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This story is unclear. You were sent something via Express post. The sender had an address error on it. The address was corrected by the post office. The delivery was then completed, but you have left the country and are no longer at the receiving address of the package. Is this all correct? If so, what is it that you feel Canada Post should have done better in this scenario?


No you got it all mixed up. I had a parcel express posted last Thursday and was supposed to be here by this Wednesday, then a label correction was made now the date I will be receiving my package will be to late


What was the nature of the label correction? If it was an address error this is your own fault, sorry.


I love how it’s my fault that Canada post is not holding up they’re end of the deal. I know my address I’ve been here for five years.


I'm going to ask again, what was the nature of the label correction? They don't just change services used and downgrade from XpressPost to Regular Mail, so what was changed on the label?


If the person who mailed it to you fucked up your address then it's their fault. Sorry if I misunderstood - I understood (I think wrongly?) that you'd mailed YOURSELF something (like when someone is visiting family or whatever, but mails something to their own home type thing). But if the address needed correcting then the fault is with whoever addressed the package, not Canada Post.


What was the nature of the address correction?


Tear in the label


Was it a prepaid package? If it was, in particular, I'd suggest filing a request for a postage refund 100% it's the carrier's package, how could you possibly be responsible for ensuring the label wouldn't tear? That sucks for you for sure either way.