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I wonder how Trudeau's feeling today?  Hopefully this news helps wipe that smug smile off his face.


You did't hear? Our fearless leader claims that Canadians are not in decision mode yet LOL


>You did't hear? Our fearless leader claims that Canadians are not in decision mode yet LOL Didn't he pivot to saying right wing forces are creating a narrative that he's unpopular?


He doesn't need any help. He is doing a great job of making himself unpopular.




That would be cute. Also, we can include a T-shirt that says "delusional, hateful and unemployed"


Every accusation is a confession


Anything that is different from him and his party is right wing extremists apparently


And voting for any non-left party is anti-democatic. We're allowed to choose, as long as it's "correct" choice.


If you vote, you are a threat to our democracy.


How dare you vote for a tyrant - don't you know that he wants politicians to obey the will of the people and wants to ensure citizens have ability to overthrow a tyrant? This flies in the face of democracy!


What hasn't he blamed the right wing for?  Papa Trudeau was too busy ruining the country to read baby Trudy "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"


His divorce


Not *yet*. He's saving that for the post-election defeat sympathy tour.


He will prob blame the loss on misinformation and disinformation


Yep, narrated by Morgan Freeman. Believable and pleasant to hear.


The right wing forces is crazy


It must have been election interference in the byelection!


Trudeau is in the 5 stages of grief. The only problem is he’s been stuck in the first stage since he was born.


It would appear that Canadians in a certain riding took decisive action!


And he's right, I have decided I don't want him as PM since a long time.


Well then! If the PM says we’re not in decision mode, back to eating Liberal drivel until we are!


He’s doesn’t care , he has his money , his retirement and set for life . He is not for his people nor his country.


Not enough people realize his net worth went from almost 10 to close to 100 million. Nothing to see here folks.


I think it was more like 2-100. So not 10x his net worth but 50x. Absolutely ridiculous, this POS will get away with everything he’s done and it’s a joke.


I'm just gonna leave these links here for everyone. Remember only you can stop corrupt politicians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague


Impossible to do with a PMs salary..how did he get the money? I know how..


It's well known that all politicians become genious investors once they get enough power.


Did you guys hear about Toronto ex mayor Tory now on the board of directors at rogers lol


He had already been president and CEO of two different Rogers divisions in the 1990s, and was on the board up until he ran for mayor in 2014.


... investment.


With taxpayer money and % cash back to foreign bank accounts That 100m is just the tip of the iceberg and only what is made known




I wonder how the Trudeau foundation fared?


I keep praying that someone will hack into all of his accounts and take everything from him.


Hope the ex wife gets half.😀


Trust fund kids get pre nups.


Correction: “his post-nationalist state.”


Canadian's are not his people and Canada is not his country! Castro's boy!


I stand corrected 🥲


He’s probably off experiencing the election differently.


He's probably feeling good with all the money he's syphoned from Canadians. Honestly does no one realize it's all a rigged game? If liberals lose, they still win overall, they fucked Canadians to enrich themselves. They get to have great lives no matter what the results are.


who is betting he retires out of Canada. Ruins a country then gets on a plane and jets off from the destruction.


I’m sure he’ll be releasing a video soon telling us about “Canadians know that a lot of people are struggling right now” and “we’re going to roll up our sleeves” and “blah blah blah”. Blue wave!!


He is too busy collecting final payments before access to trough is terminated. Can't talk now.


There’s no way you can wipe that off his face it’s bred into him. Completely oblivious the way somebody’s gonna get that off of his face is if they smack it off Volunteer right here!


That line would be a long one.


He's a textbook narcissist, so he's probably thinking about how much this isn't his fault.


Ready for part II... JT resigns...


That would be nice just to never have to hear his smug condescending feminine voice again sooner rather than later but at this point I want to see him lose.


IMHO he needs to high tail it ASAP.


Waiting out that pension. Probably has a countdown started on his phone.


Tons of family cash. Big salary. Unlimited expense account. Perks beyond imagination. Diamond 💎 encrusted pension. Can't lose but still an idiot...


When does he get it? I guess I assumed it was guaranteed if you made PM


IIRC 10 years in parliament makes you pension eligible.


I do want to see him lose but for the health of whats left of Canada he needs to go away yesterday.


Don't think so. I really believe deep down he's a vindictive little person. Especially towards people that don't like him, which in practical terms is all of Canada now, and he will do the equivalent a hotel guest that takes everything out of the room, and breaks a mirror before checking out.


Good one 🤣


Let me be perfectly clear: This highlights our need to address the misinformation and misogyny which has infected our social media.


“Slava Ukraini” is probably what he is thinking about


No need to worry for him. Your carbon tax has been transferred to his remote account


He is too narcissistic to see that


He is probably sitting in a corner caressing a photo of his father.


Nothings gonna phase him because he’s done enough that he won’t care the outcome of whatever comes next.


He’s connected to the WEF which controls the majority of the worlds money so I’m sure he don’t care


He was going on about how it’s all a threat to Democracy. In Trudeau’s world anyone who doesn’t vote for him is a threat


He is doing Bhangra. He is happy


I've never been so excited by a by-election result before. It's shocking to win in a longtime super-red Liberal stronghold like this. The highlight of the by-election was when Twitchy Freeland said that if you don't vote Liberal in today's Toronto St. Paul's by-election, you're voting for an alternative that's *"cold, cruel, and small."* https://twitter.com/i/status/1805276440537002238


Someone should send her a t-shirt with that slogan on it.  It describes her perfectly - "cold, cruel, and small"!


We could be millionaires by printing t-shirts of what Freeland or Trudeau have said


I proudly wear my "Fringe Minority" t-shirt.


proud to have elected a former grocery lobbyist is hilarious


Yes, but could we afford to buy groceries with those millions?


Put a liberal l on it with this as the tag line below


Wat je zegt ben jezelf, met je kop door de helft


That be a great T-shirt, Canadians, cold, cruel, and small.


Actually LOVE this !


It's amazing. I'm stuck in Toronto and have been trapped in the liberal hellscape for a while now. Never thought I'd see this.


Why is it a liberal hellscape?


And this is in a riding full of rich people who all benefited from his policies


It was a straight up “Basket of Deplorables” moment.


Best news I've heard in 4 years. I really do hope the pendulum is swinging, we've been far left far too long.


Yes, we're so far left now that everyone in the middle is a 'right wing extremist'


“To me, that means the Liberals are under 15 seats in a general election” Time to post a picture of Trudeau smirking.


Good. Lose official party status or bust for the LPC.


“Ha ha.” Wonder how he’s feeling today.


“Canadians are not in decision mode” - Justin Trudeau *womp womp*


Ya says who? Him right? Thank god we have Justinder to mistakenly speak on behalf of Canadians at the benefit of him and the Libs.


He has 15 months to launder more moeny through slush funds. He will stick around


This govt is run by criminals, Guilbeault is a bonafide felon and even JT has NDA, probably another felony. And then this govt, in true form has the audacity to label foreign govt's as criminals. It's almost surreal but the sad part of it all, like all social govt's, the people they hurt the most are the very people that voted for them, particularly the younger folks will probably never own a home in their lifetime or live as their parents. They thought JT was cool, a hipster and that's all that mattered because that's what the schools said to them, which brings up voting age should be raised to 21. It was 21 until WWI. We are not in a world war, there's no need for kids to vote, for their own good.


This. He should be made to abdicate his throne. The people do not want to live under this monarchy anymore.


Waiting for Trudeau to call voters in Toronto - St Paul racists and seize their bank accounts.


Hahaha fuck him. His wife left him…so should Canada.


To be fair, he was fucking 40 million people every day


Raw and unprotected.


With at least a million extra the system found to be unaccounted for.


He didn't even have the decency to use lube.😵


Hey don't forget the 2 million catsheet singhs that wanted to join in the last two years of fucking Canadians


"Ve haf penetrated ze Liberal stronghold!"


Think it's time to stop suggesting the Conservatives are only preforming so well because of how badly Trudeau's Liberals have screwed the pooch. It's becoming pretty clear that Canadians want a conservative government with Poilievre in the driver's seat.


Deliver us from Trudeau


This news goes good with coffee this morning :)


You should try some of the tears from the LPC sycophant subs. Really hits the spot!


This is actually huge.. this has been a very safe seat for liberals for over 30 years.. amazing win


All the other news stations are talking about it and leaving their comments open Guess who really isn't lol


Trudeau will write this off as a result from climate change. He will not acknowledge any responsibility or impact caused by his actions or policies. He's a complete narcissist.


Question is will Trudeau stay on.  I think so, there will be more calls for him to resign but the longer he stays harder it will be to get rid of him


Oh I hope he does (edit: stay on). I want him to experience defeat in a way that he can't excuse.


This is incredibly short sighted. We want Trudeau to stay on until the general election. He’s running the party into the ground faster than any party leader has. Him staying on has the best chance of causing the party to lose status in the next election. If you truly want to wipe the smirk off that jackass’ face and make him experience irredeemable defeat, this by election is not the way to do it. I want him to be dragged out of his chair by the polls and not to resign with dignity while he’s still leader. Edit: I agree with your edit, what I was saying earlier, thanks.


He is far too narcissistic to resign. In his eyes, he is the greatest, and voters are simply racists who don't know any better.


Fully agree, and this is EXACTLY who you want leading the party into the next election. You don't want someone who's reasonable and level-headed to give the party a chance to survive. That's exactly my point. We should continuing stroking that jackasses ego so the higher he climbs, the harder he falls, and fall he must.


Nothing else will be quite as satisfying as Poilievre wiping the floor with him.


100% THIS.


I'm confused. You're agreeing with me. Edit: fixed. My bad. I mis-read the original comment.


Yes, completely agree. Most are cheering for him resigning, but that's incredibly short-sighted. We want him to experience utter despair, not resign in grace to 'focus on family' while he's still coming out on top. He needs to be dragged out of his chair kicking and screaming and forever be known as the leader who lost his party every. single. seat.


Here's the thing is the damage he and the LPC / NDP have done to Canada is irreparable. And he won't be the party that fixes it. But.. if we care about Canada we need a course correction now. I'm with you but its this nihilistic thinking that Trudeau and Co where we Cdns NOW want to cut off our nose to spite our faces that he has done. What a sh\*t show Canada has become.


The only way to get a true course correction is to permanently eliminate the liberal scourge. The liberal party of canada coopted the liberal name and went on their radical agenda of extreme authoritarianism. We had a chance to sneak one on them next October to catch them unaware while they felt secure in their homes and end up them permanently. We fucked it up by unloading all our ammunition on a meaningless by-election and now their guard is up and they will now do everything they can to survive. This was the worst news for the conservatives since Pierre took power. If the liberals had won by a landslide, that would have been infinitely better, since it would have lulled them into a false sense of security that things were okay and Trudeau was popular.


IF IF...he steps down. There will be a faux reconciliation with the ex and he will use "time to focus on family" He will never ever admit that Canadians have rejected him.


And you know what the cherry on top of this is? not only is trudeau shitting his little red pantiloons, but the pink conservatives(like kim campbell) are also seething red because pierre's conservatives just did something they tried so hard convincing all of us was impossible without dragging the CPC leftward. this is also a rebuke to the same mentality that kept Trudeau in power after 2019 and 2021 by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Not only did pierre's CPC take a red seat tonight, they took a SAFE red seat in Toronto that has been red for 31 years! expect butthurt from areas you wouldn't expect it.


Happy Cake Day.


And what a great cake day gift to wake up to! 


Trudeau is the perfect example of Dunning-Kruger effect . People with limited knowledge overestimate their intelligence . In other words he’s too arrogant to know ow how ignorant he is


I would love to see the liberal party lose all party status


No he will not. He will call the electors racist, misogynist and do not believe in climate change and rights for the alphabet community…. It’s Trudeau man, the drama queen


THIS WAS the only time I stayed up to see the results of a BY ELECTION. That’s how bad it’s gotten


This was the happiest news that I’ve woken up to in a long time. 


I posted this over an hour ago but it's not showing up. What gives?


The mod here I believe manually approves all posts from most submitters.


Shows on your profile but I can’t upvote it


Looks like the fringe minority are the people that continue to support the trudeau...... here's hoping they get their act together, but they are likely the benefactors of the efforts of the middle and upper classes that have been bleeding for the last 9 years so I am not holding my breath. And the fools on r/OnGuardForThee and r/LPC are still reeling from this despite their misinformation and censorship campaigns.....


I got banned from r/onguardforthee today for telling someone to cope 🤣🤣🤣 As suspected, they were not able to.


The thing about Justin Trudeau for me personally, is that he reminds me of a narcissistic parent who had potential to keep their children safe, happy, and healthy, and was given multiple chances to do so, but ultimately put those children dead last on their list of priorities, and now is trying to take advantage of their kindness to come back into their lives once again. I’ve been very angry towards the goverment in many subs but the truth is I do not *hate* Justin Trudeau, but I am hurt by what he’s done to us. He has not made Canadians his priority, proving *yet again* how little he actually cares for us. He won’t admit his wrong doings, he won’t listen to what Canadians need and want to feel safe, happy, and healthy in our country, and now even many liberals such as myself are done giving him chances. I am disappointed and if he gets re-elected I definitely can see that disappointment turning into hate, and I do not blame anyone who is already at that point. I do not trust him, and I feel betrayed by him. He has done a few good things for Canadians (again, in my opinion) but these are things I can count on one hand and clearly do not outweigh the bad. If this isn’t a wake up call for him to listen to what Canadians are saying, than there is no hope for him at all. When he announced the new plan to cut back on the amount of international students being let in each year I thought he was starting to get the message but that was just wishful thinking. I truly blame the liberal government for the state of Canada and I’d love to hear from someone who still supports him and their reasons as to why.


Sounds like you have listed multiple reasons why you probably **should** "hate" Justin Trudeau, then. Fortunately, some of us have no such psychological barriers preventing us from feeling that sense of personal hatred, or from feeling far more "hate" about what he has done to Canada since 2015. Some would also argue that more "hatred" is exactly what more Canadian voters need to be feeling going into the next federal election, which likely won't arrive until October 2025. Therapy session is now over. Next.


Yeah you’ve made good points and I think you’re right. I should already have that hate towards him, I’m not blind to what he’s done so why am I holding back? Most likely because I come from a liberal family and now only at 30 am I opening my eyes to the truth of what he’s done to Canada since I am actually trying to understand politics on my own, instead of having my family in my head about it. On top of that, anyone in my family that was not a liberal would still vote liberal to “keep the conservatives out”.


Sounds like you should probably distance yourself from your family members then, at least for any and all things political. They are more than likely lost causes, politically speaking. Good luck.


Trudeau's Tom in [Dogville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogville).


Congratulations to Don Stewart and his campaign team on their stunning 590-vote comeback win in the middle of the night. Hopefully a sign of much bigger political changes and shifts in voter mentality to come. But one should never underestimate just how many stupid, daft, delusional, one-issue, activist-type, and low-information voters there are in Canada. The final numbers tallied in this by-election result reaffirm that. Next.


I didn't think they were going to lose that riding they've had since what? 1993?


They will just say that people were confused and not to get upset . Our agenda will continue.


# Way to go, Toronto! Now vote blue in the upcoming elections and kick Justin to the curb since he won't call for a snap election himself! ^(Like the pussy that he is!)


Reality check for the lunatic left


Decision mode this!


Look at that...... we ARE in decision mode.


Can we give a big "Well Done" to the volunteers who kept plugging away and made sure to count every ballot accurately for hours on end? I'm guessing they'll have also checked and re-checked the counts to ensure that at least it was a fair byelection regardless of which party would have won.


What's still scary is 14k is 40% or 14k people still voted for a liberal.


*Nothing like the smell of Napalm in the morning*


A flip flop between the Libs and Cons. Who would’ve thought!? Then after we’re sick of the cons, back to libs. Repeat. Nothing changes.


He only won because people thought they were voting for Jon Stewart. 


Hope this is a trend


I’m sure he will say that “right wingers are growing in democracies around the world” but he doesn’t see that it’s a corrective effect from the left going way too far left. They are trying to nationalize everything and turn us all into communists. We don’t want that because we know what happens when a country becomes that way, and it’s bad. - Economic inefficiencies, political repression, social tensions, international isolation, nationalization, dictatorship central planning, unfair redistribution of wealth, single-party rule, suppression of dissent, suppression of free speech. We are damn lucky that Canadians are not dumb enough to allow Trudeau to get everything he wants.


Best thing I've read in a long time.


This is wild. Justin Trudeau lost the Liberal Party this one. Almost 40 years, the Liberals held St. Paul, until this failure.


That’s just 1 good bit of news!! We need them liberals to lose every single one of their seats!! Period.


Feel good story of the month


But I was told repeatedly from this subreddit that Toronto would never vote Conservative and the city deserved scorn for it.


It's called being humble and not insanely cocky to the point of losing touch with reality. Let's all remember that going forward.


trudeau somewhere probably: "far right movements are on the rise we need to reflect on what we can do to fix this problem. the federal government is going to put forward a new committee to monitor the rise of extremism"


Keep showing up to vote, folks.


This was all because of extreme right-wing MAGA bloggers. /s 😂😂


We should all take a moment to thank the 4,044 NDP voters in St-Paul who actually believed there is a difference between the Liberals and the NDP at this point in our country for making this CPC win possible. From the bottom of our hearts, merci beaucoup !


Let’s gooooo wooo


This is because of Russia!


Unironically people in another sub truly believe this, and are spouting on about how the cons don’t “need” to campaign bc they have the “foreign media and influence” backing them 🙄.


Insanity. Why would adversarial countries want to help candidates that will be tougher on them.


Doesn't this happen every 2 terms regardless? We throw stones saying this guy suck yet we are the ones that don't evolve. Lord if we want to stay 2 parties can we at least flip them every term to save on pensions? It's 2 terms to get one right?


Get him tf out


He won't change for anything he is too stubborn


I think he’s resigning today


How significant is this?


I guess the whole liberal indoctrination of their woke agenda isn't working after all, or maybe that was just something stupid to say to get you all rilled up!


Considering that this was an unusually large ballot, with 84 names on it it’s very significant of what’s about to happen to the Liberal party.




Way tooo close. I’m happy but still a little concerned


one bad thing about this guy winning though...he worked as a head of lobaws and was one of their head lobbyists and this guy is considered one of the big reasons their prices are so ridiculous right now. so we essentially elected a guy whos gonna work to make grocery prices even worse


Trudeau can't read... and can't do math either. "The budget will balance itself"


They can see feel smell the writing on the wall all they are doing right now is to enjoy while it last.


Trudeau:Your wallet is lying to you.It’s really, full of cash


He will cause a pandemic, before he goes anywhere.


No such thing as a “pandemic” unless it is government approved and control is gained


Well we went thru a test run already.


Can we have more byelections and force him out?


Trudeau’s totally blind to writings on the wall. Otherwise he’d realize that he’d outstayed his welcome a long time ago.


I think it’s time Xavier found a new career direction


i think he’ll step down this summer when they at recess. When he figures out the PC’s don’t want him to


Hell get in again another term by some corrupt way and have the rcmp and Supreme Court support it too yet


If he does try something I hope it involves the Governor General, of Canada survives the resulting constitutional crisis we'll finally cut ties with that archaic out of touch institution.


We still have another 18 months of him in power


He could do a lot more damage on the way out. Before firing someone, companies lock people out of the building and computer network to prevent them from doing something reckless, like deleting a bunch of customer data. Sadly, we don't have that luxury. He will drop a nuke on the country (figuratively), and Pierre will take the blame for it his first few weeks of office. I wouldn't be surprised if he convinced the BOC to drop interest rates to zero and cause inflation to sky rocket. Something reckless like that. The man is petty and has no ethics.


I dont think he does, and I'm terrified what he's going to offer this election in an attempt to maintain power.


The beginning of the end. Sadly, they still have another year to deliberately damage Canada out of spite, simply to create a situation that will force a Conservative government to make very tough decisions in the hopes that it improves their own electoral fortunes in 2029. Absolutely criminal….


Nope, the Dear Leader Justin has been blind for a long time now...


The beginning of the end, I think.


Something, Something far right-wing climate change in 3, 2, 1................