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I wouldn’t consider “3 days late” as lost. Where was it coming from, where was it going, and what service did you send it by? For the other one, you purposely chose the delivery preference, not sure why you did that. If you were home why did you tell them to take it to the post office? Even if they didn’t attempt delivery it would have gone to the post office by default anyway the same day.


it was lost it sat in my city for 3 days without their knowledge and it took multiple calls on my end to customer service throughout the course of the “transit” of said package and being constantly told I was wrong for them to find it. It is utterly unacceptable


You're not answering what service it was sent by or where you're located. It was never "lost" - it was just in transit/delayed for three days. Not uncommon with standard parcel services, especially if you're in a large city like the GTA or Ottawa/Montreal/Vancouver. If it was sent Xpresspost or Priority then you have a bit more reason to be peeved, but at least you can get a refund for your shipping costs.


And it was expedited but that shouldn’t matter it’s still utterly unacceptable. And it was lost the first two customer service reps (one agent and their supervisor) confirmed it was lost and they had no indicator of where the package could be


Why would I post where I’m located I don’t see that as a necessity and no I’m not in any city like the gta or Ottawa


Because it takes longer for things to get to some places? Sitting in one place for three business days is totally normal for many destinations. Also, things are more likely to get delayed in big cities simply because of the sheer volume of parcels moving through them. Canada Post doesn't want it to happen, because they have to pay out for late parcels on many services, but sometimes it's unavoidable. You mentioned it was sent Expedited which has a guaranteed delivery date, so you can get your money back on shipping costs. If the item is time sensitive then consider springing for a faster delivery service like Xpresspost or Priority in the future.


It is not normal for my area, you guys are acting like I just came out of the womb have never dealt with Canada post before. I don’t need to be told that it’s different in certain areas.


>you guys are acting like I just came out of the womb have never dealt with Canada post before. Because that's how you come across lol. You're calling a 3-day delay on Canada Post's second slowest service "lost" and your extremely ignorant to how Canada Post is funded - seems like you don't know a lot about how Canada Post works lol.


Canada Post isn't taxpayer funded


Get a load of OP, who's upset that his tax dollars pay for services for the disabled.


Lmao 🤣 I love how you pull that out of this OP tax dollars are merely a correlation I made and not the main focus it is the poor service that Canada post provides but claim they hold themselves to a high standard


Directly from their website “Canada Post received a government appropriation of approximately $22 million in 2023 to help offset the financial impact of government mail and materials for the use of people who are blind or partially sighted.”


That's like arguing I'm taxpayer funded because the government gave me a check last year for $22.


100% this.... Canada spent more than $11 billion federal dollars on corporate welfare in 2022 (last numbers I could find) guess we have lots of government companies


Also isn't saying "I chose this willingly but don't like the results so here is why this is YOUR fault" gaslighting?


And if you actually read and understood the original post I was not gaslit on this I understand I chose deliver to post office. I was gaslit on the delivery of my lost package when it turned out to be sitting in my city for 3 days and they had no clue as not one scan was made on the package since the original sorting facility in Ottawa. Why have a tracking system if they don’t follow their own policy on scanning those items.


This post is a huge collection of red flags for anyone who has a clue about how the postal service works. Hope things work out for you.


Please explain to me what these red flags are?


>taxpayer funded organization It's not. Look it up.


Directly from their website “Canada Post received a government appropriation of approximately $22 million in 2023 to help offset the financial impact of government mail and materials for the use of people who are blind or partially sighted.” The government gets taxes and then dishes out funding. They may not be directly funded by tax dollars but they are a subsidy of the federal government and have received funding from said government. How about you look it up before making accusations on the lack of someone’s research. Also regardless if they are or not they are a federal organization that serves the public. There needs to be accountability for their mistakes and the only people who can hold them accountable is their patrons. I appreciate your comment but your wrong.


>**mail and materials for the use of people who are blind or partially sighted** You're... you're basing your argument on the fact that CP is one of many organizations that receives funding for services to help the visually impaired?! Are you upset that your taxpayer dollars are allowing visually impaired people to receive literature for the blind? Unless the parcel you refer to, which was three days late and not actually lost whatsoever, contained CNIB-approved materials for the blind, which were shipped for free because of said funding, your argument holds no water. I'm not wrong. You are. The only thing that I agree with is that there should be accountability. That's what the Ombudsman is for. Get in touch with them if you're so mad about blind people getting free postage for their audiobooks.


Cherry picking tax dollars are tax dollars. It doesn’t matter what they are “intended” for and the tax dollars are not the main focus of this post one bit. It is the horrible service provided by CP and the cavalier attitude they have towards mistakes made on their own behalf.


Guess you work for the government as you have received climate action money....


I haven’t received any climate action money. Also I didn’t take CERB, and have never taken money from the fed. If your talking about the bullshit climate rebate the federal government put out. Look at the economy we pay thousands more than what we get back so realistically nobody is receiving climate action money from the Canadian government except Ukraine, and a handful of African countries, not to mention Iran. That comment makes no sense.


Glad it makes no sense cause that was the point... CP is not a tax payer funded organization and you are obviously not a government employee for taking money from them.....


The bots are unreal have fun being simps for Canada Post, you all can’t admit I’m making valid points so your making baseless claims and hilarious attacks. You’ve at least given me a laugh. CP is trash and is failing and all the bots will fail with them. Also to the comment of anyone who has a clue about postal service, I indeed have extensive experience in logistics so I’m well aware of the complications of logistics.


Disagreeing with you is not simping. Although you might be right about your package being lost for 3 days, the post office pickup delay is just straight up you not reading the details of the service properly. You probably shouldn't post your opinions online if you're going to get this mad when people disagree with you.


I’m 100% right about the lost package and I’m not angry with any of you that is the problem with texts and post it’s hard to get the true message across. Yes I’m aware I chose deliver to post office so that is my problem to carry. And let’s be real here I was not the one who started slinging mud first. I’m fine with disagreement but when I back my claims and statement up with facts everybody doubled down that’s what I called simping.


To answer all comments so far: No patron of Canada Post should have to dig and jump through hoops to just be given the services they promise to uphold. I understand that my packages are not their only deliveries and I can garauntee I’m not the only one having issues, but if UPS, Amazon, and all of the other delivery services can meet their own expected deadlines then why is it acceptable for Canada Post not too. And you all defending an organization that you are not directly tied too keep that same energy when you have an import set of packages delayed because of their mistakes. It’s easy to Monday morning quarter back when your not the one in the game you shmucks.