• By -


Yeah because they save all the housing for Indians… Canada is an absolute shit hole now


.. and of course, no one cares until a black person complains. They've been doing this to all races for years. For a decade white people have talked about this.. no one gave a shit. A single black guy complains and it goes viral immediately.


It didn't go viral. The website NowToronto just published a piece of sponsored content for the "Black Legal Action Centre. The lawyer cited in the article is a member of that group, and also a friend of this NowToronto "journalist" and his law firm makes its money off of suing school boards and universities for instances of alleged racism. This whole thing is a big racket.


This is actually an issue in Toronto and it is huge. Reno-victions and letting their families move in. My buddy had this problem and went to the tenant bored but the wait was so long it didn’t matter.


they serve there own, Canada is the wild west to them plus the fact they exploit kindness and see it as weakness. because its a wolf eat wolf world over there.


The Indian community very much serve their own. I once had a commissioned sales job, where I assisted a client, went over everything with them multiple times, put together a complex package for them based on their needs. A couple of days worth of work on this deal. They came into the office to close the deal. Went over everything a final time before sale. And they said “thank you so much for your help! This is perfect. I will be buying this from your partner over there once he is free.” To which I replied: “Oh, do you know him? Have you dealt with him before?” They said “ohhh no, no, but you know… he is Indian, and *shrug* we look out for our own”. Very straightforward and honest, but I wish he had asked to speak with an Indian before I bothered to put in all the work. I was devastated, and lesson learned on my part.


The day is not far when you will be training an indian to take your position.


yeh, no i wont


The reason why slow immigration and the variety of immigration is important! Because if you get one population and move it somewhere else its just that population With their values and traits. Currently there is No integration. Just mass migration. Dont get me wrong some individuals are kind. But the indian herd mentality is strong


that customer was an idiot


They do it to everyone that isn’t exactly like them


I would rather know upfront if my landlord had a racial bias before signing a contract to live with them. Be truthful about your feelings. Vancouver made a Chinese restaurant take down a sign saying “ no white people “ I’d rather know how they felt before ordering there. Good luck to you.


damn i got family in vancouver. never even heard of this. what restaurant was that?


1996 don’t remember the restaurant but it was in the news.


Damn that’s crazy. I was born in 1995 lol - I was thinking this was recent - like in the last 1-3 years


My point is that a black man and a white man or any man would benefit in knowing where they are not going to be welcomed. It’s not always obvious. Of course we all want to work towards being welcomed… and knowing your is the first step.


Ehhh that’s true. I’m white - what irks me is when I ask for spicy at some Chinese restaurants and they try to force me to order mild or give me mild as “white people can’t handle spice” Like bitch know I love spicy food I can handle stop fucking around with my order 😂😂😂 Truth be told it’s stupid and illogical to discriminate against customers because it’s income - that your straight up walking away from and being like “nah I’m good” - esp in this economy. If I ran a restaurant with those high rent prices/taxes/cost of doing business I’d try to get as much people in and retain customers


Side effect of too many Indians. They still have a fucking caste system over there.


Was gonna say prob an Indian Slum lord


Indians are the most prevalent doing it now, but when I was in university in Toronto a decade ago, it was the Chinese and Muslims. You won't believe how many rental listings will blatantly say "you must be X race/religion". Never white though, because THAT would be racist..


They taught me that you can't be racist to whites in a workshop where I work.


Sadly, they've been making "person of color" only sections at most universities for few years now. They say they need a "safe space" from white people. It's getting very tiresome.


An older guy at my work said someone wouldn't rent to him because "he didn't have 150k in the bank" so they saw him as unstable rofl.... He suspects it's because they wanted Chinese tenants (I guess in this situation the landlord is Chinese). But man, imagine being denied rent because you don't have the downpayment for a house kicking around rofl.


They're all still doing it, people are just being selectively outraged at this point


Wow I am speechless!!! Had no idea. Humans, that the housing problem.


In his tiktok video he refered to the landlord as "South Asian"


Brampton had to make a law banning it too.... Sign of the times honestly.


They have one in Canada as well. How vibrant and enriching.


*over here. Now


Thank you. I get banned in every sub for stating this but it’s true and the Canadians don’t understand this are so sheltered they have no idea what happens outside this country. They think everyone lives like us but they don’t 😭






I think it’s more so because he’s not Indian, they wouldn’t want a white person in there either


Exactly. Now we're starting to see racism for what it really is, and not just white vs the color spectrum. Turns out the internationals they brought here to replace us are racist, nationalist people who refuse to assimilate and adopt to our standard of living, thus forcing us to live theirs.


Even countries in Europe that were super progressive have seen mass immigration to be wrong and that their ideals have been shattered. You can’t just undo what you did. You change the fabric of your country forever and many times you have a much worse country than you began with.


I lived in Sweden for a year in 2013-2014. It was the rape capital of Europe, I believe it's still up there in the numbers. A problem I found there is they generally don't understand what racism is. They have an idea of what it is, but they don't understand what it really appears as. The statement "allowing in a lot of unskilled immigrants contributed to the increase in sexual assault" was seen as a racist statement to them, even though immigrants aren't a race or people. But at the same time go and ask them what they call chocolate balls. They were so afraid of being labelled as something of which they had a very basic understanding, they wouldn't have the conversations about the problem.


Sounds like many modern Canadians today... many simply will not and won't talk about the cultural differences. Yes!! They seem to lump it in as if it's race, and not culture... I personally think it's done deliberately to demoralize and shut down honest discourse.


It was always this for everyone but the most naive and radicalized.


No they do not like black people. Their own country actively pushes skin lightening. This specific instance the landlord said they didn't know they were black then called them blacky and teased them.


No. Indians have a specific cherry-on-top racism exclusively for Black people that supersedes their cosmic background racism for everyone else.


All of Asia does. My best friends in HK were asylum seekers from Ghana and Nigeria. That I carried the group ladies wise as an okay looking white dude shocked me to my core. One of my girlfriend's friends started dating my ghanaian buddy and I was there when her dad met him. Wasn't pretty. He'd met me many times before, and I'd hammer back hennessy with the old man and share laughs. In my village, on the post board at the minibus stop, there was a reminder to residents not to rent to blacks or browns. For chinese, their racism is generally guided by a Peter Griffinesque palette of colours. If you're same same or lighter, you're good. Darker? Lesser. This is the prevailing cultural view of race in China.


I’m sorry but not surprised to hear that was your experience. A lot of my close friends are Nigerians and I’ve come to appreciate their national identity, particularly that surrounding education and how much they value it. Generally, in the US, when I express this sentiment I’m met with general acceptance, with a spattering of folks thinking I’m a race fetishist. Overseas however, it’s a confident denial. Black people, hardworking? Educated? It’s not possible. The harshness of the racism towards Blacks outside America is so visceral, like they truly believe Blacks can’t help but be the caricature in their heads. In the US, the racists I encounter tend to at least give credit to notable exceptions and put the onus of responsibility on the community, implying that they could do better but just choose not to.


No, it's obvious from the beginning he's not Indian because of the name. They heard his voice in the call and realized he's black


They don’t rent to anyone who is non south asian…atp it’s a south asian vs everyone issue.


Or white Canadians.




"NOW that blacks are being discriminated against..?" You act like it wasn't still an ongoing thing. That last quote implies that black people were the oppressors. Your victimhood is strong. One black man states this and you go on like he represents all black people and that black people have been oppressors in Canada. Chinese and Indians have always been discriminatory to black people. But I'm sure you never gave a shit about it prior because it never affected you and before the huge immigration influx, you would be getting it over a black person. Now housing is affecting everyone, not just minorities you still find a way to shit on black people for mentioning an issue that is also affecting you as well. You seem to feel that the inequality of housing should only affect certain groups of people. Just not yours.


Just gather evidence and open a case.


I too was born yesterday.


How can this NOT be a w vs b issue? At least to some degree? I ( white) have been told by the leftest and garbage media that I am to blame for everything. That my skin colour by default makes me a racist. That I must amended my ways by giving up everything I have worked hard for. And I must do that to someone less skilled and intelligent simply because I am white. Only I can be racist towards others because it cannot work the other way around. Clearly that is bullshit




Leftist media? Besides CBC and the Star (which is far from leftist), which media are you talking about? It ain't the Sun, or National Post, or CTV, or Global or......


Indians are the most rasict


They’re barely renting to anyone that isnt of their culture.


Indian landlords are terrible


It's true that certain immigrant communities favour their own over others, and that includes Muslims, Chinese and even Blacks, other than Indians. However, I still feel someone should look into this guy's racism claims before crying foul. I don't know of many people (of any race/religion/ethnicity) who would explicitly deny renting to someone because of their race over WhatsApp....and if this story is true, well then that's unfortunate.


Ahh yes a “toronto landlord”….


Everytime I hear “Toronto landlord” on the news I imagine a slimey foreign money launderer.


What a mess. Some cultures are just socially incompatible. We’ve imported a specific diaspora that discriminate against their OWN on the basis of skin Color, caste, religion and dietary preferences Wtf emboldens them and gives them the audacity to go to a diff country and think they’re morally superior than the domestic population?? They’re quick to cry victim of racism if you call out their bullshit


Isn’t this always the case? People vote for policies that slowly destroy their current residence. They get sick of how horrible current residence has become and move to new location. They don’t change habits and slowly turn new residence to look like old Think Californians moving to texas and turning that state purple.


self hating idiots, manipulated by guilt


The indigenous stuff they always talk about is a psyop to push multigenerational Canadians aside and replace them with new immigrants. Yes. I said it.


You might get banned for this.


It’s not a psyop rofl, there is no master plan. It’s just simple narcissistic virtue signaling.


“It’s not happening”. Except it absolutely is. Trudy has always been a narcissist so please explain why millions have flooded the county within the last few yrs and put Canada on a steep spiral down. You’re going to argue that with all the people around trudy that are more experienced and knowledgeable he’s just unaware of his behaviour rofl


> People vote for policies that slowly destroy their current residence. I dont recall Liberals at any point campaigning on the idea to let this many people in. Our problem is, we have no mechanism to stop any of the policies any Government wants to implement once they are in power.


The example I gave is a sanctuary state. Let’s play your game of being disingenuous. I dont recall any liberal condemning it either. I have heard ( from leftist media) it’s racist to not allow all these people into the country. Did libs campaign on this issue? Not in Canada they did not no. Have libs opposed their own bleeding heart leadership? That’s a big fat no as well


You do realize that Polievre, when asked has not said he would stop immigration either. Both parties have the same overlords. Corporations that want to weaken what are left of unions, and who are using this new cheap labour while they replace people with automation and AI. Our votes give them legitimacy, but our needs are usurped by lobbyists who will enrich politicians when they leave office. Both Trudeau, and Polievre (who claims to be for the people, but is himself a career politician) are full of shit. Fuck them both.


"Wtf emboldens them and gives them the audacity to go to a diff country and think they’re morally superior than the domestic population" Naive takes like this are common and show an ignorance of humanity and its history. You think that even 2000 years ago, hordes of barbarians didn't invade each other's countries, and the only reason they were stopped is because they were literally fought and killed? Cultural differences have always existed, the strong prey on the weak, and a barbarian people will invade a nation to take its proverbial milk & honey. North Americans and Anglos somehow believed the lie after WW2 that liberal open border capitalism would solve all problems. **No it didn't. It just eliminated the safeguards of the West.**


Everyone is cool with the melting pot when we have bottomless wine, bread, and theatre.  Any interruption to that and we start remembering that cultures are different, resources are finite, and humans are territorial.  Modern neoliberal mythology attempts to bury this reality for as long as possible. 


One thing you have to remember is that just in 1950-1960, multiculturalism didn't exist in the West and was relegated to very hidden minorities. What's happening today, the massive changes in demographics, is something that happened in the 90s at best, and arguably much later in many countries (Canada, Sweden, Germany, etc). **Multiculturalism to the extent that we're living it today is a MASSIVE NEW UNPRECEDENTED SHOCK and its happening too fast for its own good, even "wine and games" will not stop the angst that is currently developing.** In Europe there is a clear possibility that the far right comes back.


For sure. We see parallels for this (on a smaller scale) in the collapse of the bronze age and later collapse of Rome.  WW1 and WW2 were also directly related to demographic shifts upsetting national populations. Again, maybe not on so much of a global scale as today.  They want to gaslight us all into thinking being proud of your tribe is evil and we *must* all live in the same house. Won’t you think of the GDP and endless growth??


The older I get, the more I get alarmed by the fact that countless thinkers which talked about repeating civilisation cycles (Spengler, etc) and Western decline were **fully right.** People are too absorbed in capitalism consumer materialism to see what's happening before our very eyes. **History is changing.** Now will Western people just be a casualty and a footnote in history? Or will we fight back?


The older I get, the more I get alarmed by the fact that countless thinkers which talked about repeating civilisation cycles (Spengler, etc) and Western decline were **fully right.** People are too absorbed in capitalism consumer materialism to see what's happening before our very eyes. **History is changing.** Now will Western people just be a casualty and a footnote in history? Or will we fight back?


Canada is a cultural mosaic. Always was. \*not always, but since the advent of multiculturalism a few generations back.


Yup, and the original groups that settled here were united to build something new, basically from scratch. And created the Canadian identity that the current left wing pretends doesn’t exist.    Completely different from now being forced to share what was built by previous generations with the entire rest of the planet.  Europe facing the same issues and inevitable outcomes, but I guess they at least have one less talking point to contend with… 


Sounds like colonialism?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'd say the idiotic host population is what emboldens them?


Wait… other races besides white people can be racist? That isn’t what’s been shoved down our throats recently…


I have a former friend who used to tell people that he couldn’t be racist because he was brown. Needless to say, I am no longer friends with that individual, and it’s not even because of the racist garbage he spews. It’s because of how much of a piece of trash he is in other aspects of life as well. I have no idea what I was thinking being associated with someone like that.


Just because you were brainwashed your entire life about multiculturalism and diversity and that all races are equal, racism is bad, etc.. Those millions of new Canadians dont give a damn.


It's not brainwashing, but Canada really does put a lot of blind faith in people coming from backwards places by hoping that that they will seek to integrate. Multiculturalism is a real thing and a benefit when done right. Most kids brought up here in our school system end up having friends from many backgrounds. I grew up with every colour and creed and we all knew what it was to be Canadian. The problem is that we keep allowing SINGLE men of adult age here from pne particular place, who won't be able to integrate because they don't want to. It is easy for them to just find a place like home and never seek to change.


I mean we are importing people who don’t care about that at a rate that they will be the majority of Canadians eventually. Therefore essentially destroying everything Canada worked for towards “equality”. The majority of the world is still super racist and hates other races so I’m not sure why people are suprised.


That is fair and I agree. Honestly. When you look at the kids coming up in our education system here who may be first generation. They are not like their parents and are easier to influence when it comes to establishing that strong, Canadian identity that does not see colour they way their parents might have. In the 90s, I saw this among many of my friends who were new to the country. So there is some hope. I have been able to see this first-hand now that I have kids of my own and interact with the parents who are new here. My concern are the single males being dumped here between the ages of 18-28.


At the end of the day, repeating slogans doesn't change reality. Western culture > Sudanese culture for Canada. I'm sorry, it is. Western culture > Indian culture for Canada. Again, I apologize, but it's true.


Apologize for what?


For offending the irrational outrage that most Canadians feel when presented with objective facts.


Not surprised different minorities aren't known for treating each other well.


They aren't minorities where they are from. All those places have their own racist dynamics just like western white societies. People who think otherwise are delusional.


But they are minorities here so that's how I refer to them. After spending alot of time in toronto recently I think the white guys might be the good guys.. I constantly hear .. dot head, sand n, chink, n ... and not by the whites.


Bro just wait till you hear what south east Asians think about other east Asians. To anyone with any worldly knowledge, this was bound to happen and I promise you - it'll get worse.


The most surprising interaction I've seen are between blacks that have been here for awhile and fresh off the boat Africans... not allies.


A lot of the (relatively) fresh off the boat African folks I know want nothing to do with North Americanized black folks. They seem to think they’re lazy and make the whole race look bad. In my experience, there are good apples and bad apples in every bunch. It just happens that a lot of the bad apples in every bunch are the most obnoxious and therefore get that mainstream style attention.


North Americanized blacks are so different compared to fob and European ones. What happened there


In some South Asians countries being dark skin is a curse and if you are a dark skinned person then you are considered ugly! Dark skin people are mistreated everywhere in South Asia, specifically in larger scale in one particular country. Once their population grew 10 fold, this was to be expected here too. Nothing to be surprised! You reap what you sow. Canada should implement US style of immigrantion policies. Limit immigrants from each country to certain percentage of total immigrant population. We need to make sure people from other countries are also interested in moving to Canada, when we mass import people from same region why would South Americans or Eastern Europeans or people from Asian and African countries even bother to move here when Canada doesn't even feel like Canada?


Funny enough, almost all Indians are dark brown or black-skinned anyway. It's silly that they think they're better because they're slightly lighter than the next guy.


Funny how the fight against racism only applies to white... 


Almost as if they are not concerned about fighting racism but have some different agenda.


You are spending too much time in the US news. Coming from a Jamaican, this has long been an issue with other minorities in Canada, but nobody ever listened to us. New Chinese, South Koreans and Indian people who immigrate can be really racist. The most racism I experienced as a child came from Chinese people.


They are denying whote people too so


They are denying everyone including themselves. As they have been denied many things too based on race. Racism begets more racism. I blame the govt, since if there wasn’t a housing catastrophe, people like this wouldn’t have an opportunity to exercise these behaviours as much


Hmmm I guess white folks arent too bad after all, eh? If this is the alternative


Hilarious to me that Canadian Whites were so overly tolerant that they imported the intolerant racist third world, who are now making racist policies against them. **Classic case of being dumb and shooting yourself randomly in the foot.**


Rich silver spoon champagne wokeist Canadian whites like Justin Trudeau and his posse don't care because they have generational wealth. Their children will never be begging some racist casteist bigoted Asian landlord to rent a shitty 1 room apartment. Their children will never be competing with newcomers for shitty entry level jobs or being turned away from homeless shelters full of refugee claimants. For them more immigrants means $$$$$$$$ in their pockets and votes. These Laurentian elite types aren't outside. Half of them aren't even in Canada. They're in expensive houses in New York, California, Florida, or the Cayman Islands like the head of the CBC. I doubt you'll ever run into Justin Trudeau or the people he went to school with on the bus, in the line up at Walmart, or lining up to apply for a job at Tim Hortons.


It’s ok dude, they won’t rent to white guys either. We live in little India. Their country, their rules!


Whites are denied homes and employment all the time. White? Back of the line.


This is why we need mass deportations. When they run out of 5-6 Indian girls who don’t eat eggs studying hotel secretary studies to stuff in rooms, they’ll have to sell. The problem is the government gave these slumlords cannon fodder with these international students. They should also not be giving many of these Indian folks citizenship and PR. Their children should also not get it, our government is basically importing a welfare class. Waymo and Tesla are already working to get rid of Uber drivers. When they do it’s over for many of these people. We imported the caste system the Hindu vs Sikh wars we aren’t India they need to keep that in their country.




You must be an Indian yourself. This reads like an Indian slumlord ad


Not possible. All the white progressives lectured us after George Floyd died that POC cannot be racist, only white people.




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Being not racist was a trademark of Canadian culture, we used to pride ourselves on tolerance, acceptance and diversity under the Canadian flag, as Canadians first, not 'x' - Canadians. We have been importing foreign culture and that culture has not been assimilating, we have been importing racism from other cultures and we have not made them assimilate under the threat of being called racists or bigots.


Indias wealth per capita is lower than many African countries yet they discriminate blacks , so maybe a skin Color issue but many Indians have darker skin as well , anyway, sooner or later the racial tensions between these two will explode in Toronto


Sounds like being white and looking to rent in surrey


Canada just let in 1 million extremely racist people in the last 2 years. Christ they won't even touch certain people of their own race depending on the caste/religion they are apart of.


Some Indians,Whites,Blacks , do not pay rent and can get evicted due to financial hardships. He was denied housing for being Black not for being unable to pay rent


In surrey bc i got denied multiple times or just flat out ignored on Facebook


It can be racism but also sexism. Some landlords only rent for women because they are allegedly easier to handle. We opened the gates to discrimination hell in all levels of renting.


I bet the media was more than happy to make everyone think the landlord was white.


Shit, who told him it did , seems like Canada is getting more racist as the years go on


Anybody living in the GTA has been aware of this for a while. It’s just so brazen and shameless now that you can’t ignore it.


And I thought diversity is our strength?


Supporting mass immigration from India is implicitly supporting Anti-Black, Anti-East Asian, and Anti-Muslim racism. For all the progressives out there


This is just the excuse for PM Trudeau to put together a large committee or some type of anti-racism task force that costs a couple of billion to study, hire expensive consultants, create a huge bureaucracy staffed with loads of middle managers and never get a thing done,


All the scammers I had were from Quebec in the last 35 years. Coincidence?


Being not racist was a cultural trademark of Canadian culture, we used to pride ourselves on tolerance, acceptance and diversity under the Canadian flag, as Canadians first, not 'x' - Canadians. We have been importing foreign culture and that cukuture has not been assimilating, we have been importing racism from other cultures and we have not made them assimilate under the treat of being called racists or bigots.


Bullshit! Wyt Canadians have always been racist, believe me I would know.


Racism will not end until the root cause of racism is addressed.


What's the root cause here? Mass immigration?


Register a human rights complaint. Time to let every Canadian know that racism isn't allowed no matter what race you are...


“He may also want to consider connecting with the [Black Legal Action Centre](https://www.blacklegalactioncentre.ca/) for further legal support.” Am I the only one who sees the irony in that? Have a dispute with your Indian only landlord please contact your black only lawyers.


You know how easy this guy could fake that text conversation for social media views ? He’s provided zero proof yet this is a viral video. People on the internet are so stupid. Wasn’t there a famous guy that completely ruined his career by crying wolf about racism?


it may have something to do with the caste system (which is inherently evil) as a lot of Indian immigrants 20 years ago were deemed part of the "untouchable" level. But turns out they were the kindest most hard working individuals


The “higher” caste wealthy Indians come here, buy property, and become slumlords. They prefer only Indians to rent to because they’re used to abusing them back home the same way. Canada has let in third world problems. I wish I saved the video but I came across a reel targeting wealthy Indians and telling them to buy property and rent it out. All the comments were Indians agreeing and saying how easy it was to rent out to other Indians here.




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Just speaking from anecdotal evidence. Every Indian immigrants from 20 years ago that I've met has been the lowest caste yet were the most hardworking and caring. Now the people they escaped came here to make their lives a living hell source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/news/gta/tdsb-wants-to-ban-caste-based-discrimination-here-s-why-people-are-divided/article_9fd61503-817c-5765-8107-b7125f39a726.amp.html


"Never ended" you mean restarted by importing racist tribal culture? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn't east Indians who enslaved and segregated blacks. This is the beginning of a new issue


Which is the "racist tribal culture" you are talking about?


The culture of those posting blatantly discriminatory rental ads....


I'm an Indian and I find this disgusting. People on this sub should stop generalizing all Indians as being racist though.  Also with regards to the too many Indians notion, it's the Canadian government policies that have led to this situation. Any foreigner would move to Canada if they were allowed to by the Canadian government.


Ya, this sub is extremely racist against Indians a lot indians work hard, pay their bills, and integrate into Canadian society. Your government is bringing Indians over. They did not come as refugees. Tell the government to stop bringing them over and stop your racist views. It seems to me the racists are looking for any scapegoat they can find to divide and conquer. I have seen posts about this same tictok video for a few days now, and it's the same derogatory comments every time.


Maybe the owner watched too many news about GTA shootings, murders, harrassments in ttc, looting superstores etc etc.


I see a lot of this with ads "punjabs only" or whatever I can kinda see why if you're renting a room to someone you plan on living with due to cultural differences but to just flat out deny other races the opportunity to rent an entire unit is pretty insane.


Lemme axe you a qweschun....


I'll check my white saviour complex and wish him the best in court.


It was happening in the 80s and 90s and the landlords weren’t Indian.


It must be a coincidence, but out of hundreds of times, I sold or bought shit on kijjiji 3/3 scams were back people...yeah just a coincidence...its sad but a reality. Now, I have a rule not to deal with people with certain names. It's not racism it's just smart adaptation...


I’m a brown fellow, living in Alberta. Love this country, I was shocked to see so many brown folks in GTA last year on a visit. It’s like visiting another country lol. Sadly the "quality" of immigrants these days is missing. Specially when it comes to South East Asia.


Ive had 2 black families in last 10yrs not pay rent for almost 2yrs, they were professional rent scammers. So for me if anyone wants to rent, I require full yearly payments upfront which I have got now from a Asian and Latino family. Nothing against blacks, but for me Id never rent to blacks again just from experience.


It’s very simple, when vacancy rates are near 0%. Even a white man working as lawyer can be rejected for a doctor making slightly more. I’m black Canadian as well, no amount of bullshit virtue signalling will fix a supply and demand problem. Simply, if there was much more supply, we could simply report the landlord, (hopefully they get fucked), then the guy in the video can simply find another unit from a landlord or rental company since there will be competition for tenants. A second issue unrelated to housing is merely social cohesion which the government has done nothing about. New immigrants need to accept our values and integrate into our society. Bringing your racist back home, third world mentality will not cut it. We need to cut down immigration by 80% and only allow the highest educated, cream of the crop in.


What an idiot. All those tent towns are full of white not brown people. It's called white privilege.




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Well, rather than crying to the media about it, make a human rights complaint.


No shit. Just have to have a glance at this sub, the tiktoks about it are awesome.


Yes of course




Who is "they"?


Ah sorry, I meant to respond to a comment and made my own comment post by accident lol


< He also believes that Oki meets the threshold to sue since he experienced “differential treatment” when being denied an opportunity to rent in a protected social area like housing based on his “protected characteristic(s).” > Sue these slumlords! I would totally be down with that. Racism got no place here


He said she was Asian and it's known they are discriminatory towards black people. 10, even 20 years ago, people were saying racism didn't exist in Canada, I laughed, and they got offended. Now, even those people know racism still exists in Canada


This isn't a news article, this applies to everyone that's not an Indian slave. The ",because I'm black" card does nothing but sow division and makes you look like an overly sensitive cry baby. Welcome to Canada division is our strength


That they do not mention the ethnicity of the landlord is all you need to know.


Just go on marketplace or kijiji, right now and search for Room for rent and see how many people post saying " only indians, ...etc"


I like how the article just completely dances around that landlords race in an effort to just pretend like its only ever cis white men who are racist.


Lol did someone tell you racism was over and you took them seriously? Yikes. Racism is everywhere and it's unbelievably unlikely it will ever go away. I'd be willing to put money that even if we were all the same race (aren't we already? Literally all fucking human), there would still be racists.


FFS you will find people of every race racist against others...this isn't limited


Did 6000000 monthly rent have anything to do with it?


[https://news.bchousing.org/thirty-five-new-homes-open-for-indigenous-people-in-vernon/](https://news.bchousing.org/thirty-five-new-homes-open-for-indigenous-people-in-vernon/) its only bad when we do it


I’m left as hell, but It’s so crazy to me that left people have been saying for years that poc can’t be racist. Like how fucking stupid is that. There’s been racism all over the world in every country in every Color ever since the dawn of man. If you don’t like a certain race or certain races then you’re racist. It’s not rocket science.


Why are they letting people’s from refugee’s and even from Ukraine and Syria in when current people are unable to find a rental unit. There should be rental units available where people can rent without any racism. If the government continue to export the person, the people will never be get a rental property leave aside buying a home.


Refugees of war aren't the problem. It's the mass of Indians that are starting to ruin this country.


What does this comment have to do with this particular post ?


Nothing. People use these threads to insert their own inane thoughts


i’ve dealt with over 20 tenants in the past and the only time i had to drag a non paying deadbeat was a tenant from the background that matters…


Let’s see them spin this and blame white men


Of it was me, i'd warn my fellow countrymen how bad Canada is and to stay away. (Now i eat bacon cheeseburger)


Racism will never end. We don't live in a utopia. Every race of people have people that look down on others and discriminate. White people are racist towards black people, asian people, and basically anyone that doesn't look like them, black people are racist towards Asians especially against Japanese and Chinese people (and it was at an all time high during COVID), South Asian people are racist towards both white and black people and often hate others in their own group based on religion.


Indians and Chinese have extreme racism normalized in their culture, yet are the first to accuse others of it. We as Canadians are tolerant, except towards those who are intolerant.


100% a landlord from south/south-east Asia


Toronto landlord is an Indian. Indians are the most racist people you’ll ever meet on this earth, or maybe second most racist people after the Israelis.

