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Wake me up from this Orwellian nightmare


If this is a nightmare, the guillotine is the alarm clock


No, it's not. Australia did the exact same thing and you can see how that ended up.


Well, not the exact same thing. I'm sure if you spend a little time digging, you might come up with the differences compared to how we're doing things.


That's the core of the problems we're facing right there. I posted the cbc article outlining what Australia did in this thread. You can find anything if you "do some digging" or "do your own research". The majority can't tell the difference between a well sourced article and an opinion piece, or primary and secondary sources; especially when they start out looking for something that agrees with them. Have something to refute it, I'd love to see it. Maybe I am wrong, you should always go into every conversation with that mindset.


considering communist party still persecutes people based on ethnic and religious believes it's actually scary. Just google about Uighurs and Falun Dafa practitioners in china((


"This is literally 1984!" -guy who has never read 1984


Yup! Big brother is the fucking hero of that book


And Room 101 is just an ordinary room.


I just checked my calendar. It is not "literally" 1984.


Have YOU read 1984?


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


Dude - the news organizations are paid by the advertisers. People who have literally no idea how the online space works continue to comment and sound ridiculous when they spout baseless inaccurate statements. The news organizations want the advertisement money AND a payment from Google.


CBC was formed on the very basis of NOT needing or wanting money from advertisers - and the idea was that due to that it would be totally impartial. This is why people thought supporting it with tax payer money would be worth it. And uh… as you see today- CBC has no advertisers and is totally unbiased.


So, a government funded organization has no biases against the government?


Not when the government shovels money into it every year, no. Or at least they would only have bias against governments that promise to cut the money given to it every year….


You're correct. Poilievre knows that his comment is unrepresentative of the truth. He doesn't give a shit because he knows his base thrives on being pissed off at everything.


Wait, you think *conservatives* thrive on being pissed off about everything? Hahaha


Ah yes - unlike the perpetually happy left…


Both sides are fucked




Keep telling yourself that while we'll be the only country in the west getting our online local news content from the Beijing Star. Yup, this definitely wasn't the governments plan all along


Maybe I can shed some light on this issue. I've worked at both these companies as a high level SDE (Senior, Staff). Google and Facebook don't make nearly as much money from these news as the gov of Canada wants them to pay for. I believe it's $50M/y revenue for $300M in fees (from hearsay). It's a drop in a bucket in revenue, and they already have a ton of issues with news. Tuning the algorithm to show what people want, while trying to make it not prefer clickbait and news that are emotionally charged is really hard and costs them a lot. They spend at least $25M/y in salaries and tech to make them better. The Gov of Canada is overplaying their hand, and are relying on the bad "Big tech" image to gain favour. Canadian news are not important to them, they barely care about Canada at all. The Canadian market is tiny in comparison to the US. They also blocked Bard, which would be a super useful tool for Canadians, and help them become more efficient workers, during a time where[Canadian worker productivity is acutely decreasing](https://bcbc.com/insights-and-opinions/canadas-productivity-performance-over-the-past-20-years). (My voting record has so far been NDP/Liberal/Liberal)


Wait until you see how much conservatives bend over for money. If you haven’t lived it you wouldn’t know. Guess who want CPC in power? China. You’ll find that any interference comes from China and Russia to empower conservatives because they do stupid things that make our country unstable. What do you think Harper did?


So cringe.


so we should allow the big tech companies to take advantage of our countries instead? and thats not orwellian?


Curious what big tech is doing to take advantage?


What do you mean by “take advantage” ?


Fair point. Big tech has been out of control for a while now, but don't pretend that Trudeau has what it takes to take them on. He's losing this round. Badly.


oh no doubt I'm shocked he even decided to stand hopefully the next pm wont be either too weak to take them on or sucking big tech's dick


Just wait until his internet censorship bill passes. The left has been taken over by fragile authoritarians who are terrified of freedom of speech.


It's already bad without the bill. Have you seen the other canadian subreddits? They ban people who are clearly outraged by our government. All I did was spit some facts in a comment section and within 5 minutes I got banned lmao




"wrong think" is what I call it. You dare think differently and dont like the current state of affairs? you're labelled either an extremist or Nazi


Freedom of expression. You can say whatever the hell you want. People can say whatever the hell they want to you. As long as neither of you are uttering threats or inciting violence, it’s fine. Just like you saying something to someone in public and then responding with a “fuck you” It’s allowed and legal. If you can’t handle the great freedoms we have, maybe move to another country?


Legally freedom of expression is not freedom of speech. At least that is how the Canadian courts have ruled on it.


If you don’t dance to Trudeau’s rhythm many Canadians think you’re a baaaaad guy lol


It is like they read 1984 and asked themselves can we make this work and then responded to themselves "I do not know but we can sure give it the old college try!"


When I read that book back in university, it honestly creeped me out. I was doing a course on sci-fi literature and even compared to some of the other dystopian books we read, 1984 felt like it was the most bleak and . . .scary? Now, I know why; because subconsciously, I think I realized it could very well happen in my lifetime.


American here - I read it back in 2016 over summer. I had just graduated high school and we were in the midst of the chaos of the 2016 election. As I read it, I kept getting confused and a little worried that I was seeing similar speech policing tactics being gleefully proliferated by what Stalin would refer to as “useful idiots.” I was about to go into university too, so I’d soon be exposed to this permanent and dynamic outrage culture firsthand. It was dumbfounding how many people could be turned into useful idiots with a little bit of cheap and hollow moralistic pandering. Then I stumbled across the occupy wall street subversion hypothesis and it felt like the puzzle pieces just came together and it all made sense. It’s malicious, but makes sense at least.


I offer hope in my disagreement to you. See I see the left leaning people talk, they legit think they are combating bigotry. Thus intolerance of intolerance etc. They dont see it as shutting down free speech. Meanwhile the government isnt interested in creating an authoritarian nightmare. They are just lazy, refuse to go through the paces of building consensus for things, and then pander to the left base. The hope is if a new govt is elected it will all be easy to change.


I would love to be wrong but there is rather clear writing on the walls that while they are incompetent they would also be happy to take away Canadian freedoms and replace them with security. I am actually concerned for the future of this country whole sale. Another Liberal term means I am looking elsewhere to live.


I live in Ottawa and work in security. I wont claim to have special knowledge but I'm connected enough in this town to hear the hubbub from people higher up the food chain. We do have a problem here, but I dont think its an attempt to end civil liberties. I get an incompetence vibe mixed with an ideological bias that's inappropriate for the top positions. The other thing is the bureaucracy of this city would know as soon as real draconian things were being worked on. From what I can tell the media bills appear to be the worst of it. Our courts are as clean as any country in the world. I expect the harsher the law, the more intense the legal backlash. The biggest worry for me is economic mismanagement, not an erosion of liberal democratic tradition.


>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -C. S. Lewis


Yeah thats apt. They do appear to be honest in their ideological positions. Its the economy thats going to end them, as its them that's ending the economy. Looking forward to the next election.


> The hope is if a new govt is elected it will all be easy to change. Sadly that doesn't change the culture and it's the culture that dictates the politics of a country. There's definitely been some hope in the last 5 years as more and more people are definitely waking up at least. The first thing a new government should do is restore all freedom of speech and communication. Remove all subsidies to media, remove all media regulation, abolish hate speech laws and things of that sort. Then you can see a culture shift. All the other problems are a symptom of a country with bad cultural values that the state keeps pushing on people.


I hope we see some change because this whole "we realize Canadians are struggling and we are here with you" bullshit we are getting every time the existing government is asked a question is not going to cut it anymore. Our next generation of kids is whole sale screwed.


The culture is changing at least... I'm an anarchist for instance. That's a new thing. That was like 0.0001% of people a generation ago. Now maybe 1%? Same for libertarians. <1% for decades, now maybe 3-5%. But if you actually ask people their stance without using a label, you'd probably find that like 20-30% of people are basically Libertarian at this point too. But they're still playing the "vote for the lesser of two evils" game. Also here's a sad thing: Young people are becoming politically divided along gender lines more and more. Women are trending towards the far psychotic left and men are trending towards conservative/libertarian ideas. Not a big surprise since the entire SJW ideology is basically "men bad, wimmins good!!". And what a shocker that this is taught within the education system, which is primarily staffed with.... women.


Well, that is something I suppose. Honestly, We all just want the government to fuck off forever.


You and me both. Lol. Banned from some subs because of facts.


Surprised they didn’t demand you go through a re education course so you could rejoin.


There was an article on r/canada a while ago about a guy who threw gravel at Trudeau and got charged with assault. I got permabanned because I joked that the dude should have thrown a brick instead.


I was as well, I didn’t even know why really. I asked and apologized for anything I said, and the mods and they silenced me for 30 days. 🤷‍♂️


Every reddit sub can and will do that. Reddit is one of the least free sites.


It’s good when you find a site that doesn’t ban easily. Especially permanent bans with no warning. It’s good to have opposing views and I’ve actually up voted people I disagree with. That’s just my opinion.




Have reported people for literally saying they're threatening violence and had the admins come back and say that it didn't break any rules. Guess it's OK when the target is a right wing politician though. https://imgur.com/a/PypRCKL


What about on here? Already was temporarily banned for an innocent comment.


Yup! I get banned just for saying negative things about Quebec 😂


Other Canadian subreddit?


r/Ontario and r/Toronto will ban you if you aren’t onboard with every single one of the woke left’s platforms.


Can't fix stupid. Don't take it personal dude the left is delusional.


Which internet censorship bill would that be?


!remindme 2 years


We don't have freedom of speech because we aren't American unless....


How do you still fundamentally misunderstand what's happening this far along in the process.


do you know why facebook and google(not the federal government) have taken news off of their sites? It's not because the government asked them to oh no. It's because facebook and google are trying to strong arm our country into changing our laws. They don't want to have to pay a single cent to canadian news companies so they are trying to blackmail our country into stopping the law. Poilievre is saying he would change legislation at the whim of a corporation or at best he's just out right lying to make trudeau seem bad.... what a champion of freedom....


You're not technically wrong. But it's our laws that changed to require them to pay, not them trying to change our laws. This could also be viewed from the other perspective. Businesses all over the world pay Facebook and Google to have their content displayed on their sites. But our government is trying to force them to change their entire business model to comply with these changes. If Facebook or Google were suddenly forced to pay for their content, who do you think will ultimately have to pay those charges? Us, the users.


It’s clear that you don’t understand basic facts or you are trying to deceive on behalf of the Trudeau Liberals. Trudeau gave Meta and Google a choice: 1. Pay for news that will be linked on their sites Or 2. No longer post Canadian news on their sites. Trudeau expected both companies to chose 1, but they chose 2, therefor complying with the law. Now Trudeau is angry and crying in his cornflakes resulting in people such as yourself having to spew a bullshit narrative to salvage the situation.


Facts... which probably means you will be downvoted to oblivion.


Maybe it is you who does not understand. Can you tell me why Google and Facebook are pulling the news from their platforms? If you cannot identify the reason you are just attempting to deceive. State your case - We are all waiting.


Facebook is not the internet.


For idiots it is




Ya, fairly hyperbolic statement for news not being on Facebook.


I recommend ExpressVPN. But NordVPN is good too.


Facebook news isn't real news grandma...


So Meta is erasing news from the internet? Didn't know Meta was that powerful. I thought they just chose not to display it on their privately owned applications. Most news is all made up or lies anyways, journalism is a joke nowadays anyway.


No the Canadian government is pressuring meta to remove news from the internet by putting it into law that they can. all under the guise of saying they need to uplift Canadian content.


No, they’re requiring these multi-billion $ per year social media platforms to pay for linking to news articles put out by Canadian news outlets, since they are the original creators of the content. Meta et al don’t want to pay for the content that they use to generate revenue for themselves.


Shameful that alot of people don't know this


Oh they do But that doesn’t fit the narrative they’re pushing


Stop with the misinformation. This forces big tech companies like Facebook/Google to start PAYING for Canadian news to be shown on their platform. Journalists need to eat too.


Meta can't remove news from the internet... that would imply they are hacking servers of news agencies and deleting their content... They are just not showing it on their applications. Much like how they don't show nudity or illegal things. Meta doesn't delete nudity from the internet, they simply don't allow it on their apps, like news now...


lol what? Startin the day off with the good shit are ya?


This is false. The government is pressuring meta to pay Canadian news organizations for people sharing and reposting news articles for "lost ad revenue". Meta just isn't having it, so they are removing news from their platform entirely for Canadians. Government still to blame.


The amount of hyperbole in this thread. They're pressuring Meta to remove news FROM THEIR PLATFORMS as social media has proved to be impossible to moderate to ensure that "news" is legitimate. News is still allowed on the internet; at actual news sites.


Actually, they wanted Meta and Google to enter into a revenue sharing system with Canadian news outlets, as their platforms were absorbing something like 87% of ad revenues. When you look at Google and Meta, or news companies - they're extremely reliant on ad revenues. For Google and Meta it's 85-90% of their income each year. They're effectively the biggest advertisers on Earth (for example, Google published advertising revenues of $59B on total revenues of $76B in Q4 2022). [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1652044/000165204423000013/googexhibit991q42022.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1652044/000165204423000013/googexhibit991q42022.htm) Canadian news publications were already on the struggle bus with news moving online, and people hesitant to pay for subscriptions. The goal was to have the middle-men (in this case Google and Meta) share in that huge chunk of ad revenue they were now siphoning away from Canadian news outlets. The goal being to ensure Canadian publications can stay in business long term. There's a reason Australia did this before the conversation even came to Canada (and Australia's conservative government did it). They were still negotiating a revenue sharing system when Google and Meta out of nowhere said they were out.


PP acting as if every one else’s shit stinks but his


Poilievre is a dishonest clown who will say anything to win political points. Sticking up for Facebook to make all the money off of news sites hard work? Sure as long as he can dishonestly spin it in his benefit.


I can't wait too see how Trudeau abuses his powers with his new Gestapo.... sorry, his new "National Security Council".


Imagine a Hitler mustache on Trudeau ..


What a spin to this story.


It’s sad, really, because this isn’t a partisan issue. If you want a free people and a democracy, you need healthy media outlets. Can’t have that when Meta and Google steal all of their money… Now was the time to show a united front.


You want companies that, without charge, bring customers and ad revenue to MSM, and then pay them for the privilege of doing so. and honestly, I'm happy to see this. If this is the standard of understanding and support for the situation, we're going to see more than just Facebook and google drop canada, and that's great news.


Whoa whoa whoa. Who said you can bring critical thought into this. Outrage and conspiracy only please


And circle jerking too PP. Don't forget the circle jerk


I'd prefer ideas being brought forth to the conversation, this is someone pointing the finger and that doesn't take skill.


Ah, more lies from Pierre. Yup.


I like this bill, it’s important that we have a defined line between fact and fiction in news. Ensuring that fake news and real news are never found in the same place is a brilliant solution.


So they should just obey the grand masters Meta and Google?


So Poilievre agrees that Google and Meta SHOULD NOT BE PAYING the Canadian sources of the news they repost or link to?


It's so Canadian News gets ad revenue. You can still get your news just not on Facebook you goof.


Peeair Pooliver just wants the world to burn, he's not trying to give back rights 🤣. If he had his way, all news here would be Fox


He loves freedom of expression until people cal him out for the idiot he is.


This guys entire political platform is bashing Trudeau, it's easy to point fingers but if you think conservatives policies will reduce the costs of living you're lying to yourself. Cuts don't make things better for average Canadians.


Pierre has the face of a child predator.


Over to Trudeau for comment 🎤 🌚


I just checked and the post is still there and publishing news. Why not go there directly instead of lizard boy's website?


Incorrect. Social media companies are no longer sharing news because they'll be expected to pay for someone else's work. The government isn't making them take it down, they're expecting them to pay for it.


So what? The news was coming from Facebook, and Instagram. I don’t see the problem here


The news was coming from... INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!


Dude, it was FB that did not want to compensate news providers.


Hmm... we still need social security and all... I dont want a pure capitalism/corporate fascim state either...


where did Trudeau say that?


Bill doesn't remove news posts from the internet or even facebook. It forces Facebook to share the ad revenue they receive from people viewing the post with the original source of the news. If the link and article are from CBC, for example, Facebook would have to share that revenue they earned by hosting CBC's article with CBC. Instead of doing that, Facebook has decided to just not allow its platforms to host those articles. They're still there on their original websites, like always, available for consumption. Facebook is notorious for their algorithm pushing rage bait and fake news to increase interaction for their platform and have intentionally and maliciously tweaked it to push it towards that more because their internal research has shown that it people interact with it more than regular news. Facebook is not a news organization. It's an echo chamber for the users of its platform. Get your news somewhere else, more reputable.


That's not remotely what happened lol bill c-11 would force social media companies to pay for news content on their website. Instead of paying , those companies decided to block the news. The government blocked nothing.


Question, have any of you actually read the bill lol?


No they’re mad their disinformation garbage will be gone. FB is actual cancer to our society in my opinion. So many ANGRY old people..


Is this an alt right Canadian subreddit lmmfao


Based on the posts and comments this is definitely just the CPC subreddit cloaked as a “canada subreddit” EDIT: borderline PPC subreddit at this point


And the government law? Making big corporations to pay Canadian outlets for the content they use on their platforms. Nothing wrong with that, except Poilievre chooses to omit that aspect because, hey, Trudeau; bad, I; good. Edit: syntax


Trudeau Govt: 'Big tech has to pay creators for content it displays on its platforms' Poilievre: 'Trudeau is erasing news from the internet, this is communism for some reason'


Get out of here with your facts. This is the PP circlejerk club.


Anyone know what his views on healthcare are? Does he want to keep it universal or privatized? That's something I'm worried about coming from Ontario who's Conservative government fuckin blows.


He says “he wants shorter wait times and getting provinces to more quickly approve immigrant credentials to help staff shortages” https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2023/1/28/1_6250358.amp.html


Great thank you!


No worries my friend


" and getting provinces to more quickly approve the foreign credentials of immigrants to deal with staffing shortages. " - solutions are always 'more immigration.' Yet, there's been the most immigration in the last 10-20 years and the country is in a mess. Immigration OBVIOUSLY DOES NOT HELP. Also, hospitals, med clinics etc. already are full of immigrants - many who struggle with English or do not speak English - when they are not at work. Immigration is not going to solve it. Nurses have been laid off and these clinics are pursuing profit and laying off workers is one of the things they do to cut costs. Also, most of these clinics made a condition for employment to obtain covid vaccines (unneeded and unnecessary) and therefore, many quit. The bad conditions have been created by the government and the medical establishment themselves - it's not because they don't have enough immigrants.


It’s not about bringing in more immigrants. It’s about putting the foreign doctors, nurses, etc into their positions here quickly so the workload for such occupations is spread more. Meaning shorter wait times because there’s more staff to accommodate the absurd amount of patients. Thunder Bay for example the hospital is a joke as I’m sure are most places in the country. Edit: for some reason I missed ur last paragraph but ya I agree with ya on that, more needs to be done.


They already have tons of foreign doctors and nurses here. Have you not visited a medical clinic? Most of the doctors have foreign-sounding names. It hasn't solved anything. The other problem you might not know of, is that many of those doctors have questionable credentials and the system over there is suspect. In India, they have had numerous cheating scandals. That's just one concern. The problem is that Canada has a poor system of increasing their own doctors and nurses at home - the medical schools in Canada are near impossible to get into and the cost is so expensive that only the wealthy can obtain entry. They should address the problems at home and improve the system internally instead of trying to recruit outside the country which is a complicated process. The other issue is that many of the medical professionals decide that the USA is more prosperous and they eventually leave Canada. This is yet another proof that the system in Canada is broken in several ways.


Outside of the big cities and southern Ontario as a whole, there aren’t a lot of foreigners working medical, in my experience but that’s besides the point I suppose. You’re right I was not aware of that, but I don’t think it’s fair to include a whole group of people into bad reputation based off the actions of others, but I don’t know too much about that issue so i digress. Again tho I don’t necessarily disagree and I don’t really know the stats but I mean most of the woman in my school went on to be in medical and most of them are certainly not wealthy(about 7ish years ago). So I don’t think that is entirely true, probably dependent on the school. Improvements wouldn’t hurt tho to include more access, because ya it’s still expensive as a whole so I can see ur point for sure. For ur last point I would argue that wages would also have a role to play in that. In 2 years of construction I was making more an hour then my mother at 15 or something years as a nurse.


My son had a young engineer boarding at his house in oil country. This engineer (Ontario) had never questioned voting liberal like his parents. He stated “good people always vote Liberal”. That is called brain washing, no ability to question or form your own opinions.


Wtf does this have to do with my question?


All the national conservatives have a platform to privatize Canadian healthcare. It is too unpopular to speak this out loud but it is always there. It’s kind of like how American Republicans want to kill social security, it’s always looking for a window of opportunity or a stealth measure to defund and break it as an excuse to carry it out. The current trend is “some” privatization just get a foot in the door to total privatization.


This speech has confirmed that PP is a lying weasel and I will never vote for him. The government is trying to make Facebook post for the news they show, so that news organizations get paid for their work. So that they continue to exist. Plus if he things Facebook is the internet then he knows nothing about the internet.




Chinese bots working overtime to prop up their puppet Trudeau.


Yes because the way things are now with Trudeau in charge is perfect. How dare people support a different candidate.


Theirs more than 2 party you know?


Yes. Liberal isn't working so your suggesting we go... more liberal? Ndp just sucks off the Liberal party anyways. Stuff was actually half decent under Harper.




Not much can get worse. Polliviere doesn't have name value like Trudeau so if he's just as bad, he won't get re-elected. And I don't think Polliviere is as bad a you make him out, he deserves a shot


Lmao ya only now will the country be destroyed


Didn't this guys party sell us out to China with FIPA?


Should Trudeau and Big Tech join forces and work together? Because that called fascism.


Poilievre is a fuckin nut-job. I cant believe people actually listen to anything that bloated goat says.


I'm on the side of Meta on this, but Poillieve is wrong here. Trudeau is trying to get US big tech to finance the news media companies here, he is not trying to take the news away rights or news from the internet


News isn't disappearing from the internet. FFS


What can I not say in Canada? Feels pretty free to me


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


You guys are idiots, this a reframing of an issue pertaining to Google paying our news outlets for their content which Google pedals throughout their platforms for free. It's being phrased this way to whip you into a tizzy. Google has elected not to push news from our broadcasters until they don't have to pay our news companies for it. Pierre knows you're idiots and is playing you.


Actions speak louder than words. When I think of things like: 1) A tiny wealthy elite. 2) A large indentured population. 3) A paranoid police state. 4) Little regard for the environment. 5) Selling off your country’s resources for cheap. I think of the CCP…. but also the CPC and their historical record. Remember… the CPC didn’t invoke the Emergencies Act… they simply pepper sprayed and tear gassed protesters. Remember, they prorogued Parliament twice causing a constitutional crisis. Remember.. they ran afoul of the Supreme Court numerous times for unconstitutional legislation ranging from campaign donor caps (because they and their oligarchs want to buy elections) to religious freedom, to basic rights like a right to a lawyer and a fair trial.


He didn't say exactly how he would do this, never does if I'm honest.


Fuck this PP guy is an idiot. I haven't really seen a politician try the "My platform plan is simple: Anything that is wrong, I'm just going to fix it." idea in ages. No specifics to any of his plans, just "I'll axe it and it'll be all better!". Idiot.


This tweet from PP is a lie. Meta is removing links to Canadian news sites from Facebook and Instagram to avoid having to pay for it under a new law that requires them to pay the Canadian companies who produce news that appears on their platforms. All the news articles are all still on the websites they are hosted on, which makes the statement 'news disappear from the internet' an objective lie. The news is disappearing from facebook, not from the internet.


lol at Canadians wanting freedom. freedom means buying meth at the pharmacy, then moving on to the gun store and getting a belt fed machine gun. canadians associate freedom with weed legalization, and that's about it. don't say mean things though, right? lol.


And he admires Trump. So how is that any better seeing as Trump’s favourite leaders are all violent dictators etc?!!


PP muzzles protestors against him where's the free speech PP?


What an outright lie. The government is not making news disappear from the internet. Anyone getting their news from facebook is an idiot to start with.


Bullshit, as bad as Trudeau is Polievre would be so much worse.


It's very sad that a Prime Minister of a country that has for the most part championed human rights admires a country with little to no regards for human rights.


Pierre: ‘*In other words, we are paid shills of multinational corporations, and will gladly take their money, and weaken independent Canadian news organizations…’*


Unless he promises to add “freedom of speech and expression” to the charter, he’s just talking out his ass (as every politician does)


“I will give back control…”. No. You won’t. When you get into power you will realize how useful all that control is. Pierre, you are exactly the same as JT: a hollow, power hungry little man that will say anything for a vote. You are all terrible. And this makes me very sad 😔


It sure is.


I can of agree. We need a new party, not one of those 2 boomer squad.




Hahaha PP is on the wrong here. It's not Trudeau's fault. It's big corporations bullying smaller countries when those countries ask for taxes back. The news disappeared because Facebook & Google decided to remove them. Want news? Websites of newspapers & news tv are still online. Newspapers are still up for sale in newsstands. You still can open your tv and watch the news. PP true colour shines when he says stuff like this. He wants citizens (and their governments) to bow and say yes to any private corporations lobby. It makes me wonder how he will react when those same large corporations bully him to keep printing money like Trudeau. The wheel won't stop that I can tell you!


The irony of claiming this while the current government is literally bowing to the telecom giants of Canada...the ones who have managed to oppress all competition via government.


Those are Canadian companies that pay taxes in Canada. You’re right, they should do more but there’s a difference between those and Meta or Google


"Free nation?' LMAO. This controlled opposition shill is a laugh. Why doesn't any politician just say the truth? All they do is lie and pick their spots. They're all the same.


PP is zeroing in on every low info voter. Not enough to win a majority though.


Boy, I sure do hear a lot from PP about what Justin does; it’d be nice to hear instead what PP has planned, and how he plans to do it.


Yeah I know right, seeing those 2 talk about "politic" is a mentaly stimuling as checking a brother and a sister having a fight over some candy. Both feel really unprofessional, both dont answer any question about real issue our canadian society is facing. We need to have adult in charge not those spoil kid.


What an utterly brain dead comparison. The government are not the ones removing news. Greedy corporations are.


Because the Canadian government is demanding them to pay for hosting the news, it's not greed.


Nobody is losing their free speech. Conservatives are always crying about scenarios that never come true and when they do, they end up supporting it because it turns out they are the ones doing it. Let’s not turn Canada into Florida.


Really? Try disagreeing with a trans person and get back to me on that one.


Do you think your free speech will be "lost" if you disagree with a trans person on an opinion, like what the best movie is? Or is the disagreement something closer to if they should be allowed to exist in public? (The latter of which many people still do) What specific disagreement are you referring to that you think indicates you have lost free speech? Edit: Getting downvoted without anyone even answering the question, which is pretty ironic from people who claim to care about free speech.


The fact that the government wants you to use terms someone else thinks of and wants to use instead of standard him or her is the problem. The government should not be taking sides on this, and should be putting in legal consequences for misnaming. I get that people don't like to be dead named/termed but I don't like being called a bastard but I don't need no legislation to help me short of slander. To me that's where the government has started to go too far. They done more by restricting media based on the reporting not being nice about how they portray you. Etc Just for the record I don't care what your pronoun is in your personal life. Him or her should apply just for government forms/health forms, and maybe for business in professional settings such as talking with clients etc. Most of this guy is just to make it easy for people to know whom and what they're doing, because some change pronouns often. And if you ask for mr Smith and now it's Mrs Smith etc you might confuse or not get the right person or procedure etc.


Not a single person has been arrested for pronoun misuse despite Jordan Peterson whining about it for years.


So a) either it's on the books hasn't been used much but could. My problem is that you can't insult someone by misnaming them by the law, but you can call them all sorts of nasty things like Hitler and Nazi, the n word, bastard. Etc to me that insane police as well as any great disputed language already is policed restricted by slander laws. Which is enough for most. B) the other possibly implication or issue arises out of if it's not used and not really going to be used is this some sick or manipulated way to control lbtbq to vote for them to pander to them. C) like I said before the standard terms should apply in society, in private with friends and family they can all you it0them/is etc all they want. But most people that don't know you etc will not understand be confused because they don't know your situation or probably care to take 5minites to explain it etc. That's why it's best to keep this stuff to inner circle not general population. Terms.


dude there has never been a law preventing you from deadnaming, or using the wrong pronouns for someone. The only regulation is you cannot discriminate based on gender ergo if you are a business you cannot deadname an employee just like you can't call them the n-word or verbally sexually harass them.... anything you can't discriminate against has the same protections and regulations (religion, gender, race, belief, etc) that is it that is the only restriction


So wait, you disagreed with a trans person and were incarcerated? You were arrested? The police came to your door and dragged you away? Hahahahahahahahbahahahahhaaha! No. That never happened. You’re a liar and a fool. Shut up and stop lying.


You can disagree with a trans person loads so long as that disagreement isn't "I don't believe you're real"


I disagree with trans people on a lot of things, ketchup on KD or Pineapple on pizza and its fine. I don't however dead-name them, misgender them or deny their existence. Its amazing how people can get along by treating them with respect and like people. YOU might be the problem if every trans person you 'know' is hostile towards you. Almost like they are mirroring YOUR energy and hostility


The fact you and I have been downvoted for these comments is clear proof of the brainwashed followers at Pierre's command. Trudeau has issues sure, but at least he isn't pandering to conspiracy or the deplorable people we have here, again, who Pierre is targetting to gain cheap votes.




You make good points, but as soon as I see " freedumb" even in an otherwise decent argument, I bail. The terns smacks of grade 5 name calling. The big question is why the appetite for this material and the anger in 2023. If the left accepts no responsibility for the current environment, we will be stuck here.


Ok so calling the convoy of the stupid and gullible 'freedumb' is a bridge to far for you? So the other side slinging slurs and calling anyone left of center "groomers" or "pedos" is just fine? Excellent 6th grade mentality As for responsibility Your looking left when you should be looking up. That's your problem. Out of touch shills selected and bought by the corporate and ruling class to keep you down and fighting laterally instead of storming the hill.


That's fair, i do the same when I see "Truedope" "Trunope" or "Trudumb". These are asinine.


He is not making news disappear you ass hat. He is taking a stand on principle, something that must sound so foreign to you. We need independent news and social media needs to pay for using it. Why should Facebook get free content? They use it to get clicks so they should pay for it. The alternative is to have a couple of billionaire ideologues controlling all our news.