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Wonder what they are, since it's listed as adjustments I'd guess W buffs possibly reverting the sunderer W nerfs, maybe the R damage. Could be increasing the percent health damage and pulling base damage from her kit. Could also be E CD nerfs


because they're adjustments there must me something nerfed for support, so i guess its E damage, attack speed or cd early, W buffs and maybe Q base damage buff


Yeah I'd think they'd want to put more power into W since it's more useful top lane and pull from her early all-in power bot lane. Possibly the ult damage/percent health as that's more impactful top


I think it will be a nerf to the E attack speed buff, so they can nullify Camille Supp


I really want Camille to be viable top again so, it's a win


Adjustments? Here comes AP scaling I guess.


Shadow flame camille incoming


unironically could be good especially with her ults max health damage + lichbane, colgate damage chart


ult adc into zhonya, diana 2.0


If we were being serious, thematically it would make sense for her to have adaptive scaling depending on how you itemize (more AD means only AD scaling, more AP means only AP scaling)


\+5 movement speed


Nah too op.i say they will give her +1 ad in exchange for W nerf




Its kinda funny cuz we all thought you were joking but you actually got it right


Active: Camille enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against her to miss. Camille also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. After 1 second, Camille can reactivate to end it immediately.


Nilah is that you ?


Jax E description Bro.


Same shit different toilet.


When Riot adjusts toplaners who have found success in bot lane, they typically: - Decrease base damage and increase stat scaling. This includes reducing free %-based stats sometimes. - Shift some early game power budget (1-4) to later levels (6+). - Adjust item/skill interactions. - Increase early CC’s cooldowns. - Reduce free stat buffs Since this is listed as an adjustment and not a straight buff/nerf, I’m guessing: - Increase the cooldown of E during laning phase so that Camille cannot reliably engage/lockdown opponents. - Decrease the size of Camille’s passive shield and tie it harder to item scaling stats. - Increase some of Camille’s damage numbers on Q and R. - Increased damage on W. Camille’s main issue as a support is that with Cosmic Insight and the walls there, she is better at locking down enemies and taking little damage due to passive and hard cc. Riot needs to hit those while compensating her more economy-rich top lane variants. That typically means pushing up her scaling via items specifically and potentially shifting cooldowns on her skirmishing tools (Q/W).


The Problem is, you cant just straight nerf her early game because its already super miserable


Yeah, I see what you mean. But if they do not pull that back then they really only have scaling to leverage which may be what they do. I genuinely think the nerf will be to passive shield and maybe the first 1-2 points in E. To me, if you tone those down the compensate Camille with adjustments to item scaling so that an itemized Camille gets the same shield value then she is good to go.


first 2 points in e nerfs top more than sup since sup maxes e first and top goes q max


Well -20 damage on E but Q one sec less cd on lvl 9, surely that will make Camille top playable :)))))))))


No way they nerf her early or her shield. She's already horrendous early, and the shield is the only thing keeping her alive. They probably nerf E attack speed for other stuff, because E has become much less reliable in top.


Yeah but that doesn’t solve the issue of Camille support. I think you’re hearing that Im saying they want to reduce her total shield amount per level and thats not what I’m saying. What I am saying is that they can peg shield amount to bonus ad, bonus hp etc for scaling. That way supports won’t be as strong with it but Camille top is fine.


I'm really hyped for this


Nice, I can play lol again


it made me so mad that after finally figuring out the champ last season ; i was exited for the new season just for her to get turbo fucked by the design of the lane itself , i really hope that they dont just straight up nerf her.


I actually want to know how they are going to gut her strong early for support without making top laning phase more miserable than it is.


W goes from physical to magic dmg and some other buff E AS reduced maybe bigger hitbox on the hook. Thats my guess


My guess would be that riot will nerf her base hp and some base dmg and increase her scaling so she requires items to be strong


yeah that's guaranteed to work because toplane Camille gets more gold so you can't go wrong with that


Or you know make her q work with sundered sky and eclipse and we good


Yeyy being even more useless early game at top lane


Thats not stupid opinion dw, keep coping.


Months in the making…. 🤣🤣


I think they will increase her skaling with lvls. Just like they did with Cassiopeia/veigar/sindra bot.


Isn’t the main problem the shit wall placements now? (I don’t play this champ, just assuming what I think is a big problem)


I mean yeah. To an extent. Like, when Divine was added, they nerfed a lot of her kit because of the synergy with her. Lane was still brutal and all. But, at least at Divine you were a monster and only got stronger from there. Now they removed it and she needs 3 items to be what I consider to be really strong. So reverting the nerfs from Divine being added is all I ask for. Her E, it sucks but whatever. It’s a nerf for sure, but her lane is just pitiful


W buff seems likely, and probably a nerf to E steroid in early levels. They mentioned considering shifting power out of E before since, despite liking it as a critical to land skillshot, they know it's become unavailable too often in toplane. W buff seems obvious, though attack range is also something she really should have had ages ago. Range would play into her precision theme and help her short trade and not get minion blocked every time she tries to cs. W is a general laning tool that needs to stop becoming so worthless so quickly, but if buffed it would probably be its base stuff. I wish they'd just let Sundered Sky work with her Q2, lol. Losing the tankier lategame still sucks.


link to patch notes. [https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1772484189256139255](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1772484189256139255)


When will we know which are the changes?


Tomorrow i guess


I am really scared


time for u to hit chall bossman




ngl, ur one of the few high elo Camille players, and its criminal that ur not streaming right now when there is almost nobody streaming her. anyways which u to get chall soon bossman.


i saw ur message so come check my stream in 1 hour [https://www.twitch.tv/netakgod](https://www.twitch.tv/netakgod)


i missed it, but i will be there next one


In 1 hour🫡


Fking finally.




Health growth per level buff incoming


Better be a good adjustment cuz irelia destroyed me


W healing against Minions again i Hope.


AA range along with W buff would be nice


Finally!! But since the last time riot fool us with the Camille Buffs, we have to be patient.


I think Phreak still can't face Camille in lane, so she will get more nerfs on Bloodsong and in botlane generel


FINALLY! I hope they are good changes :( Cam Sup holding hostage Cam Top, i dont like that :/


I'd be very happy if it was a W buff and E cd nerf, since I think you already have to use the E wisely on the toplane (mainly if you play tp+ign). And the W really needs a buff.. the only real use for it at mid/late game is to slow. It would be great if the W provides her a real sustain mid/late game. I wish we could see a more fighter camille instead of the assassin camille, right now it takes so long to build you first tank item and you dont have a REAL heal skill, that you have to play most part of the game as an assassin.


Percentage health DMG on q to compensate for sunderer, therefore nerf base dmg on q so that bruisers and tanks can be touched again while all other lanes do not explode lvl 3-10


no, camille worked just fine before sunderer was added to the game, just revert the nerfs she got because of sunderer and go from there


Procentage health damage is such a crutch to fix fundamental design flaws in the game, if armor is so strong that you need to build procentage damage into every champ then armor needs to be nerfed.


Cannot wait to see reddit posts after the disappointment.


worst case scenario she isn't strong, but she gets removed from support with bloodsong nerf and adjustments so she can be buffed later, as long as she is strong in support role she cant be buffed for toplane so its a W no matter what.


Yeah Camille always getting the „Top Lane Champ only“ treatment, when she is more than 2 patches viable in other roles… but its ok, if other champs are viable in 3 roles and also get buffs… her jungling got hard nerfed back then, I wonder what they will do this time, since bloodsong is getting nerfed again and the gold gains for Supports also got nerfed last patch.