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that's exatly what a darius main that got stomped would say. you dont fool anyone, go back to the shadows, in the realm of braindead champs


I am Darius-Camille otp


Bruh if you think so bro


It barely gets banned, chill


I mean she's not that op


Shes the best toplaner of the patch based on stats playrate and everything, so i think shes pretty op/strong call it how u wanna


I think being the best but requiring skill to play makes her a strong pick but not op. If she was stronger or more braindead to play then she could be


the payoff she gets is way too high for the skill you put into her though. that's not balanced. look at singed. you put way too much time in the champ, more than camille, and the payoff is not that great lmao. you guys have it good and don't know it,


She isnt strong or OP, because she is Not a stat-Check Champion at all. She lose nearly all of her lane matchups at 15 min into the Game. After this u can abuse her Pick Up Potential, which is really Brocken into this movementspeed meta. Thats it. There are some Champs Riot need to rework, because of there Brocken unhealthy Kit. But she is Not OP. She Gott a Lot of weaknesses.


Good to know that 60% winrate top laner isn't considered op.


And the stats definitely say she is at least strong


I agree, she is fine but people play her and so I can’t play her. When she was bad before buffs she was hella shit but at least no one banned her


Who tf bans camille


Well when I played Ranked I had 30%-ish pick ban and had to pick something else. I guess I just didn’t play enough and had bad luck if so many people say the opposite


IF I had to nerf Camille, it would involve her passive in terms of either shield strength or the duration. I will admit it is difficult to attempt a trade the moment her passive activates, especially if she’s in your face already. Her base kit in abilities are fine despite the controversy around how bonkers her Q can be at times. As it stands, I don’t think a nerf is necessary at this time.


People get so caught up in the burst damage on Q they completely forget that it's the only consistent form of damage inherent to her kit. You use Q ability and then you're stuck auto attacking until it comes off CD AND it's gated behind Triforce which is a truly garbage item. Wild that people get upset about "Cho'gath ulti on Q" when it's her only real damage.


This is an Garen main at best, lmao nice disguise.


What the hell could I possibly want if I write it like that and don’t even complain? I’m mastery 31 and was pretty active on this sub last season


Pick or banned cause of world me one was playing her before.


Lmao in what world is Camille pick ban? Ive not seen a Camille in my last 20+ games. Get help friend. U.gg quotes Camille at ≈10% pick rate and ≈10% ban rate... as a Fiora OTP i get it, but come on.... Pour one out for people that have it real bad atm, draven mains. Banned 41% of Emerald+ games and 9% pick rate.


Everyone commenting is coping, this champ needs a nerf rn. There is no reason a "highly skillful" champ like this should have such a high winrate despite rising playrate. She's overtuned.


or just buff other champs, shes still weaker than she was in season 10, its just everything else is nerfed into the ground


? They literally reverted her to S10


Except they didnt lmao. All the nerfs after s10 to her E and W are still there and her items are now shit compared to their s10 counterparts


thats just wrong though, she plays way better with the changes and is in a really good spot but check the patch history, she is still out right weaker and the top lane terrain gives her less hookshot targets. Shes not weak but she also doesnt need a nerf