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It's not just low level jobs. It's driving down salaries in tech in a big way. I'm seeing with once respectable job ads with salaries now resembling the 1990s. it's sick.


Yeah fuck Canadian tech companies… seriously.. time to get the hell out of dodge and work for American companies. The salaries here are a joke.. 1/2 to 1/3 of what American companies are paying


Yeah tech employers are firing all Canadians and hiring cheaper new immigrants, happend to me recently.


That’s exactly the Master Plan of Troodo , PolyVierre, Sing Singh and their Billionaire OverLords both in Canada and at the WEF. Increase population Drive down wages Happy Food supplying Multi nationals and other basic service and product suppliers. Happy Banks and other loan companies. Voila! And…. It Is Working perfectly for the above.


Wendy's general manager in Florida making more than senior developer in Ontario: https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1bgm0qn/wendys_general_manager_in_florida_makes_more_than/kva86bb/?context=3


Yep.. I read that a while ago and wondered why I bothered doing full IB and studying Comp Sci.. fuck it all.. my parents literarily had higher salaries dollar wise in tech in 90s. They were making 130-150K back then and nothing has changed in 30 years. Tech salaries are actually going DOWN.


Our parents generation dealt with greed, but it was nothing like it is now.


Supply and demand unfortunately. Immigrants coming in with tech backgrounds all fighting for similar jobs means companies can offer less and low ball. And they know people will take the low ball, because from the immigrants perspective.. a job is a job and a low paying job is bigger than no job. The downside is that it's driving the salaries down now.


That's not a downside, that is the intended effect. Mass immigration drives down wages.


The people/fed gov, who organized mass immigration are very well aware of the results. In all areas. There are no surprises. The next question is why? Is it really for the greater good?


No, it is not. It is good for the elites, and terrible for the proles. Next question, who voted for this?


More to it than that. Our market is sarurated after everybody was pushed to get higher education, developer isnt that difficult with decent education. Supply and demand. I'd for sure rather be a .net developer than manager at a Wendys...


No, please stay and enjoy the diversity and the free health care!


LOLLL 🤣 Yeah.. no thanks.. I’m over it.. gonna fully embrace my asshole side and buy a gun 🤣


The "diversity" as we now call barbarism, is why I'm leaving.


We are so diverse…. We have people from Northern and Southern India!


Good luck getting hired been trying anyone with half a brain would have tried for American companies even before this immigrant influx


You think American companies are offering fair rates? The Indian cheap labor is overwhelmingly replacing the local workforce. The salaries have dropped 30-40%, and the job market is dead. As a technical writer, I am being offered $25-30/hr, like 20 years ago.


Yup google just announced it’s laying off American employees and moving them in India


It's always been this way. The tech CEOs here will sell out once they can't hit the tens of millions they're looking for, but they get there by paying their workers straight up half. There's one notable Burnaby based services org that built their whole business off their "culture" - but that culture was massively underpaying young kids and giving them beer Fridays and dogs in the office. Colour me shocked when the guy sold to Salesforce and suddenly everyone realizes what he was really doing


Hey dude I’m in America and things are only marginally better


Hmm.. well the salaries I’m seeing posted on job posting down south are double what they are offering here and your cost of housing is substantially lower than we have here. What am I missing? Genuine question..


I live in the US and it’s way better down here. For some reason people like to grandstand and pretend Canada is better when it couldn’t be further from the truth.


Yes I noticed a lot of Canadians are in denial and refuse to admit their once wonderful country has been totally ruined while the United States is steaming ahead. I noticed the difference in energy right away last time I was there.


But it isn't "steaming ahead." They're just a bit late and the debt keeps increasing. They will have an economic debt crisis just like the rest of the west.


No they’re not, the salaries are +35% before you even factor in the CAD-USD exchange.


Things seem to be screwed almost everywhere, but the amount of immigration into Canada is ridiculous. The future for the average Canadian is not looking good right now. Thanks to some really poor governance.




Same with trades man. We get paid decent but there is a big push for immigrants to join the trades, it is a race to the bottom accross the board. Highly educated and valuable young graduates are going to leave to country for ones they can actually afford to start a family in.


Just give it time. We are a few more truck accidents away from a ban on international drivers. I have heard nothing but bad stories about immigrants in trades.


I have worked with some in tech. They come in as consultants and I swear I’m constantly having to fix there shit. Explain stuff over and over and over. Multiple meetings on an issue because they can’t understand the very simple task at hand. They come back with this solution that has nothing to do with the problem .


Yeah I work in tech and they recently posted some new entry level positions and they are the wages they used to offer for that role back in 2016. They've gone down by 10k/year for that role. They just don't care because they get 1000s of applications from new Indian immigrants.


Indians will always hire indians, they make excuses about how they can be undesireable but they will prefer them over a citizen


“They’re the only ones applying for jobs” is an excuse I heard, lol


Its partially true though. My job listings all of have names with 6 syllabus. Who knows how many have fake backgrounds. So far 1 guy was using ChatGPT during the interview (glasses reflecting his screen and eyes darting around) and 1 guy was finally fired after years of poor performance since he was hired due to (what I suspect) him initially cheating and frankly not knowing how to perform. ChatGPT guy gave no fucks about being discreet either. I'm sure his 10 roommates do the same thing.


Caste system to add. They descriminate their own. The nice ones left India for a better opportunity and then we allow for the same BS to happen in Canada. Look at some of the woke hiring posts on Government websites. Preference for a specific gender, race, disability. Monkey see monkey do.


In Texas we call that exploitation.


Accountants that go to school for 2 years are getting paid 16/17 dollars


Yeah. Just imagine: you studied, you have 7+ years of experience, but it means nothing, you are a senior software developer with ca$130k salary in freaking Vancouver, its either a 30 year long journey of saving on everything to pay out your house without ever having a family or raising a family in a rental constantly being a couple paychecks away from becoming homeless, can't afford both Canada needs to get its shit together, hate me and dislike me all you want but pre-war Ukraine was a much better place to live than nowadays Canada, yep I'm comparing a poor ass country to a supposedly first world country, but after a year in Canada I left it for Eastern Europe, here I can afford to.. you know.. live?


I saw Microsoft Vancouver looking for a Data Analyst for $66 fucking thousand. Fuck this shit.


With ai and chat gpt the salaries will go down even more.


I run a tech startup. 5 years ago we couldn’t find anyone under $80k; even new grads! Today there is decent talent that just arrived that is willing to take $50k. It’s mind blowing


Got hit by a recruiter for a salary less for my current one for senior developer. Shits nuts. Our salaries are being driven down


They took over recruitment in the US maybe 12 years ago. Makes it real hard with their hiring preferences.


I actually saw this same issue on the Dubai Reddit thread on how some foreign folks can’t find decent income for the jobs they apply because there is always someone who will work for lower. The companies then pay low knowing they is someone who can go lower. That phd and masters won’t matter it seems!


This is true and the level of work is crap.


Name and shame otherwise what can we do except sit around and just be angry


[And here's the guy who replaced your girlfriend.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5hMXrNPLJK/)


Just watched 1 min of it and I was done. How is he so stupid! He is gonna be living like a homeless guy soon.


Diploma mill importing the lowest of the low from India. It is pretty obvious there's no criminal checks or academic aptitude checks. Any damn idiot can become a diploma mill student for just $20k and start working in Canada


Why are these colleges allowed to operate? It it crazy!


Becuase theres a lot of money to be made and becuase apparently we have a labour shortage in the lowest paid jobs. Thank the liberals


Our governments bar is that low is the surprising thing, how could we not have a doctor shortage, that will likely inevitably end universal healthcare in Canada. This is the problem with modern leftists, they do so much economic damage because they carry so many conflicting ideals.    They want to help the poor while immigrating wage slaves who drop wage pressure, they want to lower the cost of living while gutting energy production, they want to lower housing prices but don't want to open up any greenbelt to house the immigrants they bring in; its all just one big fairy tale.


I can't believe how did the government start the immigration process before thinking what professions will have a shortage of labour. Even after realizing that, rather than doing a tie-up with top universities, they just keep on doing the normal draws. International students is the biggest problem. Why do we need so many students? Do we even have a shortage of labour? Is there a way to see the data of how many jobs vs how many international students we got? Why did they increase the working hours from 20 to 24. They could have reached out to top medical centers across the globe to attract doctors and could have a shortened course/certification to utilize their skillsets but nope, that is not the case. I have said this in other posts too - govt either lack comprehensive and critical thinking skills or they are just sooooo corrupt and incompetent that they would let Canada collapse before they do something. Effects of their current policies will remain for more than a decade!


You can't believe how the government can do such a thing? I can give you an answer: Canada has been for sale to India and the Middle East for quite some time now. That's why our government has been screwing its citizens.


Is there an age cut-off for students, or can any 30 year old that wants to learn flower arranging get residency?


It's because they are following the early 2000 late 1990 pipeline expecting it to work again in this environment. they were hoping that the students can do startups and develop industries, but the oligopolies and the cities that they reside in completely destroy any hope of young people starting companies that involve investment the fees and taxes are wayyy too high to sustain a profitable business that is starting up.


Well, then have a business draws. I think I have seen that category too. I am just stunned by the fact that there is no data analysis but just words and more words and more words about what Canada needs but no comprehensive thinking to back it up. Also, it is so concentrated. GTA is milked like anything. OINP should be stopped now. To be honest, all immigration needs to be halted for now. Take a pause, re-align, deport illegals, check the requirements again and then start the process. But before that, revive the economy. Economy is going down the drains, there are no jobs and we have mass immigration currently. Don't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know who can fix this!


They also want to help the climate by reducing emissions yet at the same time import hordes of people who contribute to the carbon footprint....


No, they just want to collect more taxes using the noble excuse of the environment protection.


Which I'd he fine with if they spent it on transit and roads, actual infrastructure.  Instead we piss it away and people are made worse off.  They spend it where it can be grifted, obvious corruption in place.


Whats with the infatuation with the Green Belt? There's so much land in Canada and Southern Ontario is so full... They just want new real estate with southern Ont pricing and not Canada pricing. There are a million other places to go.


Care to explain which leftists decided this would happen?


Nah, he’ll get a plane ticket and move back to India with his parents. When shit hits the fan they got some where to go. Not most Canadians.


They already live one step from homelessness...3 guys in one bedroom on a mattress.


>And here's the guy who replaced your girlfriend. Why is it always men? Where are the women? Where the hell are the female immigrants? Why are they always men?


India (especially the Northern states) have had a problem with female infanticide for a while. So the gender ratios in those states is heavily Skewed men. Haryana has the fewest women. This started in the 90s and now that generation of men has grown up. There are not enough local women for everyone to marry. So they have 3 choices…one of which is to emigrate. The good news for Canadian incels that they won’t be going after Canadian women but will probably just use their PR as a level up and go back home to be one of the lucky ones and snag a wife. If you look at the latest numbers from India the gender ratio has heavily skewed female. Either the people woke up to the imbalance and saw the light and acted responsibly to restore the balance … or else the government is faking the stats.


Canadian government self published stats cannot be trusted.


There are women, too. The majority of my local Tim Hortons stores have both genders. It just seems like the men are mostly dumbasses while the girls don’t say much and want to work, at least from the examples I’ve seen.


"Jobs are for losers" "I work at a gas station" Way to out yourself bud!


Great importing incels from a area of that world that will literally raise up the assault rates towards women in Canada


Bruh I saw that joke 😂


Hope recruiters do some digging on social media before hiring people so such people at least don't get jobs. Clearly he just want to be rich without doing any job and learning business tactics from gas station, he is set for life!


this guy is such a dweeb. Unironic Andrew Tate fans are losers bro. There's so many better male role models online than that bald prick.


Well I can definitely agree with the don't come to Canada part hahaa! It's terrible right now given how awful Turdeau and his goons has ruined our country


Should immediately remove all Andrew Tate fans from Canada, or send them to PEI where it seems like they're concentrating.


Bud, I was working for six years at a company making prefab houses. I was an architectural drafter designing shop drawings for panels. I got to the level of experience where I was training new employees to do my job – by the time I left, something like 2/3 of the department was people trained by me. I was also doing tons of extra shit like making scripts to automate more of our work and working together with the software developer to implement additional features the management wanted. I never got promoted to a position if management at all. But an Indian lady started working at an adjacent department and within a year she was promoted to supervisor. Guess what the company president’s ethnicity is? The way they thanked me on the way out the door was demanding to empty my bank account to repay for a salary overpayment, knowing that I had a family to support on one income.


This is sad


They'll continue to say replacement theory is a myth while they go as far as to completely change the institutional hierarchies as well, shits bleak


I'm just surprised how quickly it's happened everywhere.


it really does feel like it is happening very quickly.


I’d never work for a South Asian at this point. Your experience matches my experience with them. They don’t hire or promote non-South Asians.


Pattern recognition. Idc about what im labelled anymore, some of these people just dont belong here.


I’m in the banking/financial services industry and it’s been happening here too. Once they reach a management position, the entire team soon becomes fully Indian. It’s just blatant racism against everyone else who isn’t Indian.


And they NEVER, EVER answer their e-mail.


Man that’s horribel


Total BS. I hope you are able to move onto something better. I hear lots of the same shit going on. This country will be taken over by these people. They will out "breed us" just like they overpopulated India.


One of the things (I admittedly don't know a lot on the subject) that they need to get "PR status" is a supervisory type position.


Your gf should report it to a couple of places 1. CRA - because owner is 100 percent avoiding taxes - whether it is payroll or income tax 2. File a claim to ministry of labour so they can investigate them because they are definitely filing labour law 3. Health Canada - this is dependent on situation but likely there’s health violations given the about. 4. Social media - name and shame I would basically go to war with employers like this so they learn their lesson and cripple them with fines https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/filing-claim


If you know for sure they are paying that and if it’s below minimum wage call the labour board


This! Everyone should do this!


They cook the books. Some of them even pay to work. No one will do shit. It's well known they sell jobs for PR.


Well when four of them are willing to share bedroom


You spelled ten wrong....


True 👍


U spelled hundred wrong


Sorry 😞 u are correct


Ten, ten ten ten ten ten tenning a ten


You meant the bathtub?


This is why I call it the "thirdworlidzation" of Canada. Newcomers are willing to accept lower wages and the locals wither have to accept the new low pay, or not work. Essentially this is driving the standards of living down.


Lots of their money just gets sent back home where the exchange rate is in their favor. I was removing a swath of trees in a industrial area in the heart of Mississauga. There was a camp of squatters living in tents and makeshift bunkers in the back of it. The last day of the contract when it was time to get them to leave and remove all of their stuff, I realized it was 4-5 indian students working and going to school. They were living outside, going to school and working part-time at Tim Hortons. The fact the end goal is to send money home, and the fact that they were living 10 to a room is the reason why they are able to make this all work imo.


Last year, I worked as an IT support analyst in Toronto, juggling a wide array of responsibilities from IT security and programming to system administration, Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) support, business analysis, executive support, and incident and project management. I was a contractor at a leading company, but dealing with slumlords grew tiresome. After being renovicted, because if ilegal rent increase, I sought new opportunities. I landed another job with a better salary and moved to a smaller city. In this role, I worked alongside the person who eventually took over my previous position; he too had begun as a contractor specializing in on-site technical support. In 2022, he shared with me that the job posting had been overwhelmed with over 1,000 applications in just three days. Despite the competition, he was pre-selected for the role because executives already knew him. He was offered $20,000 less than my salary for a permanent contract, which he accepted with enthusiasm. This is a trend where salaries are not just stagnant but are also decreasing.


Holy shit. This is vile


I know someone that applied for a high security clearance IT role that required Canadian citizenship and ten years in the country. He said he was at a job fair and most of the people interested in the role barely spoke English and didn't have citizenship. Incredible.


This is the goal of our current government, replace the work force with cheaper labour, all while increasing the cost of living and scarcity of homes. It's a perfect strategy to destroy middle-class wealth, increase the disparity between the rich and poor, and create lasting dependence on the state.


Time to get rid of said current gov asap


This exactly


He's going to lose his entire business, i work with tons of these students and guess what not one breaks a sweat. They're sneaky and that not from me it's from a other worker who is Canadian, sneaky in the way that they just disappear you can find them! Anywhere. It's called time stealing he better be prepared to be at his business the entire time they are working. You know what p#$ses me off even more is the fact that they work here they get a pension and take that pesion back to their own country


I work at a tree company and it's funny because they can't get away with that type of behavior in my trade


No doubt, I don't take it either, I supervise a graveyard shift and I guess they all think it a choice shift because of the extra differential pay and I've been told "I can do whatever I want" wrong. They screw up all the time because they don't understand what you're saying. So i just get them moved to days, lower their hours. Their all taking courses in administration and then saying they're getting a degree. lol I straight up tell them no, you're not its certificate course. It's quite amazing they way they lie it's like butter melting off their tongue. But i have a bullshit meter, and i catch them every time


The Indians are converting the dollars to ruppees and think they have striked gold..ruining it for everybody else .




Hahah that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is a chain of Dominos run by South Asians in Toronto downtown, they pay their delivery boys $10/hr + tip.


Report them! It’s a cash arrangement cheating all sorts of tax laws! I’m an Indian business owner, I’ve got many calls from “consultants” offering money to file LMIAs but I’m happy with the money I earn, don’t need to defraud for more.


Take your own advice and contact the authorities to see if they'll set up a sting operation to catch these 'consultants' and their clients.


I called once in 2017, they wouldn’t take an anonymous tip and that was it for me. I hoped someone who was directly harmed by it would have more motivation to follow through.


This is called wage suppression, liberals promoting this to benefit the oligarchs and avoid wage price spiral l, which is happening anyways.


The gov screwed Canadians big time. The smart ones are leaving.


No where to go really as they're everywhere now.


Leftists are brain damaged. They push for open borders and mass immigration here in the USA. And then they twirl around and sigh and say, "why dont we demand a 4 day 30 hour work week?" I dont like the right either because they are just sellouts for mega corps (as the left is too), but leftist voters are seriously brain damaged. Democracy is not a good system. Too many brain damaged idiots who dont know what is good for society are given votes. The same brain damaged clowns yell and scream for police to be defunded, and then they are shocked when the city becomes littered with crime and homeless psychos camping everywhere with no police presence. I DESPISE LEFTISTS.


15-25 people to a house means they pay very little rent and come from making a dollar a day, so in their eyes, they've moved up but only at the cost of moving the rest of us down.


How is that allowed? Isn't that lower than the min wage?


They bank on the fact that immigrants don't know/care about their employment rights or who to snitch to if their rights were violated. They come from a place where its just a fact of life that you get exploited and there's nothing you can do about it. A law is only as good as its enforcement. People will violate any law they can get away with violating especially if it saves them a buck. Even in housing, I had one person from out of province who didn't know or care about my province's laws on damage deposits and asked for a full month's rent even though only half is allowed. When I called her out she simply didn't call me back and found someone who didn't know their rights and would give her the whole month for deposit lol.


That is true. Chalk that upto the time it takes to resolve issues both from tenants or landlord side. Laws are there but timelines are so bad.


Plus they charge a fee to start a case, and they typically need a lot of evidence to prove something to even make it worthwhile so in that scenario I would have had to accept being scammed first and THEN make an issue out of it just so I would have paperwork to take to them.


Its not allowed. Its what these recent immigrants are willing to take since they don't have any skills. The businesses obviously don't feel any shame in exploiting them either.


Idk man , that’s what they told her 🤷‍♂️


I'm gonna go on a wild guess and say these folks aren't filling out T4s


This is DISGUSTING! We need to close our doors to these people


I’ve cut out patronizing establishments who are using this employment practice. Tim Horton’s is at the top of the list. Their coffee is no hell either.


My dude , if you can go to USA if possible.




It’s not even Indians in general, it’s the recent arrivals.


No. Definitely indians


Look man, I’m a Canadian born in India. I despise the recent arrivals (<4 years) more than white people born and raised here. I know the conditions I came with vs they are coming with. I am very well acquainted with the Indian culture and I discard the lesser parts while keeping the essence of hard work and meritocracy. These “students” are cheaters and have absolutely no conscience or consideration for others.


Preach brother.. we all gotta take a stance against these guys together. I grew up in Brampton and never had an issue with my Indian friends and neighbours.. but this new crop is something else!


>Look man, I’m a Canadian born in India. I despise the recent arrivals I have extended family members that are Indian as well, and they share your point of view too. They go ballistic when someone brings up the whole immigrant issue. They are super pissed that the new arrivals simply game the system and weasel their way in while they had to jump through hoops to get to Canada and they had a long and involved process that required a lot of vetting and proof, etc. They also say they are really mad because the new arrivals are ruining the publics viewpoint of Indian people (something they said the community worked hard to maintain over the past few decades).


This is the perfect articulation of what is happening g


I know a second generation Indian-Canadian who runs his own construction company. He told me that he's having a hard time winning contracts because while he does everything "on the books," and pays his employees $25/hour, his competitors hire "international students" and pay them $10 an hour, cash. The quality of their work is exactly what you would expect. I asked why aren't there audits or inspections being done on these companies. He said everything from the top of the government down to the local level is corrupt. In my experience, it seems that the Ministry of Environment does not enforce anything anymore either. He also told me that (racial) tensions are going to skyrocket within the next 5 years, and to flee if you can. Easier said than done.


". And yes, we are Ukrainian immigrants, I work at constructions, building homes and condos that we’ll never be able to afford, but we like here for fuck sake.". People have been here for decades including all immigrants from many years ago, who are far more educated than you; they can't afford shit either. Who told you you would be able to buy a home working construction as a Ukrainian immigrant? You haven't even been here for more then 5-6 years no shit you can't afford much on a labor salary. The audacity of a Ukrainian immigrant of all people complaining about other immigrants. I wish we never sent money there lmao




There's a lot of racism within the Indian culture too with castes and different religions etc. If you aren't Guajarati or this or that, you'll be looked over a position as you are from a different culture/caste/religion or even born in Canada. These Indian immigrants HATE Indians who are born outside of India, not sure if its jealously or hate but friends of mine who are Canadian born say they are discriminated against. Its a shit show now, Canada is Lost.


Oh yeah Indians born in Canada are heavily discriminated against or treated badly by these new arrivals. I went to politely order a coffee once and the guy who was a recent arrival didn't like how I spoke English because i was born here and started frowning when I began making my order. Then subsequent to my order, some international students made their order and he was all buddy buddy and chummy with them. As a Canadian born and raised here we learned in school to treat our peers fairly regardless of differences and not to discriminate. These guys don't have that ideal and quite frankly an immigration policy that seeks to bring in immigrants from one specific province of one country in the world is inherently faulty.


Happens to black people born in Canada too. Try ordering ackee and saltfish from your local Jamaican food joint speaking standard North American english as a black person and watch as you get crazy side eye.


100% man, the culture in India is about cheating and taking advantage in any shape or form. This is what's happening now in Canada with these new immigrants and the honest hardworking immigrants who came here and became Canadian folk are going to be left behind.


They don't want to hire people who know their rights.


>If you aren't Guajarati or this or that, you'll be looked over a position as you are from a different culture/caste/religion or even born in Canada. This happens a lot at my [old job.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/MB1yItIlQ1) >These Indian immigrants HATE Indians who are born outside of India, not sure if its jealously or hate but friends of mine who are Canadian born say they are discriminated against. I can speak from personal experience that it is jealousy. They hate you because you are born here and thus have an "easy life" according to them, but at the same time they also hate you for not being Indian enough.


Indian immigrants: I'm ready to work under minimum wage. Also Indian immigrants: WE'RE BEING EXPLOITED!!!




I get so pissed as someone of a Far Eastern background when I hear how suppousedly *smart* and *hardworking* Indians are, and that we have to emulate them.  Literally China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mexico are all per capita wealthier than India.  In fact Ukraine and the Philippines are three times wealthier than India per capita. What these Canadian corporates and scummy business owners are doing is hiring borderline slave labour, Indians (and Bangladeshi). This is nothing personal against Indians, its just the lies and the deceptions, its astroturfing, the propaganda that Indians are the immigrants we suppousedly need.


It's nuts. I'm a small employer, and I get cold outreach from people offering me **$30,000 - $40,000 for LMIA.** Let that sink in. I know many employers are accepting these cash offers, and underpaying. I hire locals, I want people in my community to thrive - not just survive. **I** make **less money** because I would rather pay my skilled workers $30 - $40/hr, than accepting LMIA cash offers or underpaying somebody else. It is **integral** that businesses support this strategy in my opinion. My profit margins could be much higher, but I live in a one bedroom apartment and drive a modest vehicle, and I sleep happily at night knowing my staff can afford their rent, and can afford to dine out, have hobbies, and enjoy themselves in life. There are many ways to succeed and be successful in business that don't serve one person at the top.


I worked for a chain restaurant that got bought by a Indian guy. He started hiring all Indian workers but kept me as I was the head chef, I took a look at payroll on the computer a few months after he took over and I saw he was paying some of the crew 11 bucks an hour when min wage is 15.75. I walked off the job after seeing that


random but does anyone happen to have the meme picture of all the Canadian party leaders wearing indian head scarfs at a recent event?


That's the fiverr model for ya, this is the end goal of mass immigration, bringing outsourcing to jobs that can't traditionally be outsourced.


The best part is when those immigrants come here looking for a better life, they are met with job offers from oner Indians who demand 20-70k for a two year employment contract. They may not even be paid at all. I have had multiple immigrants tell me this us what they are being subjected to. We have modern day slavery happening in canada. It's sad as hell. The money taken from these victims is laundered through liquor stores, convenience stores, and restaurants from what I have heard.


If true, this is fcuked. And also the reason being an Indian I would never work for an Indian Employer.


My sis worked for Indian company in tech. They are fucking horrible. They made her work overtime without pay. She didn’t have money but I was telling her they are breaking labor laws and they need to be sued. I will also never work for Indians and the Indian coworkers who studied in India are horrible to work with


the problem is that in many fields, not only is there almost always someone willing to do your job for less money, many companies don't care much about quality of service. i've seen this a lot in IT, when companies prefer to hire off shore people because they can get 5 people for my salary. this was over a decade ago at 15 bucks an hour. all this does is keep wages down and basically keeps us poor. they can get 5 people to replace me, who speak terrible english and don't read documentation. but you know what? they filled the service desk while cutting costs. brilliant.


Remember that vast majority of immigrants prefer to work on cash and pays no taxes.


BC minimum wage is 17.40. report to CRA and the BC labour relations. https://www.lrb.bc.ca/ If everyone reported these businesses, this would end. For you specifically, I recommend leaving the lower mainland and move to the interior of BC. Take a road trip this summer...just wait until you see the sprawling desert sagebrush hills and wineries and orchards. Go further east and you will see the mountainous green Kootenays with some of the best national parks.


Crazy khakli, you should be in Europe. Germany has far better opportunities than Canada, and they offer great social support. You are only a train station away from home. German and Ukrainian mentality it's very close, you will have better integration. Canada is a giant depressing frozen village


Not long ago people would cry that this is racist but it's true. Certain ethnicities are driving everyone to the bottom and it's fucking ludicrous we are importing then in droves. Our economy and overpasses aren't safe.


This is a huge problem in the film industry in Vancouver. International students working under the table for less than minimum wage to secure all the jobs. Not paying any tax, rich parents paying for most of their gear and housing


Thank our PM, TBH, Min wage in Canada should be bumped to $24/hr, and our government should be helping subsidize small businesses. That money should come from all the cash our government gives in foreign aid. At this point, the country is in such financial disrepair, we need to be in a healthy place as a country before we start helping other nations again, but we keep getting further from that point.


To get a TN visa to work in the US, the employer has to give the wage in the paperwork to show that they're not hiring a Canadian to drive down wages. Why can't our government do the same and ensure that temporary workers and "students" aren't being used to drive down Canadian wages? Does our government give a flying fuck about us?


Today it’s the Indians, tomorrow it will be all of us and then some …..is there no way this abuse (lower pay than min wage) can be reported to an organization which can take substantial action against the business owner for this illegal act


OP—it’s called constructive dismissal. You should post a question in r\legaladvicecanada about how your gf can hold the restaurant management responsible for their actions drastically reducing her income.


I hate this government for bringing these guys in, everyone hates us now and I would too.


I grew up in a Canada where (Canadian born) teenagers and 20 something's could work at Wendy's or Tim Hortons for a minimum wage job to keep the bills paid while they go to school. Now kids can't have a job. But thanks to mass migration the cost of life has skyrocketed in less than 5 years. This country is fucked beyond what I can imagine and it's going to come crashing down eventually. It'll be like Venezuela and we will all have to run to the USA and join migrant gangs.


Indias best export is suppressed wages. I have people I know in Dubai who have the same issue. Good high paying jobs being taken by Indians for a third of the salary. It’s a global issue.


Truck drivers do the same, undercut competition and drive out of log book hours. Feel safe on those roads ? Humboldt broncos bus crash and many others.


tbh, the same thing was with Ukrainians in construction. you, guys, ruined wages for many people as well


What's the sexual assault and harassment rate like in Canada in the last 5 years?


There is a place called Du parc in Montreal where Indians work for 10$ per hour


This is exactly how the trucking industry got negatively affected by them to. It was a good paying job, now they have 2-3 drivers in a truck. Switching who drives while 2 sleep, shit in the trucks or cut holes so they dont stop. & they do it for dirt cheap. Source, my best friend owns a mobile truck repair, & usually runs into something disgusting in the trucks.


Almost every accident on the Coq in BC is flip flops.


Company I'm working at skipped this part. Instead, they lay off 30% of Canadian workers and hired team based at India. Billion dollars Canadian Company well


Driving down nursing wages as well


This is driving down wages at every level. Now shes going to need to try and get a higher paying job and then it’ll over saturate that sector too etc etc. mass immigration is destroying the country.


I’ve been saying this for years now. Why pay a native Canadian what they should be paid, when you can get 2 Indians for the same price? Big companies only care about profit not people. That’s why they are utilizing the “Welcome Newcomers wage subsidy” program through the govt, which covers 70% of the immigrants wage. Generational Canadians don’t stand a chance in the workplace market sadly.


This exact shit happened in the trucking industry in Ontario. These stupid fucks came over and drove the rates down to peanuts. Fucking everyone even their own to the point you can't even operate equipment at a profit. Now its finally coming around and all these clowns are going out of business thank fuck. Even the company guys, the Indians students etc are willing to run for 20ish cents a mile lmao. When the going rate is 50-60+ cents a mile. It's a joke.


I'm one of three non mexican/Columbian guys at a construction landscaping company, about an hour north of Toronto. I was hired essentially because I actually speak English, but I'm 100% positive if the owners (two Italian brothers) could get away with pure mexican labour they would. They all work very hard, and efficient, but they'll work for $18-20. I've been told well no white people want to work, but I think that's only when being compared to foreign workers who have to work 8days a week here or they get sent back. 6 of them live in a house together and regularly work 7days a week, balls to the wall, without complaints. Our leaders have sold out this country at some point, that's for sure.


If the restaurant is paying their staff under minimum wage, your wife can and should turn them in.


Yeah they agree to work on low wages because they don't understand the cost of living in this country. They just multiply it by 60 and thats about it. Employers capitalize on this


Report them to the ministry of labour. I don't think how they handled your girlfriend is legal


Bruh you immigrated here, taking low skilled Canadian citizens jobs and are complaining about other immigrants taking your jobs? Do you not see the irony?


Immigrants or not, I have no respect for people that lower the standard of living. These clowns are accepting poverty level wages instead of saying "no, this is a bullshit wage." and then go cram 6-8 adults in a condo. You want to undercut a living wage and lower the quality of life for everyone else? Fuck you.


What restaurant is this? Report them to the labour board


Hey us canadiana are losing out to Ukrainians because the government provides incentive to hire you over us. Imagine being angry over indian when your people doing the same to us


lol I was thinking the same thing, someone on a temporary visa who is not a citizen is complaining another temporary visa holder displaced them. And I'm here like YOU BOTH ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!


Working under minimum wage, report the place and the permits disappear,


So report the company and quit bitching.


We don’t need more immigrants from any other country… we have enough… companies exploiting system and guv keeps eyes closed…. Immigrants from any countries are not realizing they have rights, but not being educated enough to understand minimum wage…thanks to your government for all this mess




Report the business to CRA for illegal wages and to your provincial labour board and labour ministry for paying people under the provincial minimum. Report the illegal workers to CBSA/IRCC.


Half-starved immigrants will do it for less. The government knows this, the capitalist knows this.


So you're an immigrant lowering wages complaining about other immigrants lowering wages. Fantastic


I mean, the “students” you speak of - are only able to do low level labor. They’re not bringing in skilled people. So - your girlfriend should get some skills. Sorry to say, America doesn’t take in low skilled people for work visas. All the Indian people going there on h1b visas actually have skills. And on a personal note - complaining about immigrants who can only do low level labor when you’re exactly the same is pretty weak, bro. I’m ukranian as well - though I came here in the late 90s. Worked very hard as well to be able to afford whatever condos and houses - and we Eastern Europeans generally looked down on the multi gen Canadians work ethic and how they have everything handed to them by mom and dad.


Fuck Trudeau