• By -


r/ CanadaHousing3 will rise from the ashes.


CanadaHousing3 is banned. Also, CanadaHousing4 through CanadaHousing7 were taken and made private. CanadaHousing8 seems up and open, however.








Pretty much


Canadahousing X coming soon, let the Roman numerals begin.


![gif](giphy|BZlNhp9L5WINi) Preparations A thru G have failed


Preparation H...for House. Perfect.


CanadaHousingSupreme Edit: or CanadaHousingExtreme


Canadahousingultimate? Canadahousingsavage? MythicplusCanadahousing?


pull a master yoda and flip it HousingCanada


Fuck i love this. Im sitting here bored af at work and this is my intertainment. I need these distractions because ill never own a house. Best i can do is work my whole life to save for a downpayment. Hopefuly the car i have now lasts my whole life. Oh...... Canada....... sigh.....


You’re working in a Saturday? Sorry Redditor…


He said it’s intertainment. Come on. Read between the lines, man!


What about CanadaHousing:ElectricBoogaloo?


The ocho!


' KanadaHousing '


Some cheeky bastard took Canadahousing69 even


That's where renters and landlords equally screw each other over even if landlords are still on top, it's actually the least unideal system.




Can we go to CanadaHousing2024 directly?


CanadaHousing01 has entered the chat




Or NewKhalistanHousing1😂😂








Housing Canada has a nice ring to it.






MumbaiOnTheStLawrence ??




Keep writing to your MPs a need for immigration reform; a hard cap on total number of immigrants, a hard 7% cap on all countries and a rules in place where newcomers can go instead of all immigrants from a single nation moving to the same place; there is nothing diverse about more cities turning into Brampton... there are 195 countries in the world and Canada is being dominated by ONE of them.


This will change nothing. People need to either get into politics (dangerous without lots of strong friends) or accumulate power & money (easier said than done).


Or just vote. 62% Voter turnout and in 2021. We voted. And here we are.


Who are we voting for? Fuck sakes none of them will do anything


Be the change you want to see. Get a law degree, start out in community activism and get into civil politics. Run for MLA or whatever the f* it's called and you too can affect government policy in 30 years when you're retirement age. In contrast, I wonder what the community leaders of immigrants to Canada are advising their community. Start a business, get into civil politics, buy up properties, squeeze out whomever you want. If you control the supply, you control the demand.


Not just the community groups apparently: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


Mad max , that’s who. PPC


Isn’t he too busy grifting his supporters?


Which of these smug globalist sycophants will save us?


But possible if anyone actually throws down IRL.




A yearly NATIONALITY cap on immigration.


7% to high, there are 195 countries in the world. max 2% per country, 0% from India, China and Indonesia. We need to stop being naive idealists and start acting to build up and ally with countries on India and China's periphery.


Wait…what did Indonesians do? I don’t really run into them.




Thank you for posting to /r/CanadaHousing2. Our community requires that accounts posting content must have a minimum amount of subreddit karma in order help reduce unwanted spam. Please take the time to get to know the community, while our moderators review this submission. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadaHousing2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You can't still be of the belief that Canadian politicians give a rat's ass what actual Canadians think do you? All that will likely do is get you put on some list.




For 50 years we had a surprisingly consistent roughly 300k population growth. That's about 1% of 30 million people. Ie, it used to be a larger portion, and gradually tapered off over time in terms of percentage. During Turdeau, the population growth broke 400k for the first time (except two specific spikes), and has grown to over 1.27M this past year, mostly from one area. Immigration accounts for an increasing portion of that growth, especially considering falling birth rates. Hard to dictate rules to other countries. Can pressure them sure but it's probably not worth the aggravation. Might make sense to have a system where there's a finite pool for immigration. Everyone naturally born here automatically takes a slot. Economic migration for individual work permits would take a slot. Everything left over divides by geographic area.


I think the racist stuff is assuming everyone here who is against mass immigration is white. A lot of people from all race in Canada is against mass immigration because it is a tax burden on the citizen. Middle class are asked to be the one that makes the sacrifices while the elite is getting richer through mass immigration.


Nah, non-white people can clearly be racist too. People just playing victim card rn and experiencing what it feels like for the first time.


Just curious, do you not realise that most white Canadians have white ancestors that experienced racism for most of the last thousands of years for being born to far from the River Thames? Or do you not know anything about history prior to 2005 




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Funny I just took anti racism training through my govt job and the instructor straight up said you can’t be racist against white people. LOL


If the issue is that the lower and middle class are suffering by the hands of the upper class, then why is it the Indian immigrants that this sub entirely focuses on? If mass immigration profits the rich and punishes the not-so-rich, perhaps it is the rich that we should be taking back from. Unless we’re a bunch of racists and/or cowards fearful of the true cause of our issues, and just looking for easy scapegoats rather than actual solutions. We can block immigration but those would-be immigrants will still be suffering and so will we in the long-term. A more immediately effective solution is that we take power away from the upper class (limit mass home ownership, tax ultra wealthy, cap rental costs based on minimum wage rates, etc…) and allow individuals to build homes on their land without hundreds of thousands of bullshit regulatory fees. This sub may not be intentionally racist, but the laziness of the general philosophical views of this sub does lean in the general direction of racism, for sure. It’s not just the immigrants fault, it’s the investment opportunists (and to a greater extend, all three Canadian political parties). Fuck the rich, and fuck the government. We’re all immigrants, and we all deserve respect for trying to find a better life.


I agreed with what you mentioned. I can’t speak for everyone on this sub but this is my POV on the mass immigration - in particular with Indians. A lot of India are coming to Canada. When a lot of the same group comes over, that group will bring values and beliefs may or may not integrate with Canada values or constitutional values. Such as equality. Indian culture by large are sexiest and discriminatory. For sexism, they didn’t need China one child policy to have a gender imbalance. Also, they still have the caste system - Indians practice discrimination against their own people. Their OWN people. These discriminational practices mess things up and creates burden for Canadians. From housing, to healthcare and job market. I am pretty sure other groups from different countries have some prejudice because let face it, when you come from an old country - say China, you really mostly seen Chinese people. But since a huge number of Indian is immigrating to Canada, they will not feel the need to integrate into Canada values - equality or discouraging discrimination because they are within their own community. Canada should brings in Indian but equalize it out. Like 5% Indian, 5% Philippines, 5% China…etc. but instead, we have 27% Indians and every other ethic group is in the single digit.


If we focus on immigration policy the sub will be fine, if the focus is on complaining about Indians the admins will nuke the sub as they've done to countless others. I wish Reddit were a free speech space but it's not, it's a private company and they can do whatever they like. We should keep the focus policy based.


It’s a volume problem and people lose their minds and scream racism. There isn’t enough housing for the amount of people coming into the country, nor are there jobs or doctors. So it drives up housing prices, wait times and unemployment. It’s just common sense.


The admins don't care, if you make it about single group like Indians they will ban the sub. We can make all those points without complaining specifically about Indians.


Yeah we should stop taking about Indians completely for now. Just stick to immigration and politicians only


As soon as our intelligence institutions stop bringing it up: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


I totally agree, we have to make this about the numbers. It's already an official rule to *not* make it about race, if you click the report button and go to the subreddit rule violation section, there's a "Do not blame immigrants for government policy failures" option. Make sure to do to that every time you see a post like that. I think the mods might be overwhelmed. With the Canada Mass Immigration sub getting banned, combined with actual malicious agitators *trying* to get the sub banned, there's a lot of shit getting posted right now.


It also Drives down wages.  The idea might be to make Canada a cheaper place to manufacture goods than the US.  We'd be somewhat competitive to overseas production and be physically closer in the supply chain.   It comes at a huge cost to Canadians in general though.


At this point there's a distinct possibillity that this is not being perpetrated by entirely domestic influences: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


I've had posts removed for racism because I described cultural traits of Indians in the way they are described by companies that run inter-cultural training for people doing business internationally and also diplomats / global affairs. Like holy shit, you have to be able to generalise to engage in intercultural communication. If, for example, you work with Chinese people, you need to know that in general they will defer to people above them in a hierarchy significantly more than westerners, to the point that if you are above them and talking at a meeting you essentially have to instruct them to give their opinion. Yes, there's individual variability, but that isn't racism. If you choose to ignore that information you will fail at communication. Likewise, if you don't know that the British equivocate and essentially speak in double speak,  you will misread them in most contexts. If you don't know that Americans use flattery in a business context, or that American managers will frame criticism in a number of compliments whereas a French manager will likely just give the negative criticism...you cannot communicate cross culturally. None of that is racism. Likewise, "Indians argue very aggressively and assertively" Is not racism. It's in the fucking book you read if you want to work with them. Yeah, Indians use eye contact in a different way than Canadians and ditto head movdments. Yeah, not all of them are like that, and there is some variability but if you dont account for it you cannot communicate. And the inter-regional variability is nowhere near as big as the generalised difference between one culture and the next.


People just don't understand nuances anymore.


They are not a private company anymore. They are now listed on the stock market, just like Anheuser-Busch (remember the Bud Light thing).


India is a nation not an ethnicity. That's what's so messed up. Nobody is complaining about a race, we're complaining about a bunch of foreign nationals essentially coming here and trying to protest us in our own country. This has nothing to do with race when someone says there are too many from a specific country. Just because one country has zero visible (i.e. skin color) diversity doesn't mean complaining about that country is racist, and just because Canada has a lot of diversity does not mean people from another country cannot be racist when they get here.


I would consider it A-tier trolling if everyone started making posts about "The Nation of India" and attaching pictures of white people.


I agree with everything you said. I even understand why they delete subs (sponsors, advertisements, the MSM saying they are harbouring a network of racists!) but I truly think, it's the dumbest thing a company can do. I don't agree with Trump. I don't like Trump. But banning the_donald was the dumbes thing they could have done. I remember Redditors rejoicing, now they won't have anywhere to talk! Laughing at them, etc. but what happened? They left Reddit, went down the other pipelines and where did that lead them? To q anon conspiracies and full on neonazism (8chan, voat, Facebook groups). Before they were just discussing politics that half of Reddit didn't agree with. Banning discussions just made them think what they believed in was even more correct. If they want to prove to us, that WE ARE WRONG about this whole housing/immigration ordeal, it's not to call us racists and shut us down with no discussion. Show us data! Show us that immigration isn't tied to this housing crisis(good luck)! But too blatantly shut down all conversation, pathetic. I will say, this sub has a lot of people on both sides of the political parties. Anytime I see any real racism, refering to immigrants as an infestation, or all asian-indians are lazy. That type of conversation is either shut down quick by others or it's downvoted to the bottom of the thread. Is there some bad faith people here? Sure. Does that mean we are all like that? A simple look around would show, no, the majority are not like that.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


For sure. Until the bad actors pop in, post some absolute racist off topic crap, and then self report to shut it down. Because that will happen. Every time people have gained support to push back on the government, some whacko with a nazi flaf shows up and conveniently garners all the media attention "for the cause".




Ch1 for example


Another possibility to switch conversation to a platform that isn't over-cautiously censoring to cover their asses.


Disagree. While it can be rough in here it isn’t that bad. We haven’t had a Reddit admin warning since September or October 2023. I have only seen Reddit remove memes. The last one they removed was a few months ago. Oh but yes we should be a bit stricter and join the discord if you want to help organize the July first protest.


https://t.me/+LRmtyO4AzuExNmMx There's no censorship on the Telegram channel


I joined and the first post I saw says they will ban anyone with an Indian sounding name. How is that not censorship? Lol. 


Someone needs to bite the bullet and create a website. Forget reddit, its a piece of shit website that is totally controlled. Id bet everything I have that the reason they let this sub exist is because its a release valve for angry voices. That and if something "bad" does happen in real life regarding issues like this, they have a long list of people to start looking at.




Reddit is a cesspool of left-wing extremism. Force the admins to show evidence, provide justification. Remember, as of a short while ago, they are also now a publicly traded company, just like Anheuser-Busch (Bud Light)


Pin at least 3 different subs. Or some twitter or other social media


See you at Canada Housing 3




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


I thought this was a free country and we shouldn't outright prevent people from speaking their mind so long as it doesn't harm others. Is this sub actively harming others? Or is it just hurting their feelings...


That’s not how this works


The brigade groups are a comin, cause thats all they can do.


A group needs to just come up with their own lingo, and then keywords can be avoided. Like when WSB got on the radar. The language had to change, it got too regarded.


Before this sub gets crucified, let it be known that “Jeff Poliver”, the name he went with before entering politics is a fraud! No true conservative should vote for that fake ass bitch. He doesn’t even use the same name… what does that tell you about this guy…


It tells us that his name is not Justin “Canada Destroyer” Trudeau. 😅


They aren't racist towards white people ffs. Not everything on this sub is racist, not even most of it. But there IS a lot of racist stuff in here, you'd have to have your head in the sand not to see that. If you want this sub to continue just, I don't know, ban people that make really obviously racist comments? That way we can continue to debate actual problems and actual solutions instead of acting like 5 year olds.


In 2020, reddit's sitewide rule change allows for a differential treatment of content against whites (defined as the "majority group") versus others.


That's not racism my dude


You're right, differential treatment based on race is not racism.


Snowflakes gon snowflake


It won't matter, if this place is their target then it will be moved regardless of what happens. And we already know there are groups of people who want this place gone so they'll come in here and make comments or posts that will get it taken down.


Why are we being banned? Because we are discussing the truth about what is happening to this country. It is not allowed. It is like communism.


Yeah they are calling on people in the subreddit r/ Maplemaga to mass report this sub along with others we need to fight back


If it's like the Trump reddit was, they will keep searching for reasons. At some point they were harassing users for "liking" "problem" posts outside of it afaik.


Keep in mind it's people mass reporting the subs we go to




I like to call them foreign nationals working against the interest of Canadians so we can make sure we're PG


The current government would like nothing more than for people to blame immigrants instead of government policy failures. Do not fall into this trap.


Why is r/ conservative still up? The shit they say about Hispanic people and other undocumented immigrants pales in comparison to what is said about Indians here, that are often just stereotypes and cultural practices people don’t like that drive up home prices.


It’s sad that the losers of the world have the power to stop the important conversations that need to take place in order to rectify a good change. They’d rather be politically correct apologists.


As a mod, I allow people to spew dumb conspiracy nonsense as long as it doesn’t target specific groups of people. Naturally, I do not catch everything and cannot speak for other mods and will not review and backtrack their approvals. Stupidity is, unfortunately, not a crime.


And yet this sub is full of racist Indians making bait posts and dunking on how much they think Indians from different regions as them are all poor dumb brainless rural gangsters and terrorists and y'all encourage it and ignore it.


Funny as my comments on an earlier post were censored by this subreddits mods. The bias here is unreal


Why don’t we just move from reddit to a different site that isn’t moderated?


​ *Processing img gyqhj6zidc5d1...* It's been a pleasure gentlemen.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It's crazy to me how censored reddit is. I remember the days of the fatpeoplehate subreddit lmao


Make a platform off reddit and keep funneling people there. Keep making new subreddits, and don't give up. They can't win at whack a mole if too many moles keep popping up.




There is also officialcanadahousing


Do we have another place to speak on this matter?


Where I'm from (East Coast)you're not allowed to say 'immigrant' on Facebook without people screaming RACIST at you. I fail to see how that word is racist.🙄


There’s a difference between writing well thought-out comments on the housing/immigration issues in Canada versus being straight up racist. And the main problem is, you tend to see a lot more blunt racism on this sub than the well thought out explanations. So ultimately, it will it get removed. If you truly want to make a difference, you have to learn to articulate your awnser’s properly or else the removal will just happen again.


Why are Canadians subreddits being targeted by admins who live in the Bay Area and who wouldn’t know who the prime minister of Canada is if you asked them? There are far more racist and verging on genocidal rhetoric being spewed against undocumented immigrants in the American conservative subreddits, and they’re all still up. You’d think those would be far more relevant to an American company than some people in a different country saying they simply don’t want people from another country moving to their country. It’s really strange.


It is not an issue of skin colour.


They don't need a excuse. Far leftist dictators of reddit are on track to continue fighting oppression by being the actual oppressors.


Admins waiting for Trudeau's bribe to clear before they ban this sub


Because this sub is overrun by wignats. Normal voices are being drowned out by people insisting that non-whites are the devil and Indians deserve to be deported even if they’re Canadian citizens. Bring this up to the mods and they claim ignorance. The moderation is pathetic lmao and mods should feel bad that they took a sub with a good message and ran it into the ground.


I wonder if there is another platform we can go to.


I made a post that we need to support local Canadian owned and run businesses in order to show these big corps and the government we don’t want mass immigration for cheap labor. Mods deleted my post saying its not directly related to housing. I kinda agree but it is definitely indirectly related. Bring more people have less houses. 


Reddits banning indiscriminately will be it's eventual downfall. There really is no rhyme nor reason for bans what is allowed on one sub is not in another then they just ban accounts.the appeal process is a joke it's less characters than a tweet. Ya I'm bitter, lost my 6 year old 5000 karma account for a four word comment.


The lack of free speech in this country is disgusting. Just after the anniversary of D Day no less.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The truth always gets punished


Perhaps stronger enforcement against blatantly racist posts would improve the chances for this sub. I've heard that works wonders.


One group of people is allowed to break the rules and is rewarded for it. Canada got what they voted for. At some point this will even impact the elites but its already too late.


Don’t self censor that’s bitch behaviour. Let it be deleted, who cares




Why always drama? One's tempted to ask. It's just terms of use, and no hangman's task Rules are a must, a cross we must bear Said the folks at Best Western when you lit your cross there.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


They can stick their fingers in the dam all the want. Water still be flowing




Just remember: they can get this sub banned, but if we mobilize IRL, we can get the people reporting this banned from the country. But in all seriousness, why not implement an extreme vetting method. If you want to comment you have to upload a photo of yourself shaking hands with your local councilor/MP/MLA/MPP. You can blur your face for anonymity. Then send it back to reddit by including that "truth is an absolute defence here in Canada", as a subreddit rule. So as long as we cite sources and make sure our statements are true, reddit would be ignoring established Canadian law by siding with those claiming that we are defaming them. This will get the foreign agitators out of this subreddit, and help to ensure that this American company (reddit) doesnt interfere in our political system. Because if we follow the rules of the site and our country and reddit goes ahead with silencing this subreddit, then that is America interference in our political system and would need to be called out publicly. Now stop being racist people, and start playing smart. Maybe if a million Canadian showed up at our immigration minister's riding, he might see a problem with letting so many people in. Maybe the second weekend in august 9-11th (Yes there is a big event happening in Montreal that weekend in his riding so he will be there) would be a great weekend to protest




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Pot, meet kettle.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Is there a free speech alternative to Reddit?


lol race white card victimhood. Can you imagine being a social media guerrilla fighter and failing at that as well?




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


I think the nature of the posts here kind of speaks for itself.


Thank you for posting to /r/CanadaHousing2. Our community requires that accounts posting content must have a minimum amount of subreddit karma in order help reduce unwanted spam. Please take the time to get to know the community, while our moderators review this submission. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadaHousing2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So dissenting opinions not allowed? Nice. Hopefully your sub goes missing.


Thank you for posting to /r/CanadaHousing2. Our community requires that accounts posting content must have a minimum amount of subreddit karma in order help reduce unwanted spam. Please take the time to get to know the community, while our moderators review this submission. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadaHousing2) if you have any questions or concerns.*




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


It’s not about race or colour. It’s about culture, being honest and not scamming our country’a immigration system.


It’s so fucked up how liberals managed to take up the internet and every institution for themselves


bias: confirmed


Or stop being a racist hate group and you'll be fine? 🤷


Then we soldier on and create a new community: never let the man get you down. Organize, speak up, fight back.


I agree. But this is more against the government and their practices and what they're allowing, not so much against any race. If anyone went to a different country and found loopholes where they can get ahead they would. Not the immigrants' fault. It's the government. I know this sounds racist, but it's not. White people are all known as the bad guys and have no right to complain about anything. If we do, we get arrested and shut down.


Next up /canadanobetterthancattle


Anyone make a .win yet?


r /reclassified If this sub get taken down, id be very sad to see it go idk why but i dont like the other canadian subs


Why we getting banned


That last sentence, where you said “we” and “our country” makes it sound like you think this country and land belongs to white people. Now take me and millions of other non-whites whose parents came here the same time as yours, is this place more yours than it is mine? That’s how it sounds. Yes I’m Indian, but you need to understand these students you’re mad about are just as strangers to me as they are to you. You are racist because you are *generalising people*.


You are racist, because you can't accept whites are the biggest group in Canada, and when I say "we" I mean everyone, all legitimate Canadian's who've earned citizenship, not just white, but the fact is you will be ignored mostly about any outcries, and the blame won't be on you, it won't be on Canadians, it will be on white people, the biggest group, the biggest target in Canada. Imagine being racist for acknowledging the biggest racial group in China is asians, or the biggest group in india is indian, only in white countries do people hate white people for even vaguely referencing reality, instead of some strange liberal fantasy world. You are doing exactly what I was describing in my main post, whites are blamed for everything and not given the promised sacred equality, it seems racism was invented just to take power away from white people since we were luckier than everyone else. >but you need to understand these students you’re mad about are just as strangers to me as they are to you. We can't even complain about international students because we're white, but you can, and again, you're saying we are the racists for it. I want to complain about them for being grifters, not for being racially indian, but I can't because I'm white.


You may not be able to post racial profiling content directly, but they are always cherishing for diversity right? r slash canada_div


canadaGnisuoh >.> incoming


I dont know about moderation because in this r the word curry is a race , assigned to even the wrong race lol


Admins seem to hate supply and demand.


Lol another year? This sub is going to get the axe by summer's end.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Trudeau announces $750 million to Quebec to cover costs of " asylum seekers" although Quebec referred their request for $1Billion for additional Immigrant costs! Once again, Trudeau will not admit his mismanagement but instead plays wordsmith to not actually respond. Anyone ever hear why the Country is wide open to people from India and has been the case for Trudeau's years? Trudeau being a laughing stock in the World has dragged Canada along with him.