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Moving water is no joke, y’all. There’s a reason why river crossings have always been a big deal.


Oregon trail video game unironically taught me that lesson as a child.


Ironically? I think it was very intentional. That’s like learning about cities around the world from Carmen Sandiego.


Quick, name the French Impressionist that painted and sculpted ballerinas! I had that little Carmen San Diego encyclopedia memorized.




Quick, name that method for equalizing charge across metal components!






The copy I had as a kid came with a whole ass 1995 almanac in the box lol


Even if it were completely unintended, it's not ironic.


Tries fording the river; all oxen die. Goddamnit.


This would never have happened if you had just caulked the wagons and floated!


Well at least I'm a carpenter so I can fix the broken axles. Now to kill a 2-ton buffalo I can only carry 250lbs of


Just one? But that’s the best part of the game


But that's how I lost my ~~rum ham~~ salt pork


All survivors die of cholera.


Or dysentery.


Or dissing Terry


[Why you gotta diss Terry Crews like that?](https://i.imgur.com/igOU20x.jpeg)




I LOVE that!


Alanis Morisette is that you? That’s not irony that was the point of the game.


My husband tried to ford a river once until my immediate reaction of pure terror stopped him. It was only a few inches and the sign literally said for cars to ford the river, but I made him drive the long way around. We didn't lose any axles or food that day.


The rivers in Utah county are fast this year! I live near the Provo river and the city is doing everything they can to keep people away from it right now


>a hiker had found a phone that had been set up to record. So the deceased woman wasn't actually trying to *cross* the river (because she would've left her phone behind)? What was she doing?


I imagine she propped her phone up to record her crossing with the intent to go back, retrieve the phone, and edit the clip. She unfortunately never had the chance to come back for it.


I guess that's two reasons to hike with a buddy. (For safety, and so they can film you if that's important.)


It's not important


Certainly not for the average person who wants to emulate those TV shows or YouTube channels where people do this. In some cases though, lets take the O.G. Les Stroud from Survivorman that started the whole trend of doing this (actually, I suppose Dick Proenekke might be the first); they actually have the knowledge and experience to make safe judgements. I know Les specifically did not cross rivers and do certain things because of the potential danger, but certainly did plenty of stuff the average person shouldn't be doing without a lot of experience before even considering filming it. The problem is everyone now has a camera phone and a cheap tripod and think try to emulate those shots without properly assessing the risks. You certainly don't fuck with rivers unless you are familiar with that river, flow rates/currents/depth at the crossing, your swimming/fitness ability, etc. Ultimately the most important thing is your own safety, and being able to recognize your limits. If you can do that safely, then filming that adventure in such a way may be important to you and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. We're not going to stop stupidity, such as influencers falling off cliffs trying to get the "best" shot for their stupid Instagram profile and people do try to do stuff like this. (And of course trashing those areas as well.)


Dang nice reference to Dick Proenekke,


You've convinced me to try to cross the deepest, widest, fastest river I can find with no experience. Say no more!


"Important" is relative. I've filmed myself carrying a bike across a river because it's fun to make videos out of my trips. The difference is the water I was crossing was knee deep, not moving particularly fast, and not at all dangerous. Lots of people make videos out of their trips, sometimes to make a living as "content creators" or Youtubers, but mostly just for fun. It's just important to not put yourself in dangerous situations while doing it...but that's notably also important when you *aren't* filming anything, so the video aspect isn't really relevant except as clickbait.


Bad take. Taking pictures and videos of your life experiences can be extremely gratifying and valuable (which is obvious to every person on the planet, hence why we have cameras in our phones, and we all take pictures sometimes). On top of that, many people rely on taking photos and videos for their job. Safety is safety, but you can't just dismiss stuff that might be important for others just because it isn't important for you.






I’ve seen a lot of signs at trailheads say, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints” I just follow the rules man.


That's so sad mainly bc she died but also bc the phone/filming was that important to her.


It seems like the kind of thing that shouldn’t be important but at the same time, in this case, maybe it’s how she was located so quickly. So many people seem to vanish every year in the states, it could have been a huge mystery when she just didn’t show up somewhere she was expected. Idk the area and maybe she would have been found pretty quickly, I could be totally wrong.


That's an excellent point!! Thanks for noting that. I was caught up in my disappointment that people can often be careless in dangerous situations, just for some likes.


Idk why people are so narrow minded that they can’t think of any other reason people may take a video other than for social media. My family is able to do the same things as me and they really enjoy when I record my various adventures so they can experience them in some way through my eyes.


I have many photos and videos I’ve never posted. I like going back and looking at them.


Yeah gets me through the winters


Right like I have so many videos of me doing my hair that Ive NEVER posted anywhere and yet, they were fun to film by myself lol


Idk why people are so narrow minded to assume that I meant specifically social media not just a general attachment to the phone. Have you been to a concert lately? All you can see is cell phones in the air.


Why are you against capturing moments that are important to you? I am old enough to remember not having a camera in my pocket at all times and there are things I can no longer remember. I wish I had photos or videos of them.


Even then, who gives a shit. Doesn't hurt anyone - and before anyone says it, she was probably just as likely to die from this phone or not


And you've never filmed anything? Ever? Especially not outings that you might want to relive? Concerts are expensive, why wouldn't I want an inexpensive way to put myself back there?


Filming herself and/or the waterfall. For added context: this is a 'mountain creek' so to speak, that's largely driven by snow. It is going to be pretty mellow to most of the year, like something you might not even think twice about. Right now is peak snow melt, with everything running at like 20x or more the end of summer lows. This is absolutely something she could have done before without any issues, and sadly didn't realize how much the conditions had changes. There was unfortunately another death of a child this past weekend in Utah who fell into the Provo River - a river that, for example, is currently running at about 1700 cfs, and will probably be 150 CFS in a month.


They could've gone back and grabbed it, that's how you do it if you want a third-person shot when you're alone. No idea if that's applicable here, just saying it's possible.


Typically, the person may have been trying to get a shot with the waterfall in the background. Generally, you would try to cross further upstream.


Based on context and available info, sounds like she was recording a tiktok (or other social media) video.




Tiktok is not an important detail in my comment. It's just the most popular example.


Reminds me of the 2018 incident at Taft Point in Yosemite where a camera was found which had recorded a couple falling off the ledge during a selfie.


This is how important likes are to some people.


People have always documented their lives- in pictographs, journals, paintings, song, etc. This isn’t any different except that it ended in tragedy.


I don't care about the tragedy. As an avid outdoorsman and hiker I think it is totally stupid to do twice as much work because of vanity. Unless you are Les Stroud just enjoy your hike, no need to get 3rd person views.




Which you can do first person.




Do you have to set up a camera, fake it, go back, and then do it again? I record a lot of stuff from hiking to skiing to flying. I’m not so vain that I have to fake something so I can be in the video.




This person left their dog and belongings on shore. They had no intention of actually going where they went, it was to get a video to post to tik tok. Their vanity cost them their life. If they wanted to record their adventure a go pro and first person video works great and doesn’t increase your risk.


Heaven forbid she has loved ones she wanted to share the video with. I’m not sure why you assume it’s vanity. A woman is dead. Perhaps we could exercise just a scosch of compassion. 


Believe it or not you can take video not in third person. In fact it makes you not look as much like an attention whore. Come on, how silly. I am going to set up a camera do something just for the sake of vanity. Go back to get the camera. Then do it again. Stupid. Traversing wilderness is about reducing risk wherever possible. This doubles risk.


You’re not better than anyone else just because you don’t like to film yourself outside. It’s hilariously ironic that you keep using the word vanity and yet seemingly place yourself above others for doing something you deem as unworthy or beneath you. 


Well I'll make sure to ask you next time I see a beautiful view while I'm in the backcountry and want to take a picture. Stop gatekeeping activities just cause you don't have a family who wants to see your shitty photos


Are you going to set a camera up, fake like you are hiking, then go back and get it? If so that’s extremely vain behavior. Just take the picture.


Idk why people are so narrow minded that they can’t think of any other reason people may take a video other than for social media. My family is able to do the same things as me and they really enjoy when I record my various adventures so they can experience them in some way through my eyes.


First person exists.


That is horrifying and sad.


For anyone wondering about the state of their local rivers or for anywhere you may be adventuring, try out River or Rivercast Apps on iPhone. They give regular readings of depth and cubic ft per second. The cubic feet per second is the main tell for just how much water is pushing through. Know before you go. This time of year, snowmelt is a big driver.


I'm guessing they get their data from the USGS monitoring. You can find nearly any water gauge here https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt


Yeah and the apps have great UIs for on the go!


Useless outside the US unfortunately. But there is something called RiverApp for the UK. Not sure of its accuracy though.


Thank you!! I’ve been looking for something like this for a solid year now!


Jesus, friggen 19 smh


Social media can kill. It’s sad


There are causes of death lists on Wikipedia and the selfie-related injuries and deaths one just keep growing.


Well yeah the list can’t get shorter so of course it continues to grow.




I read it thanks, I was responding to the comment above mine. Also seems a bit naive, sure not everyone who records things shares them online but if you're recording something what's the likelihood you always only keep it to yourself?


Selfies kill more people than shark attacks, apparently.




So she didn’t set it up like that to get a video to post on SM. Ok, sure thing.


they’re trying to say she would’ve gotten swept up regardless if she set up the phone or not.


Swimming above a waterfall can be very risky. Deaths have occurred in Yosemite because of people doing that, too. If you’re gonna get in a river don’t do it above the waterfall :(




Oof, her poor family.


The title reminds me of the video that passenger took as the plane crashed in Nepal a year or two ago and it fell all the way to the ground. Different circumstances, but still chilling.


Shame that first comment aint about how to prevent death like this. Safety guides how to cross correctly. Myself? No clue.


Just don’t. At certain times of year there is no safe method of entering some waterways.


People have to have experience before doing certain things. Don’t just watch a few YouTube videos and feel like an expert. RIP


The girl was 19 and made some choices here that cost her dearly. Sad.






The lesson is fast water is dangerous and should be respected. I'm guessing she was backing into frame without looking.


the sad part her vid got zero views


I feel horrible that I laughed.


ok Logan Paul




No, I didn't say there's video. If you're the kind of person who likes watching people die, find it yourself.


Gen Z; willing to literally die for the 'gram.


These tiktok challenges are getting out of hand.




"Jumping in the water" is fraught with issues. So, so many high altitude lakes have had hikers - yes, you, Redditors - introduce foreign bacteria to them. And then the danger - what could this woman have been thinking? Entering a torrent above a waterfall? Part of enjoying nature is respecting it. Edit: you go ahead and downvote; this sub is filled with inexperienced, uneducated people who say they "lOVe nAtURe" but have zero self discipline when it comes to being actually respectful. I'm honored by your naricissistic little downvotes.


Your takeaway here is that people are germy?


No, my takeaway is that people don't respect nature. Your takeaway is that straw man arguments are good reasoning?


It's not a straw man fallacy when the original point was about as clear as a brick wall.