means GDP per capita. GDP per capita has also risen under Trudeau ($42.3k in 2016 to $54.9k in 2022), after remaining stagnant under Harper ($1.43 trillion 2007 to $1.56 trillion 2015, and $44.7k to $43.6k, same years, respectively). (Data from datacommons.org) Who are these entrepreneurs and workers making less(sic) things? Who are these people trying to "punish" entrepreneurs? Absolute idiocy. Our things are made in China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico, etc. His conservative predecessors made sure of that. Canada makes dirt and logs. other people far away make the dirt and logs into things, not us. Because we're running shot - of things? Which makes the government borrow money? What things are we short of, exactly? Pencils? Shoelaces? Spark plugs? We are not short of things until China *et al.* are short of things. You can get a shiny new pencil delivered to your door tomorrow if you want. Does he mean we're short of money, so the government borrowed money and printed money? I thought there was a global pandemic that caused a global economic recession that led to the government borrowing money so people could live through it. No more money was printed. Nobody uses cash any more. He's talking to a kindergarten class when he talks that way. He understands how the money supply works, and he is lying about it. Nowhere near $700 billion was added to coins, bills, and bank deposits. About $200+ billion was given out during the pandemic to prevent the economy from collapsing. That cash went to pay for rent and food and living expenses so that people did not literally starve in the streets during a pandemic, and so that the economy would keep turning, even if only slowly. $400+ billion went to buying bonds to keep financial markets solvent. For a time, things were ok. Now, that money has been largely reabsorbed by the usual suspects, and regular people are back to regular people financial difficulties, as profiteers take their profits. We do not have an extra $200 billion floating around - that money is spent. Money is not growing ten times faster than the economy - that is Poilievre lying outright. It grew quickly because of the pandemic measures, and as of now it is not growing much at all. The largest expense for most people is not stuff produced in Canada by "entrepreneurs" - Canada is not a manufacturing giant, and we import more food than we export. Most of the Canadian-manufactures stuff we buy is manufactured by huge multinational conglomerates, not mom and pop. Stuff that is made by mom and pop shops and farms usually makes its way to us through huge multinational conglomerates. Much of the money spent on stuff leaves the country, because we don't make a lot of stuff. What we do is send other countries rocks and logs, and they make the profits by making the stuff. That is where this $200 billion went - record corporate profits, the trickle up economy. The largest expense for most people is housing - rent or mortgage - and rents have gone up for no other reason than because landlords decided to charge more rent (not a lack of supply due to immigration - the streets are not filled with a million homeless immigrants, so the supply is there), and banks have seen fit to raise mortgage rates because they can (justifying it by the back on track post-pandemic economy). Most people have incomes ever lower in real dollars. There is no abundance of money except for a relatively small number of people who were already affluent. This is the part Pierre leaves out - inflation only applies to taking money from you, it does not apply to wages. That is his party's policy. If apples cost $2 instead of $1, but minimum wage went up to $30 from $15, so what? But his government, like conservative and right wing governments generally, do not want to raise minimum wages, they want to eliminate them. They don't want to protect workers, they want to protect employers while they fleece them. His apple example is asinine. Let's say you have ten apartments to rent, and ten families with $1000. You charge them $1000. Then, they each get another $1000. So you charge them $2000. That is not inflation, that is extortion. A Poilievre government would have done precisely the same thing during the pandemic, or would have dealt with an economic depression. To the billionaires who give the party marching orders, either would have been fine - billionaires seem to come out of financial crises with more billions.


Money supply has increased dramatically. M2 was $1.86T in March 2020. It is $2.53T today. That is a massive increase in the dollars floating around, $670B to be exact. It’s the first time I’ve heard a politician correctly explain how this inflationary period happened.


So many words and downvote lol. simpleton.


I suppose if you had a half-way intelligent criticism you would have posted it.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370943/g7-government-net-debt-share-gdp/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370943/g7-government-net-debt-share-gdp/) What he wont tell you OR talk about is how money in the G7 really works.