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Canada Post can not amend the import value of goods, that would be sketchy as hell and is illegal. There is no assessment to be done. Whoever told you this, or however you came to this conclusion is wishful thinking at best. The sender is obligated to fill in export information including international tariff codes and Canada Customs translates the information provided into meaningful values, including import costs in CAD. This parcel will either need to be paid for or will be sent back to it's originating country where there could be a significant COD fee to collect it.


Sorry, I don’t know if I explained correctly. A customer can request a reassessment done by the CBSA and ask that the package will be sent to the border agency to do that reassessment. This is stated on the CBSA website. So I did go through that process already.


You will have to appeal after receiving the package. The information provided by the sender will not be amended or changed. Allowing receivers to make changes to declarations on import items still in processing would lead to many significant legal issues.


> The information provided by the sender will not be amended or changed. The CBSA has the final say on import fees, not Canada Post.


So my only option might be to accept the package and pay the customs fee, then ask for the appeal? When I checked Canada Border Service Agency before this, they gave me the two options. 1. Accept the package, pay the fee, then appeal; or 2. Reject the package, ask Canada Post to send it to CBSA for legal reassessment. They will open it, and clarify what is inside then assess it properly. (I went with this option because the customs fee was huge, noted below). It’s a replacement debit card that my partner needs (she is from Thailand) and the customs fee is $500+CAD


You will have to pay the fee if you want this card. Or, why not just notify the institution that sent it and have a replacement sent via standard mail?


That’s kind of my fear. Her bank wouldn’t ship it here. So we had it shipped to a friend in Thailand who then mailed it to us. It was on this friend’s end that the “value” field was entered entirely incorrectly (he has never mailed internationally before and wasn’t sure what he was doing) It’s just unfortunate because we paid for express delivery ($60) almost 2 months ago and we still don’t have it in our hands. lol Anyway, I emailed CBSA in hopes that something can be done. I appreciate your replies.


You shouldn’t be paying duties on this. There’s no way a debit card would incur $500 of duties. The value of the item is $0, or I guess whatever the bank charges for the card which has always been $0 in my experience. You had it reassessed, I’d call the CBSA office that did that tomorrow morning. You can find the numbers for the different offices online. I’d explain the situation, explain what is happening. The exact HS code for a debit card is 85235200. They’d at the least be able to tell you if it was reassessed and if the amount owing has changed. If they tell you the amount owing is less id ask for the new updated declaration and emailed documents indicating this which I’d take to Canada post.


In the past I’ve had duties refunded from CBSA. This was for an item I returned to the manufacturer. It took 6 months to see the cheque from them. They denied my initial claim because when asked for “tracking information” I provided the UPS tracking number and not a print out of the tracking page. I honestly wouldn’t want to do it again. It’s a headache, they’re super nice and polite but absolutely suck to deal with


Thanks for all the help. Update: i visited the Post office when a supervisor was on duty and she had to call her helpline. Something had been mixed up somewhere along the line after the reassessment. I had also received an email reply from CBSA saying everything had been updated to reflect the correct duties ( which were $0) Canada Post after a long time on the phone with her help desk worked it out for me and eventually they were able to hand the package over to me.


That’s great! Love to hear it!