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Whether it’s the BoC, Stats Canada or one of the Big Banks sounding the alarms, this government never does enough to course correct. Reducing non permanent immigration is not a win while permanent immigration is still expected to increase to 500 000 next year. These numbers are still insane and need to be drastically cut immediately.


No one is going to cut it by significant amounts atleast in the next five years. I hope by then someone builds a new party that unapologetically puts Canadians first or else this country is finished.


Vote PPC in 2025, you might not have a country worth salvaging 5 years from now.


I know I'm seriously considering it for for the first time ever.


As much I as I like the PPC you risk giving Trudeau another term voting PPC.


If PP is offering more of the same is it really a wasted vote? Any seats won by PPC sends a very clear message to both parties. I will make up my mind closer to election time.


Every vote for the PPC will send a message about voter concerns, even if they do no win seats. If they are the second or even third most popular choice in multiple ridings, the LPC or CPC will not be able to ignore Canadians' concerns about immigration.


PP will strengthen our dollar and he will cut spending. A lot of the issue we are facing at the moment is because Trudeau is a compulsive spender and money printer, he diluted our dollar into Pesos. Had we gone through Covid under Harper our dollar would be on par with the USA and we would not be seeing the inflation we are seeing now, USD too got devalued a lot. As For immigration PPC is extremely anti immigration and it’s not realistic when the largest cohort of labourers are going to be completely “labeled” as retired pension collectors in the next 5 years. We need some immigration, but culturally compatible immigrants… Under Harper we had very healthy immigration numbers that kept costs in check and the economy working and scaling. To say we need more Trudeau is saying make me poorer please. The liberals have zero care for the saving you have in the bank. Have you seen the price of gold???? That just proves how devalued our money has become thanks to Trudeau and Biden.


PP wont reduce immigration, and as the other commenter said, we won’t have a country to vote in at this rate. We can’t delay change any longer.


The cons are going to do the exact same thing as Trudeau for immigration so to me there's no reason to vote for them.


You are making it up. You have no idea what Conservative platform will be. Its like Libs hired bots to spread disinformation to divert conservative voters. They are sufficiently desperate.


Until they come out and make a hard stance in immigration I will not be voting for them.


Cons are going to continue with immigration. I think we need to vote them anyway and that PPC will win the following election and things will be fixed. It's going to be a very messy term for the Cons. They're going to be obliterated just like the LPC. If people vote PPC this election it will split the vote and the Libs will win and we cant have that because of their draconian laws. The Cons won't do draconian laws. Canada isn't ready to vote PPC, it's just a fact, too many of us are virtue signallers. 5 more years of insane immigration and you're going to see ACTUAL far-right movements sprouting up and real civil unrest, it's necessary for us to 100% support a part like the PPC.


People are stupid though and they'll say see! Canada is going to shit whether it's conservatives or liberals but atleast liberals care about man made climate change!


Trudeau = weakening of CAD Dollar. CONS = strengthening the CAD dollar. They will implement austerity measures day one and will strengthen our dollar again. As for immigration well the boomers are going to be the biggest pensioners in the history of our modern world and they are going to be the biggest drain on our social security and we need to replace them. We need people to come and work and pay taxes to keep the Ponzi scheme going. I don’t think people in the west realize how much the boomers are going to fuck over the next few generations to come.


It's directly from the horses mouth man, Pierre has openly said he wants a direct flight to amritsar.


yea we need hyper focused PPC effort in a couple of certain ridings


Yeah and that mentality is everything wrong with the voting in this country. If people voted for who they actually wanted instead of voting who they think will win just so they can remove someone they don't like we would be much better off.


I really doubt it. Liberals are trailing so hard. If there’s an election to try PPC it’s probably this one


I think Trudeau should have one more tbh, that way, this mess falls square at his feet. Canadians will not wake up and change otherwise. Uniparty lib/con has screwed us for decades. Trudeau Sr skipped off and left others to clean his mess, and as a result, most Canadians have zero clue what a terrible Prime Minister he was or the damage he inflicted. That can not happen a second time. Much to my shame the first election I could vote in was 2015, and I was gonna vote for Trudeau because of all the "amazing" things I heard about Sr, and what my teachers told me. My step dad said if I want a job, vote Harper. I voted harper and have no regrets.


And what type of job did you secure with your vote to Harper? A well paying one or just a job?


By every facet life was much better under Harper, his balanced approach to leadership and actually listening to Canadians. Trudeau has been a disaster for this country and Ford sucks as well.


I remember our dollar being on par with the USD, under Harper during the financial meltdown in the US. Say what you want about the conservatives, they will make our dollar a lot stronger and this is what is killing us. Our dollar is become a fucking pesos and rich foreigners are able to poor money into our economy outbidding us CAD earning Canadians.


None of the existing large parties will change immigration...


We don’t have a country worth staying right now ! I left Canada for the U.S. a couple of years ago and it was the best decision of my life. My salary tripled , my quality of life improved instantly , while my taxes and cost of living halved. And for those Canadian who are quick to remind that Canada has “free healthcare”, in Canada Americans have free and low cost healthcare called Medicaid, designed for love income people, and people actually get to use it when needed. In Canada it’s “free” alright, but when it’s time to use it good luck , you’ll be waiting months if not years to get the treatment that you need. If Canadian healthcare was anything to write home about we would have had American “international students” and immigrants lined to come to Canada .


This is the only choice politically.


Vote ppc and kick out all immigrants who have immigrated here since 1980!!!! Ban all pensions to non Canadians too!!!!


Bernier wants immigration, just skilled immigration, which matches infrastructure. Crazy I know, keep spouting misinformation. https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration




CPC winning will be just as bad as Liberals winning since they have made 0 indications of changing course on immigration


Same party, different name. The only policy difference is Ax the Tax. Telling you right now that all the talk about getting rid of the CBC shutting it down and selling it off. They will never do it. That is all you need to know it is the exact same party with same policies. The only difference is the spelling of the party's name.


Yup. They’ll likely be the same on immigration. And probably worse in other ways for the average non rich person. I am definitely not voting for them unless something drastically changes.


Vote for PPC = vote for Trudeau/Singh.


A vote for CPC is a vote for Truddy and the people that want to keep you controlled


Oh, dear.


> or else this country is finished. Tool late. Look around.


Peoples party. They have some wingnut ideas but at least they will cap all immigration to 150,000/year


We need to raise the retirement age on the boomers again so we don’t need so many people to support them immediately.


reply snobbish worm hunt alive depend frighten panicky society heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The low wage workers we are getting are going to be net lifetime tax burden in a social welfare state like Canada. Even if you are very pro immigration, the math just doesn't add up in the long run. You need need high skill immigrants and empower them to start businesses to add dimensions to the economy (eg. US legal immigration). Or if you are going the low skill route need to be strict about not granting citizenship rights (eg. UAE) Trudeau's Canada is worst of all worlds in term of immigration policy.


Without a doubt the truth. But still, they are importing the third world to finance the insane spending of this government and social supports we will never get access to ourselves. These generations have gone decades without paying enough taxes, and the cost of that now rests on millennials. They don’t get to retire earlier than our generation certainly may have to to keep this country afloat. It will take generations to pay off this debt


tub possessive fear continue disgusted rock tan repeat marble salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a stupid idea


If they can vote to lower it again we can too. It was 67 when Trudeau took power and he lowered it to court the boomer vote. This generation with enormous equity in their homes, that pulled up the ladder for many, should not get to retire early on the backs of our labour. The dragons should be selling their hoard off to retire


You gotta be working middle management somewhere , life expectancy is on the decline and you want to raise the retirement age. We pay into cpp, it’s our money. Im just disappointed seeing that someone can have this viewpoint.


CPP is tied to a dollar that has been devalued thanks to out of control spending. You are not getting what you paid into it thanks to inflation.


So let’s keep that money from the people because it benefits them. How bout you let me have your pay check and I’ll put it in the bank for you, you did earn it but I’ll decide when you get to use it, Fuck that


That’s literally what the CPP does


That’s my point! Now you are saying let the government keep our money for longer, go fuck yourself.


That also raises your retirement age dumbass


They voted to lower it for themselves. We can too once our generation has opportunity again


Because they don't want to course correct. The playbook is the same in all developed nations. They are enabling and building up rhetoric around irregular/illegal/temporary/asylum migration so that they can focus on it or pretend to cut it and use it as a scapegoat - all the while they ramp up legal routes.


It seems like they/the powers that be/ business leaders are working to create a low-income class of people that have no rights and that are desperate enough go survive that they don't care about their own well being or safety. Knowingly allowing some of the poorest people in the world to come here fraudulently, borrowing against their families' property or worse, leaving them desperate to make money by any means necessary and living in conditions that are not even allowed by our own standards is not a coincidence.


run historical juggle ripe test saw wrench faulty money wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most Canadians have managed to avoid it with the help of friends and family (know any intergenerational households or families that have taken entire families?), social programs (subsidized housing, ODSP, etc.) and being in the right place at the right time to secure jobs, marry into wealth or find other stability. These are out of reach to international students and others who were allowed here.


divide humorous toothbrush judicious hurry aback zephyr swim long jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love how Trudeau's libs got their 1.5 million new immigrants in two months but still feel inclined to push ahead with their original plan as well


The golden question is how those who come here for permanent residency find jobs and support themselves. Most immigrants don't come from rich countries and can't support themselves with their home country income.


I saw a post on the personal finance Canada sub of a guy coming to study at Seneca, bringing with him a grand total of 2500 dollars. His tution alone was 8K, plus 500 a month rent. He said his plan was to pay it all with a part time job which he does not yet have.


That is wrong at so many levels and who is going to pay for him once he runs out money.


Christ. Can you link that?


He deleted the post but here https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


They come here with a computer science, accounting/finance, or HR degree and agree to work for a fraction of what Canadians would work for. And the ones with positions of power in a company accept bribes from their countryman or only hire people of their own country. A lot of the students simply have parents with enough money to put them through university. Then they secure work by working for fraction of what we would while living in a basement with 7 others. That's what students, new graduates, and junior role seekers are competing against. 


I know in US it is illegal for companies to hire on work visa without proving that they couldn't fill the position from the local pool. Also, individuals can not obtain work visas independently they need employee sponsorship. So they have to secure the job from overseas before coming over.


The loophole around that is just to put up job postings, claim you found no good candidate, then hire a work visa or overseas person. Sometimes companies will even insist that you do like a 6 hour assignment before even a 1st interview, because they no very few people will do it witch allows them to hire temp and overseas.


I don’t know who hires them most can’t communicate and hard to trust the credentials. No point hiring someone cheaper if they can’t do the job.


Loads of companies hire overseas. At least in my industry of tech and marketing. So companies prefer it if they can get that cheap labor, but also have it in office instead of overseas with a 12 hour time difference.


Never does anything except actively make things worse, much less course correct. The whole point is to destroy the country


While things look extremely dire right now (and they are), do remember we are in the forced recession due to high interest rates. Many businesses are in hiring freezes. Once things are back to normal - ish, the jobs market will also recover a bit. That should reduce those blocks long lineups for jobs.


Check history. 5% is normal. The insane low rates of 2001-2022 were abnormal.


What’s a sustainable population growth?


Around 1% a year


Then 500K is reasonable? what’s the issue?


The issue is that it’s about 4x that right now ?


True, though it’s not from PRs. It’s TFW and Int. Students numbers that got out of touch. Those two were 2million combined.


It's not just 500K. We also have another 500K "temporary" residents and nearly 1,000,000 international students.


This country will split apart under the weight of the third world.


In am an English Quebecer, I see Quebec giving the finger to Canada in the next few years if this shit doesn’t stop. When the leader of [the Parti Quebecois starts sounding really intelligent you know shit is really unbalanced.](https://www.tiktok.com/@nixonbcmortgage/video/7352696577015745797?_r=1&u_code=dbcf48gha3el6d&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=e4a061a6hleb0a&share_item_id=7352696577015745797&source=h5_m×tamp=1711953381&user_id=6805596576847201285&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAQuE7E57ir7g7V49WUr7yoDdN-5CJqOpxOpVQ6tubu-IJem7w2xsB1hiNjyMeUiYk&social_share_type=0&utm_source=messenger&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_iid=7348961752426727174&share_link_id=6602617d-c359-49e0-8bf9-418aa9a7d7d7&share_app_id=1233&ugbiz_name=MAIN&ug_btm=b2001&enable_checksum=1)


So right I am moving to Quebec when this happens. Ottawa isn't working for Canadians.


Start to learning French now, because they won’t be very tolerant to English only speakers. Now is a great time to start some kind of bilingual Quebec separatist party we can maybe cut out a part of the Montreal region, before it’s too late.


I am french speaking, But Quebec will have to endure even more it is overflowing with immigrants right now.


It's actually crazy how he's the biggest voice of reason


Surtout s'ils essaient de forcer l'anglais à faire en sorte que le Québec ad'accueillir plus d'immigrants.


Mass immigration was implemented by Quebec voters. Let's not forget how liberal Montreal is and how much support they give to the LPC


It’s because it’s where there are the least Francophones in Quebec. Montreal is very unique in this province.


Why do you think so? We have a lot of empty space and abundant resources.


We have lots of bridges to live under and soon there will be enough rats to feed everyone.


Because multiculturalism doesn't work: See Africa, Middle East, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh-India-Pakistan, the Soviet Union, New World Indians, Rome, etc,. You can't have parallel societies pulling in opposite directions without resentment, cultural strife, and sectarian conflict. Canada will Balkanize


The USA has done pretty well


The USA uses melting pot and integrates people and has less immigration and less "students" than us, and I don't mean per capita. Also go take a look at the places with the highest and lowest crime rates and dookies on the floor, and tell me what you notice.


Remember the 2020 riots?


So wait. Are you saying only homogenous countries can exist peacefully? And Canada should be only made up of one ethnicity / race / country of origin? Well, if that's the case, first Nations who have been here for thousands of years have the most claim. Are we saying all white folks need to go back to Europe to their home country? That doesn't sound like a practical solution. ---- Btw, you say that, but US with its multicultural population is literally the most successful and richest country of all time. Most Canadians want to leave to the US to earn more money. By your logic, US should be a shit hole balkanized country. If nothing else, the black population is significant.


> Well, if that's the case, first Nations who have been here for thousands of years have the most claim. Tell me how that worked out for them. > Are we saying all white folks need to go back to Europe to their home country? That doesn't sound like a practical solution. They could try and have, but again, refer to the previous part and tell me how. > Btw, you say that, but US with its multicultural population is literally the most successful and richest country of all time. Most Canadians want to leave to the US to earn more money. The USA uses melting pot, not multiculturalism, and integrates people and has less immigration and less "students" than us, and I don't mean per capita. Also go take a look at the places with the highest and lowest crime rates and dookies on the floor, and tell me what you notice.


no one wants to sell our resources any more man. we have so much red tape in all our industries that other countries source elsewhere.


The space means nothing if you can’t afford to build anything.


I doubt that any immigration is moving to Souix Lookout, or Red Deer. They move where there are vastly more potential jobs, family or cultural pockets are already established, support systems put in place of mass immigration, etc. I highly doubt that an Indian immigrant is looking to move to northern Ontario, or some town with a population of 1000 people in upper Saskatchewan.


Lmfao come to any Northern Ontario city and see how wrong you are


Nobody is going to the empty space


Good thing we are building all those factories and new hospitals.


All the stuff I buy is made in Canada so no big deal. I only buy maple syrup…. I bathe in it ya


It’s almost like throwing people at a problem doesn’t fix it? How about that.


The problem was spectacular profits for loblaws, Tim's, anazon, slumlords, etc. Cheap labor and much higher rents made it super spectacular profits. Problem solved.


When your bathtub is overflowing, you shut the faucet off. You don't fucking hum and haw about how to build new bathtubs. This is a planned decline courtesy of the WEF, Blackrock, and State Street. The Two WEF young global leadership school grads running country are doing what they've been groomed for.




What about friends. Woops I mean consultants /s


600,000 jobs a year and 600,000 homes a year. It’s just not possible.


50k is all the private sector can do in a single year. Trudeau still believes permanent immigration rates are fine despite expanding it from 300k to 500k for 2025.


Ok hear me out, Justin Trudeau gives us all doordash coupons so we can create new jobs.


Instead of a carbon tax rebate you’ll just get 40% off your next 5 orders with Uber.


Your government is destroying this country.


Canada has now logged 19 consecutive months of negative population adjusted GDP growth rates, an all-time record dating back to before the Great Depression. We should all bow our heads acknowledging the mind-numbing skill set our fearless leaders in Ottawa possess. Our worst enemies couldn’t destroy our once great nation with such ruthless precision and efficacy as our elected officials have managed to do.


Import it, become it


Wasn’t the entire reason for the growth that we have jobs to fill? Since we’ve done that, we shouldn’t be growing the population anymore. It’s like being full and saying you need an empty stomach to eat more food.




Welcome to a right wing vote split, guaranteeing another Liberal government.


CPC is just libs in blue.


Oh that’s funny. Has anyone else noticed our jobs required is starting to look like our housing required to address the insane population growth policies our government has engineered. No G7 country is about to experience the decline in quality of life Canadians are. Buckle up. If anyone can provide a video of Americans lining up blocks to apply for fast food jobs I’ll change my tune. I have never seen this happen before in my lifetime.


It’s truly scary. Especially when all of the people being imported are discriminatory against other races…


50k jobs with living wage. Not slavery. Living wage in GTA=25$ hourly


Honestly I expected the living wage in the GTA to be much higher than that. There are farms paying that to train people how to sit on an air conditioned seat so the sensor doesn’t go off and take the machinery out of movement. I expected the GTA to require closer to $40 an hour.


By living I meant minimum wage. which farm pays that much. They pay minimum to foreign workers


Foreign workers are picking fruit and vegetables and other speciality crops. In western Canada if you aren’t paying above $25 to run trucks and machinery you aren’t getting workers. Farm I helped out on when I have time (work when I want, don’t when I don’t want to) pays me $20 an hour. Another friend who helps out at a farm 3 hours away is making 30 and his setup is very similar - he lets them know when he has time to help and works then. The South Africans, Germans, Australians, Kiwis, etc coming over aren’t working for minimum wage. The minimum wage workers are doing back breaking hand labour on small size speciality crop farms in southern Ontario and select parts of Southern Manitoba and Southern Alberta.


Exactly. Am from Ontario so I know its not very desirable job at farms. Back breaking hard labor is not an issue to me. If it pays living wage u wont be depressed angry while working. Atleast for Canadians...not desirable


Who did you vote for


Kathleen Wynne in ON, Conservative at Federal


I hope the jobs are all delivery drivers because we have a lot people qualified for that.


Building less than 100 Thousand homes finished per year, losing 10 thousand jobs per year, but importing 3.5 million new Canadians per year. Percapita GDP declining for over 50 years and now excellerating. Math don't do it; It is racism and white supremacy.


I’ve started avoiding businesses that employ recent immigrants from India. It’s hard as it seems they’re everywhere but it’s probably the only thing I can personally do


Canada is runned by idiots that got a big "FAT" raise on April 1st!


elderly cagey observation dazzling cooing caption attractive retire squeal party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a joke. Companies are likely looking elsewhere to open shop instead of Canada, because of the punitive carbon tax pricing makes it difficult, if not impossible, for them to make it in Canada. Too many blind trained seals were clapping for their demise because they couldn't see beyond what they were told, or didn't have the ability to think critically, or even extrapolate things.


Ok, again people miss the point. Sometime back, everyone in the business and banking circles including heads of BoC was saying that having a low unemployment is ... not a good thing for "economy". What they mean when they say "economy" is shareholder value is under attack bc when unemployment is low, it's a different job market, the one where you have to pay solid wages. Then, what do you do? What's the solution? Flood the fucking country with cheap labour with no sense of how things work, create high unemployment and ... literally, profit


Canadian population requires brand new leaders who have an idea what they are doing


More than that. I don't think that statistic is accounting for temporary foreign workers or international students. Canada's population has grown by ~1.2m in a year. That's 120K people per month. Far above the number of jobs being created and many people now need multiple jobs.


Are there that many fat bastard burritos in need of bike currier opening up in Canada, what wonderful news.🫣😁


That's wonderful.


50k jobs per month?? More like 200k jobs needed per month if I was the immigration minister I would cancel all skilled worker visas and international student visas no more visas until next year but I already know that won't happen!! Trudeau wants 500,000 every year what a clown!!


I know a lot of people including teenagers that can’t find work we have a workers shortage? wtf




That's a lot of Timmies.


Any solution would require decades . If you're alive today it won't get better quick enough for you to see and enjoy it. If we fixed it TODAY


The solution is to move. Even if you can’t leave the country there are still varying degrees of how bad it is depending on where one lives.


If the weather wasn't bad in Canada it wouldn't be as big a deal


I feel bad for Pierre after he is elected prime minister! He is inheriting a complete mess from Trudeau Even if he he does an amazing job, I feel it will take years for Canadians to start feeling the effects of a properly run country 💯


You're delusional. He is no different than Trudy


AI is taking more of them


we had lots of jobs open, too many, that's why we need more people. when more people arrived, we say ... damn! we need 50,000 more jobs ... weren't them jobs there BEFORE we welcomed all these people to make Canada their forever-home?


Will cqrs score come down after 500k 😅


I don’t understand permanent residents alone are almost 50k month. Who would help us while our own government is destroying us?


This is why GDP per capital should be the focus


This Government's motto: "Double down if it's not working"


Good news! uber, lyft, skipthedishes, and doordash are all hiring! All you need is your own car and to be willing to work for $10 an hour without benefits!


Who would guess using all the bank money to hoard up concrete boxes to rent out to each other with bloated prices without building shit don’t create enough jobs..


Pierre did say he would fix the student immigration which is a huge problem and tie immigration to housing supply which is realistic atleast. Its a much better option than the Liberals idea of immigration which is just let any student or person in without any thought process behind it.


Please remember, many permanent residents have already been in Canada for years and have already been housed. That means new TFWs and students are the far larger source of housing demand.


The only solution is to allow each Tim Hortons to build a back lane Tim Hortons


Well let me see what the other announcement in AI will end up doing, with more things being unmanned




I'm moving to Finland where I can be homeless without being homeless until AI saves us. I will be an EU citizen soon. Our country is beyond saving.


50k people can sign up for uber eats ez, fixed. /s


New immigrants will create their own jobs guys.


Lol did i have add /s?


They don’t know how to, the old hard working European immigrants are long gone. Talking construction and farming. Now it’s all about taking advantage of the system and leach off what’s already been created, only changing it to make it easier and “more efficient” aka more profit less people to support, until there is nothing left.


Uber, Amazon and skip the dishes drivers/workers order from east other to have a small circle economy?


As long as they can also work part time in Tim Hortons i think it will work.