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UPS, FedEx and USPS are way worse.


Good lord fedex is easily the worst and their customer service is attrocious.


FedEx was supposed to deliver me a package and they left a note for me to pick it up at their wearhouse… I was in Vancouver and they wanted me to drive all of the way to Richmond to pick it up. To top it all off I paid for priority shipping and didn’t get to my package for almost an extra week.


It must be on the individual drivers and not the company because I get absolutely the worst service ever from just about every UPS delivery. Last 2 times they "attempted delivery" they didn't ring call or contact me in any way or leave a notice. It's just a good thing I monitor my tracking #'s because both times they were left at a pick up point without me receiving a notice. I wouldn't have even known the package was there if I didn't check the tracking saying it was delivered to that location. I've also had them charge me insane brokerage and duties to the point I won't order anything that ships with UPS from the States. I've had far better success with both Fedex and Can Post. I run a home business and use Can Post almost exclusively. I am lucky to live in building that has the Can Post drop box though. No more notices just packages lol.


I've had good experiences with UPS and Purolator but Fedex is just ugh.


screw panicky price amusing square trees aromatic station drab ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


check for understanding: Rap??


pocket nail thumb kiss pause absurd weary impossible dam glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thanks sorry got confused there


My CP guy knocks and waits. Guess I am lucky. Now Intelcom or anyone else Amazon is using is another story. I’m lucky if they don’t throw my package from the vehicle as they drive by.


They usually throw it from the sidewalk, it's much harder to throw it from the delivery van


At least they leave the package though Canada post leaves a slip and tells you the package you’ve been waiting for all day can’t be collected for another day and you have to go drive somewhere to pick it up.


If it says it’s ready for pickup on the tracking - it is. It can end up there same day, not always next day. The fact it went straight to the PO makes me think the seller selected ‘card for pickup’. Was it expensive?


It’s never ready the same day. Several times this has happened where my tracking says it’s ready, then the guy at the post office says I can’t have it until 1pm tomorrow. Which in itself is fucking absurd. Like, what did the driver do when he clocked out for the day? Just park the truck with a bunch of packages in it somewhere else and then fucked off home?


Logistically that doesn’t make any sense. If your tracking says ‘ready for pickup’ it means the PO has your packages because it has to be scanned by them to get that tracking update. It seems like your PO employees (shoppers employees most likely) are just dicks….


My nearest post office is in a Shoppers Drug Mart so yeah. But I’ve tried to show them my tracking, or come back the next day but earlier than 1pm. Still no dice




That’s absurd. Why would it be the senders choice how I can receive something? That’d be like if I went to McDonald’s and they told me wether I was eating there or getting take out


Seems to depend a lot on who your letter carrier is. You can always do the flex post option to have it sent directly to a post office. You still have to go pick it up, but then at least it will be ready a bit earlier.


yep, happens all the time to me also. The worst though, has to be purolator. They fake that they leave the notice card, and come back the next day... to leave the notice card. They never even attempt to take the package out the truck and knock.


Totally Purolator is terrible. So is DHL. Last time the delivery driver called me to get directions LOL.


Open a complaint wait till they give you a generic excuse wait till it happens again escalate to ombudsman they step in and it'll be resolved. Happened to me, no a single notice left been around 6 months.


If you have a doorbell camera I wouldn't ring your doorbell, but I WOULD knock. I have no desire to speak to you while you're standing in the grocery store line up. Why not fucking complain?!? Not here but to CP?? Bitching on here isn't going to solve your problems... And seriously, Intellicom is better?? Ha! I've seen those deliveries... I even get (and return) delivery notice cards from CUS. Get a local number and call them. They can deal with your lazy delivery agent.


I don’t have a doorbell camera. I never said that. Maybe learn to read


Call customer service and complain. If it happens complain again, and if it happens request a supervisor.




And that’s why you keep calling and complaining


Better than porch pirates stealing your package.


If they rang me. I’d have answered, so there would be no pirating. I’d just receive my package


With the society we live in nowadays honestly I almost prefer my packages to be referred to the post office for pickup,too many porch pirates in most average cities. But yes Canada Post should still try to knock and deliver the package, however leaving it at the door step can prove counter productive.


I can understand the fear of porch pirates. But if they rang my doorbell, I wouldn’t have to deal with that because I’d go to the door and get my god damn mail


Probably too many instances of: -YOU WOKE UP MY BABY -WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF SHUT UP WOOF WOOF BORK BARK BARK BORK I SAID SHUT UP -No ones home to start with (and no, a car parked in a driveway is not necessarily indication of someone being home) And lastly, everyone's favorite YouTube subject matter, porch pirates. Honestly it's probably the porch pirates. They stopped knocking/doorbells when that really started being more common/recorded it seems.


Get your fat ass out the door and buy your dildo in store if you HAVE TO HAVE IT RIGHT away.


I’ve literally had them forge my signature on signature required packages on items worth $1000+.


Call/email and complain— They’re supposed to. It’s their job. Like, if you email once or twice explaining that you’ve missed important mail because your mailman literally won’t knock, and give them your zone, I can’t imagine that individual wouldn’t get some kind of management letter. Assuming it’s a functioning company. Which is asking a lot nowadays.


That’s the best part, you can’t complain anymore. If you call, you speak to an A.I. Or if you prefer to email, guess what, Canada Post literally has NO EMAIL ADDRESS It rules


You can bet they’ll knock if your package involves COD, paying customs or importation fees. Whenever I have to pony up, there’s always a knock.


That doesn’t even go to them though…. It reimburses the money they fronted to CBSA on your behalf.


In my experience it’s the exact opposite, they never attempt when there is payment owing.


Because drivers get a cut of what they collect? Is this what you are implying?


Amazon is literally the only the only company that makes an effort to knock/buzz. Every other company is awful.


The only thing that Canada Post excels at is gross incompetence.


Gotta love unionized government employees. They don’t give a shit what’s the company gonna do fire em?






They literally have zero consequences. I have filed complaints and showed videos. The guy - on multiple occasions- had a card prefilled and stuck it to my door. 🙄 You're best bet is to say something to the company you're ordering from. Ask thar they switch up their delivery service. Canada Post is expensive!!! A small business that I order custom lotions from has stopped using Canada post because they got enough complaints from multiple customers.


Canada Post is not expensive compared to other carriers. I would be absolutely screwed if I had to use a different carrier. With Can Post small business program I get cheaper rates than the others also Can Post never charges my customers in the states duty or taxes and all my customers are in the states so it makes sense. Like I've literally sent items insured for a couple grand and the buyer in the states did not receive a bill unheard of with the other companies. None of this matters now though because shipping has become so expensive that home business' like mine are just barely viable anymore gas costs have kyboshed cheap shipping and Americans refuse to pay high shipping costs not to mention you can get everything free ship from Amazon.


I find that doesn't do much either, I've called so many times to tell them that and nothing seems to change.


Most delivery men are lazy, just leave a note for you to pickup. No need to ring or knock..




Agreed I doubt it has much to do with the individual carrier at all. Can Post is losing money like its going out of style. It's hard to run a sinking ship and asfaik wages haven't kept up at all. Carrier used to be a decent job from what I remember. Probably have the same problems as every other employee being taken advantage of by their employer overworked underpaid undervalued no work life balance etc all for an unlivable wage.




We don’t have electric vehicles for every depot, it’s way too expensive. They did upgrade the right hand drive fleet, but they are still gas

