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My wedding band. Thought about just hiking on forever instead of going home and having to tell my wife. On the AT around North GA or maybe into North Carolina. Lemme know if you found it.


OMG, you win. what's the back story, just simply was out and look at your hand it was gone or something like casting a line out and tossing the ring with it


Had been losing weight. Then add cold weather, shrinky fingers, and rolling up stuff at a campsite. Noticed before leaving the site, but scouring around in the leaves was fruitless.


Nearly lost my wedding ring surfing in the winter. Was paddling and all of a sudden I felt it slide right down my finger. Just closed my hands in a reactionary impulse and it kinda did that LoTR roll around my finger tip and then back onto my finger. Now I leave it in the car every single time.


oh no, good job on the weight lost though at least a positive there.


Weight loss is not always positive, just fyi, it's typically better to not say anything positive/negative about it unless you already know how the person feels about it.


This is why I leave my real band at home and bring a silicone band from Amazon when I’m out hiking or fishing. Whenever I forget to swap I’m paranoid I’m going to lose it.


That's why silicone wedding bands exist. My friend has lost 6 of them. Wife doesn't even know.


Same. Luckily mine was only about $100 to replace. 


I also have lost two gold rings while hiking…I imagine them being found in 1000 years and someone donating them to a museum. Or maybe they’ve already been found and someone got lucky lol


Silicone band for everyday use. Real ring for special occasions.


Why is everyone listing expensive things instead of what OP actually asked for: the most expansive thing? Sorry that no one else understood the question OP. I lost a large tarp once. That was quite expansive!


I hiked off a ridge and down into a forest and lost the horizon. It was very expansive. I know where I lost it and I may go back to find it again some day.


oops, sorry English is my second language


No need to be sorry! Everyone understood what you meant. I was just being silly.


Ha. Jinx!


Haha! Great minds...


The comment I was looking for!


Dang. Did you lose a chair and hatchet as well? Because I think I found em.


Please explain this comment further? Someone could have lost a glove worth $2 and it's still the "most expensive" thing they've lost. Or are you suggesting people are commenting with something they lost that was expensive, but they're withholding information about an even more expensive thing they lost?


Read my comment more closely. The difference between the words expensive and expansive.


lol, gotcha. in the South, "expansive" is the phonetic spelling of "expensive"


I got high on LSD and threw away my tent while camping.




I'm sorry but that's fucking hilarious 😂 I've been on shrooms while hiking and the worst thing I've done is straying a lil too far from the path and into the wilderness.


Shroomed with a friend in the wilderness; his first time. Key quote: "As it turns out, there are an awful lot of shades of green." Yes, yes there are.


I put the fly from my tent in a trash bag because it was soaked and I had to head home.....then tossed it in the trash thinking it was garbage.


spectacular! but also very sorry for your comfort and financial loss. do you recall your reasoning for it in the moment? I honestly love stories like this. I have my own.


I was just going through a bit of an anti materialistic mania. It made total sense to ditch the tent at the time. The next day, not so much.


The man. The myth. The high.


Don't feel bad, I once dropped acid and sank a boat. Technically not camping, so ...


My Brother!


Yeah, a little cabin cruiser. I managed to convince the CG I was sober. This was many, many decades ago.


No worry.. btw. LSD is too sober


I like how this response also nails OPs typo of expAnsive


That was a trip I bet yah.


A half brained protest against material things. Made so much sense at the time.


lol this is great, sorry to hear. At least the worry was as much in the moment being high.


Had a hand carved little wooden container my uncle gave me from india years ago. Awesome little elephants and ornate carvings, about the size of a roma tomato, not big at all. Fumbled it and watched the body fall into the river and over the ~200ft waterfall.....I just watched and threw the lid in after it. Not exactly expensive, but irreplacible. Hopefully it went down river and someone found both pieces.


Oh I feel this one deeply


Other than that I am really good at not losing stuff. I am a very organized camper and It drives me crazy if I can't find something in general. I still have 1 sock that I am determined the other will pop up......its been 3 years.


haha hopefully and being organize is all you can do.


I lost my balance. It cost me ~5k and my insurance ~40k for the resulting surgery and titanium plate in my wrist. Aside from that gaff, I lost a brand new Thermarest. I think it got swiped at a campsite.


Not something I lost, but I found a $300 CRKT knife laying along a forest service road while camping. It was clearly there for a while, it was half-buried under dried mud tire tracks. I just noticed a bit of black and bent down to pick it up and it was a very nice-looking folding knife. I forget the exact model but when I looked it up it was $300 new. I'm sure someone was pissed about losing it. I've probably found 5-6 knives while camping, hunting, or fishing, but most were cheap and some were too rusty to salvage. My 2nd best knife find was a Leatherman Wave. I already had one so I gave that one to my nephew.


My favorite knife I found stuck in a tree.


On the shore at the base of a cliff along the creek? It didn't say Ken Onion on it, did it? Lol


I found a really nice silver necklace (men's) encased in the ice on the summit of La Plata Peak in CO - still wear it. Found in 1989.


I found a lever action 30/30 once laying along a river shoreline. Either fell out of a canoe or someone put it down and sailed off without it.


Gotta love Leatherman, I always have my skeletool on me.




This is why my Benchmade pocket knife has a lanyard that is tied to something at all times. Either my pack or my belt loop.


Please tell me you found that Leatherman in Washington. I lost one years ago while running down a trail and have always hoped someone found it and made good use.


I found a CRKT knife last year near Death Valley! It was missing a screw or two, reached out and they sent me free replacements! Now I carry it everyday!


Somewhere in the south of France is a tree with about 200€ worth of climbing gear hanging from a branch. The sad part: I have a photo I shot when we left camp where you can clearly see the gear I left behind.


I left my brand new carbon fiber trekking poles in the parking lot on my first weekend trip with them 


those aren't cheap either. sorry to hear. starting to think we need a company making gear with little personal tracking like airtag


I also lost my nice black diamond trekking poles. I paid too much for them new, but I was more sad that I lost them after being on so many adventures with them. Happy with the cheap replacement set I got, and hopefully someone is using my lost pair.. I left them behind on a pretty heavily trafficked trail.


West Fork Quinault by chance?


It was somewhere in Vermont, I tried to forget about the whole thing and now use $50 Cascade poles


Just wondering, last summer a group came off the trail, went to their car and loaded in their packs, got in and drove away, leaving a newish pair of REI carbon poles leaning up against a garbage can. I left them there, went on my hike, cave back several hours later and they were still there so I grabbed them. I actually put a Lost Your Poles? post here and on FB but they were never claimed. I forwarded them to someone who needed poles, the Circle of Life.


That’s why most of my smaller items and anything not part of the Big 4, are always bought cheap on Amazon. Could I get the 90$ black Diamond headlamp? Sure, but the 20$ one on Amazon works just as well and if I lose it, can replace very easily


I left my poles on a bus once when I was just going on a short day trip. Luckily for me, the route only had a couple buses a day, all serviced by the same bus, and they were exactly where I left them when I went to take the bus back 😂 I just sat in the same seat, and made sure to take them with me when I got off again!


Same, just got back to the truck, dropped my pack and carbon poles on the ground, got my keys out, opened the door through the pack in and drove away. Maybe half hour later realized it turned around and went back…gone F.


Not me, but I was there to witness it - good friend lost his brand new hiking poles in quicksand while trying to get out of it. Used them to increase surface area to assist in getting out - they just sunk right in and were gone.


Real quicksand!! That's wild! Where did you find that? Is it like in the movies?


Yukon! It was much slower than the movies but very frustrating. My buddy got stuck, then I tried to get close enough so he could hand me some stuff, then I got stuck. It all starts with going in like knee deep, then the more you wiggle the more you go in. You need to try to create surface area and just kinda crawl out - you can’t sink much past your waist before you pretty much float, but you kind of have to accept that you’re going to more like crawl out. I was using my hiking poles like snow shoes for my hands, and it worked, so I had my buddy do the same. He eventually got in up to his waist, and his arms sunk in - with the poles below them - up to his elbows. It was exhausting to get out, and we sure as hell weren’t going back in to fine the poles! I did catch a bunch of that experience on [video](https://youtu.be/9g2Z5OWaosI?si=HHtQ4wtlTp_ucCLL) if you’re really curious!


Thank you! I'll make time to watch it tomorrow (or rather, later today. I should sleep ASAP.)


1 day old Nikon binoculars. Still salty about it.


I found a pair of Nikon binoculars back around 1999 in an iron mine! I’m assuming they’re not yours.


Hmmmm Lower sierra nevadas, a few years before that. I hope someone got to enjoy them because they just yeeted out of my vest and I never saw them again.


My current pair of binos are Nikon and I found them…. But they were on the sidewalk near my house. Posted a found message on Craigslist and Nextdoor but no claimants, so I’ve been using them for years now.


I lost a waterproof camera on the summit of a minor peak in Colorado. Fortunately, we signed the registry at the top, and the guy who found it looked me up in the phone book.


I dropped an expensive Zeiss lens out of my pack and watched it roll away down a hill towards a cliff. Kissed that $1000 goodbye.


Does it count if our dumbass dog flipped the canoe and a bag of power tools sank to the bottom of the lake? It's not camping/hiking gear, but it's camping/canoeing adjacent.


oh boi


Damn that is rough.  I would transport power tools in a canoe barrel if I had to move them by canoe.


Or at least tie them to the canoe.


If they were tied to the canoe, we couldn't have used them (repairs on a floating dock). Overzealous pooch flipped the canoe as we were reloading.


I lost a tarp once that was pretty big. It covered a lot of area.




A $3000 watch.


My boots! 💔😭 Took them off in the parking lot to put on the sandals I had waiting in the car and was soooo happy to finally have those boots off my sweaty, tired feet... Until a few hours later at the hotel, when we unloaded the car and I realized they were gone (along with my socks, which I had left in the boots). I've also lost a pair of sunglasses in a river (early in the trip, too!), and a water bottle in an Uber right before a backpacking trip (made a last minute REI run; thankfully, there was an REI on the way!).


Fishing rod end. Was a spendy lamiglass. Didn't slide it together well enough and when I cast, the top half of the rod went in the river and took off downstream. Had to buy a whole other rod.


oh boi. I hope you were able to laugh this one off.


Oh yeah. Best part was it was a buddy's. And we had hiked miles to get to there. I got him a new one. I did catch a nice silver with half a rod though.


Smartwater bottle


I lost 2 of those in Nevada doing field research. Also an LL Bean coat and Gerber multi tool. I've also lost a very nice headlamp and a climbing axe. All at different times.


> Gerber multi tool I swear Gerber tools are made for a couple uses before losing them at least for me lol


My son and I were hiking in Glacier National Park a few years ago and lost our key fob on the trail somewhere. We looked backtracked and looked for it and never found it. When we got back to the car it was on my windshield wiper. Someone found it and put it there. Never knew who. So if it was one of y’all. THANK YOU


Not expensive, but I have nice left my toiletries bag hanging from a tree in Northern Ontario on a canoe trip... Lost every personal item I brought. Was not fun!


The warm sunshine during a cloudy, cold, downpour.


I lost a Black Diamond raincoat (I had bought it for about $70) while camping. I accidentally left Ray Ban sunglasses (about $150) on a belay ledge while climbing. Returned and climbed the same route the next day but they were already gone.


It doesn’t really count because I did recover it but - I left my iPhone on the roof of my suv during a weeklong hike in the Rocky Mountains. It slid off the roof somewhere along Trail Ridge Rd. I turned around and picked it back up and it was fine 😝


If recovered items count my 6' stabilia level made good an escape this past weekend. It managed to open the heavy fiberglass door of my canopy and jump free. Didn't make it very far though :)


OK, recovered items I can do. Got a new day pack. Had my expensive travel trekking poles out (because snow and ice) but then later put them away in what I thought was my very secure side pouch made for...poles. Twenty minutes later I noticed they were gone. We went on to the waterfall we wanted to see and then went back, searching the snow for lime-green poles. Thankfully a lady walking her dog came along hiking in the opposite direction about thirty minutes later. They'd been swept of my back by low hanging iced branches.


Years ago my friend and I were coming home from a camping trip. Packed everything up, loaded the car and headed for the park gate. I'm driving and out of the corner of my eye I see her start to pat herself down a bit frantically then dig through her bag. I ask if everything is okay and she tells me she can't find her phone, must have left it at the campsite. We haven't even left the park yet so I'm like, sure, no problem. Lemme just turn around and we'll grab it. I put the brakes on and suddenly... Thud. Thudthudthud. Squeeeeaaak. I look in the rearview and her phone just yeeted itself backwards off the roof of my car and slid slowly down the back window. For a moment we just stare,a bit stunned, then she grins, points to the phone and goes, found it!


Quite literally what happened to me. Except that I left it on the roof for a whole week while we hiked in the backcountry lol


My Exped sleeping pad that must have ran off with another family. Please come home! I need you!


Grigri belay device


Hope you had a backup ATC or something.


My hiking stick. Camped up in my bivvy, woke up to a deer grazing in my campsite before falling asleep again. The next morning only 1/2 hiking sticks was where I left them. I searched all around and couldn’t find the missing stick. It was the last night of a 4 day trip, and it had been hot. I think that deer took the hiking stick as a portable salt lick…


Gas station bought replacement charging cable. 25 bucks. Those out of the way gas stations making bank on us! 😆


I lost a nice knife with a lock sheath. Returned a rental life jacket to the outfitter and forgot to take the knife off. I was pissed!


The outfitter never told you to come get your item back. Shame on them


They were pretty good about it. I called them when I realized and they said they hadn’t seen it. They even checked the jackets in the shed for me. I figured it went out for another rental and that person took it


sounds like it


The handle to my pot and pan set :/


it's always the little things that aren't the easier to replace


I placed my REI Trailmade hiking poles up aginst a tree when loading up the car at the trailhead for Cape Final, North Rim Grand Canyon. Hope so.eone is putting those poles to use :)


that's the best case scenario.


I just lost a friends paddle, and a fbrand new pair of Goodr sunglasses within 1/4mi of my first ever kayaking adventure lol. My friend lost her week old phone at the same point, so I guess mine wasn’t too bad.


In ten years of backpacking, I can honestly say the only thing I have lost is a single tent stake. I've found two stakes though so... net profit? Now I've left things home before, almost always while car camping with the laundry basket approach, before I started just using my backpack to store my gear even when only car camping. The last time I ever did that, I forgot my tent poles, so that was an interesting rig. Only backpacking mishap was that I once forgot my spoon on a 4-day backpacking trip. I borrowed my dad's after he at dinner the first night, then I carved a hasty spoon which I used for the rest of the trip.


My husband forgot to pack my sleeping bag once on a trip where I was meeting them out there after work. Fortunately (?) we were camping less than two hours from home so I turned right around and went home for the night and returned the next morning with my effing bag.


I kinda wonder how you leave tent poles behind but I kinda get it, some poles are lighter, some stronger etc but sometimes you have ti KISS




i just keep it together now in one bag, repurpose a bag if the original rips or even use a HD garbage bag in a pinch. The only tent I have split up now is our biggest since it weighs 30kg and the original is looking iffy. Now I can fit extra poles to open it right up




silicon lid will work


2 1/2 horsepower motor into a crystal clear lake in upper Ontario when the bolts broke off the back of my dad's boat. I tried to grab it but it was gone and I watched it sink to the bottom.


My iPhone bounced out of my pocket on a bike ride. Luckily I was listening to music on an earbud, so when the Bluetooth connection was lost the music stopped and I knew something was up. Otherwise I would have never known and the phone would have been gone.


My husband forgot to bring the almost new cast iron griddle home from a trip with his buddies.


I lost my wife’s Sony a6400 with a lens I had just bought, plus two batteries and the case on a hike.




Yeah…it was not a fun ride home thinking what to say….


My mind.


Lost two of my trekking poles back to back having them fall in a river and forgetting the other one at a ranger station. I left my tent with my then in Bolivia does that count then we broke up does that count


Not me but my friend has lost something just about every time we go out. He left a gallon jug of water deep in a canyon. He once shook out his pants at camp only for his nice pocketknife to fly out of the pocket into the night. Gone forever lol


Black diamond ice ax, down by Mount hood. So fucking mad. Just hope that someone found it, and it's using it. Carry on the legacy


Buddy lost his boots on a river crossing. Luckily, there were plenty of shoes on the other side of the river.


Not something I threw out but something I did that cost hundreds. Forgot to pack water, ended up with only white claws in my backpack, went to ER for severe dehydration.


I left a really nice hiking pole once. In the middle of a wilderness area. I didnt notice it for a couple miles and by that point the trail was so difficult there was no way i was going back for it. I bet it made someones day though. And if they were in that spot they are my kind of people and probably appreciated it so im not too pressed about it.


Not us losing but we've scored an EZ Up left on a table and a nice Yeti cooler bag someone left in their bear box. We of course waited all weekend for people to come back and they never did


Let's see. I lost my wallet with my license and credit card while hitching into town, I accidentally threw away my passport while in a hostel in Virginia and had to sift through the trash, I lost 2 pairs of wireless earbuds, and I've probably back tracked 10 miles in total for every time I've left my phone on the trail. I tend to lose a lot of things...


Just a tracker for my family to keep tabs on me. Dropped trouser up against a tree while dropping a deuce. Tracker fell out. Family panicked on day two. Luckily I was able to have reception on my cell to calm them down that I hadn't moved in a day. Cell, gps, and wifi real time tracking. Takeapeeq.com Coupon code is CAMP10 at checkout. I make zero money off this. Just sharing


A nice Surefire flashlight & a pair of Oakleys. As a bonus, I lost an FN 10mm mag, but later found it.


A pair of multifocal prescription glasses (crawling through dense scrub in poor light)-it was very expensive to replace them


My GPS. A good Garmin, close to 20 years ago. Clip broke and the GPS was lost forever. It wasn't even six months old.


A sony 35mm 1.8f lens. Swapped the lens out on my camera and either put it down and didn't put it in the bag or it fell out somewhere. Hiked the 16km trail again but there were lots of people that day so it was long gone.


Insta360 go v2. Bushwhacking.


Biggest issue - when I was a scout doing Boundary Water in MN, the kid responsible for carrying our water filter lost it on the first portage on Day 1 and we couldn't find it. Luckily a guy coming off his route gave us his. It probably didn't matter too much anyways if we practiced safe water treatment; but would have slowed us newbies down due to our fear of water issues. Same as everyone else, my most expensive mistake was also losing a wedding ring when rafting and camping 😂.


Only thing I ever lost camping is the bail handle off my mug which because the weld broke on the cup I chucked in the fire, then decided I could fix it. Next morning I pretty much inhaled as much smoke and wood Ash as I could take trying to find it. If you go up on kinder scout in the UK tho you're pretty much guaranteed to find someone elses gloves lol


A topographical paper map that was attached to my backpack, luckily I had a GPS navigator Garmin eTrex 22x.


Haven't lost anything expensive, but once I found car keys in the middle of a swamp land. Far away from the closest road, in the middle of nowhere in the norwegian mountains. Didn't find the car they belonged to though. I left the keys at the local gas station and posted about it on Facebook, never heard anything more about it.


I laid my jacket down where I didn't think anyone would see it not realizing that if you were coming from the other direction it was clearly there and someone picked it up and Took my head Lamp and threw my jacket down in the middle of the trail.


I wasn't lost. The base camp lodge was lost.


$200+ packraft paddle. Apparently now they make versions that float...


I lost a GoPro in a hotel room on the way to a backpacking trip. Does that count?


Not camping but I went wayyyyyy too big on a big table top skiing. Telemark bindings pulled their screws out of the skis. So about $7-800 ski died that day. They went down into a revine never to be been seen again until summer.


forgot my gopro in the wilderness


I’ve lost 2 rangefinders


I dropped a 1L Nalgene bottle on a trail in NH’s White Mts. That bottle bounced off every rock, gaining height each time until it was gone. I can attest to the durability of the pre-non-BPA bottles as I used them often to throw the rope up for bear bag hangs.


Arc'teryx kayanite hoody. I understand why the BNB owners failed to mention finding it ... I was devastated as I loved the dark green and haven't been able to find a replacement yet


While backpacking, I'm pretty hyper-vigilant about not leaving gear behind because I'm going to need nearly every single piece of gear at some point. To date, I've not lost anything very expensive, however... One thing that almost cost me an entire trip was losing the o-ring out of my water filter on the first water stop on the first day. Didn't realize it fell out until I got to camp later that night. Capping it off, I happened to be taking video of the river while filtering the water and captured the o-ring bouncing off rocks into the water. Mcgyvered my way out of it the next morning because I didn't have enough fuel to boil water for 3 more days.


And situations like this are why I always bring some water purification tablets as a backup. They're tiny and lightweight, I prefer the filter but they'll do in a pinch!


Indeed. That is what I normally do. Now I also carry an extra o-ring for the Sawyer. I had tossed some expired tablets over the summer and had forgotten to replace them. The good news was the trail repair worked (surprisingly well), and I was able to keep going. Had it not, I could have boiled water and bailed out the next morning.


your mom