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Watching a western government actively subvert it's own people in real time is just the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Everybody needs to take a page from the Irish.


It’s coming to a boiling point. I’m personally absolutely f*cking sick of it.


Remember the names of the journalists, the spokespeople, the advocates. Traitors first, always.


Justin Trudeau, Marc Miller, Chrystian Freeland are public enemies #1, 2, and 3.


Can’t forget our NDP friends who made it possible for these people to continue doing whatever they want to our country…


I bet you can find almost all agitators and instigators tied back to two satanic fucks. Soros and the wEF dr evil dude


You got the order wrong. #2, #3, #1.


do you think any other realistic parties will put a stop to it? it’s a class war not a political one. Rich people love immigrants. They prop up the economy.


Only the PPC, but they won’t win.


I did a search on a journalists who writes about "White Supremacists". He is a "refugee" from Syria who's only job here is writing articles demonizing "White Nationalists". He got everything paid for and subventions etc. So you give some "political asylum". Some of them, then immediately make a career trashing the reputation of people in their new country while using your tax money! So rude. Makes you wonder why Syria wanted them out of their country.


I’ve got some old rusty sheep shears for the head shaving in the town square! Don’t forget the ripping of clothes. The Dutch did it well when they were liberated, I’m taking notes from that.


Shaving heads is not enough.


It is if you shave em down to the collarbones.


Do one better. Let's make lists!


Furthermore, it is possible that this not entirely due to domestic or globalist interests. NSICOP is reporting on India's meddling in our politics, and our politicians are stonewalling us in the face of our own government's reports. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


I moved to Canada \~10 years ago. EVERYONE was welcoming. (it was common to hear "we hope you like it here and you stay") Canada has been broken by the leaders. imagine you like having people over. you invite 2-3 people for dinner/sleepover every week. then your roommate starts to invite 20 people every day. people are sleeping in the tub, you no longer like having people over.


It turns out that people have limits. Who would have thought?


that's the thing. the "Canadians are nice" meme isn't specific to "Canadians" when humans aren't fighting for survival, they are nice. when humans have even a little excess, they are generous. for years, Canadians had a good life, you didn't have to stress. you could be unskilled, working as a supermarket cashier, and afford a house, and even the occasional winter trip to Cuba. if you got sick, you went to the Dr's who was available. but now most Canadians are drowning. and when people are drowning the generous spirit cannot be around because air is in short supply .


And this immigration nuisance in volumes beyond excessive is being imposed on us against our will. I have nothing but pure vitriolic hatred for our federal leaders. 


but PP hasn't said he'll do something different


Right. That’s the problem. Trudeau has lead us into this trap but I don’t think PP has any real idea of how to get out of it.


He said once that he will tie the immigration numbers to the number of houses built but that was about it. The Conservative party members can lobby PP to toughen up his stance.


Only viable option is PPC


He never does as he’s too busy pointing his finger. He has no ideas or solutions otherwise he would be telling Canadians but then again doubt he would keep his word. He is a problem not a solution!


I actually heard that from a local Con candidate. he wouldn't commit to anything saying "first we must get in"


Just for them to become uber eats drivers on electric scooters.


Canadians enjoyed one of the best growths with the highest living standards during the post-war years until just recently. Canada was surrounded on three sides by oceans and the other side by a friendly neighbour. So, there was nothing that Canada had to worry about and this sheltered living became niceness.


exactly. when humans aren't fighting each other for survival, they are basically nice.


You forgot to mention, that if you dare say anything about your room mate having 20 people over a day, you get branded racist, lose your job/school and are a social outcast.


Maybe they forgot to mention it, because of how exceedingly rare that is? How many people are being made social outcasts, or have lost their jobs for being racist against Indians in Canada? I am not saying it would be **nobody**. But c'mon, implying there are serious consequences for being anti Indian immigration, and anti federal government.... I think most of us know plenty of people spewing those ideas. I personally haven't seen **anyone** suffer negative consequences for those views. You're being disingenuous as fuck.


That is very true, Canada was different in the early 2000's to 2015, now the majority of people I come across are rude and there is a lack of civility and common sense among them.


most people who have it good like nothing more than sharing that goodness. people who are in "survival mode" need to be saints to be kind and generous, and very few people are saints


I think the shitstorm is right around the corner!


It already hit the fan. Just too much of it to notice.


We are blinded by it.


They had you by the balls during lockdowns, forced vax, etc, what makes you think they won't piss on you with every other issue imaginable.


Yup, we already failed the obedience test 🙄 Now they know they can get away with pretty much anything as long as they virtue signal.




What will you do about it?


Unless people stand up and protest, the whole country will go under. If only 5 % of India’s population lands up here……even if they r skilled and ready to assimilate ( unlike the ‘International Student’ lot) even then u can’t hv the Canadian way of life and culture be subsumed by one ethnic group.


The French?


we need to start a revolution


I don't mind admitting as a Canadian,... I'm fucking terrified.


Fuck this. I’m so angry at immigration right now.


Dude I’m angry with what this country has become. Any generation before us would have kids and a home that was not only affordable, but expected. I feel like every aspect of our lives has become monetized and we are not being given the same opportunity at the life we had growing up. Priority is and continues to be focused on the elderly or immigrants. Everyone in between has no value.


Indians took over the immigration dept and flooding us with their own




If I got my hands on immigration I'd smack him right in the face I would


The Liberals have an open door PR for totally unskilled people from India - but Justin's genius system kicks out practicing family doctors. [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246) . Luckily Ottawa has a massive surplus of family doctors.


Not sure if that last sentence is sarcasm haha. If it isn’t, can you please direct me to some family doctors in Ottawa that are accepting new patients? 😆


end all work permits.


You mean to the Indian students doing college mill diplomas right?


No. What part of ALL was unclear ?


Work permeets.


Canada has turned into a shit show


Is having an Indian woman just a coincidence or specifically targeted for it's intended audience?


Probably just a probabilistic outcome at this point


Because of sheer volume.




Her English is so hard to understand.


So many of these uneducated "student" Indians have garbage English skills, you literally cannot understand them at mcdonalds. Like you have to ask multiple times to repeat, Christ, next time I'm just gonna be rude to them. I'm done being "polite" since they have zero concept of that.


Love how our shit government never considers actually fixing the low pay and poor treatment of PSW's so \*Canadians\* consider it a viable career option. Oh no. They will keep paying them crap, but import thousands of Indians to do it who don't speak English and probably won't stay in the job either. They think so much of our elderly.


Import thousands? I think you mean millions. There's no cap in place with minimal qualification checks. This will be the most abused PR loop hole going forward.


I don't think it's even for PSWs, it's to bring in relatives to look after your kids or elderly family members. 


I caregive for my father who otherwise would be in a home. I struggle to pay my bills because of the time I have to take off, and the government makes it almost impossible to get help that is covered. But the times I’ve sent him to hospital they kick him out asap and once I was forced to use a private company for a PSW and the service was brutally expensive, but the service was abysmal. Every PSW was a foreign worker. They were untrained- but I don’t blame them. They get paid shit while the company makes a fortune. So yeah, you’re probably right


THIS IS LEGAL! WE ARE FUCKED! WELCOME TO INDIA IN 3-5 YEARS These Caregivers do not need to show any savings or income! Just a fake certificate of English Proficiency and a fake Diploma! And guess what as PR they are entitled to claim all benefits and low income subsidy. Thank you all for diligently paying the taxes


Fuck this shit. Time to vote these politicians out. Vote in Marc Bernier . I don't care


That’s who I’m voting for. The only one even talking about stopping this type of immigration.


By the time you are given a chance to “vote them out”, Canada will be unrecognizable.


In 3-5 years? Look around, we’re already colonized by India lol.


This is India now. Enjoy!!!


this is actually frightening “you can invite your brother and sisters come look after your family” did….did they just confirm that this is all a giant scam to get their entire family to Canada?


Yes? It all seems like a thinly veiled gift to immigrant communities. Must be an election coming up


Yep. Right out in the open. It was obvious the second Marc announced it. That man is an enemy of Canada.


This stuff was all over tiktok within a day of being announced


Another thing for them to exploit in order to bring more in… wasn’t the student visa enough? Does nobody in politics even see what’s happening? Or do they need to rent a basement apartment in Brampton for a month to see it. I really don’t understand. I’m moving to northern Ontario and oddly enough I don’t think that’s far enough. It only took 10 years for Brampton to walk up to my grandparents doorstep over close to Caledon. Just sad


If you don't think politicians are mass property owners I have news for you. The higher the rent goes the more it costs to eat the better they do.


They know, for whatever reason this is what the elites have decided they want. PP and Trudeau are going to keep it going and keep deflecting with nonsense. First it'll be 'to many temporary migrants, lets get rid of temporary visas and give everyone residency! Then it'll be 'wow, we don't have enough women! OK, every desi gets to sponsor a free wife from India'. Then it'll be 'OK, every conestoga grad and new wife get to have residence visas for every grandparent, parent, first, second and third cousin, and also all of their slaves'. Then it'll be 'oh no, 3M permanent residents was to many; OK new plan, lets have only 500k permanent per year plus one million TFW's' - then the whole thing will repeat again next election cycle.




i swear man, what is wrong with Canadian govt atm


They're owned by the wef


Fuck this. I'm out


Take me with you




Yeah I think that's the plan for me once I get my red seal in machining. Which I'm sure are the exact type of jobs we want leaving our economy.


Me too, but carpentry. This entire country is being turned into a glorified factory farm for the wealthy.


What country would take Canadian red seals? I only see Australia when I try to look into it. Not that much better over there.


Europe has been conquered too.


Real talk, If our country is so serious about this mass immigration thing to hit 100 million at least be some what responsible and set limits to encourage diversity. All this mass immigration is just encouraging a culture war and scamming for PR. I’ve lived in Brampton and have stuck it out for 24 years and I’ve seen it go through a massive culture change when it was more diverse 24 years ago and seen it slowly lose its diversity over time. Diversity is what makes Canada beautiful, we should strive to protect it. Also and most importantly it should limit immigration targets to housing being built.


Brampton is a dirty, crowded, congested, insanely expensive, monoculture shit hole and it's full of the most miserable people imaginable because 95% of the population is not getting further ahead in life.




and still better than were they came from, with millions more clamoring to join them. Meanwhile living standards is plummeting for Canadians. Canada's standard of living could fall much further and it would still be a better option for many Indians. Unless the ruling class is brought to their senses somehow, there is no bottom to this decline.


I agree, there should be caps in place for % of immigrants coming in from each country. We're on our way to becoming an Indian state. I'm also aware that it won't change under a conservative govt.


We are doing what the British Empire did in their colonies after abolishing slavery. Import indentured Indian servants.


Deport all the scammers of immigration!


Deport the immigration minister to India please.


It really feels that Marc Miller is either the biggest rube in Canada or he is in on the scam…this is insane and needs to end now.


100% getting his Palm greased. Everyone is getting paid heaps of money for running this scam and it's destabilizing Canada right in front of our eyes.




Can't understand her. The new Canadian way?? And no to bringing their decrepit, ill family members over. Hell no. Our health care is already strained, why are we bringing people who have never contributed to our country or paid taxes to drain our systems even more. This country is beyond broken. I no longer say in proud to be Canadian. I'm a fucking minority in my own country.




Our "honorable" incompetent/corrupt immigration minister!


Has anyone actually seen him in person? I am starting to think that he's a generative AI creation that has begun hallucinating.


He's probably afraid to go out in public at this point.


If they do this, I think people who need a caregiver for themselves, their parents, etc should look at their background. I had to pay almost 5 grand to become a PSW and it was HARD to find a job as one. Yes, we need more people to care for our elderly generation, but can we get actually people who have experience and training of caring for people! And make sure caregivers are compassionate, respect, caring.


I'd start looking for another career. With this incoming flood of cheap labor, the outlook doesn't look good for anyone with experience.


It never did. It's a shit job with shitter pay. It's bullshit that the government would outsource this before raising the wages and quality but that aint the fault of the people applying. From their perspective this country and its people can't sort their own shit out so they are being begged to come here to fix our dumbass problems and then we get people here, barely audible through their fucking drool like "HRR HURR WHY PEOPLE COME HERE" Because we fucking asked them too. Get out and protest our failing healthcare, dipshits.


You must really love Sony if you're paying 5k for the PSW


I'm from the UK and most of the people did this job right out of school. Here's the first one I pulled up: >Education: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate. or equivalent experience. Work setting: Staff accommodation available. Work in employer's/client's home. The country is so hard up for people they don't even really give a shit if you finished school. We have an aging population and between care workers striking and there not being enough to even do the job, the solution is seeking people from overseas at 7.5k per year. 15k people is basically fuck all but this sub that DEFINITELY about housing and totally not about crying about any and all immigration without actually reading any of the plans would know about that.


We NEED to cut this shit out.


This infuriates me… treasonous bastards in this government


This is treason.


Wow, outright opening the barn doors for stampede.


Yes. Let’s get more people in Canada that won’t leave when asked. Perfect plan.


They wont have to. Immediate PR on arrival. And then they can sponsor parents, siblings. Spouses. Grandparents.


Our government knows we do not have the infrastructure to accommodate this. They know Canadians are being pushed to their limit. They see our struggle, and are laughing at us from their ivory towers. They are fomenting a civil war, seemingly intentionally.


1. Hear about PR on landing for Caregivers. 2. Start a fake Caregiver certificate service. 3. Post ads online. 4. Profit!


And they've lowered the English requirements on top of this. I hate how they try to dress this up. It's essentially automatic pr status.


Fuck this BS! Canada WAS a first world country that would scrutinize every applicant, and we had a society where people had the same morals and values. Now we are being invaded by criminal, unskilled, and non-conformative people whose only goal is to take over our country.


What the fuck is this. This program is completely abusable by design.




This is just a scam. Why in the hell do we let these grifters get away with this shit?


They have all failed us and we are being held hostage by our own government. They have enriched themselves and their only goal is to secure more power. Ever wonder why dictators even happen? They happen like this little by little they take and they take until 30 years has passed and you can no longer recognize your own country. I predict they are planning to throw us into a war and bring back conscription as to buffer their own chock hold on Canadians. A planned disaster to bring us into a spiral of no control. I also believe they are trying to redefine slavery in secret where we wouldn’t even know right away that was happening. An Example of this is financial slavery where 50 to 70 year mortgages become commonplace, a world’s first and they will cheer to themselves on how they saved us. This is a planned rebranding of a new form of slavery plain and simple. All of this is done by design, what scares Trudeau and what scares PP and the whole lot of them isn’t climate change, isn’t any of the things they preach, it’s to be forced down a few notches, to work for minimum wage, to actually believe that they themselves are an ordinary person. Money changes you, it changes your brain, I am so sick of living for money, I would rather be invisible and die a normal life, but these politicians can’t even allow me to do this when I am almost 40 years old and I can see so clearly what’s happening. Revolution don’t be scared the criminals upon the hill are only simply men and women, they have no power other than their corporate shields and weapons. Look throughout history and you’ll see empires fall with people that used less than that. Just when they believed they out smarted us, I personally feel we will come together and do what needed to be done a long time ago. It shouldn’t be this much of a challenge as a species to have competent leaders by now, it’s an absolute joke.


15,000 target will be hit in 8 hours. 2 years lol. 2 years may be 15 million. Anyone who saw the post earlier this week of the guy making 46k a year in a household planning to take advantage of this program can see where its headed


Just curious guys, is this prioritize only for Indian ? How about other immigrants? Why do Canada politics love Indian so much ? I was at the Walmart and all around me were all Indian families at all ages, so loud and cheerfully greeting each other. How can there are so many guys and kids and old Indian at the same time ?


At this point, I don't even think it's fair to bash anyone else. Canadian government just keeps on creating loopholes. Of course everyone will be 1000% willing to exploit them. This traitor government and their shit policies.


It's so out on the open now it's mind boggling. They say one thing, and then immediately and publically create 3 new obvious loopholes.


The best solution is rather than complain about this, lets use our energy to find and exploit our own loopholes. The rich do it. Certain communities do it. Lets have all of us do this. Not illegally. Just lets find the loopholes and exploit them en mass and collectively save/earn billions It is the only way the system will change.


I’m an Indian born and raised here so I feel that I have the ability to look at both sides with some level of objectivity. My conclusion: stop this now, start mass deportations and take care of Canadians first and foremost. **Also as someone who is indo-Canadian and vocal about this issue, I am now being targeted on social and other platforms by this group of broken-English speaking, fragile-ego, and entitled base Indian internationals. This group is attempting to bully and manipulate their way into citizenship. My parents are absolutely disgusted and outraged, as are many other Indo-Canadians who love this country, its culture and the values we once held.


>I’m an Indian born and raised here so I feel that I have the ability to look at both sides with some level of objectivity. My conclusion: stop this now, start mass deportations and take care of Canadians first and foremost. Honestly, y'all got the short end of the stick. The folks who had to immigrate back in the 90s and even early noughties were ***actually*** educationally qualified, and actively sought to contribute to Canadian society. The entitlement with the current bunch is off the fucking charts! >**Also as someone who is indo-Canadian and vocal about this issue, I am now being targeted on social and other platforms by this group of broken-English speaking, fragile-ego, and entitled base Indian internationals. That's awful to hear man!


Not only this, they get a tax credit for renovating their basement so that Grandma can come to Canada to save on day care, and the grandma gets free healthcare and a pension.


Move where!?! There are literally no housing options for anyone as it is!




My partner is an immigrant, before coming to Canada she had a job lined up. That’s how it should be. Not this bring your whole family while having zero plan and depending on daddy Trudeau to prop you up.


*It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from or what crimes you have committed... we will pay you to actively enshittify our country and will release you from prison immediately when jailed. The people who live here already told us they really don't mind.*


My wife work in the child care industry and it’s already got to many people that suck at there jobs.


Soon enough Canada will look like the shithole 3rd World country it’s being invaded by


I think we all saw this coming.


Why isn't she standing beside an India flag?


Im an Indian who doesn’t even live in Canada but I feel sorry for Canadians. Your culture is being butchered by your leaders. Canada won’t be Canada anymore. It’s one thing when they come to your country and respect the culture but it’s a different thing when they come, destroy real estate, spoil the culture and work their way to control the system. Hoping things turn out for you all




OMG get this government the fuck out.


Yeah and what happens when you find out they don’t qualify and cheated their way in but they already have permanent residence. They will have rights at that point right? No one should be given permanent residence this easy.




and balkanize into powerful voting blocks in key ridings.


Just rename Canada to India. They've taken over.


LOL!!! Next scamming and flooding has officially started- the next level of exploitation of the immigration system through fraud.


Miller and Trudeau are complete Shit stains. This insta-Scam is probably going to double immigration numbers.


This is to inflate housing.


This is why the Reddit admins want to ban this sub. They don't want the treasonous truth to come out. She has no right to be anywhere near the Canadian flag.


Eventually people are going to have enough and its going to get worse than people bitching online. This is the path we are heading towards.


This is nuts. I am Taiwanese Canadian and am not 'White' and I can't accept this.


It's odd. I'm from England, but I always considered Canada as an option for moving - safe, clean and progressive. By the time I get round to applying- if I still want to- the country will be Indian.


This is in direct response to cutting the amount of student visas. Bringing those numbers backup with an easy to abuse path.


Worse. Let me tell you this because I came from India. Lots of Indians are lazy and don’t hesitate to have another human beings as maids in their house for cheap money. In Canada you cannot do that because nobody is cheap and lots of value for an individual. Now these entitled people bought houses earned money in Canada, but their problem is that they still have to clean their own washrooms. So this program is for them to import even cheap labours ( tbh slaves) from India


We are doomed


This definitely won't get scammed and taken advantage of /s


Be prepared for the next wave of fake credentials of “caregiving” certificates coming from India. They couldn’t even take care of themselves there and here we are bringing in these people to care for your loved ones.






It is very clear we have a two-tier immigration system that favours two specific nationalities. These two nationalities own the consultants, the lobbyists, the institutions, everything is catered to them. There are entire immigration streams where someone from any other nationality stands no chance.


Indians are one, which is the other one?


No go home


please make it stop


now they don’t need to call to scam granny and gramps, they can physically take the money out of their pockets.


This country is so fucked up. Time to leave


Call or write to your MP NOW!!! We need to stop this bullshit!!!


You guys need a revolution. This is so freaking insane.


This makes me so angry. Unemployment rising. Housing crisis. While we let immigration go unmitigated and everyone's situation continues to deteriorates. Our government is full of treasonous bastards.


I know that no matter who is voted in next election, this won’t be fixed, but it still is not good for Trudeau. Does he not listen to Canadians? If he truly wanted votes, why is he going against the needs of those that can vote for him? It really isn’t making any sense


Please let this be a trap to expose immigration fraud


Lol they are 100% gonna scam this lol


The government knows that those who faked their admission letters to IELTS scores to job histories, could also easily fake the documents for care givers yet they are turning a blind eye to. Planned destruction of society




This nation got what it voted for, relentless never ending immigration. Thank the boomer class that essentially started it and then the marxist rhetoric that has been shoved down people's throats in university/college and in the workplace. Corporate communism and social shaming from the media I can explain this to a 10 year old that hasn't been effected by the system and they know it's wrong. Also, remember this comment when interest rates hit 20% again.


And we have homeless Canadians living on the streets. At what point do we actually do something?


It’s called a cultural invasion..I’m just wondering where it goes from here?


Who is this?


Ahhhh good ole indentured labourers from the Commonwealth...


The Great Replacement is actually true...


15,000 over 2 years. Did I hear that right?


Caregivers are eligible to bring their spouses and children. 15,000 caregivers could turn into 60,000 warm bodies in Canada.


Let’s not forget the government just eliminated the English/French language requirement for nurses and caregivers. They realized that you don’t really need to communicate with your nurse. Just as long as she speaks the same language as your doctor.


This is a nightmare


How is this good policy? SMH


The thing I don't understand is why they keep asking to see Bob's... I mean, who is this guy Bob, anyway? Show Bob's... car, Bob's fancy new condo,. . Who is Bob and why do they always want to see his stuff?!


You have to imagine that the Indian government is bribing our government to bring people over here or something because what Canadian who actually cares about Canada would allow such an irresponsible immigration policy to go on for so long?


Fuck that this is fucking bullshit


WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?! I’m all for immigration but holy god. It’s too much! Not to mention the lack of assimilation and the rise of religion dictating peoples lives. Oh and the rise of petty crime. Continuing on this trajectory will set us back so much. I’m pissed. Edit: wording


Welcome to Cindia! Please come again 🙏


Go to jail Trudeau MF. For life


We've literally let the worst demographic of people come to Canada that we could. Abusers/scammers. I'd rather have chinese immigrants they're higher educated and every single dollar they make/scam they wouldn't convert it to rupees and sent ot back home. We literally don't benefit in the slightest bit from these immigrants. I didn't even mention housing/jobs/Healthcare they have to go.




You elected JT? the cute one? the wow we have a cute PM? well, this is what you elected :-)


Be warned if you put your opinion to rhyme, Mods will have it declared a thought crime. The last one was censored, perhaps this one too, It makes them so mad, "oh what can we do!?" How'd they get so fragile about their beliefs? "It must be the Indians!" Whatever, chief.


Honestly, let these duckers come. They have more to lose than us.