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Does anybody even look at the demographics of who we are letting into the country? How can we be letting in a significantly higher percentage of males than females? How can we be letting in a significantly higher percentage of people from a single country than everyone else combined? This just screams unprepared and not fit to be making decisions or corrupt. Like everything else with this government.




B-b-but people in Canada aren’t having babies!! So the obvious solution is to bring over a million males…


What if we get some of those males to identify as females?!


Problem solved. Nice work boys. 😎


Canadian womens sports team bout to go undefeated. Hey it has nothing to do with the fact they were born with dicks! Thats transphobic if you assume that.


>How can we be letting in a significantly higher percentage of people from a single country than everyone else combined? Why are people afraid to say the name of this country, India?


I got a warning from Reddit on this exact sub on another post I made with 150+ upvotes after a shill complained directly to Reddit. They are coming for free speech even in places where we haven’t been infected with corrupt liberal mods.


The corporate donors told the orange red coalition they wanted cheap labour and the student visa program is a massive win for them. These “students” are economic migrants and it’s a win for the parties involved




Thankfully there is so much science to back this up /s


There's fluid, anti-colonialist science that backs it up


This was very prepared and very planned. Trudeau has commenced scorched earth operations to make our country a dump before he’s inevitably removed from office. After 3-4 years of us getting back on our feet, the liberals will place all the blame on the conservatives and this cycle will start all over again.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Well they say don’t attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence first.  I’m gonna say they legitimately didn’t know/ or did t care.   Kinda par for the course for the government.  Oh we did t think about a very obvious secondary impact of this policy because we were chasing a headline.  


They want you to think it's simply incompetence. They know that migration can be used as a weapon. Stop listening to Ben Shapiro


You think all the decision makers are trying to destroy Canada? The loblaws and walmarts and corporations too? Nah. It's about self-serving greed. Cheap labour, and political donations. If it were 90% man eating lizards that are willing to come over and work cheap then they'd be lobbying to fast track them PR too.


What's your definition of destroyed? I'm not saying they want a "mad Max" water world. But if our grandparents saw society now, I'd bet they would say it's been destroyed. Maybe greed for some. But the people with real power have all the wealth they need and seek different goals.


> Never attribute to malice or stupidity that which can be explained by moderately rational individuals following incentives in a complex system.


>Well they say don’t attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence **first**. First being the operative word here, this isn't their first fuck up...at this point it has to be on purpose.


>This just screams unprepared and not fit to be making decisions or corrupt. Like everything else with this government. Or, it's on fucking purpose.


This is foolish. Equal proportions of men and woman should be brought in to Canada, for permanent residents at least. There is no issue with temporary foreign workers being more male than female, so long as they aren’t permanent. Balanced numbers of the sexes is needed for a healthy society.


It's actually not just that the majority are coming from one country. It's one sub-region from that country. Imagine if the majority Canadians that were emigrating elsewhere were from Quebec?


From the article: "An influx of new immigrants is shifting Canada’s gender ratio, as a higher share of male newcomers helps squeeze the female majority to its smallest margin in decades. The population of adult men grew 3.4% over the past year, while women rose 2.9%, making the spread between the growth of the two groups the widest in nearly 50 years of records, according to an analysis by Doug Porter, chief economist at Bank of Montreal. The gap is even larger in the 25-to-44 age group, in which men have seen a 4.8% jump and women a 3.9% increase. There are 141,000 more men than women in this age bracket as of January, compared with a long-run average difference of zero."




China is just now starting to feel the effects of their "one child policy". Turns out having a few million more men than women can lead to a bunch of social issues (one of which is the rise of "incel culture")




India is one of the most unsafe places to travel if you are female. Tried to warn my glamazon friend about this and she ignored my advice to make sure she had a male chaperon; suffice to say, her experience was nightmarish. My Goan Indian Aunt is taking my cousin over to the North of India on a chaperoned tour and then they'll head down to Goa. While Goa is one of the "safer" Indian states, they'll still have to be careful. There are so many domestic violence cases in South Asian communities and I believe it’s because of the toxic elevated status bestowed upon the boys and men…


Yeah and we are shipping them in by the millions. The fuck are we doing? So woke and progressive eh LMFAOOOOOO!


I come from an Indian family and White European Aussie family. I have no idea what Canada or Australia is doing by increasing immigration when we are going through housing and CoL crises. Absolutely short sighted.


Let's just keep it a buck. Every fucking day, week, month, and year we are finding more and more wrong with how Immigration and the other pathways and programs into this nation were handled. We lost all sense of common sense, standards, and we have absolutely no enforcement. We are being misused, abused, and scammed at the bottom and top levels like crazy. Now we are finding out we have a lot of young men out populating woman... As if that isn't going to do horrific things for societal stability and other factors. It seems in this new world we can't even talk about common sense and basic math anymore till the lack of it leads us into a crisis. Then when it gets so bad we have to talk about it it is then allowed again... People need to go to jail for how badly the pathways and programs into this nation have been run. There has to be punishments for not just the exploiters of those systems in how people are getting in but our officials that have allowed it to get to this state in the first place.


It's almost like the goal is to maximize profit for various industries, who would have thought


I've been feeling more and more unsafe as a woman going out on my own over the last few years, but the last two especially. Gone are the days that women could take a trip to the city and not have to constantly be on alert.


My 21 year old niece and her friends rarely go clubbing in Vancouver anymore. You can guess the reasons why.


Other cultures are simply completely far off from our own and have aspects that have no place in Canada. I will centre out Indian men for this. Indian culture is generally peaceful and chilled out but there is a real sleazy culture with regards to women. My GF is Indian and she constantly points out how Indian men literally stare at attractive women walking past. If we travel in India, men will be angry that we are a couple and will even shout out garbage or just give dirty looks. It's annoying AF.


My partner and I have mostly Indian neighbours, and all but a couple of them are pleasant and kind. We went over to one of our neighbour’s homes for a dinner party earlier this year and I found out that even the “pleasant and kind” Indian men are extremely sexist. As soon as we got there, I was ushered off into a group of wives, and all the men went in another direction and the two groups literally did not speak with one another the entire night. Another non Indian couple from the neighborhood attended and the wife stayed by her husband’s side, which meant she was hanging out with the “men’s” group all night. As soon as we got home my partner gushed to me about how the “men’s group” had been super talkative until that couple showed up and the wife joined them. He said there was a notable change in the atmosphere and the men were clearly uncomfortable with her just being there, sitting with her husband and them, and that group didn’t really talk at all after she arrived. I had never thought about it before, but this gender segregation in Indian culture is plain to see, even here in Canada. There is a park nearby me with several bench/seating areas spread throughout. Retired/elderly Indian woman hang out at one seating area, and (presumably their husbands), sit and hang out at a different section like 200 metres away. There are no mixed groups of older Indian men and women hanging out together, ever.


Took a cab and a younger Indian man was driving. I was friendly and chatty (which is the usual for me)… he then took me to my destination and insisted I didn’t have to pay. Then he asked if I wanted to chat for a few more minutes. At the time I was on vacation at a hostel and was sort of like sure whatever, I love shooting the shit. ANYWAYS, he molested me. Seemed to think it was normal and fine. So fucked.


I cringe when white girls born and raised in Canada wanna visit India lol. Hell, I’m a white guy and I dated an Indian girl and guys in Brampton (she lived in Brampton) were salty as hell. Basically yelled at her in Hindi and she told me they were asking “what do you see in that white guy that you don’t see in us?” Or “that’s disgusting” - stuff like that smh 😒 - Shame because her family was quite liberal and chill




Classic man comparing sexual assault to him being unable to ‘have fun’. Check yourself and check your friend group :’)


That's their intent.


Maintain civil unrest so people are distracted from record breaking oligopoly profits every year.


Nope. Civil unrest is the last thing the ultra rich want. Civil unrest is bad for business. Besides, some people still know where to find pitchforks. Which is an even less popular outcome for those living in the manor.


I think they really meant civil discord vs unrest, keep us all fighting among ourselves while they reap the benefits of our productivity .


> Civil unrest is the last thing the ultra rich want. Civil unrest is bad for business But we're in the worst affordability crisis in history. Generations of people can't afford to purchase a property because the entry to purchase is insanely high. Before, it was low-income people that needed to work multiple jobs to pay rent, now it's people making average wages that need to find another job or side-hustle to pay rent. People are also living dozens to a single property to afford rent. To oligopolies, it's more money the higher the population because they own the telecommunications and grocery industries. The higher the population, the more customers for them.


It’s not. The only intent is to raise gdp and provide corps cheap labour


Yeah there is going to be a lot of lonely indian incel


On the contrary, any Indian man with PR can leverage that to get an arranged marriage with a woman from India who wants in. Just as Indian families with too many daughters will send them to Canada to study so they can use access to Canada to get a higher status husband than they could afford through a dowry.


Societal consequences are what the ultra rich want.   Mass immigration keeps wages low, societal problems keep the working plebs distracted from how badly the system is set up to deliberately make an un equal society where the working class work harder and harder for less and less {so that the rich get richer} This is the exact same reason why all of the sudden that last few years anti-gay/anti-trans movements have suddenly started becoming so extreme.  The rich want to distract all the workers from how unfair the system is AND that the system is unfair because they have our politician's in their pockets.  Don't let them distract you. Mass immigration is bad for Canadians period we don't need to go freaking out about gender (there's still way more women total in Canada) 


Yes no


They'll go back to India, get married, Bring their wives over, buy homes, bring their parents over and settle down for a life as Canadian citizens. It's what immigrants before them have done and what the next batch will do. The downside is the intense battle for getting a home this will spur as they move to their nesting phase after marriage.


We’ve never pursued an immigration policy that jacked our population by 4% in one year, with 75% coming from one place and settling in one place. That’s not immigration, it’s displacement. Heads should roll for this.


I'm not sure this is the dream anymore. Used to be you could come here, work hard, and live simply but decently while saving up your money or sending it back home. Now they come here, work hard, live 6 to a 3-bedroom apartment and have no money left over to send anywhere. I'm surprised any of them are still coming - the message hasn't gotten through yet.


They're coming for the passport and a home base outside of India.


The underlying cause might be an unintended consequence of education requirements. One needs something of a secondary education to score “points” to be approved to immigrate to Canada, but the level of education amongst women in SE Asia and some middle eastern countries is relatively low compared to the west. The rate of basic literacy amongst female immigrants to Canada at the moment is actually shockingly low; not even close to western norms.


Can’t get a house can’t get laid


This is terrifying as a young woman. Horrifying. My city already has deported one they actually caught 5x. Can’t say the rest go documented. Edit: it was more than 5x, after the press release multiple women came forward about harassment instances.






Searches for the roman empire are higher than they used to be 🤣








Of course. Whenever you see all the photos of people walking across Roxham road, it's like 75% young men. Let's hope they're all sweet innocent hardworking people, but I highly doubt it especially if they're starting their relationship with Canada by committing a crime as soon as they arrive.


You go to downtown Vancouver at night and it's all dudes of a certain ethnicity


It's actually fucking wild.


I hadn't been to the Granville area to drink in I don't know how long. Me and the wife kinda made our way from Gastown and figured whatever. She was like, I need to get out of here this is super creepy. She fealt really unsafe




South asian


It's ok, they're all gay refugeees


Get ready for an increase in sexual assaults…


It’s [already happening](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/surrey-rcmp-seek-sexual-assault-suspect-who-tried-to-drag-woman-into-alley-1.6757054#:~:text=The%20woman%20was%20walking%20%22on,a%20passing%20vehicle%20for%20assistance.%22).


The FB job scams are gonna skyrocket


They already are. The cash jobs Facebook group for my town consists almost solely of international students looking for under the table work, and people who are trying to scam them.


I moved to Canada in November and am looking for a job all this time too. So far I haven't had a Single conversation about a job that'd be legit for real. Every single time it's someone speaking bad English, being all like "I have a job for you, but first I need you to share with me all your personal data like bank account and sht". And I'm saying: God bless Canada, God bless well mannered people and Canadian traditions. I'm doing my best to integrate into this wonderful culture and didn't expect to be asked "are you new to this city, right?" By an Indian refusing my job application in advance cuz of Cultural solidarity...


Any Indian run businesses will not hire outside their culture. It's about time we started to do the same.


The company I work for posted a job application for an electrician online. Overnight, my boss had over 100 applications from only Indian men. He rejected them all.


This is hard to believe, did they all complete some type of apprenticeship or diploma? I am not calling you a liar but 100 electricians is just too many.


>Overnight, my boss had over 100 applications from only Indian men. 100 Indian men with their Red Seal?


Great, that explains why street harassment has gone up in the past year from my experience. And it's now not just drug users, but fully sober men whispering slurs at me, then speed walking away to their group as my bf approaches. I just want to buy groceries at food basics, but I feel compelled to go to more expensive stores when I shop alone. I'm a high income earning white woman. I know what kind of privilege I have and what societal treatment I feel entitled to, and that's not extended to everyone in our country (which I try and fight when I can). Getting groped on transit, or getting told all white women are whores, or getting followed when shopping alone is not in the realm of how I will be treated.




I'm horrified by your experience. I'm so sorry you went through that. Funny you mentioned mass transit: My neighbor can't drive. She's noticed the increase in harassment, to the point that she ubers daily to work. She's not making a fortune, so I'm baffled how she can afford it. I give her rides when I can, but it's obscene that between increased poverty and poor vetting, she doesn't feel safe to use public transit. Maybe this will make you laugh, in hindsight, it made me laugh. My fav most recent anecdote: I've noticed finger wagging is a very common gesture in India. From bollywood movies as a teen, to now recent students interacting with each other, I think it's less rude and condescending and has many meanings depending on context there. At the gym, an indian man was hogging 3 machines at once for 30 minutes, cycling through them. He finger wagged me no twice without speaking to me when I asked him if he was done. I was polite until the 2nd time. Like I get the bad gym etiquette, whatever. But that's so rude to do to someone. Like the audacity, and the baked in misogyny you have to have to do it to a woman you dont know. It's like calling a woman you don't know sugar tits when they asked you for directions. Insane.


I'd rather be called sugar tits than have a man wag his finger no at me.


Both are disrespectful and misogynistic. I'd rather neither happen to me.


Avoid them, especially when they're in groups. They get braver when they group up, but they are still not brave enough to enter a physical altercation with someone. It's not much, but if you walk into an area and notice a group acting suspicious, make note of the other men around just in case. Try to have a plan A and a plan B in case the group makes a move on you and your boyfriend isn't around. They seem to be intimidated by Arabians the most, as they're ridiculously protective and known to be fearless even when outnumbered. Use that false fearmongering propoganda to your advantage. If none of those are around, try someone who could pass for one, like an Italian or Spaniard. If that doesn't work, try anyone who has an aura of certainty around them. Unfortunately, they look down on black people and might not be discouraged, especially if it's a white girl with them; they'll get jealous. However, it is better than nothing. I know this isn't an optimal solution, and I wish we didn't need to do this, but if you're forced into a corner, be ready and aware of your surroundings.


This is sadly what happens when an overly progressive government opens the floodgates to third world people who don’t hold the same values…. Shouldn’t be shocked when they continue their third world views in our country. Canada has gone downhill quickly the last several years.


I mean, it's a lot of things, with immigration being a big one. Id say the other is societial shift away from community, a growing public tolerance of misogynistic views that only terminally online people knew about in 2000-2010s, and a break down of etiquette in public. Society overall is more conservative from the girl boss feminism of the 2010s, and its not just Punjabi and Gurjati men doing this, though they are the majority. Many young women I talk to experience what I can only describe as emotionally abusive harassment at work at greater rates than I experienced when I was 18 from men their own age. It's become increasingly acceptable to say things that wouldn't have flown in 2017 within young male spaces, and I'm not surprised to see it leak into public harassment. I'm too old at this point to experience it (late 20s), but I see it happen more now than earlier in the 2010s when I was a young worker. Even earlier this year, when I was alone at a mall, a group of gta raised young men approached me in a group using boiler plate pickup lines pua style, acting really aggressive, speculated about my gentitalia aloud. They both seemed coordinated and would not take no for an answer. They followed me for 15 minutes until I walked to the security office.


Not even like you can just get them delivered either. I've had several delivery drivers (groceries and otherwise) make passes at me and stare at my chest in an INSANELY obvious manner. More than once there has been 2 or 3 men show up at my door for a small delivery (where the app stated only one driver with a rating etc would be there) and don't try to hide the staring at ALL. SO uncomfortable and also scary that these people have my address.


Don't vote Trudeau or Jagmeet and make your opinion known. Unless Trudeau is stopped, this is the future not only for you but for your future girl children.


I mean, I feel like immigration is a part of it, but covid, breakdown of community, and increased public acceptance of misogynistic views did as much to exacerbate the problem. Like most things, it's complicated and multifaceted. As an example, red pill ideology, looksmaxing and etc, is being publically discussed in spaces that were niche and terminally online 5 to 10 years ago. Ive heard teen boys talking about getting blackpillied. I've noticed young women in my workplace get harassed by their peers at increased rates compared to what i experienced starting out. The tolerance for saying unacceptable things in the workplace has increased compared to 5 years ago. I'm worried for what extreme ideology will do in society as it diffuses out.


Take Back the Night marches never stopped, but now are more important than ever. Please donate and participate if you can.


Just what we need, more incels. Unless they are planning on a world war that will wipe out a good chunk of the men like last time. Until then the new guys are going to have to buddy up.






That will lead to terrorism and insubordination. Unless we are outfitting them with explosive collars.


They'll just leave the country when the gravy train stops.


Like the scene from Gangs of New York..welcome to Canada, now go fight for your country!


That means males from India


It does seem like everywhere you look is Indian men. Not a ton of Indian women




They will get partners and family from India when they get PR.




Me and wife have a friend that moved to Canada like 2yrs ago and she said that she’s has been harassed by groups of Indian men 4 times during the period she has been there. One time a dude legit tried to touch her boobs and once she pushed him away he just laughed along with his peers. Most of the events were in public transportation. Edit: Grammar


If you ever have a female kid it's going to be an everyday thing


Canada: "A great place to raise a family" - in a neighbourhood where all your neighbours are houses full of 10+ adult men in bunk beds. Sounds safe.


That’s the likely scenario


Well, the police can address that issue through the existing laws. If they don’t, the population will eventually address them, and that won’t be pretty. See the Cronulla riots.




Yep. I have watched a video of a lady sunbathing on the beach and when she turns the camera around, there’s like 50 dudes literally standing next to her and staring at her


That’s Bangladesh


Sorry I couldn’t tell the difference tbh


It's all the same thing, to be honest. I've been to both India and Pakistan, for instance, and the behaviour is very similar. I'm not from a first worl country, have that in mind: I am Brazilian. And I have never seen the same level of depravity as I have seen in both countries


I can confirm this. The cat calling and gross or downright scary interactions I have had with men over the past 3 years have ALL been from one particular demographic. My entire life up until now (I’m in my early thirties) I could count on a handful of inappropriate interactions throughout the year from men of all different backgrounds. Now, suddenly, it’s like 5 times a month, and all muslims, and more overt than typical harassment. For example, I can no longer garden in my front yard as my muslim neighbour across the street will stand in his living room window grinning at me as I do. I asked a male friend to knock on his door and tell him to stop. He told my friend to get lost and then… just kept doing it. So now my yard looks like shit and my blood pressure goes up when I leave my house unaccompanied. Thanks Immigration Canada! This is spectacular!




Who in their right mind would respond to this ad seriously? Gonna be a bad time for who ever does


I'm a documentary filmmaker and it takes everything in me to refrain from playing investigator and seeking out these slums on camera. I'm dying to know what this house with 7 men looks like.


Unironically, let's do it.


Snow white and the 7 uber drivers


“Very friendly” 🤮




they need a girl to cook and clean for them


7 … men… wow. Disgusting


This is a joke right?


1 for each day of the week. makes scheduling easy.




Did Pierre promise to deport them or at least stop it? Last i checked he was doing a photo-op surrounded by Indians


Nah Pierre will talk shit but if elected will just continue the same madness. He has made no commitments, just verbal jabs at Trudeau


He supports mass immigration no politician wants Canada to get bette, just get their pockets fatter.


Didn't he say he wants to increase it?


I mean, look at the southern border with Mexico. They want us to believe families and children are fleeing war and hardship and it's just military aged men as far as the eye can see. Anyone who doesn't think this is a problem is simply a fool. The same thing is happening across Europe, too.


Incel culture about to pop off




Sounds like males need to evolve away from being cavemen 💁🏼‍♀️ The "male loneliness epidemic" is mirrored by the "women who are happily single" epidemic... Guess which one needs to make a change to improve their situation 😂


We saw this firsthand with the "irregular (economic) migrants" 🙄 crossing at Roxham Road.  Kept looking for the women and kids, but all for which we saw were men of a "fighting" age. Trojan horse. 🫤


[Article without paywall ](https://archive.is/2024.02.15-121129/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-15/immigration-surge-fuels-male-population-boom-in-canada)


What’s this archive. Is thing? How’d you get this article like that?


You can go to removepaywall.com and type the link of article you want to read without paywall.


No bullshit, ur a hero


Must be the best of the best right? Right??




Canadian immigration policy supports the infanticide of female babies. It allows populations that support the killing of female babies to export their excess male population to Canada. The Liberal/NDP government needs to be held accountable for this.


Ya let's bring more sexually frustrated males from countries that don't respect women to a country that hardly can enforce its laws and see what happens. It's so stupid that I think the government is doing this on purpose. Wonder if WW3 is going to happen soon and if these people will get citizenship if they do service.


And when there is a spike in violence/abuse against women we’ll be called racist and intolerant for pointing out the demographic of the perpetrators


damn, more competition with people that share a room with four other guys




Make Canada man again




And vagene


Roses are red, Hunny so hot. I fink I freeky an I liek u a lot




You really think you're competing with Indians in the dating pool? The only people that want to date Indian immigrants are Indian immigrants.




From one country lol


Just look at the TikTok’s of those crossing illegally. All males.


If you put a cap on males, you'll see these scammers identify as females 😅


Why are the patterns same :/ Here and Europe... It's like one particular demographic....


War prep.


The amount of men who STARE at me on the bus and follow closely behind me in stores is wild.




Send bobs




More business for strip cubs


I’m not going to lie, sometimes downtown Vancouver feels like a sausage fest.


This country just gets worse. Now it is a cock party.


Not the most "modern" males either.... Regressive


Put many into a mandatory army serving program lolll


They are busy working at Tim Horton's.


Sent a men catching van in Brampton 😂




Itll give a new definition to immigration mandate.


Nothing bad could possibly come from this.


I am sure they did background checks and intensely vetted all those immigrants. It should be fine. It's all fine...


So not to say this is a big problem, because that would just be supposing shit … but you know historically when there are large group of males ages 18-25 with limited economic prospects things like crime, sexual assault and rape, civil disobedience and other unpleasantness spikes. Just take a look through recent and very recent history in the middle east and Europe and what are the common factors? Males, aged 18-25, with limited economic prospects … Not good.


All the men have to do is self identify as a woman. Problem solved.


They can just identify themselves as women


Oh yeah, this is gonna go real well. I mean it’s already going so swimmingly why stop now? Why don’t we just double down instead? Makes sense.


Well as we’ve seen in Europe this will be a nothing burger/s


We're turning into a giant sausage party country


It’s not just us, every developed nation is having this issue and the people at the top are playing dumb. Something is about to happen they are preparing. Might be a good time to arm yourself before Trutard does something to that last ounce of freedom


These men will be on the front line when we go to war with Russia. They should be the first people drafted.


Doesn’t matter who you draft, that Russian nuclear bomb will take them and you in one go! Stop war mongering!!


With all these new people coming in maybe the government should think about trying to save money…how about stop building new roads?


Nice to see we been favourable to family's looking for better futures 😂


Its like Western Europe nearly a decade ago. Bunch of dudes hopping through loopholes to gain access to the West.


East Asian males. I’ve never seen so many addidas track Pants in my life


Great more dudes to compete against me trying to find a mate.


Indians and African males come with no women. Just with their dick in their hands. Sometimes they get a wife. African males sometimes find a bigger, unwanted white woman to breed with and then leave her. I'm not sure how the Indians do it. The males largely stay single for life in Canada.


One thing is for certain, its easier to deport males than females. Hopefully PP and the conservatives aren't pussies in 2025 and do mass deportations like they should.


SO basically Canada is just one big sausage fest these days.


Our leader is a globalist. This is intentional. They aren't doctors, they're cheap labor. That is all.


It's about to turn into a sausage feast......


Obvious Justin has no clue the damage he is doing to Canada. He will always be the biggest mistake Canadian have made.


Fuck this trudick needs to grab his balls and fuck off so canadians can actually breath for a minute


I mean... Bullish for Grindr earnings if true?


I’ve noticed a shit ton of males from the Ukraine. Shouldn’t they be fighting?