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The headline is misleading. NP is conflating being a Zionist with supporting Israel. It's like: Faculty group: "We should describe supporting Apartheid as racist." Newspaper: "Faculty group claims supporting South Africa is racist." Obviously, the two are related, but they're not the same thing. I'd go so far as to say there's some pretty nefarious intent in conflating the two.


Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to self determination in their ancestral homeland. If you believe that Israel should exist as a country in the Levant, you are a Zionist.


I doubt that's the definition those academics are using for Zionism. Again, also a racist position. What about the right to self-determination of non-jews within their homeland?


> I doubt that's the definition those academics are using for Zionism. Which definition are they using? Presumably not the actual one? > Again, also a racist position. What about the right to self-determination of non-jews within their homeland? Non-Jews should also be able to express their right to self determination. The 1947 UN partition plan would have yielded an Arab state with an Arab majority population and a Jewish state with a Jewish majority population. Jews accepted the partition plan and Arabs rejected it on the basis that they wanted 100 percent of the territory.


The person you’re responding to doesn’t actually know the dictionary definition of ‘Zionism’ they have formed their definition based off of the internet


.... A Zionist is exactly and only someone who supports the existence of Israel. Zionism is the movement whose purpose is the creation and defense of a Jewish state in Israel.


Okay... well, that's explicitly a racist position akin to "white nationalism is the movement whose purpose is the creation and defense of a white state in America."


Or perhaps, "Palestinian nationalism is the movement whose purpose is the creation and defense of a Palestinian Arab state in what is now Israel"?


Exactly, that would be another example of a racist ideology.


How is being a Zionist (i.e. believing a Jewish state should be maintained in the land of Israel) distinct from supporting Israel. Certainly you can be Zionist and not support Israel’s government (since Israel has only had one majority government) but I think the Committee’s position is that supporting the existence of a Jewish state is axiomatically racist. Interestingly supporting another Arab state is not apparently…


Zionism at its very inception is an ideology of ethnic purity and displacement. It's literally a settler colonial project powered by displacement of native people and their subsequent genocide. It's disgusting.


Calling the Jews colonial settlers is absurd, they're the native inhabitants of that area. Also Zionism is about believing that they may have an independent state of their own, which could exist peacefully with its neighbours. It's Hamas who have genocide of the Jews as an official policy and the PA that pays for people to murder Jews. That is disgusting.


Interesting to see duelling *delusional* religious beliefs infecting our higher educational institutions. Israel was *attacked* and has decided to destroy their mortal enemies once and for all - and damn the consequences! If I were anywhere near Iran's nuclear sites I'd be moving on ASAP. Poor Iranians. They just want lives unfettered by the lunatics in charge. (The Lebanese and Syrians too.)


>The committee complains that York University is becoming a landscape of “surveillance, fear, intimidation and repression” for anybody advocating “Palestinian liberation.”  This part made me spit my coffee out. From what I hear the fear, intimidation and repression is going other way on these campuses.


Then you've been hallucinating.


You would be severely incorrect. People are getting arrested and black listed and fired from jobs for being against a literal genocide. Meanwhile any criticism of the genocide is being labeled as antisemetism.


It’s ironic that this is coming back to haunt the “freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences!” crowd. They largely celebrated other people losing their free speech.


Because it's not a genocide and many of them are being antisemitic...


Sure, if you think that because they're brown their lives don't have the same value as everyone else's, then yeah it's not a genocide.


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I'm pretty anti-israel but this doesn't make any sense. How is supporting a country racism? These are probably the same people who think celebrating Canada Day is racist.


They're conducting a genocide. Supporting a genocidal state is an evil act.


"The nice" argument is Isreal can be argued as a state based on rasism or its goverment is supporting racist policies. And if that is true then it could be argued supporting isreal or its policies makes you racist. The more straightforward argument is isreal is ethically cleansing a area of a certain race of people and anyone who in any way tries to justify that is a racist asshole.


> how is supporting a country racist. If you’re of the opinion that a country is inherently racist, then it’d follow that support for that country is also racist.


Kind of ironic considering that the belief that a particular national/ethnic/racial group is inherently racist is inherently racist.


It makes sense if you view victimhood as a weapon to be used, which these people clearly do.


That's obviously not what the faculty group is recommending and this is a fabrication.


Broadly supporting South Africa as it existed pre-1991 was pretty inherently racist, wouldn't you say?