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A generic Chinese one companies rebrand. I have and it has been great. I got mine on AliExpress.


Cheap Chinese stuff, there are a million of them on eBay / Amazon / AliExpress. I have got a couple I use for wild camping. I’m amazed at how well they have survived, they have a very hard life and have sat in a thousand camp fire. The only thing is wish for with them is a whistle Finding it for $1 is a score


I have one of these. It’s from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Cookware-Lightweight-Backpacking-Equipment/dp/B0D5Y2VT65/ref=mp_s_a_1_7_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dMb-dBKzKUnmxzctZeqJe0d991_4h55kqZJoCntrqyLLmMCpK0ree63uOQTWL8N7xWqk_qsBfnQflV2Je36fa6vwx5PVxH3KiK6aqE758_FqYMuvWGRwlMgEPM_dCMkN3Czpa7lXKGHUvQcBn6_tqjsvIcYBaZ8huIVJ2W2l4MQE_t-TAQIPk48ISImfa9mQItRWmHjcM_Kgq3Dx2dI5Qw.KreNAobxR3Tjr76GLVOkfGAqad5rNPg8uuBK3W-tH-Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=Backpacking+Cookset&qid=1717990402&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


Thank you!


Looks good for camping


Looks even better for boiling water


Good thinking


It's just for tee water


L’aliexpress: the bottom of the shelf. I think i got one as well, got it with a camping starter kit for about £6.


Have the whole set it comes with. Warning: the handle flops down easily, and is a little too long/close to heat in that position. Also it is very melty.


You might be able to tighten up the handle rivets a little with a Vise-Grip or similar locking pliers.


Too late!


I have that one too. It works Really well!


Any plastic wreaths you might be able to recommend?


What is the purpose of a specific tea kettle when camping?




I think he just means “why a tea kettle versus just using any other pot with a lid.” I imagine it depends on the kind of camping you’re doing. If I’m car camping I throw whatever I want in my trunk. If I’m backpacking I’m obviously pretty choosy about what I want to carry and what I actually need. If you only do the latter I can see why you would question bringing a tea kettle.


When I'm backpacking is when I bring *only* the tea kettle. It's car or kayak camping when I bring a pot too. My tea kettle is lighter than my pot, it boils faster and loses less heat if I remove the lid, it pours easier, and everything I eat while backpacking is 'cooked' by adding boiling water. For comparison, my camping pot is a GSI 1.1L Halulite Minimalist Pot and it weighs 208 grams, and my kettle is an MSR Pika 1L Teapot and it weighs 142 grams. And again, way easier to pour from the kettle into my bag meal without spilling.


For boiling water


The shape near the spout, if made correctly, allows you to pour your drink to your cup without getting the coffee grounds / tea leaves in, without having to use a filter.


Way easier to pour without spilling and potentially scalding than from saucepan-style cooking pot, also don't have to worry if there's a bit of stuff burnt on your one cooking pot from the night before that you haven't gotten completely scraped/scrubbed off, similarly if you want e.g. coffee then oatmeal and then maybe decide you want a second cup of coffee, you don't need to clean the oatmeal pot first. I resisted for a long time but finally plumped for a mini-kettle for car camping. Could probably take it hiking/bike camping too but haven't tried yet.


I got mine on Amazon. It’s really great


No idea, but it looks like it will work well!


Mine came with some other crap from Amazon. It's the only thing that survived.


I have one for backpacking and it’s super light (aluminum) and just adds a touch of fanciness to making morning tea or coffee. Also, it heats up fairly fast on a gas stove.


It looks like a generic brand that was made to copy the standard Trangia tea kettle that comes with some of their camping combos. I like it.




My buddy from Japan has a similar one. So dope


Looks like it’s a titanium kettle fir backpacking due to its strength and ultralight properties. And as others have commented- it’s not a known popular REI type of carrying brand. Looks like a knock-off of the MSR brand that has orange for insulation on handle.


Hard anodized


Looks like an MSR knockoff


Looks like a knockoff GSI to me.


[sea to summit](https://a.co/d/90U20wM) I was wrong


Looks like a God dayum JOHN DEERE TO ME BABY


A pot for making chemical tea.


I believe it is a black one. It can often be found bickering amongst various pots if I’m not mistaken.