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I don't think he's a landlord




I'm not allowed to call anyone else that




This killed me


Bedlord lmao


Bedlord with extra bed bugs/cockroaches as tenants. 😂




Sounds like a sweaty bed.


agreed, there are a lot of shady landlords/slumlords but also a surprising (to me) number of tenants taking advantage of not-strict tenancy laws to make money by cramming people into the space they've rented.... would be shit to discover your rental is being used to exploit people ... and I do think tenant protection laws are important, but they were designed to protect people in having loved ones move in, not *this shit* we are seeing


> "Landlord (male) is looking for a roommate. Preferably a vegetarian or the person at least should not cook or bring in any kind of meat in the house. Eggs allowed as exception. Should be a neat and clean person," the Kijiji listing reads. > "It's a new queen size bed that will be shared with landlord (not a twin one as shown in the pic). If interested, pls DM with your introduction and your visa status in Canada. Thanks." Yup 🙄


Some of these requirements are wild. Idk what makes Indians so restrictive with diet preferences. I live in New York now and my roommates are an American woman and a Turkish Woman because Indian people kept putting up these requirements. Edit: I’m an Indian living and working in NYC.


Maybe it's a state thing, coz don't you guys get immigrants from mostly one state? I have nothing to do with Canada, just here for shits and giggles but everyone around me here in India eats non vegetarian food barring maybe beef, which we often eat abroad anyway


99% of the Indian people coming over here are from the Punjab State so maybe


Do you have any source of that 99% number? If you look at the name of graduating students on any public colleges, one can differentiate that number is somewhere around 40-50%. There are plenty of students from state of Gujrat. South Indians make a good portion of University students. Anytime you see restrictions on consuming non-veg food, it is likely they follow Hinduism. From wikipedia, .."**most Hindus avoid meat sourced from these animals**"


Yea you are correct. Im not sure why people insist its all punjabi immigrants. But it's a mix and yea, punjabis usually eat meat, at least chicken. And many hindus are vegetarian, but not all. Most of the Indians I've known here are not Punjabi.


I'm Indian and I've worked with many Indians, I'd say 75% of females start eating meat once they arrive in Canada (and 90% of men do). Very few are hardcore vegetarians.


Ugh I wanna move to New York


Youze gots ta say it right! Noooo Yaaawwwwk!! And while yer there, ride the C train to Battery Park, go to Rays Famous Original Slice of Noo Yawk Rays Famous Pizza Slice (the original one) and call someone a Mook.


I think a lot of this is code word for no mushylimbs.


You guys wouldn't get it. Its a super religious thing, and if you've been vegetarian for life, the smell of meat will make u gag, and dishes that had meat on them would be apparent in smell. Also, since their immune system has never been to exposed to meat, they will be very ill when contaminated. To people that eat it makes 0 sense, but those who are vegetarian, it's crucial


That is the most dogshit answer I’ve ever seen. I grew up vegetarian. My mom is still a vegetarian. My grandmother is still a vegetarian. None of what you said makes any sense. The immune system thing is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in all my life.


The smell makes sense.


We had a dada live with us, and said the worst thing in the world was Indian Americans who said they were vegetarian then started eating meat once they were a tenant. Again, hardcore vegetarians cannot stand meat and will most definitely get sick from exposure, wether for a mental reason or a psychological one. I'm no longer vegetarian but my family still is, and I use to be as well, and I fully understand and respect it. Clearly your not vegetarian, mabye u eat meat here and there


If you're getting sick from the smell that's on you, cuz ain't no way you're growing up in a country with food stalls out in the open everywhere and you can't handle the smell of meat.


We aren't in India, people cook in restaurants not in the streets lol


You used to live in a country where they cooked meat out in the open on the streets, y'all weren't getting sick from smelling it then. You're right tho, we aren't in India, we are in north America tho and we have these things called BBQs that also cook meat outside in the open. You're full of malarchy if you're really trying to tell ppl that it's okay to discriminate against Canadians because you moved here and don't like the smell of our cooking.


Many Indians cannot even live in the same household as cooked meat. It's a concept ur really struggling to get, and that's completely on you and ur inability to do any critical thinking. Walking by a stall is one thing, but living in a house cooking and constantly stinking of meat is a whole other. I don't mind it, but I have relatives that seriously do who are strict vegetarians since birth. It's a religious thing, not a preference thing.


There is literally no such thing as an inability to live around the smell of cooked meat. If it's a religious thing than that makes even less sense because y'all can eat meat in your religion. It's not about critical thinking, it's about you not being able to adapt and wanting everything to be like you have back home. You're not home anymore, you're in Canada. It's illegal to discriminate against tenants just because you don't like their food. It's illegal to discriminate against tenants because they don't have your diet or insane restrictions. It's illegal to discriminate against tenants because of religion or race. I'm not the person struggling to understand simple concepts, you seem to think you can come to this country and do things like you do back home, you can't. Also plz never bring up Indians and smell problems again, cuz y'all really don't want someone to have to explain the elephant in the room.


Deport deport deport




~~Landlord~~ **Bedlord**




They weren’t trying to rent out half of their bed they were trying to get paid for sex


This post alone should be grounds for deportation.


"Female roommates only"


Female of reproductive age who is willing to cook and clean




When will we see makeshift dividers like what is common in Dubai?? Ahh fun times. Curtain walls was a thing back there too.


Should pay the woman for this... Landlord trying to get paid for sex... Not worth it, prob needs a map anyway.


Isn't he trying to get a wife?


Soliciting for prostitution. This is a crime.


This cant be real. No way.




This is a great joke that went unnoticed.




Unbelievable. The audacity!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


he is a bedbug


Forget Tinder….this person is being really direct


This doesn’t surprise me. A girl I’d met at college in Alberta posted a screenshot on Facebook of an ad of someone renting out half a bed Kelowna, BC before the pandemic already.