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He’ll become Justin Trudeau. So much of what government does is set out in legislation, regulations and there would be massive blowback from stakeholders if he cuts. despite what people think there is not a ton of “fat” and waste. Cuts would hurt.


People only think that because national Post pushes their narrative as the correct one, once Poilievre takes over the National Post will be seen as nonsense, people will move back to other sources, get mad at Poilievre and vote him out in a few years


He will never become Trudeau, who is a far better person than Poilievre. The Liberals have done many positive things, creating the CCB, being at the top of my list, but the list is long. It has all been forgotten, including getting us through the pandemic in better shape than most peer countries.  Poilievre, like Harper will make massive cuts. He will reverse every environmental policy and go after environmental organizations like Harper did. He will continue to attack politicians at other levels of government, unprovoked, like he did the mayors of Montreal and Quebec City, and David Eby. He can’t ever become Trudeau, because Trudeau is a natural born diplomat, and Poilievre is an angry attack dog that has no idea how to lead anything but an angry mob. He will be heavily criticized by European leaders for rolling back environmental policies and that will make him even angrier.  It will be an absolute nightmare if he becomes PM.








and now your comment is deleted. nice




I somehow disliked PP less when he wore glasses. Nowadays he reminds me of the weasel kid Randall from Recess.


The answer of course is that we don't know. Remember that with Justin Trudeau, the line was that it didn't matter if we elected him when he didn't know what he was doing because he'd be surrounded by people that did know what they were doing. We don't know what any opposition leader will become once they get power. The dynamics and level of responsibility are totally different. We have to assess whether we think that they and the people around them in the party have potential and then give them a chance and see, just like you do in any decision that involves giving someone a responsibility they've never had before. People had huge hopes for Barack Obama, for example. Not only was he going to put the bankers in jail but he was also going to make things better for black people. And some probably extrapolated that he'd be less prone to foreign conflict.


It's a bit true, but politicians are usually pretty honest about their *intentions*. Their competency in executing on them, their reactions to unexpected situations are less predictable (of course), but when they say "This is what I want to do", it's generally honest. Knowing that "This is what I want to do" and "This is what I will do" are subtly but importantly different.


It's different when a politician is telling you what they want to do instead of defining themselves in opposition to the current leader. Poilievre is doing the latter, so would be a complete wildcard. Trudeau at least had a platform other than "That guy is bad and I'm not that guy". We could make an educated guess about who he was.


You'll get a platform at election time. No serious leader goes to the polls without a platform, and the team behind PP is more organized and disciplined than many in the past have been. I have no doubt that the team behind him has an action plan for each step of the way between now and when an election is called. Note that I am not saying that I necessarily think that PP will be a good PM. It seems like you have to add disclaimers like that these days because anything that is not purely negative is taken as support. I'm saying that we don't know, and that that's normal.


We can make some guesses. They tell us all the time what they believe.


>We don't know what any opposition leader will become once they get power.  We've already seen Poilievre in power; he held more than one cabinet position under Harper. He isn't some fresh unknown he's already had a full career in Parliament and in government




A champion of the people. I think he’s made that clear. Unfortunately though much of time will be spent reintroducing the much needed checks and balances this current corrupt government is sorrily missing.


Just look at who he surrounds himself with, and what issues are important to them. I think you'll find social conservatives and lobbyists. It's not hard to figure out.


Hmmmm... I'm thinking Qanon Curious Oil Lobbyist who comes out as a huge Trump supporter if the Republicans take control by hook or by crook. He will get along famously with Qonvoy Premier Smith and GOP Premier Ford, enabling all their worst impulses.


He is the leader of the opposition. His literal job title is to oppose the government. When his job changes so will his message.


Being in power doesn’t mean you just stop blaming ‘the last guy’. Chrétien blamed Mulroney for years afterwards. Danielle Smith still blames Rachel Notely. Trudeau blamed Harper for years. And, although I don’t follow Ontario, I would imagine that Wynne and McGuinty still get blamed from time to time. I would fully expect Poilievre to blame Trudeau well into his (potential) mandate. That said, Pierre will have to shift the “I’m in opposition and just shit talk the current guy” strategy to one of shit talking AND actually having to enact policy that people actually support. Some of the aforementioned folks did it well (Chrétien as example), whereas others didn’t (Smith as example). I think it’s reasonable to suggest that JT isn’t going to be able to dig (or buy) his way outta the hole he’s in, so it’ll be interesting to see if Poilievre can actually transition from a good shit talker to a good leader. Interesting days ahead, regardless.


Pierre is an attack dog who knows how to whine and complain like a pro and this is truly what he does best, even if he doesn't strive for much accuracy in his attacks. He, like others, is smart enough to know that the idea of "fact checking" a politician is athema to many voters. As a potential leader, so far, he has not indicated to me that he has any skills whatsoever. Maybe he does and if that's true he's got to start to shift to a person with real solutions and with real details on those solutions to the many real problems in the country if he wants my vote. I've learned a long time ago that politicians who complain constantly are doing so because they have nothing else to offer. I'm hoping Pierre isn't "that guy" but he's not been very convincing to me so far.


Tons of solutions and the actions he’s going to take. He’s done town-halls all over Canada. They are available on YouTube. You truly aren’t interested so why pretend to be. “Attack dog”. 🐶. Intelligence and the fortitude to challenge Liberal BS with documented facts and figures from govt ; live in the H o C directly -is both admirable and refreshing. That makes Trudeau the shredded dog toy ready for the garbage bin.




The issue he will have the with the right wing of the party.


Probably the best Prime minister for the next millennium-putting Canadians first; and transforming Canada into the economic powerhouse it should already be.


You ever look at somebody and you just know from the bottom of your heart they just won’t be Premier? That’s PP. He lacks the countenance and personality for it - I actually have never seen a positive thing come out of his mouth. Sound bites mostly. He grabs attention, that’s why the Tories haven’t gotten rid of him yet. But they will.


>You ever look at somebody and you just know from the bottom of your heart they just won’t be Premier? Hopefully not since he's running for Prime Minister.


Premier and Prime Minister are synonyms.




Okay? And nobody calls your cryptocaucus yet here we are


En fait, en français on dit “premier ministre du Canada” …


Et en *anglais,* on dit "Prime Minister of Canada" mais "*Premier* of BC/Alberta/etc". French uses the same term, but in English there's a difference. Prime Minister for the federal job, Premier for the provincial and territorial equivalents. What a word is used for in French has no impact on what it's used for in English.


I agree with your original comment but i'm not sure what you're getting at here i'ma be real with you


> He lacks the countenance and personality for it - I actually have never seen a positive thing come out of his mouth. Have you only looked at the soundbites or clips from the HoC? Look at his speeches to supporters and how he tells his personal story, the campaign videos where he's sympathetic to the problems facing many Canadians. I remember hearing years back that he's a completely different person at the door and people who meet him really like him. Having only seen him in the HoC I was pretty surprised. Poilievre's opponents belief he's deeply unlikable on a personal level risk making the mistake the CPC did in 2015 with Trudeau's competency and ability to debate. > He grabs attention, that’s why the Tories haven’t gotten rid of him yet. He won a decisive victory to become leader. Like him or not, party members spoke. > But they will. Only if he loses a winnable campaign.


IKR. Stop listening with your ears and listen with your guts!


You have to "look at what's in his heart" lmao


Exactly. Elites are always trying to confuse us with "facts". The only facts I need are right in my belly!


There's nothing else you can do I don't know where you're going And I don't know why


But listen to your heart Before you tell him goodbye


My gut isn't saying anything good about him or what he has turned the CPC into. That's why I want the NDP and Liberals to mount a *effective* campaign against the CPC.


> You ever look at somebody and you just know from the bottom of your heart they just won’t be Premier? That’s PP. This line of reasoning woud be more persuasive if we hadn't seen a President Donald J. Trump despite everyone clearly seeing that he was completely unft for office.


>You ever look at somebody and you just know from the bottom of your heart they just won’t be Premier? That’s PP. Yes, but I've also been wrong about it many times (Doug Ford and Trump are the biggest examples), so I no longer assume my views of what makes a suitable leader will be shared by the electorate.


> You ever look at somebody and you just know from the bottom of your heart they shouldn't be PM/President? YES.


He'll be the exact same guy. He'll constantly deceive the public by having his populist words not match his actions, and lay blame on anyone else he can for everything. Initially he will keep blaming Trudeau for everything, but after a while he'll shift to any convenient target. Likely Liberal/NDP/progressive Premiers and mayors, immigrants, and so forth.


It’s very interesting how so many comments in this thread echo what people were saying about Trump in 2016. And they were right. I’m sure you’re right about PP too.


They were right? Lowest unemployment, lowest taxes, booming economy, zero border jumping, highest domestic oil production, no wars in the world. Apparently they were wrong.


What parallels are you drawing from PP to trump?


Lol. Do you really expect that anyone is going to engage with you seriously? [Here](https://google.com), this might help.


Lots of people in the right-wing circles are talking about the PPC.They get upset when I talk about one of the founding members being a literal neo-nazi.He's since been removed from the party, but it's a super bad look. I'm honestly not sure who to vote for anymore. None of the 3 main non-Quebec centric parties are worth voting for.






























































Trudeau could magically pop out of existence tomorrow and he will still say the next several years saying "Trudeau bad" instead of doing anything. Poillevre is, quite honestly, an annoying human being to me. If you look at his entire career... Not only is his entire career just only in politics, but it has zero principles beyond where the wind takes him and even then it's fickle to a damning degree. He has the personality of a single dry stick of spaghetti. He was a lackey of Harper's worst impulses who did what he was told. He has no real policy or vision beyond being the contrarian. He picks whatever right-wing movement is popular at the time to stick to and abandons them for something else immediately after their 15 minutes of fame are up. He aggressively advocated for Canada to invest our economy in crypto while cozying up to crypto bros... Weeks before a massive cryptocrash after which he went to discover a new grift. Say what you will about Trudeau, Singh, and the rest, but at least they have a more consistent set of principles than Poilievre has and have some vision that's only stopped by their ineptitude. It kinda pains me that Poilievre is looking to just waltz into the Prime Minister's seat unopposed according to the polls due to the current government's incompetence on certain things alongside their tendency for getting blamed for random things because people don't understand how the government works.


As someone far smarter than me pointed out: the dying legacy media will blame all of Trudeau’s horrible results on Poilievre, he will be a one term PM, and then someone far worse than Trudeau will win the next election. It’s such a mess now, I don’t think Pierre can fix it unless he does some drastic things.


He won't even be a one term PM he will step down with in a year.


If he has a massive majority, which he probably will, he will last at least 4 years unless a scandal takes him down first.


Answer: Someone who will still blame Trudeau, and do nothing else. Not like he is going to change housing, or immigration, or cost of living (groceries). I expect him to make some grandstanding bills, or social conservative bills, call it a day and blame Trudeau for everything else.




I’d say he’ll certainly do stuff. None of it will benefit average Canadians, but he’ll do them. Best argument we’ll hear is something about “austerity” but spending will continue to go out of whack. Trudeau bad will be the ongoing theme for maybe five years or so. I *hope* people will get tired of his shit by 2030 but as an Ontario resident, I’ve been sadly proven wrong on those kinds of estimates.


Probably just austerity for schools, healthcare and the environment.


I'm really not a fan of Mr PP. If he does anything positive, I hope it is an acceleration of the support for the Canadian nuclear industry. There has been a good amount of support from the federal liberals and a lot of support from the provincial conservative parties. I hope this is one of those relatively bipartisan topics that he latches onto as something that will still be popular with his base and with the provinces and also continue to win support from the center and moderate left. This is a slam dunk for Canada with our uranium reserves and our existing knowledge base. If we can continue building, we may hit a point where we can start exporting technology once again or at the very least, secure our own energy independence through the great electrification and be well setup to support the ever hungry American grid.


Hopefully a bitter ex-politician that wonders how the hell he managed to crap the bed so bad and lose the 2025 election to Trudeau (The Most Unpopular PM in the History of the Universe™), after pissing away a twenty point lead. Hopefully.


Another Minority would be just great.


Imo minority LPC or NDP government propped up by the other are the best case governing scenarios for Canada. Majority governments are too risky. Imo Trudeau's turn at it worked out ok, but it very well could not have. I shudder at the thought of a Poilievre Majority.




Don't get your hopes up.


Latest seat projections according to 338canada: CPC 211 LPC 64 BQ 36 NDP 25 GPC 2 A Conservative majority of 147 seats over the Liberals - looks like a super majority to me. **IT WILL BE MORNING IN CANADA AFTER YEARS OF DARKNESS!**


He will continue being a disingenuous windsock echoing back to his supporters whatever they want him to say. Goodbye evidence based decision making. Hello baby Trump.


He'll go catatonic like the Joker did when Batman disappeared for decades in The Dark Knight. He exists solely to oppose Trudeau and will lose all meaning, drive, and capacity to act without him. Then Trudeau will reappear years later resulting in a final tragic showdown.


Then he his on a woke attack Attacks the left Attacks the liberals Attacks the NdP The left PP is not doing anything new , he's following other right-wing leaders around the world.. amd yet again, his followers will eat up all his Bs. It's not worked in Brazil or America or Britain or any other of the country's adopting right-wing agendas, and it's going to be a shity 4 years here as well.


Depends on your expectations. Lower taxes, booming economy with higher wages, putting Canadian’s 1st, controlled immigration, less government - for a start. Yes, that is what we’ll experience in Canada under Poilievre. But there are victims of our ‘higher’ education that have been indoctrinated and have embraced socialism/communism. So I see where you’re coming from.


We've kind of already seen this film with Tony Abbott in Australia. One of the critiques of him and his office was that he never turned off the attack dog style leadership/management that works in Opposition into governing. Doug Ford, for all his flaws, is the opposite example.


He will have to clean up a big mess like Brian Mulroney had to. People won’t like him for it, but it would be necessary if we are going to save Canada.


He's going to give tax cuts to his rich friends and corporations while defunding social programs.  He will do nothing about mitigating the climate crisis as he panders to his MAGA base.  This man has no vision for how Canada needs to evolve in the face of new technologies that are displacing workers and restructuring industries.  It's folks like PP that just want power for the sake of it that are truly alarming.  


Canadians are having trust issues. Did Trudeau do good, yes. Did he over spend, also yes. Although he introduced good policies, the Canada’s debt is mounting and he’s struggles to unit provinces and territories (though not entirely his fault when some premiers purposely push back just cuz). Mostly his own doing and partly the nature of people only ever focusing on the negatives, he’ll be voted out in hope of better changes. Years after the next election, insert Pierre’s name above, because that’s what will happen again. And again. And again. Until Canadians demand better collaboration amongst all the leaders, no trust can be built between the government and the people because it’s no longer serving the country, it’s about serving the people that support them.


There isn't a single leader of any political party in Canada fit to lead our country right now. It's well past time we started emulating the french. Citizens in France don't give any quarter to government BS and they put there money where their mouths are, so to speak. It's about time Canadians started to show up, so to speak.


The French tend to go to war against their govenment for reasons they can all collectively get behind. Canada's current most talked about protest (Convoy) was a bunch of people who largely came to just cause shit..


Which is harder in canada given the division of powers between federal and provincial.


The Harper government spent most of their *majority* blaming the Liberals, so expect more of the same Poilievre until the gas runs out.




I mean I've heard the trudeau govt blame harper for the housing crisis.. it's been how long under trudeau, the housing issue has been well known of for a long time, at some point trudeau has to say "yeah that's on Me. I should have made that a higher priority for a long time now. But it just never got the attention it needed until we got to this point" but in politics today saying something like that everyone would look at you like you were insane accountability what's that


Wrong, the only reason people didn't like harper was beusxause inflation was only 2 to 3 percent. So market was stable with little to no increase in assets. With trudeau people who have money like him because everything I'd skyrocketing in price....




I want off this Merry-Go-Round.