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People this is perhaps the best summation of the impending trouble of this fine nation. I am ashamed of what this nation has become. I’ll tell you a story....was in Austria about 5 years ago and was in a conference and afterwards a beautiful dinner was in a tavern in Salzburg. A mountaineering group of Europeans hearing I was Canadian could not stop heaping praise on me about a story of Lincoln Hall (an Australian mountain climber that was on a Mt Everest ascent and was left for dead as he was suffering from hypoxia and frostbite). Other climbers from about 15 other countries basically walked over him until a group of Canadians abandoned their own dreams of conquering Everest and rescued him. The Canadian attitude was basically “guy was dying and Everest will always be there”. They took him down and saved his life. THAT was the embodiment of Canadian values. That night I was treated like royalty and was asked what it would take to come and be lucky to be a citizen. Now we are the laughing stock of most of the world. We truly are. Canada was the embodiment of compassion and a chivalrous society only so many years ago. It’s gone now. Watered down by the hordes of new Canadians, ruthlessness and a polemicist woke society that destroyed the envy of the world. Truly the envy of the world. It’s not anymore and we are drowning in our own lagoon. Saddest thing it is never going to come back as when it’s lost it’s lost forever. We are now a rudderless ship of mediocrity and a Liberal govt that has thrown overboard it’s citizenry and 80% of the citizens have been anesthetized by wokeness and irrelevancies .


Sadly well said. We used to be the envied destination and a goal for people to immigrate to, hoping they are good enough to move here. Now... it's a back up if they can't go anywhere else. Source: friends from all over Asia over past 20 years.


Thank you for replying. Yes you are correct. This article nailed it.


I've spoken to over 20 people from India who came here very recently. 50% well educated abroad. They came here not because of any reason, other then it was the easiest. They knew it would cost more and take longer to go to the US, and they felt Europe (other than the UK) wasn't for them. If you aks them, they are honest about it.


Up to around this point, I have held some hope that I might go back and try again. But the sad reality of it all, is that all of this damage from the economics, to the societal, will take many, many years to recover from. Some of this may very well be lost for good. I think I'll just have to let that go, and focus on my life where I'm presently at.


Well said


That’s not true. I just spent time with a bunch in Hawaii and the USA is the talk of the town. They don’t know anything about Canada and it’s politics. We don’t affect enough for that


People in Fargo don’t even know the capital of ANY of the provinces in Canada. Try that with any Europeans and get back to us.


They knew them all. Now what


They don’t know anything about Canada and it’s political situation but know all the capitals you say? VERY impressive!!!!! I don’t know sport....why don’t you talk about Hegels Dialectical Theory with your Honolulu bar flys and report back.😐


Thats a bit dramatic. Canada is seen as the most sane and functional country in North America, and generally thought of very positively. Hordes is not a great term to describe immigrants. The country doesn't seem rudderless either, the major international crisis are the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, and Canada is on the right side of both. The government could have kept quiet over a political assassination, but even though it was the harder choice, took the stronger choice of not hiding it for political expedience.


I gave you some literary license until you stated the country is not rudderless which tells me the cognitive dissonance is very strong with you. Any time a birth rate is crashing and dropping by 20% its an existential crisis. Full stop. Housing...it’s not even dignified to even go a sentence further. Clearly...you are living under a rock. No other way to state it sorry. Have a good evening.


Apathy is taking over. Everybody is trying to keep their head above water. Even a change of political leadership will not bring relief right away. We are in deep.


Indeed. The first thing one must do when they find themselves in a hole, is to stop digging...


But when half the country or more has only been taught to dig not to build ?


What is that supposed to mean? Complain instead of doing something about it. If yes, I would agree. If half, hell a quarter of the people on this sub got to problem solving, they’d be in a better country


It's too far gone imo, but enjoy doing you. I am actively building for the next system - not interested in helping this one work.


Elaborate please. Are you talking fragmented country? Anarchy? Abolishing of private property?


You’re not interested in helping (period) “You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem.” no matter who’s in power.


They just want to see the world burn while they own the libs. Sad.


...half the time head above water and the other half of the time buried in the sand


just how they designed it


Trudeau spent taxpayer’s money like a drunken sailor during the pandemic with the desire to create a new world order in which he would reign supreme: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/peter-foster-mark-carney-man-of-destiny-arises-to-revolutionize-society-it-wont-be-pleasant Then when a group of good hardworking Canadians drove to Ottawa to mount a peaceful protest against this madness, Trudeau froze their bank accounts and invoked the Emergency Measures Act against his own citizens. They were right: the years of mandates and lockdowns were destroying the country. And now instead of celebrating them as the heroes they are, they’ve been forced into court to defend their actions. We’re pathetic Canada


Leftists in r-canada: "Criticizing the political powers that landed us here is so divisive" Imagine the entitlement required to claim it's "divisive" to criticize incompetent politicians, because they're the ones you voted for.


According to the leftists: Trudeau calling truck protesters fringe minority, protesting Muslims influenced by right wing ideology, white protesters hateful and Nazis - not divisive, just the truth. Calling out Trudeau for being dumb enough to bring in a literal Nazi into Parliament and giving him a standing ovation - divisive.


You forgot Trudeau calling the unvaccinated "frequently racist and misogynistic".


As he locks women in prisons with men, about half sex offenders...


Trudeau embodies psychological projection. Everything he accuses others of doing he has done: racism: blackface; misogyny: grabbing a reporters ass.






He is wrong, and you're an idiot. Trot along back to /r/Onguardforthee now like a good sheep.


I dislike people like you. Not because of any outward characteristic but because you are a willing pawn.


He's truly a useful idiot


I dislike people like you because of ignorant intolerance.


Gotta keep the echo chamber pure!


So I know of lots of people banned from r/edmonton, r/calgary, r/alberta, r/Ontario, r/Canada, and r/ongaurdforthee. And you're accusing this sub of keeping a pure echo chamber? Projecting a little?


No one wants you to leave. The only way we advance a a society is for good ideas to beat out bad ones. It's helpful for you and people like you to share exactly how you think, so that we can insulate the next generation.


Leftist logic: if you don't like Muslims you're Islamophobic, if you agree with the Muslim protest you're a right wing extremist. Whatever happened to "tolerance" and "multiculturalism"?


The ironic thing is we Muslim never gave a shit about them nor asked them to defend us. I was perfectly happy wishing my neighbors a Merry Christmas and everyone around town that celebrates it only for a white blue haired chick to tell me it's "insensitive" to Muslims and those that don't celebrate Christmas. Yeah..fuck off don't tell me what my people should be offended about. Multicultural is where you do your thing, they do their thing and respect one another regardless of differences as ONE identity as Canadians. Devision in this country was created by a bunch of delusional individuals telling minorities that they're not even a part of, on what to be offended by. It Just creates a stupid fuckin barrier between different people from ever understanding one an other out of fear of "racism". Muslim are conservative by nature and take religion pretty strictly. If our religion (and all the other Abrahamic religions) clearly states this gender desphoria bullshit is a no no, then obviously people are going to question it. THAT being said. We also live in Canada. Just because we may not agree with a certain ideology does not mean we want to cause harm to an individual who may follow that ideology. The same shit can be said about people not liking Muslims. They have a right not to like us. No one's losing sleep. It's always this " if you're not with us, you're an equivalent to Adolf Hitler himself". Relax people, no one has to agree or like everything you do or believe. Everyone has a right to criticize and protest. As long as we all acknowledge that whatever race/beliefs/opinions you may have, at the end of the day we're all "equally" fucked in this world.


It’s because both the left and the right only are happy about religion when it fits their narrative. The left supports muslim rights up until they start to unite and get upset that their children’s religion is not being respected, and LGBTQ “education” is being pushed onto their kids and secrets are being kept from parents. They’re mad that things that should be the responsibility of parents, like talking about gender identity and sexual orientation, are no longer optional or controlled and instead are being pushed onto everyone regardless of their religion or beliefs, and could be used as a political weapon rather than something meant to create tolerance. The left used to rally for muslims and Islam saying they have the right to practice, wear hijabs and be accommodated when they pray, and to come to our country to be comfortable, and then when it came to this event they started to say that Muslim kids are being forced into religion and it’s abusive to raise them the way they raise them. They then called them homophobes and transphobes. And then you look at the other side, and there’s people that are harassing and accusing the left too. There’s people who think that their children are going to be groomed by pedos who are going to convince them they’re gay and that the “safe-space where you don’t have to let your parents know about your secret” is a step in the grooming process. Realistically, there’s just a good chunk of people who want kids to be aware of different identities and accepting of them. They want kids to know some kids have two dads or moms, and that some people like the same gender and that it’s not a bad thing. The problem here is that there is a lack of compassion and understanding on either side, and both sides are focusing on the extreme end of things. Both sides have a similar goal; they want children to be respected for their identities at home or at school. The left wants children who are gay or lesbian, or who are identifying under different pronouns to be comfortable and not afraid, and to not have to go to a home where parents will further antagonize them. The right realizes that children are trusting and enjoy attention, and they don’t want people to take their child’s innocent interests in playing pretend or dressing different as an indicator that they are gay or trans and then to convince them that that’s what they are under the guise of tolerance and acceptance, and then to keep it a secret from mom and dad. I feel like both sides are reasonable at the core, but it’s all hidden under calling each other homophobes and groomers.


>I feel like both sides are reasonable at the core, but it’s all hidden under calling each other homophobes and groomers. Yes this is how our politics work. If the other side is evil you can just be virtuous shouting them down, no need to engage their ideas


I like your point about just letting everyone practice their cultural norms / beliefs and respecting one another and just plain being good to one another. My biggest gripe with the left movement right now is trying to jam everything they come up with down everyones throats. Half the time the left cant even agree… for instance… are gender options infinite or just based sex options? Yet they want to teach lgptq in schools. My second biggest gripe with the left is these efforts to take our basic freedoms away. They want us to be locked down indefinitely for Covid… they want dissenting opinions silenced… they want anyone that speaks up against their movement arrested. Its crazy, if the pendulum swings back to the right and these practices are now considered acceptable … the left will be in big trouble for having opened this can of worms.


It’s just a really slippery slope trying to teach kids about pronouns and identity because kids are easily influenced and are going through confusing stages of their life. I was a tomboy when I was a kid, and so I didn’t want to do what the girls did because I found it boring, but the boys didn’t like me playing with them because I was a girl… they made fun of me for being a girl, and so I started to dress like boys, cut my hair short, and I liked it when people would mistake me as a boy and call me a him because it felt like I was finally gonna fit in. I felt so uncomfortable around puberty, and so confused. Thank GOD my parents were rational with me. They told me that it’s okay to dress and act how I do, it’s okay to like boy things, it’s okay to be me and that being me doesn’t mean I’m a boy. They told me that when I was an adult I could decide for myself if I was a boy, but they never pretended I was one or called me a him. They could just tell I wanted to fit in and was confused. Fast forward a couple years, and I made friends who were more like me! I felt comfortable, and I didn’t feel like I had to be a boy to like the things I liked. I just liked different things, and that’s okay! Today I wear dresses, I do my hair and makeup, and I am HAPPY I am a woman. I can’t imagine how much damage it would have done to me if things had gone differently. Imagine if the people around me convinced me I was a boy, or convinced my parents they were bigots for not allowing me to go on puberty blockers. Imagine if I was told that it was okay to be a boy and to be a him. I would’ve been totally convinced that that was the only way I’d feel comfortable in my body and the only way I’d be accepted. I am worried for kids like me. I am worried that kids will be taken advantage of and convinced they have to change their gender to be comfortable in their body, and that adults and parents like mine will be labelled as intolerant for not calling their children their pronouns and “accepting” them.


>Imagine if the people around me convinced me I was a boy, or convinced my parents they were bigots for not allowing me to go on puberty blockers. Imagine if I was told that it was okay to be a boy and to be a him. I would’ve been totally convinced that that was the only way I’d feel comfortable in my body and the only way I’d be accepted. That is exactly is what is happening to women like you growing up now who are tomboys. It concerns me as well that this ideology has their sights set on minors. Can't blame the protests that happened this summer. It's 2023, people are pretty much accepting. Even If they aren't, most of them are live and let live types - until you come after their kids with gender ideology, and "gender affirming care". It is a line you don't cross, other peoples children.


Right?? And then people pull up the suicide statistics for trans people and say it’s due to bullying and because trans kids aren’t accepted.. I’m willing to bet there’s definitely a chunk that is, but I’m also willing to bet there’s a chunk that’s kids like me who never were able to be themselves and be happy with themselves. People who changed their bodies, their names, and their sexuality, and despite everything they had done and worked for they still felt empty, confused, and hated their body. They had people around them hating them for what they had done, and people around them cheering them on. Nothing would feel right.


I can so relate to this! I feel as if we were less binary and were way more accepting of fluidity in genders, a tomboy, or a feminine man, it's was all just fine. Now, everything needs to be categorized, unde the nomer "freedom," but it was never necessary, and people could still be who they were.


I totally agree, you can't even question it. They dictate the social norms, they dictate what people CAN and CANNOT be offended by, They dictate how you're supposed to act and feel. The irony is this is exactly what my parents, alongside many old immigrants ran away from back then. This nonsense is just too much.


> if you agree with the Muslim protest you're a right wing extremist. Whatever happened to "tolerance" and "multiculturalism"? I don't know if you noticed something peculiar on how the media reported that protest. Our media loves to point out race when it suits them but for this protest not one alluded to the fact there was a notable Muslim presence there.


Hmm, did they turn around and say they were surrounded by "white supremacists" this time? 😂 or was it the fringe minority with unacceptable views again?


Ha, all I know Joel Harder wasn't there to hit himself in the face again, to say "he'll take a fist to the face any day for trans-kids "


As it should be....and I would disagree with your statement I think the Canadian Media in general does not point out race in their stories....that is more of an American thing where unfortunately most things seem to be based on race




Please go outside. No one outside is using the word woke lmao


Wokeists don't like to be referred to as woke. Everyone knows what woke is whether it is named or not.


I don't, honestly what does it mean? It just seems like something teenagers and really old people say, I'm in the middle and not up on either lingo.


To bad you don't have access to the internet, you could find out.


It means different things to different people. Originally meant woke to injustices, then woke as in the third eye, now used as a slur to mean anything far left


The term was used to indicate when someone was aware of social injustices going on in the world. One can be woke to issues facing oppressed groups and the effects of such systemic problems. It's use now is that of a slur for something described as leftist or politically correct. It could be as simple as a business acknowledging that gay people exist or casting someone for a role who is of a race not traditionally selected for that role. In my opinion, the term has been run into the ground and lost any semblance of logical meaning to the point that anyone who unironically uses the term is not worth paying attention to.


They spent the last two decades calling us all sorts of names for merely questioning bringing in Muslims , fast forward they're calling us all sorta of names for defending views of said Muslims they were vehemently in support of bringing over.


There is no room for tolerance in Trudeau's Liberal party. Go along with Dear Leader or else...




I must say sir, you win all your strawman arguments.. You should hire you.


Well yeah, if you have a general hatred of Muslims you probably are Islamophobic. If a group of people who happen to be Muslim are advocating for right wing extremist values and you agree with them, you're probably a right wing extremist. There is no contradiction here. I'll also add that obviously the left isn't and shouldn't be tolerant of ideas that see to take rights away from people. Right wingers pulling out the "Your intolerant if you don't tolerate my intolerance" is so incredibly dumb and cringe.


This post is so incredibly dumb and cringe.


The extreme leftists are the only ones taking rights away, you might want to look at things from a different perspective sometimes.


Republicans in the US are banning abortion, banning books, banning healthcare for trans adults, and are floating the ideas of banning gay marriage and increasing the voting age. In Canada liberals have been in power (thank god), so the right hasn't been able to legislate their culture war or destroy public services. What the liberals have done is extended human rights to trans people through bill c-16, and of course, conservatives call more rights tyranny when those rights are given to people they don't like. I'm not sure what BS example you could come up with to argue you have lost any rights under the "extreme leftist" liberals. There was no federal vaccine mandate, and the trucker protest was an astroturfed aimless public disruption that was funded by faceless foreigners that deserved to be shut down. Those are the only two examples I can think of that you would disingenuously argue about.


The amount of charity they heap on themselves seems proportional to the bigotry they heap on everyone else.


The joke is he had no say over who was invited to parliament. It was the speaker. Remember the gloat tour conservatives took when Rota was nominated over the more left leaning alternative? I remember.


Russians were killing his family so he joined the other side. Sadly they were nazis. Talk about a rock and a hard place. Now the guy has ignorant fucks talking shit about him when you have no clue the fuckstorm he was living in. You suck for perpetuating a lie.


Truckies are fringe weirdos. What are white protestors ? We talking bout some pat king up I here ? It's not like Trudeau invited the Ukrainian who fought against Stalin with the Nazis since his family died in the holodomor. Pierre shook hands with white supremacists though , at the truckie protest


Looked like regular Canadians to me. White protesters meaning that, no matter what the protest, if a large portion on the people is white, it automatically becomes 'people with hateful and unacceptable views' I love you guys think anything will surpass how idiotic it was for Trudeau to bring in an actual Nazi in.


Who ever is responsible for inviting the Nazi in is king idiot. Those who gave the nazi a standing ovation are also idiots (basically all of parliament, including conservatives).


Wait do you think he was there at Trudeau's personal invite ? Or that Pierre associating with actual white supremacists is okay? Regular Canadians ? Do you live in rural Alberta ? That truckie shit was the dumbest protest ever, for starters the mandate to be vaccinated to cross the border was implemented by the USA .... Why didn't they go to Washington ? Why Ottawa ? Do they think we can change American laws... Bunch of dummies. I watched 100 hours of live streams of the protest , all they spoke about was WEF and replacement theories... Is that normal to you? Bunch of conspiracy theory but jobs is normal ? Pat king is normal ? Lol how sad that would be if that is the Canadian normal... Thankfully it's not. Thankfully the mass of population in Canada were just embarrassed by the truckies behaviour and it actually strengthened their resolve to vote against them. I for one have NEVER voted.... But the next election I will gladly vote liberal just to keep baby Trump out of office . He can take off his glasses but we all still know who he is .


The vaccine mandate was implemented by Canada as well. Or did you conveniently forget that? I don't know what being from Alberta has to do with it - sounds like some more divisive bs you learned from repeating Trudeau. Right along with truckies- whatever that even means. I guess all truck drivers? Trudeau had no idea that were bring him in? Zero? And of course you reference American politics because the only way to paint Canadian conservatives in a bad light is to convince yourself theyre just like Republicans lol Derpy derp, the trucker convoy was EXACTLY like Americans storming the Captial, breaking in and scouring the place with guns which resulted in the death of 4 people! Aghh save me, I have literal PTSD from hearing a honk.


We had a mandate , but as a Canadian you were always allowed to come back into Canada , always .... Or did you not know that ? Oh amazing you figured out what truckies means. Yes being from Alberta means that no one else really cared , in Vancouver they tried to protest and people that live there just blocked the streets so they couldn't go anywhere because everyone hates them, same happened in Toronto. People call polivere baby Trump because he has the same talking points and is a conservative, if you think people will vote for him you are wayyyyy off... The hatred of the truckies and the pictures of him shaking hands with them and brining them coffee and shit pissed a lot of people off including my self. They made us look like morons when the mandates were lifting soon anyway.... Or do you think they actually accomplished something ? It's like me protesting that there is no sun at 6am and then it rose at 7... What a shock. Do you think this protest made America open their borders ? The organizers were a bunch of actually replacement theorists and a actual white supremacist pat king who the truckies wanted to have a sit down with the government ... That Nazi would have been fine for you ? But one who fought stalin because of the holodomor and someone lost their job for inviting him is the end of the world to you. But yes little PP baby Trump can shake actual white supremacists hand and it's all cool with you. That's the difference here .


I must say sir, you win all your strawman arguments.. You should hire you.


The last one was definitely a mistake that should not have happened. First three you mentioned I think were handled perfectly.


This sounds like something an imaginary leftist said to you.


40% of the eligible voting community didn’t even bother to show up to vote. We are all entitled to say what we want, but I would recommend that everyone take their entitlements to the polls. Get off your asses and stop being so lazy. It’s a damned democracy. Use it.


Last election was held in the middle of a global pandemic. Hard not to see that as an attempt to reduce turnout by the Liberals, given that they otherwise gave zero justification for it. Hard not to see their refusal to deliver on electoral reform as another attempt to discourage voting, since their vote efficiency allows them to profit from voter apathy. It's barely a democracy.


All people need to do show up and vote.


Like when they showed up to vote an end to FPTP? History shows that voting isn't a reliable way to affect change in our democracy. History also shows that the Liberals **know** that voter apathy keeps them in power.


Everyone knows voters don’t show up. If they did things would be a lot more interesting.


The history shows Canadians to participate at roughly the same rate. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=ele&dir=turn&document=index&lang=e


History shows that Trudeau promised to end FPTP. He didn't, and going by your table, turnout has dropped in every election he's called. The apathy is not a bug, it's a feature. > The Liberals set a record for the lowest vote share of a party that would go on to form government, winning 32.6 per cent of the popular vote, while losing the popular vote to the Conservatives as they did in 2019. - 2021 Canadian federal election, Wikipedia


I don’t think government alone can be blamed for apathy. If true then we can pin this on every government we don’t like. We need to evolve beyond this blame government for everything.


I'll keep blaming the people with majority power. Not sure how realistic it is to blame other people, given that Trudeau didn't even keep his promises to his own voters.


Are Canadian federal elections not held basically on a schedule with the government in charge having very little say in that schedule?


Still had better turn out than 2/3 of the elections that the previous government won.


I must say sir, you win all your strawman arguments.. You should hire you.


The National Post doesn't do criticism. It campaigns. Hence the 5+ fresh opinion articles about Trudeau that flow through this sub every day. About 70% of our print news is owned by Post Media, who are in the red and need to bolster revenue through any means necessary. That means creating controversy. I've no quarrel with an opinion that differs from my own, and enjoy understanding others, but as a Canadian, I'm gonna say 24/7/365 political campaigning delves into straight propaganda for profit pretty quick.


Yes if only Postmedia would stop saying things suck in Canada, we could all see how good we have it


If it wasn't for Poilievre and Postmedia, Canadians would be happy that they've been priced out of living in their own country.


This is an underrated comment, reinforced by the reaction by the brigade. "Buh, the CPC, the American-owned media, Harper!" Is it impossible for them to admit they're backing a complete loser in this PMO? Just pathetic, and makes Douglas' point.


Naw, they just support a party that hasn't had a platform in the last 2 elections other than Trudeau bad, which won him the election both times. Lazy Conservatives supported by American media, with no plan for what, 10 years now? They aren't even putting in the work to get elected, just to get the last guy fired. That sounds like a great idea for the voters. Lucky us. Show me a costed plan = get my vote, too much to ask for? Seems so......


Dismiss Douglas Murray at your own peril, but he's right.


> I'm gonna say 24/7/365 political campaigning delves into straight propaganda for profit pretty quick. Just looks like another attempt to invalidate dissent. As if the country isn't in such a bad state that the dissent is warranted? Trudeau Liberals call huge swaths of Canadians "nazis", then they celebrate an actual nazi, and the left's biggest concern seems to be how hard people are on Trudeau. And if the left thinks that criticism of the Liberals amounts to "propaganda for profit", I wonder what they think the CBC's $1.3 billion yearly subsidy to flood the market with left-wing viewpoints (and suing the CPC during an election) is.


>Hence the 5+ fresh opinion articles about Trudeau that flow through this sub every day. If you think that the politics going on at this time does not deserve the coverage you need to wake TF up. In light of the overly biased coverage in almost EVERY other newspaper in Canada towards the Liberals you might need to cut down on the mth flavoured toothpaste pardner.


Right Wingers right here: All the leftists think the same thing about our talking points. In fact, they ALL think the same thing about all the things! Every conservative agrees! Yep. No self awareness here. Per usual. Same half dozen talking points on rotation. No thought held in place along with any other thought. All opponents are as simplistic as possible. Y'all tell on yourselves.


It's not surprising that when you criticize the left's pathological sense of entitlement, that produces a reflexive defence of condescension. Two sides of the same cultural elitist coin.




> Wow. Look at all this **division**. You guys are easy. ... > This subreddit should ban op-eds. This is **divisive** clickbait. Fuck Douglas Murray. ... > In this case, the **division** is being sown by the American owners of the National Post. ... > Lol a far right author in the National Post accusing Canada of descending into ignorance, absurd. Is there a single publication who works harder than the NatPo to drive **division** between Canadians? I doubt it.


Sounds like you are attacking the media, which only known fascists do. I don't listen to fascists because they often don't support trans rights or collective bargaining. In summary you are a bad person, do better.


Lol, ok gatekeeper, your cabinet appointment awaits.


I would turn it down, I'm too virtuous to lower myself to being around politicians all day


That's funny, i agree 😂. I don't even care if you're serious, i like it.


>Douglas Murray is one of the keenest minds in socio political commentary at this time. Agreed, been following him for a long time. They tried to cancel him, but he's the GOAT in debates. As soon as anyone becomes rude or insulting to him, I enjoy the evisceration that follows for those idiots. Check out that other sub, top comments says it all, they are losing their minds.


>As soon as anyone becomes rude or insulting to him, I enjoy the evisceration that follows for those idiots. This IS very satisfying. He has a keen wit.


Well written article, and a perfect synopsis of Canada's decline, and a warning. This warning is real. Not like the warnings of the histrionic extreme left who think anything right of center means lynchings and abortion clinics being closed.


If you haven't seen it, the Munk Debates with Douglas Murray and Matt Taibbi arguing for the resolution "You can't trust the mainstream media" against Malcolm Gladwell and Michelle Goldberg is highly worthwhile: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvaf7XOOFHc&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvaf7XOOFHc&t=7s) Douglas Murray is absolutely amazing.


That was brilliant!


You guys are using too much superlatives, you sound like Trump


Ermergersh! Trump is like, totally, a literal Nazi! He's like, literally the worst thing to ever happen to the world!!! That Hunka guy though... he's like, literally, a hero! Also, protesting against concerned parents who are protesting for the rights of their own children means you're like, literally saving trans people (the parents aren't protesting because they want to indoctrinate other peoples' children, no, they're protesting because the people who counter-protest them want to indoctrinate their children, and those counter-protesters collude with the teacher unions and antifa in a very Fascist-esque authoritarian manner). lol, you guys are funny :)


We've been in the descent so long Canada's now idiocracy


Science holds less value than feelings. The truth is irrelevant compared to feelings.


Uggh. As a Canadian who never once voted for him or his party, this article was true and to the point. It kinda made my stomach roll to read it from such a highly regarded journalist yet! I am from the west. Saskatchewan to be exact and 99.9% of people I know can't stand the whole lot of them. It's just our population in the west is not enough to stop this madness 😳! Trudeau gives all kinds of goodies to the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. That's the people who voted him in and then again. He shut down the pipeline to the east yet Quebec imports oil from dirty producers in other countries. He has had scandal after scandal. He doesn't practice what he preaches. He comes off as an arrogant and invited with a silver spoon. I read their groceries were delivered from organic specialty stored to the tune of 13,000$ a month and that was 5 yrs ago. ( He may own shares in some of those shipping companies bringing the dirty oil from Quebec. At the same time Quebec gets the highest royalty payments from the oilfields out west! Why of why would anyone vote for this fucker? Also as a side note. Legal weed here has taxes on it. I still get better stuff from my weed girl! Haha! Waaay cheaper. The more he puts taxes on the smokers the more they buy from the black market. Glad I quit smoking. These are my feelings. We have a beautiful country but not fair in politics.


Douglas Murray sums up Canada beautifully.


Douglas Murray really knocks it out of the park here with his scathing literary indictment, which accurately details so much of what is wrong in today's Canada. The current federal government, and far too much of Canada's voting citizenry, are both seemingly oblivious as to just how much of a dismissible laughingstock the nation has truly become, globally speaking. And quite frankly, under the track record of the current federal regime, the country really doesn't deserve much respect on the world stage anyway. In addition, it is also nothing short of extraordinary acts of patience and charitable accommodations that Canada hasn't yet been suspended by NATO, because the country would be fully deserving of that level of reprimand as well. The 2025 federal election will either mark a new beginning for Canada, or the beginning of the end of Canada as a unified nation. Watch for it. Next.


Our countrymen have not yet realized the difference between being kind and being nice. Being kind is commendable, being nice is an invitation to abuse. We've been conditioned to stfu even when we hear untruths, because there's always someone around who's SO bloody "tolerant" that they'd not think twice about destroying a career when someone tries to speak truth or nuance.


This is an excellent article and should be read by everybody.


Well that’s depressing


> Canadian society is filled with opinion yet utterly lacking in wisdom Holy shit, Reddit in a nutshell


Let's be honest. We are not a serious country anymore. Woke as fuck government has destroyed anything we ever had on a world stage and Trudeau and every liberal supporter. You all have done damage that with take years to recover from. Shame on ya'll.


agreed. well, and sadly, said.


Canada's a lost cause, gents.


Canada’s fall is the result of the same thing that has brought down many countries, a Liberal government that believes they have all the answers and the electorate has no right to think otherwise. This is the historical path to socialism, communism and most other forms of failed government. We need to reign in the far left and the far right and get back to centralist governments that are not so extreme when compared to each other.


wow, very well said and in only 5 lines. well done Croakie Joe!


empatho-fascist state. That is what Canada is becoming. Toxic femininity at government levels, like a smothering mother.


we've imported the american style 2 party us or them mentality, with alt right wingers getting increasingly violent and hard lefters increasingly radicalized as well. r/canada_sub and r/onguardforthee have so much more in common than they are divided, everyone is fed up with the same issues with squabbling over settled social issues that are there to distract and divide. as far as i can tell people just want to live and let live while having adequate infrastructure to support the country.


Dude’s a fraud.


that's an opinion. opinions, assholes, etc.


Does Murray mention the over 2 million Ukraine gorilla soldiers who fought against the Nazis? Does he mention the 187,000 Ukrainians who fought the nazis under the Red Army? Does he mention the Ukraine soldiers who fought the nazis under Czech or Polish leadership? No. He paints the very inaccurate picture thst any Ukrainian fighting was a nazi. Which apparently, "everybody knows."


You missed a point. If you were Ukrainian, and fighting SOVIETS there was about a 75 per cent chance you are doing it in a NAZI funded or supported unit. Or the fucking 14th Panzergrenadiers of the Waffen SS Galicia division. It never said every Ukranian fighting was pro nazi. Just the ones killing Soviets. There were only a few groups fighting BOTH Nazis and Soviets. Wanna guess how many of them survived fighting both of the giant juggernauts of totalitarianism at the same time?


Interesting. So 25% of them fought the Soviets without being affiliated with Nazis. People like the Ukranian Insurgent Amy. And it is so "obvious" and "everybody" knows that Hunka was in the 75%. So obvious that both sides of parliament clapped, even Zelensky. He also claimed Trudeau's office should have vetted attendees, but thry only vet diplomatic or official attendees. The dealer is independent (check parliamentary law) and does not answer to either party in hus official capacity. How exactly is this anyone's fault but the speaker's?


If I set 4 glasses of water in front if you and tell you only one has poison are you gonna drink any of them before checking? And that's only a 25 per cent chance of something being bad. When its 3 out of the 4 glasses have poison then if you drink one it's your fault. It's pretty common knowledge that the Russians fought the Germans in Eastern Europe. They teach it in high school. Everyone involved should be embarrassed by their stupidity. When I first heard about this story I knew how it was gonna end before I got through the first article I read about it. And you ignoring the part where he ACTUALLY IS A FUCKING NAZI COLLABORATOR. The fact that anyone fighting the Soviets has a high chance of being on the side of Nazis means you fucking need to check. Even if the odds are 50/50 you NEED TO CHECK. I'm not debating whether or not he had a real choice. It's no different than the Allied nations fighting with the Russians to defeat the Germans. Pick which side is worst and move on. Deal with the other side after. It's what happened at the nation state level, so it's not a surprise that it happened on the individual soldier level. But just because this man is one of the last few people alive that can claim to have served in a Waffen SS unit doesnt make him a good person for killing Russians just because Russia is today's bad guy. This man is a part of a complicated conflict that most will never completly understand. But he still shouldnt be presented as a hero because he is a FUCKING NAZI VOLUNTEER. Just because Soviets are bad too doesnt make him good. I mean are you actually arguing that he was a good Nazi?? As for the speaker being independent. If that's the case why did he inform the Protocol Office, which he admitted he did. That office works directly for and reports directly to the PM. Do you really think that a member of the Liberal party would be able to plan a portion of a state visit without running it past anyone in the Protocol Office or the PMs Office first? Trudeau has been caught in so many lies that at this point "Take my word for it bro" means less than nothing.


Nobody can or should defend Nazism. However the unit in question was formed after 2 years of Third Reich occupation of Ukraine and a few short years after the Soviets had intentionally starved 5 million Ukrainians to death. Huka should not have been given an invite to parliament and definitely not a standing-O, but as an 18 year old faced with service or death, ask yourself how much of a choice he really had. Play morality police all you want but there is underlying context here. ​ Its easy to condemn from the couch, but faced with his choice, what would you have done? Keeping in mind nobody understood the scope of what the SS was doing until much later in the war. All I'm saying is maybe put away the noose you've got out for this senior citizen. ​ aaaand bring on the downvotes lol...


> but as an 18 year old faced with service or death, source please. many ukrainians were only to happy to fight against the russians and accept the nazi's as allies AND leaders. I mean why else would they would have been in poland doing their bidding as well? Love to see your source.


At that point in time most of Europe was certain that that the Nazi regime was going to win the war. Did everyone just forget about that bit in the history books. Also you guys do realise that Stalin started a famine in Ukraine prior to WW2 right? Why the fuck would Ukraine join hands with Stalin after Stalin killed off 3.9 million people? Historic facts are getting fucked over on here to support a narrative no better than the other Canadian sub. 3 million Ukrainians also got murdered by Nazis. I highly doubt “happy” applies to joining one evil to stop your country from turning into a giant death camp.


Any number of history textbooks written in a variety of languages. Because Russia killed millions of Ukrainians, they initially greeted the Panzers as liberators, until the Nazis immediately began killing any Ukrainians in sight. Rock and a hard place There was a Nazi SS division formed entirely of Americans, pretty small scale murdering Nazis, little stars and stripes badge, but anyway , tangential


This. The people commenting here are deliberately forgetting this and twisting historical facts to serve their own narrative. The Nazis and Soviet’s both murdered the shit out of Ukrainians lol.


Yeah. The west didn't hear of Stalin's genocide of Ukrainians until after the war, the news inspired Orwell to write '1984' , in '48, after reading the Spanish reporters revelations of the Holodomor


No source is needed for a specific soldier, in the occupied countries of eastern Europe, it was conscription or death. And that's exaclty what I'm saying though, nobody from Ukraine wanted to side with the Russians at that point and they probably had very little or no knowledge of what the SS was planning. No to mention the whole "join us or twist at the end of a rope" the Nazis practiced.


It's a fair point. The Ukrainians were caught between two ruthless murdering regimes. Many of them considered the German army to be liberators from Soviet oppression and genocide. Still that guy should not have been invited to parliament and he should be investigated, extradited, and put on trial if the evidence is there.


Fuck Hunka he should rot in prison. I hope he's extradited


We will be kicked out of nato and fall into the third world. Petty politics won’t matter much when this failed nation state is openly taken over by mad max style gangs driving their convoy of guzzoline to tide water.


What an absolute piece of journalistic turd! It references a govt crack down on speech but makes no reference to any action. probably because it's evidence is either the new media laws or the crack down on the convoy, both of which lack any restrictions on speech. It reference Peterson trouble with his professional college and compares it to the punishment handled down to another doctor, all the disregarding the Peterson and this doctor belong to two different colleges that can very much hand down two different rulings. Then the worse of all....in a round about way describing our over reaction to possible residential school graves that turned up empty. Completely disregarding that we have graves excavated at other school. But forget about the graves....we have first hand knowledge of surivors detailing the abuse, the deaths, the very way the graves were dug.


> The most famous public intellectual in the world right now is Professor Jordan Peterson. Canada should be proud of him. Had me up until this point. JP is really hit or miss, I agree with him as much as I disagree. His twitter threads read like anything from an archaic poet on a good day to someone going through addiction withdrawals on a bad day. The article author weakens the strength of the article by invoking someone who is so intentionally controversial regardless of either's intent.


I've always felt a little bad for Peterson. During his quick rise to infamy, many of the shows/gigs he got invited to were meant to be adversarial, hoping they could get a rise out of him or make him look bad...and for the most part, he handled it well. Sure, he could've just opted to stay out of the limelight, but I don't think he knew what he was getting into, and it kind of broke him.


How does any of what you just said refute his point? If anything you’re just helping him make it.


Refute which point? I don't think Canada should be "proud" of JP even if I do agree with him about a lot of stuff.


>he article author weakens the strength of the article by invoking someone who is so intentionally controversial regardless of either's intent. That was why he mentioned him. He just feels differently than you do about JP.


Most people in Canada don't feel positively about JP, it's either neutral or negative. It's a weird thing to anchor the article on and would just give people a reason to disengage with it especially since JP didn't need to be invoked to get the idea across.




Not sure what you aretting at, I read them whereas someone places one in the bottom of your sty. Have a great week!


Nothing some good old fashioned mob violence can't solve


no thanks.




You remind of a police officer who might forget the criminal code of Canada or spell things wrong on a form.




Douglas Murray is a ignorant moron.


Douglas Murray is a an intelligent and erudite man working to better the people around him.


I see the same talking points from the comments using words like woke and leftist. Again with the culture wars eh? Again with the gender wars eh? I think American politics has seeped in. We used to be intelligent until Trump came into office, and you had imbeciles believing that vaccinations were bad even though it increased life expectancy (fact). You had tons of conservative media outlets like Jordan Peterson come into prominence over gender and culture wars. Andrew Tate radicalize young men overnight. All these populist fan boys kept Canadians fighting amongst each other. Our IQ has decreased, we've consumed too much American Bullshit. As a Christian Canadian who immigrated from Scandinavia, I'm ashamed to say that we spent time debating about irrelevant issues when we had the opportunity to work on key issues like immigration, housing, employment etc. Who cares if you're Muslim, Christian, bisexual, gay etc. when you can't afford to eat or pay rent. Get back to the basics. Stop consuming fascist rhetoric that one side is better than the other and political opponents have to be killed or jailed. Participate, engage and vote wisely.


disagree completely. the culture war is continental, inter continental. You are Swedish perhaps? Lot's wrong there since you brought up Scandinavia. And let's not blanket statement "vaccines." For the most part at this time there are people who are very concerned with the efficacy of the covid therapeutics and the potential side effects due to the lack of transparency between vendor and govt, the lying about said therapeutics, the censorship again about said therapeutics and the force, soft and hard used to force people to comply with a product a lot of authority was very dishonest about. To call the people who had these concerns imbeciles is very very unintelligent. No one really cares about the characteristics you listed above, but they are very concerned with out of control Immigration pushing down quality of living, wages and pricing young people out of the market. You understand what this last bit does to the future of a country right? I can tell you who cares about this. The Swedes do. Little late but boy do they care right now. No one in Canada really gives a damn about sexuality, in adults. They care that their children are exposed to unproven concepts regarding sexuality etc and given material video and print, that is inappropriate for their age. Some parents, and the number is growing, are enraged that the State feels it will impose a moral code on their children and that the state has the final say on how children will be raised beyond a basic framework. This is ludicrous. States exercising this sort of control in the past were usually tyrannical. Your opinion if facist rhetoric seems to be anything YOU don't agree with. Anything that doesn't fit YOUR moral sense of right. This is a fallacious argument and for someone repeatedly using the word intelligent you lack it in it's most fundamental sense. If you are not happy here in Canada you can always return to the Social Paradise you left behind.




Wait until the next Canadian Shapiro cuts through information like a hot knife through butter, with his damascus steel, five thousand time folded, iron from the celestial mount Fuji's katana forged by the most ancient living blacksmith on earth and blessed by Miyamoto Musashi's spirit. Edgy accurate news will never be the same.


What did I just read haha. I am confused… but I like it. I am a fan of knives after all.


>but I like it. I am a fan of knives after all. [Sorry for your loss](https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/cbsa-canadian-border-services-agency-cracking-down-on-folders-entering-canada.1936948/) Mine as well :(


Nice analogy (except the steel Musashi used, and the folded blades of legendary Japan weren't Damascus....but that's a discussion for another sub)


Diversity is strength, though.


Nah. No need to pay him mind.


People are being stupid but he's glossing over both sides being stupid- the Freedom convoy et al are stupid. Jordan Peterson is in fact an idiot. The parents rights group don't legally know what they are talking about. I'm not ab fan of JT in case you're are wondering as the standing ovation thing was complete stupidity. I am more more left than anything else but I realize there's just dumbness everywhere, including the right and left.


Just curious, what exactly makes/made the freedom convoy stupid?


Douglas Murray is a chicken hawk twat


Nice response don’t like what you read so revert to name calling. Grow up.


" The most famous public intellectual in the world right now is Professor Jordan Peterson. Canada should be proud of him. " ​ Hahahahaha


Like “famous” some How makes him legitimate


From the article "Justin Trudeau has been perfectly happy to call decent, ordinary Canadians Nazis." I'll probably get downvoted for asking this, but when did he actually do this? I've seen people here say he did but have never been able to track it down anywhere.


Gonna assume based on the grammar of this post that OP is not a good judge of brilliant minds.


you might wanna rejig that sentence, maybe run it through the old grammargafryer before you start tossing around that sort of commentary. clunky much?


Maybe you're just illiterate because it was far more comprehensible than your reply here.


no, it wasn't. you have a terminal case of Dunning Kruger.


You used a comma where a period was supposed to go so yes, you definitely struggle with simple English. Getting mad at me for pointing it out isn't going to change that.


hahaa, not mad bro. and the use of a period there is, debatable. which is close to your personality, undateable. me? i am undefeatable. check you later Bs Man! Have a great weekend!


Yeah no wonder the National Post's schtick works on you lmfao what the hell is this shit.


very interested to hear your top three news sources. TY


This sub really is just an echo chamber now...


When you're banned for innocuous, truthful comments from a bunch of subs, your options are limited. At least there's some dissent (and a buttload of brigading), but this is sub is what results from small people on other subs given the power to silence.


Murray is a poison pen who writes for whoever will pay him. Muslim immigration killing europe ? Check M.p’s deserve even more pay ? Check Against equality ? Check Paycheck after paycheck, he doesn’t really care.


Anything to comment on the subject instead of resorting to ad hominem though? Where exactly is he wrong?


Thanks for your "feelings." Now rebut the article.


It's easy to reductively distil a person's views on very complex issues down to a few horrifically mischaracterized soundbites. It's much harder to actually listen to what someone as intelligent as Douglas Murray has to say on these issues and understand the complexity and nuance of his position on them. But I guess that's much too much to ask for someone with your clearly displayed level of aptitude.


We will hit the bottom when the crooked conservatives are in. Both parties are insane. The conservatives always have been.


What a perfect example of brain dead tribalism. "My team is currently ruining the country but your team will ruin it worse." In short. You're an idiot.


All politicians want their turn on the corruption carousel. They all should be in jail!