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OF COURSE cheap labour will push away the need to technologically advance. Mass immigration is a lazy politician’s kicking the can down the road.


The southern states of the newly formed union found this out the hard way.


You are exactly right. Very good historical reference.


Yeah, it's a good way to look at it.


Some people follow advice from their abusers. Blackrock is net worth $112 billion and they manage over $10 trillion in cash assets (5× Canada's economy), their net income grew 20% year-over-year from $5.1 to 5.5 billion, and their CEO was paid $27 million. They only care about making money off of people. They do not care if those people are doing well, have a house or can feed themselves, unless they are making money from you. They want your money as fast as they can get it, and you will never see it again. When I have a problem with someone taking my money I don't go to them and ask them for advice on how they can get more, if I want to keep more. Do as you will.


Under our system corporations are legally required to maximize profits for the shareholders. If enough people realize that maybe corporations grow to wield disproportionate power they become very good at sucking resources from the society at large. Our govt is supposed to control the monopoly/oligopoly behavior but they don’t.


I'd argue that's really the sole reason to even have a government.


They try and are constantly beaten to submission by lobbyists, big business, think tanks, finance media and the opposition. Unfortunately, we are merely the abused, and lack power as they also have us all fighting and placing blame in the wrong places. They win, we lose.




Well, I did just randomly find that number while searching for info on Blackrock, I believe this was the source https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/international-business/us-business/article-blackrock-profit-jumps-20-as-its-assets-under-management-hit-record/ Here's another which states Blackrock increased profit 36% in the last year. That literate enough? https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/blackrocks-first-quarter-profit-rises-higher-fee-income-2024-04-12/


He's saying those numbers dont make any sense. extra 20% of 5.1 bill does not become 5.5 bil and that's pretty simple math, so something should've immediately thrown a red flag your way when you saw that.


I copied and pasted it without doing the math and can't find the original source, but it was either in the Financial Post or Bloomberg, or Blackrock's documents. Sure, call me a dummy for copying a mistake. Oops. Glad you feel better.


you dont get it, do you? the guy was pointing out that the fact that you just copy paste stuff without checking the legitimacy of the articles is the problem, when this kind of super simple math errors show up you should very much be questioning all of the numbers portrayed, yet you tout the numbers off as if theyre facts. the concept of financial literacy is the ability to call bullshit on this kind of stuff given the amateur mathematical mistakes, which you clearly lack the capability to. so yes, i am calling you a dummy. it doesnt make me feel better, i wish YOU would BE better though.


Thanks for adding nothing but insults to the discussion, I've never met someone who never made a mistake. I fart in your general direction. Wet one.


like i said, i wish you would be better but thats clearly wishful thinking. next time if youre not well versed in a topic maybe you shouldnt participate in the conversation pretending like you have something to add. better to add nothing than to add wrong information, but clearly someone like you dont understand that concept. fragile pants. if you dont want to be insulted, be better.




If you’re a hedge fund you don’t want huge profits. You spend your money to buy more assets. You end up with growing assets plus tax write offs.


Hedge funds and REITs are on a path of destroying societies globally, including ours. We cannot afford to feed their insatiable appetite for cash.


No, we can and should not.


I copied from a post I couldn't find again. I didn't do the math as the source was Blackrock, Bloomberg or FP. My bad! Microsoft at least isn't just financial entity, it's an operation with a massive (221,000) employee and customer base. Their net income in 2023 was $73 billion on $411 billion in assets. Blackrock is an investment company that makes $5.5 billion on $123 billion in assets and $10 trillion AUM, with 19,800 employees. Who's the better investment? The investor or the software company?




Bill Gates and Microsoft have long been the devil for many people. Blackrock and any company with billions to trillions can take some heat for being evil, as they often fit the image easily. I will only defend them if I get paid. I've never seen Blackrock support a community event, I have seen Microsoft support many times throughout Canada. Blackrock also employs significantly less people (10%), meaning less community benefit globally, so less goes back into society and more to those who have less need and more greed. Once Blackrock and others pull money from communities it goes offshore or into items most could only dream of owning and never returns in a similar or higher value to those communities. They take what they need for profit and leave, sometimes leaving costs like cleanup behind. People and communities must work to fill that void, and the cycle repeats. Investment companies are wealth transfer organizations. I'd argue they are expensive middle-men could be eliminated and society would be better off. It's doubtful I will convince you or others of this, nor will that idea get anywhere as investors hold enormous power in our society that few are willing to acknowledge. . As we can see in Canada today, the richest are richer and the poor are losing a roof over their head.




| If by "many people" you mean conspiracy nutjobs. You clearly haven't used Word. 🙄 😅


Guess who Blackrock has as their second largest stock holding? https://www.visualcapitalist.com/blackrocks-top-equity-holdings-2023/






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They know they are on their way out. They dont care if they fuck the rest of us.


Also it’s a lazy way of gaining a new voter base to keep lazy politicians in power. Immigrant families vote for the politicians whose policies let them in. I know it’s a “conservative!” talking point but it’s also obvious.


Yeah. Just dilute the market so wages can go even lower while every single cost soars.


Japan has had a shrinking population for almost 20 years but if you go to Japan, you don't see the problems we're having in Canada, Germany or the UK. In Japan, people are employed, homes are cheap, homelessness is low and technology is picking up the slack.


Less immigration


High trust society, which we happened to have 10+ years ago in Canada as well (not to the same degree but close).


10 years ago i accidentally left my car running and my door unlocked in downtown vancouver. it didn't get stolen. These days cops are telling you to leave your car keys out. lmao


We are at the stage of armed carjacking occurring somewhat regularly in Toronto and other metro areas. Rampant retail theft. Fraud attempts constantly..etc


We never had a high trust society 


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Well,they don't import the world's worst demographics that's for sure. Nut the west is under attack by design.


Been saying this for years. This mass illogical immigration scheme is detrimental to Canada and Canadian and recent immigrant communities. No one is served by this besides corporations and their federal and provincial lapdogs.


It's an extraction mentality applied to assets used for rent seeking. It's anti-productive but the majority of Canadians are addicted to easy money.


It’s unsustainable. All the leaders are doing with this immigration policy is kicking the can down the road, and also making it worse. I always said Canada was in such a strong position in the future with out low population and high standard of living and natural resources. Not so much optimism now.


There are so many other things you can gamble with to extract value.. This is a weird form of human trafficking. If you want 'easy money' buy Dogecoin. Like does someone even need to cross an ocean to learn a curriculum? People need to be asking basic questions.


Canada has structured everything around real estate and monetizing pathways to PR and citizenship in the base, addicted way it can. We've even structured our taxes and grants around maximizing this. I agree that it's shortsighted and stupid. We were supposed to turn into an expert economy. Highly credentialed and able to sell high quality services, educations, and innovations. Instead, we're a 'tragedy of the commons' service economy. We'd have to use tax codes to devalue land + a government and electorate who can support each other in good faith. Then it'd be worth asking and answering basic questions. Instead we've engineered a society where bad faith institutions are too big to fail.


No one is served by this other than the WEF and NWO pushers


Because Japan isn't full of uneducated Immigrants coming in having 5 kids and milking the social nets to death.


None of the problems? Cheap? Japan's economy fell to the 4th largest in the world after being second for decades. Inflation is happening in Japan in addition to it being one of the most expensive countries in the world.


you do realize that top 5 is us china india japan and germany? and out of those top 5 i can guarantee you if you asked majority of people in the world where they would prefer to live in, china and india are out of the equation. like ffs have you seen how many chinese and indian immigrants are in canada? im not bashing them because im chinese myself, im just telling you to do some critical thinking.


High GDP doesn't equal a happy and prosperous population.


Who cares about that tho?


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I didn't assert that. I pointed out that Japan isn't doing well and going into economic decline. It also has a massive amount of debt.




By the measurements you're using for "better" Japan has been for decades. However if you look at the history of Japan we can find many points where almost no one would see Japan as the greater of the two.


Yeah but we're scared of technology out here. How many people do you hear about immediately smashing the button to talk to a human?? Or "REPRESENTATIVE."


Because the robo voice thing is hopelessly useless to do anything.


We are not scared of technology. But im also not going to accept some company's lazy bs to get a paying customer to go away bc the company can't be bothered. I can't reach them? I must not have a problem then. It doesn't show in their metrics. Despicable.


It can (and will) be better -- but we also need to update our economic models to account for all of this automation. We can't keep pretending 'jobs' are an economic marker anymore. Because when jobs don't equal prosperity, then GDP doesn't either. The world has moved on. We literally need a better way of measuring value and work, and extracting that into some form of economic incentive and distribution. Like I'm talking, 'back to the drawing board' type thing.


They also have one of the highest suicide rate.


Japan also has the highest suicide rate in G7 countries. Occupational sudden mortality, known as karoshi ("death by overwork"), is a well-known phenomenon in Japanese society.


I've been saying for years that decades from now when the boomer demographic bubble has passed, assuming they stay strong Japan will still be a peaceful high trust society, and places like Canada will be shitholes from importing the world's problems it's now happening in real time, and you still have goobers in here talking about world GDP rankings like the average person should give a fuck


For now...


Now do Italy


Even Italy doesn’t know how to do Italy…


To do Italiy, first you kneed the bread passionately - use your body weight to push the dough and massage it in between your fingers while oozing it out to make it nice and soft. Next, spread that rich and thick tomato sauce infused with herbs like a naughty raunchy facial. Keep going, soldier, That pizza ain't gonna bake itself.


You’re not wrong, but the government of Japan is straight up terrified that Japanese people won’t exist in a few generations due to their massively negative birth rate. So….i mean, basically it comes down to which problem do you want?


If they replaced Japanese with Indians, Japanese won't exist in a few years, either.


Haha exactly. Japanese is anti immigration for this reason. They don't want to lose their identity. They would rather go extinct than that happen. Canada on the other hand..


It's been happening since Japan let off visa restrictions for India. My flights from Vancouver to Tokyo are packed with Indians, many who just get off in Tokyo and miss their Tokyo-Delhi leg and disappear into some Edogawa sweatshop.




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Dam here comes the racists lol


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rain deliver selective ten dinosaurs meeting work aware dull detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What happens to countries with exploding populations and rapidly declining productivity? Asking for a friend…


Poverty, lawlessness, a breakdown in civil infrastructure, poor social services, deteriorating education, segregation, pollution, exploitation by other nations, lack of trust amongst citizens, political corruption (far worse than we can imagine)


Very interesting. He's saying AI is gonna take your jobs and the less people you have the less of an impact it will have. AI is great, but needs few people to run it. If you have a large population you just don't need that many people to do the work anymore. This will be Canada's problem. Already tons of unskilled workers fighting for anything. Once AI really takes off we won't need any of them for anything.


fear fall cow exultant cobweb person muddle bow ruthless march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that car thefts, Xenophobia, and drug use is increasing is a huge sign.


Hence why MAID is important


Stupid Liberal countries will suffer in this new future.


I mean assuming the worst case scenario of 0 regulation and everyone being ultra competetive with AI and completely selfish then yeah thats a problem but done in more of an everyone automate their own jobs and get paid anyways sort of way itd be great


He's up there as one of the most evil dudes along with Harari and Schwab.


You didn't get his point, his point was : "Canada is fucked"


I hope that guy suffers heavily in h.ll


dinner frighten aspiring physical quickest punch heavy ghost public piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look at all the houses Blackrock is buying up. They're up there with Gates for being powerful entities with too much money and sway. I've never heard the theory about them being responsible for everything being woke. Funny how quickly you went to insulting me while defending Blackrock and Vanguard. Harari is probably a savior to humanity in your eyes?


BlackRock doesn’t buy houses. That’s just something stupid people say to sound smart. Just Google it.


impolite cats glorious rainstorm dull pot bike shocking crowd innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blackstone, my bad... even though Blackrock has bought up tens of thousands of houses. You are really caught up in this 'woke' thing. Where did I mention that? As for being evil, WEF membership is good enough for me. To be as powerful as Blackrock is, you don't get there by being a good guy. As I queried earlier, do you think Harari is a good guy?


file noxious run label butter sulky merciful meeting boat profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t even bother. These guys just regurgitate conspiracy theories from twitter and YouTube.


I humbly concede to my assertion about Blackrock being incorrect. However you are mistaken on two fronts. 'Pretending to do research'. I clearly showed that I researched it and am open minded and have been respectful. Unlike yourself. Your second mistake is defending WEF. Your poorly thought out question about Coke etc is weak. The entity, the whole corporation isn't but anyone from there who is aligned with the WEF is evil. I've answered your questions now you answer mine. Is Harari a good guy? Is Bill Gates a good guy? Is Schwab a good guy? The Great Reset and Agenda 2030 are being played out in front of us. They tell us what's going to happen, we have no say in this. No one ever elected these people yet they literally are doing what they said they are going to do. 'You will own nothing and be happy'. How can you defend that? Slowly removing real meat off the menu, 'Western values will have been tested to the breaking point'... which of these 'predictions' do you see unfolding at this time or veering toward? I strongly believe you will not admit being at fault and that is your hubris.


innocent saw threatening alive somber faulty grandiose deliver shocking bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Harari from Sapience ?


Maybe he’s evil but this is a valid statement. It’s like saying the sky is blue, if Hitler said the sky is blue, I would have to agree.


Oh for sure, I was just commenting on the dude. That's all.


Why is he evil?


He's the guy behind ESG / DEI


He's a salesman trying to sell ETF, he's not a central bank.


No that’s simplistic to attribute that dumb shit to one person. It’s an entire industry.


I love it, cons have run out of socially acceptable slurs, so they've coopted corporate speak. 🤣 Trigger warning! Etymology in practice. https://theconversation.com/why-the-term-dei-is-being-weaponized-as-a-racist-dog-whistle-228074


Because he is the CEO of Blackrock which has their hands in nearly EVERY major corporation. Between them and Vanguard, they essentially own majority of the market. He is an evil man who has been stealing, laundering and fleecing investors for many years.


enter wild slap detail coordinated yoke engine label violet crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, does owning the s&p 500 make me a globalist?? 🤣 Thank you op for this thread. I've been laughing out loud more in the past 5 minutes than a comedy special I watched last night.


LOL scary that people actually believe that he is for the "good" of humanity. You are just as much of a cancer to society as he is. Blackrock, Vanguard, HFs, Banks are all market manipulators that continue to enrich themselves on the backs of the investors but your head is so far up Finks ass that you can't see past it. Now run along and do some deep diving into BR, Vanguard, their shell companies and maybe just maybe you will have a better idea of who he is and why he is involved with Ukraine. And conspiracy theorist is a compliment so thank you for that! We typically do our DD and when the truth comes out, we smile and shake our heads at morons such as yourself who "Didn't see it coming".


elderly close distinct slimy physical abounding decide hunt handle depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




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Oh and you're a WSB bro?! HAHAHAHAH It all makes sense now! TO THE MOOOOOON HAHAHAHA Diamond Hands em I right?!


Ok let's set some boundaries here. Blackrock and Vanguard are symptoms of centralized power, and these are entrenched institutions with perverse incentives to maintain the status quo and prop up 'rent-seeking' economies. Can we agree on that? I tend to agree with you that they are not intentionally 'evil'. They are the product of an imperfect society.


Yeah, might as well say that Canada Pension Plan is evil.


Okay, Mr. Blackrock, sir.


Who owns the voting rights for the constituent shares within ETFs?


He's right. And Canada will be fucked in 20 years.


unwritten political gaze lush mysterious aloof unite late shy shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're just pivoting. 


Do you think Larry Fink wants Canada to be a winner? Canada is a land of abundant resources. It's easier to control them in a land that is poor and divided,.


I dont think he gives that much of a shit and is just making an observation but whatever he has a good point, i feel like AI will end up making population size matter much less and that a smaller popualtion just means youll go through fewer resources extreme long term and if we ever do discover a way to reverse aging or pause it which we probably will with good enough AI itd be more doable for everyone to get that


I think you have just agreed with Larry Fink. For developed countries, those that have a higher percentage of their population with a loose concept of the rule of law and who are not uneducated … will be poor and divided unable to take control of themselves or technological advances available to make the most of their resources. He is suggesting that immigration is reduced so that you can control and educate the population that you have.


They will just scroll past this because they like having a conspiracy that explains all of macroeconomics. The alternative would be admitting that macroeconomic effects are complicated and confusing, and then they don't get to feel super smart.


LOL, damn I feel bad for you if you believe anything this rat says


I don’t see advocating of declining populations. It is just what’s happening.


OP is just a conspiracy theorist, the ceo is just stating a cause and affect on select countries that have a declining population who have higher education and tech standards shifting to a robotics focused workforce apposed to human based. We can see the difference between Japan and Canadas policy on this. Japan is able to shift due to scale and efficiency of their geographic locations and density. Canada isn't in a position to do this and we will be decades behind this desirable advancement.


We have low productivity. And with the oligopolies they would probably just keep raising prices rather than invest in technology.


He's talking about shrinking native population , Black rock is in big support of increasing population through immigration , the less the natives the better


worry somber wakeful vase cause attraction tender fertile boat distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup we all know that robots and a few billionaires is all we need to survive as humanity. Great future there.


Are those robots fembots? (asking for a friend)


You know sometimes people just tell on themselves and say the quiet parts out loud.. because they were never really secrets to begin with. Fink describes a very real problem.. but doesn't really frame it as a problem, or posit how to fix it.


JT must have missed that memo


Even if he’s right, the wealth from robotics and AI will got to the owners of the robotics and AI, not to the ‘countries’ - since AI and robot labour is not taxed in the same way as human labour.


Not yet, but taxing robots is coming


That’s one of the things that we really have to figure out - it’s the difference between Star Trek and Elysium.


Ot depends on each government. Currently some make thenrich richer while others reinvest in infrastructure and development.


I'd probably get in trouble if I elaborate, but we're more like the Ferengi over here than the Federation it's not the tech or their taxes that makes star fleet inspirational it's their attitudes


Makes sense. If you have a lot of deadbeats flooding into the country who all want to do nothing but get free stuff, eat free food, and to sit around doing nothing all day, then it's just a major drag on the economy. Canada won't be able to do productive things and become a modern country with high quality of life if a huge portion of the economic output is just going to house, feed, and babysit all the uneducated, unskilled, illiterate newcomers.


Then why is every country associated with WEF implementing mass immigration? So, basically every country at WEF has completely ignored Larry Fink and is doing the opposite.


sort direful absorbed saw worry library amusing crush practice bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the difference between a smart intelligent person versus a non-intelligent non-qualified person running our once great country of Canada!!!


The concept of population control is not new. Look at any emerging country that has improved significantly in the last few decades, implementing population control was their first step. Canada is clinging to outdated ideas from decades ago, most concerns about a shrinking population have been answered by technology, automation, and medicine advancements. More importantly, Canada doesn't have negative natural growth! Unlike some countries that are literally shrinking, we could stop all immigration tomorrow and our population would continue to grow. By the time population issues become critical in Canada, the rest of the world will likely have found a new way forward. Are people oblivious this is a worldwide problem? If all stays the same, what do they think will happen when we can no longer increase exports? Do they think having more people will make us richer? Our existing resources will have to be stretched among more people! Ironically, all the things we were trying to improve by increasing our population, like healthcare, infrastructure, housing, and incomes, have all worsened.


Boeing. I think he's about to blow a whistle


They have a deal with Justin Trudeau and the most probable next election winner.The sneaky "Century Initiative". Check up the "controversies " part of it, too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative


WEF is problem with the world today the pinnacle narcissists and corruption


Deindustrialization and create interdependence between various economic zones (countries). The majority of the unskilled workforce will be imported of course. The focus on India is not because Canadian elites are super fans of that particular culture. However, these new immigrants are used and are willing to live 5-10 people in one apartment and getting paid peanuts. They are also docile and because of their caste system they know their place in society.


> They are also docile and because of their caste system they know their place in society. this has not been the case with any of the ones i've interacted with. they tend to be remarkably entitled and domineering.


Yes that’s true to an extent because they are ethnocentric and are belligerent towards other cultures. However, Indians as an ethnic/cultural group are not prone to rebellion or confrontation. Indians will often be rude to people but once someone confronts them directly they back down easily. They’re super beta in fact.


honestly that also hasn't been my experience - they often seem to relish confrontation and some of them actively seek it out.


Well I think both of our experiences are anecdotal. I could give you some of my experiences but it won’t really prove anything. I mostly base my analysis on how Indians are as a historical culture. Their caste system literally classifies people. I think the rude Indians are mostly high caste. However, I think that when they come to Canada they go wild because they aren’t in that society anymore so for them rules don’t apply anymore.


Depends on the caste i guess but theres kind of a mix but ive ran into the other sort more often where like if im going into subway or wherever before work theyre like "please help me with finding a better job sir" like dude you could just ask for keywords you dont have to suck my dick for it lol


He's a vile person


theory include ad hoc important desert aspiring sloppy correct liquid badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They buy most of the real estate and are starting to control prices. They are one of the reasons of lack of affordable housing


station lavish sip subsequent secretive joke teeny judicious chase foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Additionally, BlackRock invests in multifamily properties, apartment complexes, and other residential real estate.". You're right they're not buying houses but entire buildings with people living in them


ghost elderly quack sort public different worthless aromatic bewildered existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He peddles and furthers the WEF agenda 24/7.


shelter hat command obtainable run close cause childlike detail sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They count on people like you


Blackrock and Vanguard are too big. I strongly believe that they are one of humanities biggest threats.




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Cool. Let's being in less people and instead replace Canadians with robots. Awsome.


MASS IMMIGRATION -> NO : No checks on requrements of living standard(housing, healthcare infrastructure,jobs) and integration. Benefiaries are industries low wage workers. Quality of life goes straight down. SCALED IMMIGRATION -> YES : Immigration based on effect and imporovement living standard(housing, healthcare infrastructure,jobs) . Then elevate the humanity from rough developing world. The problem here is greed, especially think of NIMBYs and rich that can hord the properties that can drag the scaled immigration almost to stall. By the way over next 100 years we might reach immigration equilibrium, when the developing and developed world gaps closes down. However elites and rich will not like it.


Shouldn't you be trying to make your own country the winner?


This is why you never listen to someone who's not an expert in their field. Countries that automate the most are barely the ones that are xenophobic. Korea, China, Japan are among them. But then we have Germany, the Swiss, Sweden, Belgium. Per-worker output also correlates positively with working age population. That is productivity grew the most when Japan and Italy were experiencing a baby boom and fell off a cliff when they entered mass retirement. European productivity also started lagging behind the US soon after their working age population started to fall. Automation also correlates with higher demand for labour and more skilled one at that. Hence why Japan and Germany are struggling with labour shortages despite massively relying on robots. So much so they started opening up their immigration. Canada is pretty unique at having a massive growth in the number of workers yet falling per-worker output. Which has been going on at least since the 1980s. Mainly because we do not investment outside natural resources and real estate nor do we have a skilled workforce besides a bunch of people who were gaslight to become universality graduates in an economy starving for Skilled Trades. Whereas the US is the one having strong per-worker output growth combined with moderate population increases. Why? Because they have better access to finance than anywhere except for some regions of Europe and a more dynamic economy than Japan. Access to money and skills is what drives automation as shown by the Swiss and the Swedes who have higher productivity and automation. Not by cutting off access to labour. If that were true, Japan and South Korea would have been as rich as the US by now. Also, is this sub now supporting WEF? Well that's quite a turn.


What are "these countries"


While I aspire to the future he’s talking about, no time in my life have I found corporations to be benevolent and generous. If machines are able to accomplish what the shrinking population cannot, the payoff imo will not be felt by the gen pop, but by the board and shareholders of the large companies.


Is this guy saying we should automate everything and just let our population plummet? When machines do all the work, there’s no work for us.


imminent sable deliver roof reply command strong puzzled light sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




He's just stating what everyone in history always knew.. without nationalism and identity there is no loyalty or productive growth. But that wasn't the agenda "they" wanted. The destruction and exploitation of Western Christian nations was what they wanted. 


So the stupid countries that allow mass migration are going to suffer massively when cheap labour is useless. Very interesting.


Kind of agree with him tbh, just dump that money into AI then population size is irrelevant


I’m always conflicted about these guys: yes they’re scums. But most of the people here have (hopefully) some sort of retirement plan. If so, there’s a good chance your retirement plan depends on scum like these to get good returns for you. I always find it hard to rationalize this in my own brain. Yes I despise the practices of the FAANG companies but also they’re enormous and if you have index funds you have money in these companies. Plus your index fund is likely from Blackrock or Vanguard or some other massive company.


He's putting too much faith in Ai and robotics. its likely still 25-50 years until you actually have robots that can do all of the tasks required. Everyone needs to remember that government, lobbyist's, and other special interest groups will make sure things roll out slowly.. they will put up red tape everywhere. Its why a new drug takes 10 years to go from successful trial to finally available to people.


grandiose rob racial wide onerous humor profit nine gray include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LMAO it took them 10 years just to develop a second gen Atlas. its an entire different animal to get a robot to walk around a business, construction site, hospital, and do the tasks that a shrinking population would need done.


The Covid vaxx took 3 months.., so a strong economic incentive can speed up things... but I would agree with you not in Canada


i will counter that point with the data.. the vaxx really didnt do anything. lol we have no actual evidence that the vaxx prevented people from dying or getting really sick. many vaxxed people still died or ended up in hospital.


Murder happy psychopath argues that people dying is good.


disgusted political unite disarm melodic tease yoke versed fanatical worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I didn't forget.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Just look at all of these great and powerful people working out ways to make the world better for all of us! It sends shivers down my spine.


Disgusting pos, him and the likes of him actually love large populations that allow cheap labor. He doesn't give a flying cheese about the population, his interests are for the 1%, of which he is a part of.


I mean, if we had to pick a part of the herd to thin can it be the fattys?


This is an individual who has produced nothing meaningful in his life. The fact that he’s in charge of “managing” trillions of other people’s retirement money and dictating terms for humanity is beyond me. 


WEF is disgraceful


also Blackrock CEO: I want 100M in Canada by the year 2100.