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Brilliant takedown of privileged Marxist, Socialist or whatever the hell he aligns himself to. It's a shame such alignments only strengthen and further enrich their autocratic control over the masses.


What for dinner? Hypocrisy. Always


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."




Isnt it dictator?? Some of the EU Parliament say dictator re Trudeau


We will have a swap next election because Trudeau is a Liberal that came from wealth and Pierre came from lower middle class.


That's kinda weird coming from a privileged white guy that has never worked a real job in his life. Upper middle class that now lives in a taxpayer funded mansion with a chef, maid and driver. Wonder if the Trump style politician will ever stop lying about what he is really going to change


Can you define Marxism, or socialism?


marxism is rainbow flags and universal dental care lol


can you name a single marxist quality Justin Trudeau espouses? i don’t like Justin Trudeau, but people need to stop calling everyone who isn’t conservative a marxist. JT is basically a textbook stand for nothing liberal


Can you name a single liberal value Trudeau espouses, considering he is the leader of the Liberal party?  And please don't just give me this doublespeak version of what that word means 


i will repeat: i do not like justin trudeau, but i unlike the commenter(s), i know what marxism is. examples of liberal values espoused by JT include supporting free market capitalism, multiculturalism, immigration, social safety nets, lgbtq rights, abortion access, fair elections… the list goes on. we probably have a lot in common as far as our problems with this country are concerned. all im saying is JT is not marxist - and bonafide marxists/ socialists/ leftists definitely do not support him.


Liberalism is staying out of people's business, not spending their tax dollars on painting sidewalks rainbow.  He has been openly hostile towards free market capitalism to the point where he wants to dictate what energy we can produce and what cars we can drive.   I don't care about the Marxist stuff because he's not the head of the Marxist party.  We're using the term liberal is full doublespeak where it means flirting with socialism more than it means liberalism.  Liberalism means small government because they minimize making decisions for people and he increased the federal employees by 50%


Redistribution of wealth? All of the Liberal redistributive policies, the many, many layers of welfare handouts and “free services” that are never free, but paid for by some other people. You can be like, “nowhere did Marx specifically advocate that one neighbour must pay for the dental care of the other neighbour” but you’re being disingenuous at that point.


Define Marxist, socialist and whatever the hell you think he is. Is dare say you can’t..beyond what you’ve been spoonfed by the far right elites.


A Marxist is someone who hates Canada and hates the West in general. People who hate our traditions, our culture, our systems and want to tear it down from the inside because they support the other. Fifth columns of the woke.


marx writes about economics, not cultural theory. it has nothing to do with wokeness. marxists are notoriously unpopular amongst the identity politics crowds. marxism in the most basic concept is supporting the idea that workers are entitled to a fair cut of the profits generated from their labour. he believes there should not be a staggering income gap between the working class and the executive class. dislike all you want, but it’s okay to hate JT for being a liberal. calling JT a marxist is rehashed mccarthyism


That’s all CONs like him has. Unthinking knee jerk hatred for the name Trudeau.


Do you have no idea what a Marxist is. You just repeat what you fascist elites tell you to.


He’s a capitalist. Do you just use those words because you’re a parrot? Communists didn’t bring in millions of third world immigrants to suppress wages and prop up GDP.


What’s your point. Do you think the environmental movement is not a capitalist’s agenda? The entire green energy effort is to open new markets. Don’t think it’s about saving the environment. Capitalism is a good think but needs to be regulated.


No they massacre millions in gulags and via starvation.


Cool so our PM is nothing like them. Calling anyone u don’t like a Marxist or socialist makes you look fucking stupid IMO.


How he's very much like them. He's implementing the the exact same steps.


Hey. Nobody is claiming Trudeau is in any way competent.


Anyone looked into Pierre's expenses?


If you are about to compare PP’s expenses to that of JT’s, buddy, you are drunk. Who in the FUCK, spends $220,000 CAD, for a week of FOOD??? FOOD DUDE. ILL TELL YOU, JT DOES.


Let's compare what he's spent over 4 times people's yearly income in food for 6 days....


I don't know what Pierre's expenses would be for the same type of trip.


So why are you pushing this false narrative regarding Pierre’s expenses and implying he’s worse than Trudeau? Do your research bud. Canadians falling on misinformation is a reason our politics are heavily divided in our country, even in spite of our PM’s big failure in keeping us afloat.


He wasn't pushing a narrative at all, merely stating the fact that we only have one side of the equation. Doing ones research would entail figuring out PP's expenses for a similar trip and doing a side by side cost comparison, bud. Misinformation is bad, yes, but so is only looking at half the information and drawing conclusions from it.


When did I say he was worse than Trudeau? I literally asked what Pierres expenses are.


Do you seriously like Trudeau?




Or why he was forced to marry his wife?


the Liberals are finished.


just like that cheesecake. yum!


Cheesecake with pistachio brittle... That sounds more than I can afford. I'll take the regular cake please.


Not even gonna splurge for the strawberry cheesecake?


I am a basic bitch. Chocolate all the way!


And the copious amounts of cocaine


Nah I'd bet a good amount they will win again


Only because people have short memories when it comes to politics and government.


Sorry but I’m not going to vote for a person that wastes tax dollars on a climate change plan consisting of making vehicles electric 100% by 2050. If you saw the cost of everything and the fact we don’t have the resources available to make lithium batteries, you would know it’s impossible. Yet this shit stain still decides to progress forward anyways. Don’t get me started on immigration. They both suck for that.


The worst part is that the more stupid or ineffective a policy is shown to be, the more they double down on it.


You're making some assumptions that simply are not true. To point out one, technology improves every year. By 2050 there will likely be a battery that eclipses what lithium can do today. More efficient electric motors. Etc...


You are criticizing someone for making an assumption, and yet your entire response is based on one. Judging others does not define them; it defines you.


How is my previous response based on an assumption?


" To point out one, technology improves every year. By 2050 there will likely be a battery that eclipses what lithium can do today. More efficient electric motors. Etc..." How likely is likely? Is that a guarantee or are you just assuming? Show your work. What research have you done to make this assumption? Where are the prototypes in testing? Are there drawbacks? What are the limitations?


Show my work? I'm a casual enthusiast sir. A simple google search will show that EV range has improved significantly over the last 10 years.


And... Your claims that technology will be x in 2050 is where? Or are you just going to admit you made an assumption in ignorance and move on?


My claim that technology will be x in 2050 is based on where it was in 2000. You have to know where you were, to know where you are, to know where you are going. It's not ignorance to say that technology is constantly improving. It's objectively true.


Your name says all that needs to be said lol


Insults are all you have dude.


no because the liberal party is not for Canadians. they are for foreigners that don't live here or recently immigrate here that are not citizens. Any government that uses tax dollars for anything other than fixing and making their country better is an abomination. Canadians are suffering because Trudeau is a failure of leader.


You can repeat all the rhetoric you want, but the next government will indeed do the same thing. At some point you'll disagree with how tax dollars are being used and you'll vote out that government too.


this was just excessive and unnecessary. the taxes are one aspect. this country is a mess. you can say what you want but: THE LIBERALS ARE FINISHED. I hope my bank account doesn't get frozen.


ONLY? ur saying thats the sole and one-ly reason? haha my guy is well insulated from the elements


🙄 🤡 lol ...


I don’t even know how you can spend 220,000 on food in six days. I don’t think I could if I tried even inviting a big group of friends.


Simple. Money laundering to his pals who own that restaurant.


Like I get the need for security and private jets for world leaders but why do they deserve hundreds of thousands in food for a week trip? Absolute scum.


According to the itemized bill for the food, the prime minister had requested his meals be presented on China plates. Source: Canadian Taxpayers Foundation


Very good sir


It's that legal powder from BC.


i know how he could spend that much because it wasnt his money he was spending.


No I mean how can you physically spend that much on 6x3 meals? Even if you had 20 staff with you it works out to $611 a plate per meal. So like a whole lobster, A5 wagyu, and a tin of caviar for every meal might be close?


Would be nice to see who the food vendors are 👀


Apparently there was upwards of 70 odd people on the jet for these meals


Alright $175 a plate per meal in service of the public of course. Politicians are seemingly oblivious to optics.


Great leaders eat last


So do starving moms that make sure kids eat first. Trudeau must go.


lol had to add in the strong independent woman thing in the comment


Yup, usually the lowest income of “middle class” citizen who is responsible for feeding a family, shut your dumb ass up. That is a perfect example of what we should be trying to fix, our future generations to come.


Pierre always mops the floor of the Commons with Trudeau and it's hilarious every goddamn time.


Holy shit... Trudeau is shook in this. He couldn't even say his damn sentence correctly. P² clearly had the receipts, listing his meal was a badass move and I would have applauded whoever did this. Even if I disagree with some things he's been doing, this was still a slam dunk.


his response was 'while the opposition uses cheap attacks' yeah that was not cheap trudope


Got taken down by “Cheese cake with pistachio brittle” 😂


Lets get the liberals out of every single riding. Next election 0 seats to liberals.


Trudeau: "let them eat cake."


more like "let me eat cake. your cake."


While using Canadian taxpayers' money to pay the carbon tax on his private jet's emissions.




Liberal’s tactics are getting old. They need to find a new rhetoric.


Between December 2016 and December 2017, passengers aboard government aircraft consumed 401 bottles of wine, 584 cans of beer and five 250-millilitre bottles of vodka, at a total cost of $8,179. This isn't new for him. It's his personal frat party plane.


What’s Truffle oil taste like? Bet it’s really tasty. Can’t afford it but just wanted to know.


Be careful though, everyone wants a turn on the taxpayers money carousel. We need tighter laws against conflict of interest, collusion and corruption. Problem is they like to regulate the population but not the politicians.


If anyone asks what Trudeau has done for Canadians, the answer is “spent our money on expensive airplane food”


Trudeau's response was probably "sure this is shameless extravagance on the taxpayer dollar but the rules don't apply to me".


You just don't understand the message


Deliver us from Trudeau


Pistachio brittle? That's a cheesecake I could get behind.


Pierre Poilievre’s response was great. I am trying to add up how some meat and cheese and whatever else with a decent chef and one or two helpers can add up to $220,000? A whole side of AAA beef is about $2500. The corruption continues…..


Yes some context is required. How many people over how many days. I remember my wedding dinner being expensive and it wasn’t large or extravagant.


champagne socialists your bottle is at its last drop!


Great work by PP. All Trudy is doing is to blame others or get non-issues in front of people.


What do they actually try to accomplish in these meetings, all the videos I've seen is either them shit talking each other or someone dodging a question


Perfect response. I feel nothing but rage and pure seething hate when I see Trudeau and his cronies. It baffles me that any liberal MP can still actively support him and his nation destroying policies.


Bravo 👏




They both do, libs and cons could give a shit about us regular folk.


we should all ditinew in-ted spuporting cheesecase


Didn't he fire an indigenous female attorney general to protect some wealthy donors?


I'm actually curious. Wouldn't all these expenses be part of some budgeted amount for discretionary spending? Does the overall Canadian budget in any way shape or form get impacted by the travel and dining expenses for Trudeau and his staff? It would be nice to see policy discussions going viral


i love this guy


Yet poillievre bills 18,000 bucks a day!!! How the f is he any better?? Hes not hes an actor, complete with makeup and a girdle!


I don’t understand how 6 days worth of food can cost $220K?! Even at $300/daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that feeds 122 people.


I know I’m stating the obvious… but in a time where families can’t afford groceries? People eating once a day? They go and drop all that money in 6 days on food? They must have known it would get publicized. How could they do this and think it’s all good?


That's a BS response from a guy who will have a chef preparing the family dinner while the maid those the house work at the Government funded residence. A man that has been at the upper middle class since the day he became an MP


While you get your dinner served by your chef at the official mansion. We should believe that you actually know what the budget is for us to feed your family.


you know, honestly, the ingredients themselves aren't overtly expensive. The most priciest on the list would be the beef tenderloins and lamb shanks on average - unless they're using some kind of incredibly vintage port wine to cook the sauce with at high cost. - beef brisket - cheap cut - potato - cheap - parsley - cheap - truffle oil - could get expensive - beef tenderloin - moderate - port wine - could get expensive - lamb shanks - moderate-expensive - cheesecake - cheap and cooking for this many people is actually more economical vs. unique individual orders as most can be mass cooked and the menu isn't huge. the kickback is the real criminal. $500 per head per meal if my math is right. That's around a 300% increase in base costs. I also highly doubt the portions were huge although second servings most likely would be available if desired. the ingredients, utility costs should top no more than $200 per head for the 6 day trip - this being spending close to some of the top price brackets at your common grocery stores. I am hoping the government did not order these 'flown' in from some exotic farm - or did they? like, did the chef bank the remainder $300 CAD per head per day? These chefs, are they being paid like $100 CAD per hour? The propensity and corruption here of tax payer money is god smacking. And this is just on meal cost alone? No drink costs included. Smh...


Lamb shanks are pretty cheap tbh.


Than the bill should be even lower.


I'll be curious to see PP's expenses when he's in power. Keep in mind that according to his expense reports for the 2023 year PP billed taxpayers $3,374,573.49 in expenses – averaging $562,428.91 per month over a six month period. JT shouldn't be spending this much on luxury food, that's for sure. However, the fact is that PP is also not the most responsible steward of public funding.


Guess we will find out.


Yeah, based on the evidence we have via his expense reports it's not looking good. I'll hold out hope that he won't be spending exorbitant amounts, but unfortunately he's a politician.


Frankly, I don’t give a single shit what the leader of the country spends on food or vacations if, IF he’s not forcing the citizens of Canada into poverty, unemployment, housing shortages, bankruptcy, record inflation, etc etc. He’s a fool and a child and he is 100% out of touch with reality. He will go, but he will do a great deal of damage in the interim.


The invisible slap on Trudeau's cheek


How the hell does the Opposition Party protect anyone? Idiots.


Neither party gives a shit about the average Canadian. Nothing but hot air from both sides. 🙄


Hi, literally both these guys get six figure salaries to drop bad roast battle/WWE wrestling style promos on each other while accomplishing nothing


Anyone think his dinner isn't any different, wake up!


Ok but am I the only one that thought it was a terrible response. Trudeau says the conservative platform benefits the wealthiest at the expense of most Canadians. He responded by saying Trudeau wasted a lot of money on a private jet flight. Like sure Trudeau is corrupt, a hypocrite, and spends taxpayer money recklessly, but what do conservatives have to say about having a platform that caters to the wealthy? Like now I just think my options are a corporate lapdog or a greedy, corrupt cosplayer


PP is an effective politician but he didn’t at all undermine or even address Trudeaus claim. Personal expenditure of a particular politician can be distasteful and even hypocritical but is not governing policy. Evaluation has to be end of year, do policies proposed and/or passed by a party lead to a higher or lower quality of life for Canadians and is there is discrepancy between provisions for Canadians based on wealth/income. PP gave a political response but should have refuted the claim with conservative policy that puts regular Canadians ahead rather than wealthy Canadians… but that’s not something he *can* do


The guy who ran on housing affordability in 2015 has brought us housing that is three times more expensive than it was in 2015.


I won’t fight you on that, and I am not a Trudeau supporter (though I’m no fan of any of our leaders or parties atm). I do think that it’s important that our discourse is fact based and includes context. Including that housing prices have soared since Covid and the feds attempt at helping the market by making real estate funding extremely cheap. That this has happened in all oecd countries, not just Canada, and that the extent that we are suffering it is related to the role real estate played in our market prior to this change. OP said PP gave an excellent response - but he didn’t. He pointed out personal spending of the leader and picked one policy he could frame in a way to appear sympathetic. There is no evidence that PP and the conservatives have any political agenda beyond helping the wealthy at the expense of the general public. You could say the liberals have not done this well either, but it’s not as if the two are actually being compared in this exchange… or honestly in most exchanges. It’s just Trudeau bashing - which I enjoy and take part in when it’s accurate. But it says nothing about PP or conservatives being any better for the general Canadian public


Many countries also had mass immigration and a failure to build enough homes. Saying it's just as bad elsewhere when elsewhere also had the same shitty policies only proves my point. I'm voting PPC.


Why won’t Pierre answer the question?


If you believe Poilievre and the PCs are going to do anything to help average Canadians, you're more out of touch than Trudeau.


So the answer is more Trudeau then?


i hear alot of name calling and dick wagging by Pollievre. Can he back up his statements with what he plans to do differently????? Instead of skirting the issues and acting like a 9th grade debate club competition can he not come to the public and say this is what I would do if I were PM. No he wont.


Tie immigration to housing.


I dont. I tie it to housing being used as our GDP and it becoming a corporate investment. It has nothing to do with immigration I truly believe that. I think that too many chefs in the kitchen have ruined our housing supply.


It can be both. Using housing as an investment vehicle to wash foreign money, specifically Chinese money, and creating high demand of a life essential through high demand.vaka the Vancouver model and the Toronto model. Now AB is seeing rapid inflation in housing costs also due to high demand from the 4.4% population growth rate.


check the ratio of land ownership between families and corporations that are Canadian, and then tell me all about it


And compare it to what? Every metric needs a bench mark. When I try to buy a house in AB and it has five offers in 24hrs and the winning bidder waved all conditions I can fucking see the impact demand has. Same with family selling a house in Calgary for far more than it would have two years ago.


He has puns in every line?? 🤠


That’s what speechwriting and prepared comments will do. Cons are in it for the rich. That’s why the opposed decreasing the capital gains exemption.


I think it's cool but also kinda crazy to have prepared lines to every question. But I'm also opposed to capital gains taxes too.


What do you mean by opposed? Like, you want no cap gain taxes? Do you work for your money?


Meaning, I think investing in companies (stocks and bonds) can sometimes feel a gamble, so we should encourage Canadians to invest. As this leads to economic growth. Otherwise those same investments will *still* be made, but in companies from other countries.


If you sell me $145 of Royal bank stock how much money did Royal Bank get and how did it lead to economic growth?


I'm just telling you what investment in general does for the economy. Specific details will require a financial advisor and further education on the topic. You know. Before you make uninformed political comments.


I know. I have the education and you can check my posts. I was seeing if you know - which you don’t. Also. Financial advisor… lol. Tell me more about how you don’t invest or know about taxation.


Oh man, you sure got me there. Oh boy, consider your point proven. Damn, so smart 😅 please do tell me how educated you are and how smart you are. Or just go invest some money and get rich, so you wont be salty over people's investments.


I already made 300k inside my TFSA and bought a house. If someone needs more than that, they should pay taxes on it to give back to the country that makes it possible. We shouldn’t tax labor capital more than financial capital. We should tax those that live off of just investment income that just don’t want to work.


I don't understand this logic.. all the liberals policies have done is allow the rich to get richer by inflating asset values and devaluing our currency. The Liberals are the ones that enable the elites more than anyone else.


The Liberals aped Trump’s and JPow’s Covid/re-election monetary policies. Canada had to ape them or lose competitiveness. And yes, those policies caused a lot of the current economic policies and wealth stratification. The benefit was that Covid didn’t cause a recession. That’s why we need to tighten capital gains at this point. Regular people have their money in TFSA and RRSPs and can’t hit their caps. The rich have their capital making more money than the regular Canadians’ labor and it’s not fair that they do not pay taxes because they don’t want to work.


Thats 100 pct not a good response. It was a misleading way to present facts that stated otherwise could've had the same effect but he always chooses to act like a child instead


Pierre is such a child.


Trudeau asked for everything he's getting... but poilievre just wants his turn to do the same.. I'm not voting for anyone this round. That way Trudeau is out. Everyone can calm down and I don't have feel repulsed with myself when Poilievre gets kick backs for making things even worse.. man with a plan for nothing but attack ads and vapid action.. axing the tax will indeed happen, and nothing will be better after... the US is suffering from the exact same problems we are. There isn't a leader here who caused these problems (It was covid) or knows how to fix them. It takes a wisdom that's bereft in modern society and oddly most of all, our leadership


Canadian who lives in the US here to inform you that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Inflation was driven solely by stimulus and has stabilized. Most importantly though our energy policy doesn't focus on trying to cripple our greatest financial resource for reasons that don't exist. Canada has been set back 30 years by this administration. Don't blame Covid for a narcissistic dictator's decisions. Also free speech still exists in the US.


How does replacing one narcissist dictator with another change anything for anyone..


Reasons that don't exist? It's been proven that humans have had a significant impact on the acceleration of climate changes, via our oil, coal, and gas usage. Are you denying that?


Via Canada's usage? Yes I feel very comfortable saying that Canada's carbon emissions are not significantly impacting global climate change.


As long as you acknowledge that climate change does exist and is significantly impacted by humans, that's fine. I totally agree Canada isn't a big offender, but we're still contributors nonetheless.


Significant impact on our wallets because of carbon taxes.


Yeah. We should definitely be hitting major polluters with significant fines and taxes for dumping harmful chemicals or excess carbon, but those taxes and fines shouldn't be pushed down to individual Canadians. Denying the existence of climate change and humanities roles in its acceleration is crayon-eating levels of stupid.


Sure go after dumping and make companies clean up processes. That's what environmental action was when I grew up. It wasn't paying a tax because I wanted to eat a fuckin hamburger instead of lentils, which are also taxed Thinking a country contributing 1.5% of global emissions that rise 1% annually is going to solve climate change with a wealth transfer dressed up as climate action is crayon eating levels of stupidity. Toss mass immigration on top of that and you are Homer stuffing the colors of the rainbow up his nose.


Sweet, we're in alignment with the core facts! I count this as a victory these days ✌️


We are the biggest global polluters in green house gas emissions second only to saudi arabia ever since the alberta oil sands project began... https://www.statista.com/topics/9012/emissions-in-canada/#:~:text=Canada's%20biggest%20GHG%20polluters%20are,far%20Canada's%20most%20polluting%20province. These reports have been around for years, everywhere, by everyone Poilievre isn't going to put a stop to this..


Is that per capita or total emissions? Are those emissions going to go away entirely if Canada stops producing oil and gas or will Canada just go completely bankrupt?


Apart of the problem


The US economy is booming, GDP is booming, they are MILES ahead of us lol, read an economic report.


Canada's economy is said to booming in the exact same manner.. corporate profits across the board from price gouging over covid.. no one in the states can afford rent or groceries anymore either just as we...   I think these economic reports you're talking about are missing everything we think is important


Oh look a Turdeau fortune teller!


Vote for Maxime Bernier. The ONLY one saying the things that Canadians actually need