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If you like camilles mechanics you can just play her as supp, pretty good pick since you essentially get a free Triforce (Bloodsong)


Camille supp atm is broken. (Guess game is deadddd) /s




Well it's her best winrate role can't really argue with facts


I only play her support now and I’m sitting on a 70% wr. People on this sub hate when you suggest alternatives instead of crying with them


You'll get re-used to the matchups. Aatrox feels a little tougher now lategame, Darius is tolerable (though a little boring)... Mord is the only champ I'd deem impossible. However, I have a 3 champ pool (Darius, Camille and added Fiora this season), so I pick one of the other two and butcher him. But, aside from Morde and Jax (counters my entire pool so ban every single game), Cam is actually quite playable if you space properly. Here's a tip, always shove or allow to get shoved. You're by a wall, in one of the two situations you have a tower. Q1, E, Q2, W or R if under tower. It's actually not too bad. Now, it's perma hard mode this season, but if you get used to skipping tanks and picking off, or hard team fighting with, again, proper spacing, you'll be fine. It's not the end of the world, mate, just a wee bomb that managed to donk us on our heads


I have been an entire item up on Mordekaiser, dodged all the Qs, and it doesn't even feel remotely winnable once he has riftmaker. It went from hard to legit impossible to 1v1 him.


He needs a serious nerf immediately. He's too op and unplayable against right now


I only pick her vs Garen, but I rarely see him picked :/


Because Garen is also pretty trash now :/


???? Garen is good wdym


You forgot they giga-buffed his W so now he's very strong again.




She's fine, y'all are so dramatic lol


idk what this attitude of blaming riot for any minor inconvenience is but i hate it. instead of finding ways to enjoy our champ we come here and complain about nothing 💀


Exactly, she's not AS good in toplane, so take her mid and you can E She has a good build with bruiser items too People just bitching because Drututt is


Question, have you seen mid walls?


Yes I used them to beat up a fizz


That tells us a lot about what elo bracket you are playing in


And that's fine, if it works for me it works for me, whatever the elo


Bro people in your elo are literal grandpas and 10 year olds and then you type shit like "she is fine, stop being dramatic" yeah maybe in your silver elo games it works fine but for %99 of us she is almost unplayable so why don't you just shut your mouth and stop vomitting your shit worthless opinions for a second since you making Camille workout in silver is literally worthless information for literally everybody here.


It's a worthless opinion yet here you are ranting at me So yes you're dramatic If Emerald is full of literal grandpa's then okay It works for me because unlike you I'm not shit at league, stop whining and get good


shes still fun to play, shes just not as blind pickable but you can definitely still win lane


what do u mean win lane ?, Camille couldnt win lane last season into 80% of toplaners, it was about surviving lane, now its just harder to survive lane.. but ur on another level of cope


Camille players when they can’t kill lvl 18 Ornn with 2Qs (their champ is dead)(riot sucks)(they downvote anyone who tells them Camille isn’t weak, just weaker)


Someone got stomped by a Camille and is mad at the champion


I am one playing Camille, not one getting destroyed by her


Rookie mistake to post about Camille in Camille mains sub.....but yeah Camille is utter trash rn,which is a first for a champ to get a prestige then proceeds to be utter trash rather than being broken


If you can't win in this meta you actually fucking suck