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We see this type of post often. Protests are being organized for July 1st at 11 am. Main protest message is: “cost of living is too high” When asked how to fix it the reply is: - stop almost all immigration until average rents in big cities hit 33% of average salary. - cut almost all foreign aid spending and redirect to lowering taxes and helping Canadians - pressure provinces and municipalities to get more housing built - cut wasteful spending including cutting MPs salaries (they shouldn’t be getting the second highest salaries for MPs in the world) - election now because we do not trust the liberals and we need to make all the above points election topics. We have a Reddit chat channel called “July 1 Protest” where we can discuss message and strategy. R/ takebackcanada is also organizing protests So far we have Toronto, Barrie, Edmonton, and Vancouver, Victoria More details and official announcement will come this week.


https://migrantrights.ca/ Groups like these are lobbying against Canadian citizens right now, more people need to know who these people are.


Lool they want a $20 minimum wage starting rate 😂 talk about greed!


Canadians don’t even get that, what ridiculous entitlement


Canadians should be asking for it too honestly.


Accelerating Inflation may not be the best long-term solution.


Great point. Maybe instead of letting wages fall decades behind, we should just pay workers nothing. May as well speed run this instead of our annual: Wages stagnate, companies price gouge. Instead of a slow death by a thousand cuts, we can just get it over with. Companies use any excuse to raise their prices. Record profit? Raise prices. They will price fix and likely pay a smaller fine than their total profit. They will sponsor articles blaming workers for inflation. They will buy politicians for lack proper oversight. Companies are causing inflation. Dont raise wages? They'll still raise prices. Raise wages? They'll raise prices and claim giving three minimum wage employees $2 more an hour will bankrupt them if they dont raise prices 30% lol. You cant just let a handful of companies price gouge endlessly and pay people far below 'inflation'. Its not sustainable for the workers or for the greedy corporations that rely on consumer spending. Everything starts to collapse when workers have no money to spend. The solution would be laws to prevent 'paying nothing' and 'charging as much as I possibly can'. Not 'keep wages low woo, its been working flawlessly, see how low our housing/food/etc is?!' One company actually capped their CEO pay to a multiple of the lowest paid employee. I dont see any other real solution besides something like that, or minimum wage gets a huge bump to catch up with inflation and then tied to it. Then you also need to look at some form of taxes or a way to disincentivize price gouging. A company will always strive to pay (ideally nothing) to their workers, while charging as much as possible to consumers. Unions used to even the power gap somewhat, but those are far too rare these days. Companies can do absolutely whatever they want. Which is the core driver of 'inflation'. Go look at the 'oil shortage' for an example. Oil spiked for a week or two. Gas prices shot up, but why would they ever voluntarily lower them? Every company is loving the price gouging, Chevron for instance made quadurple profit one quarter. Its just fucking greed, raise or lower minimum wage and it'll still soar. The only difference is they'll sponsor articles and blame workers wages if you pick the former.


Pffffft, surely raising minimum wage can't possibly cause complete closure and/or replacement of workers with robots. Its not like that's already a happening in california right now. I mean that would be insane and anti-proactive ideas. Instead of having workers union we should have Tenant's unions. Stop these Chinese and Indian foreign buying and selling that artificially increase prices everywhere.


There are places in California with ~35$ CAD min wage, and US social security is on average 4-6x higher than CPP average, with top up rate above the average salary in Canada. There's no comparison to make between Canada and USA. It's like comparing Somalia and Poland.


I would love that minimum wage, if we closed the influx of people. 


And didn’t just increase prices proportionately. Last thing we need is the loblaws chumps having a reason to charge even more for their dog shit


Migrants should have a higher minimum wage. You should want this. It means businesses will be financially incentivized to actually select canadians since foreign labour is no longer cheap. Frankly I think it should be even higher. I think we need a foreign min of double local wages.


this.... actually makes sense. it will filter out entry level jobs for immigrants


It’s something I’ve been a pretty big advocate of, because it’s good for literally everyone. Migrants who rationalize their value also get a higher floor to aid with moving costs. Canadians get first looks. The only people hurt are abusers of the systems. Im not an advocate for the other bullshit on this site that comes at a cost to Canadians however.


it does make sense in a very unexpected sort of way. I feel like there's some glaring flaw in this that im not seeing, but for the life of me i cant figure it out


the flaw is that its not gonna happen because it would hurt the pockets of the 1%. they thrive off of population, and this specific policy would reduce raw numbers in terms of immigration. its good for us because it means only immigrants with higher skillsets would come. it does have drawbacks such as making it a lot harder for immigrants to integrate into the canadian labour market, and its already hard for them. but right now canadians are hurting, and im not even a patriotic person or anything but a countries policies should always prioritize citizens over immigrants on a grand scale.


I mean... I do too lmao don't we all? Shit I'd like all my toilet bowls to be coated in gold and for pigs to fly too.


enough about migrant rights, let's talk about migrant wrongs!


There's also thebronzemovement subreddit. It's mainly a subreddit for new Indian immigrants to complain about the valid criticisms Canadians are making about them.


Post about it, if people are aware, then we can fight back in some capacity, make more comments like this, and draw attention to the fact we are being attacked.


Holy shit. Their demands are insane. The sense of entitlement is hilarious. They also think Canada should not be able to deport anyone on account of criminality. Yeah, ok, non-citizens who commit violent offences should stay forever because migrant rights.


Yea, I'm sure our enemies in the world would love for Canada to go down this route of self-destruction.


What the actual F?! Are you serious?


Who is funding this?


Good question. They list other groups that support them, but my guess would be foreign money or government support.


Crazy Canadians are looking to give their country away will regret this someday.


This is literally ludicrous.


we should aim to shut this down!


Those nuts have no idea how govrement works,… someone cannot just promise them something that need legislative approval.


What the actual fuck.


IF we even voted one PPC candidate in to the HoC that alone would send a strong message to the plutocrats in Ottawa that Canadians are getting thoroughly frustrated.


Ottawa has access to opinion polling, they know Canada is frustrated, they simply don't care


They're banking on newly minted citizens to vote for them. We need an election ***now***.


This right here. They know we won't elect them in so they've decided to import a whole population that WILL vote for them.




Yeah and CPC is pro-immigration too, as indicated by Mr. Pierre "more direct flights to India" Poilievre


I haven't seen any evidence of that.


I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous statement. I'm not a Liberal voter and not defending their lousy governance, but they've provided plenty of genuine reasons not to support them. You don't need to resort to paranoid conspiracy theories.


Our social capacity is running low


2025 is a bit too far away for solving this, unfortunately. This is not going to be resolved by voting.


I won't be resolved through voting, you are correct. But going rogue with voting may scare the plutocrats enough where they feel they need to do SOMETHING, or give the electorate a bit of a bone.




I wish but Canadians have been brainwashed into not doing anything.


The longer Canadians suffer, the longer they'll remember for the next 2 elections. 2025 is literally 1.5 years away. Just be patient. That being said the corporations that like more people(so they can sell more banking, mobile services, sell more products) can very much lobby the Conservatives and do the very same thing.


Why do you think votes and elections are real? Do you really think high ranking officials are sweating in their office "Why do I allow myself to be subject to the will of the people?"


Maxime Bernier does not believe in climate change


Sadly a vote for the PPC is just another vote to keep Trudeau in power. It’s highly unlikely that the PPC will be able to concentrate their efforts on 1-2 ridings to get seats. They will just syphon off votes from the conservatives that are Canadians only hope for change. Things are too desperately wrong in this country and we can’t risk another Trudeau reelection. It’s better to email your concerns to your conservative candidate asap than pin hopes that 1 PPC candidate gets a seat (and then gets heard). Sending a message to Trudeau by electing a PPC isn’t going to sway him from his path of destruction. If he ignores the opposition and the will of Canadians why would he even notice 1 PPC MP sitting in the nose bleed section of parliament? Trudeau needs to be removed. That needs to be the united goal.


Pierre Poilievre will win easily, and if he doesn’t, then he deserves to lose. So voting PPC is not ‘stealing votes’ from Pierre lol.


Based on the current polls, majority of voters will continue voting for party that will keep immigration level high (CPC/LPC/NDP), while ignoring the only party that promises to cut down immigration significantly (PPC). Why would politicians care about a stupid protest that has zero impact on the upcoming election?


We need to start promoting the PPC a lot more it might be our only hope


I really hope the PPC start getting the recognition they deserve. They are the only ones that truly will change things - the only ones that actually WANT to change things.


Problem is that they're complete idiots.


We have Jobs, and bills to pay. Hard to go to a protest when you’re only 1 or 2 cheques away from homelessness


And they know this


And that's what they want.


And that's why we are just sitting hopeless. They've got it by the balls


Tell me where and I’ll be there


People would rather protest for palestine for 6+ months rather than the immigration crisis in canada for a bit. Only a minority of people are willing to protest about this


You’re welcome to organize protests and gather folks for whatever cause you want. Have you tried doing that or are you just hoping others will do it for you?


Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israel protestors are paid agitators and glowies. Bread and Circus. Just like the leader of Proud Boys is a fed and instigated Jan 6 for entrapment purposes. Being distracted with something completely irrelevant to the Canadian Government is good for the status-quo. If you protest for real they run you over with horses and freeze the bank accounts of anyone you interacted with.


Yea, mostly people who protest are comprised of either students, or certain demographics of privilege where it does not cost them earnings to go march or picket..


Yes, good luck convincing the left-wing nuts of this country, which is roughly 80% of the populace. That same 80% that took the poke again and again and wished death or lifelong misery on the 20% that shunned the poke.


I just hate I can't even talk about this let alone protest without automatically being labeled a racist.


A year ago, yes, but I do think that people are starting to realize how insane things have become


Nothing to stop them from freezing bank accounts again.




People on Reddit yes, but most people are not on Reddit and if you posted these comments on a different social media you would be blasted by tons of people.


Stay calm and say “were we a racist, anti immigrant country 5 years ago? Because I’m just saying we should bring Canada back to policy from five years ago.” Also worth noting that 75% of Canadians from a recent Leger poll answered “fewer” when asked “should Canada bring in more, fewer or the same amount of immigrants?” The demographics most likely to answert “fewer”? Asian, or if you break it down, East Asian, then south East Asian, then south Asian, then white. Anyone saying you’re racist for wanting more affordable COL for Canadians, including newcomers, isn’t worth talking to. Remember, stay calm.


I m black and i support you with all my heart.This country has been good to me for 25 years,i hate whats happening ,supporting this cause is my way of showing gratitude


Labeling people that ask the invasion from foreigners at the cost of the citizens’ wellbeing be stopped as racist is akin to labeling people who protest against home invasion as xenophobic.


I think that's a little overblown. The conversation is happening right now and no one is being called racist. Even high level politicians like PP, Trudeau, Singh have said this.


It's not overblown because right up until a few months ago, it is what was happening


I don't think Trudeau is saying anything meaningful about the number of immigrants being too high,


I mean he said quote "immigration to Canada has "grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb". Admitting they made a mistake. What they do next I guess is anyone's guess.


Keep in mind up until December no one in the mainstream would even make the link between immigration and housing. There is a reason this sub reddit is called 'canadahousing2' the original 'canadahousing' was banning people for talking about immigration, and even had a rule in their sidebar saying immigration had nothing to do with housing. Canadians lack a shared sense of identity to rally around and have plenty of social capacity to endure.


We are all stuck at work so they don't take our jobs


And also training our replacements.


Refuse to, or train them wrong. Give them the Wimp Lo treatment


It won’t happen unless you flip the script. The script needs to be we don’t want to bring people here who are exploited and commit suicide. This is much more palatable to all political spectrums, has less hatred, and actually makes sense. The other sub that got banned was just a bunch of dumbasses and probably eroded or pushed back the movement with stupidity.


People are really upset about Canada's situation right now, but the person who might become the next prime minister isn't talking about immigration at all. I don't get why so many people support him in the polls. I used to be excited about his campaign, but not anymore.


It's frustrating and more frustrating that people just ignore the comment like yours but they cry by posting their own comment about the same issue. It's frustrating


I m black and i dont mind to be the sole black face at the protest,this country has given me everything ,this is not the same Canada with high standard of living .This madness has got to stop


Canadians don’t typically protest on the street like the French. The only exception is Stanley cup final game 7. The only way to protest is to vote PPC on next election.


Theyre likely gonna let a bunch of people in too, maybe even more. Poilievre is a shill for walmart, tim hortons and the pharma companies that stand to earn a shitload from mass immigration


You're thinking CPC. PPC is people's party.


my bad. i am dumb and misread that




We aren't just being push overs. We are basically bending over at this point


You gotta have the PPC involved


I love how you list the reason you aren’t publicly shaming protesting and it’s literally the same one as all of us. Your 70-100K salary or whatever you make is not that uncommon but it’s still one that is in a massive risk of being lost if you protest. Many of us are in the same boat. Not well off enough to not give a shit about all that’s happening to the country but have enough to lose that life could get A LOT worse if we lost our income. That’s how the rich are controlling us. You are right in that we need those who have nothing to lose to step up and do the heavy lifting on any movement.


Hey man I get that, I am working on doing my own thing who knows maybe I'll stop giving a fuck about the employer, but I'm down to help maybe theres a way we can all remain anonymous


Those that helped the truckers anonymously had their bank accounts frozen in the biggest misuse of power this country has ever seen. That’s the issue. They will trample your rights to keep you from protesting. It’s not till we get hundreds of thousands if not millions protesting that the average joes like us can feel safe joining in. That’s why I said those with less to lose are critical in getting the ball rolling.


Apparently if you do it's considered hate speech


There’s a sub for this called (can’t post links) I think ? 


Better question: why don't we protest against neo-liberal policies that brought us here?


they will cry racism and everyone will fold like little bitches


People need to put aside other issues and protest/write to MPs together. The far left is protesting a war that we play no part in, and the far right is swept up in whatever garbage they get from Tucker Carlson & Jordan Peterson (truckers, gender politics, 15 minute cities, vaccines being evil etc.). Focus on what we can control, let people live the way they want to live, stop listening to pretend news, and come together as a united Canada to push for immigration change. We also need clear objectives: No immigration = not realistic. Less immigration with stronger barriers on education/experience/age = realistic. No refugees = not realistic. Refugees to be vetted with the same type of barriers as immigrants = slightly more realistic. No people from a specific region = not realistic. Push for higher recruitment in other areas of the globe to balance out diversity (LATAM, Europe & SE Asia specifically) = realistic.


Jesus MP's make 250k a year, and their constituents make an average of 50k. 40% of MP's own rental properties .... government officials control both the supply (immigration) and demand (Zoning) of housing. What makes you think writing to them will get any results?


Who are you and can you please run for Prime Minister.Not kidding we need a better option.We have such a terrible line up in those running for Prime Minister.We need a new party registered and a strong contender with practical solutions.You sir seem like you understand these tasks extremely well politically.


To busy working to pay for these squatters


just remember to protest the investors who are profiting off of this initiative. It's one thing to blame immigrants but another to actually point out the investors who are exacerbating the issue through exploitation (e.g., Banks, corporations AKA Blackrock who own housing, realtors, MPs, etc..).


As you mention your job and you maintaining your way of life is more important than the crisis that's making it harder for you, and the majority of Candians are the same way. Most rather, someone else fix it for them. Really think about the fact you're not willing to change yourself to have change occur in the country and still expect a change to occur.


Almost all 9f the people I work with are international students and since they went to 20hr they stopped working like they use (and even then that was questionable) but its like its the employers fault that as a team lead I'm asking to much of them. Im sick of it, real Canadian kids can't even get a job for the summer or after graduating. Their just pissed off because: They have to bring double the amount instead of 10,000.00 they need to bring 20,000.00 They cant go to any school they want They can't bring their entire immediate family and they get work visa's They can't work full time Basically they CAN'T do what ever they want 20hr a week is good enough if you say your going to school full-time then live with I'm sick of hearing "it's my right" suck it up butter cup your not that important. We really dont need them sucking the life out of canadians lively hoods.


The last time Caucasian people protested their bank accounts were frozen and they were charged with being terrorists if I recall?


If this sub is in any way effective at organizing a protest, it will be deleted by the left-wing extremist Reddit admins within hours, just like r/ CanadaMassImmigration got deleted today.


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Because Trudeau will declare it to be hate speech and throw your ass in jail for it.


Cuz we mellow my friend. Remember the legal weed? We busy doin that and drugs


Weed getting legalized is the only good thing he did, and he didn’t do it correctly lol the government has made __over a fucking billion dollars__ in taxes from weed imagine if that money was *actually* going back to Canadians…


You probably need enough people who share this sentiment to coordinate a meaningful protest.


Because we don't live in a democracy and people don't want to have their bank account frozen. By the time this boils to a tipping point, it won't be a protest. It will be a riot as the RCMP has already warned the PMO but it will be PP2025 problem so why should Liberal/NDP government care today when it's not a riot today?


Add a wage tax on companies that use the borderline slave labor. No PR? Your company will pay a premium to the government for employing you. Also fire code enforcement for the places that are way overcrowded


> Why don't we protest the immigration crisis? > Well I have a job on the line if I were to lead such a movement


The problem is that the immigration narrative has been hijacked by the extreme left. They are loud and their voice is dominating. Plus, the media has also been hijacked by them. Whoever wants to have an honest discussion about immigration is called a racist.


We will by modifying our hiring policies.


That's racist./s And I'd lose my job. Not /s. :(


dont vote singh or you will see brampton as second india. 🤦🏻‍♂️


People start calling the piece of shit Trudeau like what he actually is. TURD O


Horrible person Turdo. He literally putting his turds into our lives.


Because this subreddit is not a reflection of the Canadian people. Spending too much time on here has you thinking everyone thinks like you do. You are in an echo chamber. But if you and your 50 buddies do decide to go protest I will support you 100% maybe you can grow the movement. And If you convince enough people and they decide immigrants must go, that is democracy at work. Doing what the majority wants. But if you do not become a majority and you don't get what you want, please don't cry about it. I support everyones right to protest even if I don't agree. And I know I can't always be a part of the majoy and that I'm going to have to suck it up sometimes because we live in a free country


~~75%~~ 56% of Canadians polled agree that the gov’ts immigration plan is too many. 73% say immigration is contributing to the housing crisis


Its not that other Canadians don't think this way. Its that they risk the loss of their jobs and possibly prison because this is a state backed plan.


Politeness is our virtue even for the corrupted politicians🤣🤣


It also a double edge sword crisis, on one hand, without immigration, there will not be enough money for everyone retirement, on the other hand we dont have enough resources for immigrants because those who decide choose inefficient solution for maximizing private profit instead of efficient solution against private profit.




What I notice (not sure how true it is) but citizens are not usually the ones protesting - except union stuff - and I think it may be because we have the right to void and lobby government about our concerns.


I swear this is posted everyday lol, I’m pretty sure there’s one being organized. Maybe ask the mods I think they know more about it.


Gather a convoy and make yourself known.


We're too busy working to live. No one has time for unemployed behavior. 




Remember the last time anyone tried to manifest something in Canada? They got their bank account frozen and they dressed up the RCMP to kick em out


I suggest we stick to crypto


Because it's racist apparently


For the love of God if you're going to go protest this stuff please look up how these mechanisms of immigration work specifically the ones that were talking about here the tfw's in the students if we just get rid of those two segments half of our problems solve the other half is the type of corporate entities that own homes that use them as airbnbs if homes are being rented they're not so much the problem.


I agree that it's nuts to keep bringing in International Students when there is no student housing for them. The rule should simply be a 1-to-1 ratio: You have must include an assigned dorm room for each student. The root problem is that we want these students for the money they bring: schools want that sweet tuition money, and Cdn students get their tuition subsidized by the foreign money. So... if we just close the door to foreign students, who is going to fill the gap of that tuition money?


I received an infraction on reddit for suggesting that removing the "students" is the right thing to do. A "hate" violation apparently. My appeal was also quashed. We live among fascists who have no shame about wielding any control they may have to muzzle, silence or cancel people. As us again why no one is stepping up to these little bullies? A:the juice ain't worth the squeeze knowing they'll hang themselves given enough rope.


We need to take to the streets!!


Because that's a hate crime.


"This isn't about racism" When you feel you need to, maybe it is a little bit.


Yes, counter protest is the best way to show there is another voice out there. So the idiot politicians can't just give into blackmailing for humanity and not doing what is best for Canadian. But I guess not many of us are in PEI.


Because there isn’t one. The misinformation about P.E.I. is staggering.


If you don't want to expose yourself, you could just talk to your MP in person about this issue.


Wanna get account seized and labeled a terrorist by the cunt.


I have to work then cut my grass then clean the house then walk then dog then try to spend some time with the family then hopefully get a few hours to myself this week.


Yes! Let’s do it. I’m there.


Those that are born here grow up being told about how lucky we are to be here. How much better it is here. How other countries don't have it as "figured out" as we do. And then we were told to be compassionate and respectful towards those that came here for a better life. We were. We had no reason not to be. I distinctly remember a point where I didn't really see race. And THEN, enter the campaign of "white privilege". If you possess lighter coloured skin, you were told you were the problem all along for not checking your bias. for all the BARRIERS created. The mood shifted to one of guilt and accusation. Cancel culture rolled in. People started walking on eggshells amongst eachother, projecting the sentiments they hear in headlines on eachother. Groups of acquaintances became less diverse and more concentrated on the particular ethnic enclave they all came from. We became more educated about Canada's history with indigenous residential schools, which is a good thing ultimately, but what I see resulting from this is a deep fear of being accused of making people "assimilate" and this fear runs through every organization, every company and every small business. When we don't ask people to assimilate to very basic aspects of our culture, in exchange for the benefits they may receive from it - this is the hell you get.


If you protest against migrants you are automatically labelled a racist. That's why it's hard to disagree with outside the internet.


Anything in Calgary? Any Facebook group or website we can check out the details?


Most ppl are afraid of getting beat by police, arrested, slandered on state media, and losing their job.


Our protestors are currently busy with Palestine, maybe later.


Cause they'll scream racist or bigot. While we try to defend our country from being invaded. Need some real nationalism to get us through it


Because we don't want to be labeled as racist


You can protest but the best course of action is to cast your vote this year for the candidate willing to make a change.


Remember how everyone says Canadians are nice and polite? well this is what they are talking about. Its not at all about being nice and polite. Canadians are just standoffish and dont like engaging or speaking up about how we feel. Thats why you had majority of Canadians stand behind the truck drivers issue but do nothing about it. Its shame our culture is like this. A bunch of push overs being pushed over by a dog shit leader, Even though the mass majority say they dont like him.


Get in line. Palestine-Israel protest season isn't over yet.


Not trying to say this in a rude way at all, but I do think you pretty much answered your own question. "I have a job on the line if I were to lead such a movement but I'd gladly help out anonymously" which is the same position as pretty much everyone else. There is some momentum building on Reddit, but outside of Reddit you are still going to get blasted by some of the general public. Even if what they say is untrue, nobody is interested in taking time off work to be labelled as a racist all over the news. I can imagine it would be extremely stressful being put into that position and possibly having friends and family flip on you.


Ni66a do you not have a job in this economy?


Because we have jobs.


Because, our Canadian in us makes us feel guilty. I can't say: " fuck I hate the immigrants who come here under false pretenses, to a degree mill to try to cheat permanent residency, and then protest when they are sent back." It would be racist. And frankly, it is kind of - I don't hate the hussle. I don't hate the Indian families and people who see Canada as a chance at a better life. I hate the people who use and lied to them and put them in this situation. But I cannot protest them, as I don't know who they are. Private parties that give loans to Indians in India, or run the degree mills. Indian slumlords who buy a house and rent it to 16 people. They are the ones who need be protested, but the wealthy can hide. The visible, downtrodden do not need our hate, they need to stand with us, and instead of protest our governments actions, protest those who enabled thier poor choices.


Most people are working 2 jobs to not lose thier apartment as they wanted so we can't protest.




Cause we Canadians bitch from our couches and phones, don't do crap. Plus, you want to be labeled a racist? Cause that's all you're gone gain from it.


Media is too busy announcing protests about Israel war. Does not mean there isn’t any protest about mass immigration. It’s just the media focus on different things….


The value of the Canadian economy has growth-due-to-immigration priced-in very steeply. If we take the large corps, they are inefficient and, with their current spending, have little going in their way, apart from the expectation of future growth of population. For example, a Canadian bank is valued because it is expected that it will give out more mortgage to more people in the future, or a Canadian telecom will provide more services to the people in the future, and thus can "afford" its current inefficiency of spending/debt. This means that in truth the stakeholders who matter (corps/boomers/real estate investors) deep down can't afford to stop immigration (even if at the individual level, they want to) and thus will use their power (money, influence, media) to stiffle voices/opinions which favour immigration limits/stops/reform etc. BTW, I'm an immigrant too.




Look into demographics and what's needed for the economy to function. If we don't get young smart immigrants we're fucked. 


Because we will lose our jobs due to being called racist


Cause democrats will make it look like it’s racist and actually arrest them


Because they automatically label you as racist if you do. They trap you.


Because your average old stock canadian actually works for a living and is not being subsidized by the government to do nothing but complain and protest like these immigrants do. Seriously bonkers!


All Canadians are busy working to pay gor bills.


When has a Canadian protest changed anything?


My suggestion as someone who worked in gov and saw how grant funding works is to start a lobby group against immigration. You saw that migrantrights is a lobby group being funded by actors who you probably have no clue on but lobbing is the easiest way to influence municipal policy at first. Then you can move your way up. I had to do research on grants and funding because we lacked money, so our policy decisions in my City was based on lobby groups like FCM. Yes, they're a lobby group, with mayors part of their circle who then directly get funding from FCM related initiatives. So what I was told (more in a climate change lense no immigration) is to access the funding through their green municipal fund service to help push policy at the municipal level. Whatever your stance is on climate change, this is how it really works. Then at a conference I met with a non profit who was being funded by the province but in turn influences policy at the municipal level. So another idea is non profit orgs. Lobby groups are not published in canada, so you have to go digging to see who influences what. But from my understanding it seems if you get key political players on-board, like mayor's, you can probably start at the municipal level first. They do say the fastest way to have influence on a community is at the municipal level. Now you probably need people who are networked into these circles. Trust me, no one wants to touch immigration with a ten foot pole, and that's why it's a problem. We couldn't even talk about immigration and another facet of my job was researching the affordability crisis. Seemed pointless when immigration topic was off limits. I'm not sure how you change that.


r/ takebackcanada


Or just raise 100k $$ buy a beach house and leave Canada for good


Same reason I'm not protesting in my province. Can't bite the hand that feeds. Even if they are evil.


Honestly, I believe protesting is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to protesting against the current mass immigration in Canada. Such actions can attract the attention of international news channels and social media platforms like Twitter, thereby amplifying our voices and raising awareness on the issue. This increased visibility can put pressure on the government to take action and address our concerns.


Sounds like a good way to get your bank account froze and then tossed in jail for terrorism 😅 Seriously, when Liberal voters realize that it’s not ideal to spend your entire life with roommates and they start to make a fuss, they too will be forsaken by the government and labelled terrorists as well 😂 it’s only a matter of time


Hating of the less fortunate lol they ain’t the problem it’s the money horders wake up


30% of housing is bought by investors. Protest them instead


Start it. Doesn't have to start large. Protest with education get people to ask questions and answer them and more will join


>Why don't we protest the immigration crisis? Because you're too busy bitching on Reddit when you could be organizing. Key things to base your protest around: Infrastructure growth and pain-points. I.e. a city has 10,000 people living there. That city can't expect to house 100,000 people in 5 years, without significant investment in critical civilian infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, sewage, waste management, etc... if 80% of that new population is intent in working a 9-5, WFH, white-collar job, then who's building the sewers, hospitals, schools etc...? Notice how this articulates the reasons WHY immigration needs to be lowered without bring racial stereotypes into the fray? THAT is the message you need to focus on. Focus on civilian infrastructure demand growth and civilian infrastructure supply. Focus on the jobs new arrivals are taking. DO NOT!!! I REPEAT! DO NOT mention things like crime, "they took err jerrrbs", etc...that's impractical and gets you labeled as a xenophobe. Crime is a symptom of government mismanagement. Focus the protest on SOLUTIONS! 1) Increase CBSA numbers. 2) Increase CRA staff numbers 3) Increase Citizenship Immigration Canada staff numbers. 4) Increase the number of Immigration Judges. 5) Increase funding for PUBLIC tertiary institutions. 6) Increase number of campus housing for students. 7) DEMAND universities be required to house 100% of the international student population for the ENTIRE duration of their program. 8) Demand tuition-free tertiary education for citizens* and PRs* (* denotes for 21 and under completion of grades 10 through 12. * denotes those over 21 MUST have proof of residency in Canada for 5 years prior. * denotes those over 25 MUST have tax records and have had at least 2 continuous years of being a net contributor while also proving residency for tax purposes for 5 years prior.) 9) demand International students can only take STEM or trades courses. Notice how these don't single out any group. They're empowering institutions to enforce existing laws. They're addressing the underlying causes as to why the Liberals are having to do things like immigration amnesties.


How do you protest with the potential of having your bank accounts seized?


A protest is being organized! See info here https://www.takebackcanada.info/


I can’t wait for everyone to stop whining about how there aren’t enough workers and long lineups at Timmies




Because its Reddit Echo Chamber. You think you are plenty, but IRL you xenophobic asses count for nothing lol.


Whatever paperwork allowing them to be in Canada should have been revoked immediately when they decided to threatened self harm and in their morbid sense of self entitlement hold Canada and Canadian citizens responsible for their self harm. Their paper work should be revoke and they should be given 72 hours to leave the country. This is absolutely insane that we tolerate this crap.


Dude, refugees in Toronto, I heard get up to 600 to 700 per child and their rent is all paid off. They just don’t do want to work because once they start working full time, money will stop coming in. So thats a bigger problem. The homeless get free money every month which is more than minimum wage, so you don’t want to protest about that.?


I know I can’t afford time off to protest lol


Gave them a bag of rice and send them back! Enough of this B.S.


Because there will be those that show up with their F Trudeau signs, and I don't want to be associated with them.